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File:1366421333160.gif (104.91 KB,150x150)


How come with all the scientific advances humanity has made we still can't accurately predict the weather?

Deleted by berun from >>>/win/ Post No. 330 (OP)


Something about us having to know the state of every single molecule in the universe(world?) to be able to do so.

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Yeah, that's what I was going to say. It's far, far too complex and we'll never know that much information

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try predicting when an insect will get into your house. Same problem

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File:pondering-01.jpg (67.25 KB,666x463)

wait, I thought the climate was warming up! or just chilling. or changing maybe?

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File:[HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-s….jpg (544.78 KB,1280x720)

It's going up! But it may also go down!

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File:[SubsPlease] Show by Rock!….jpg (126.98 KB,1280x720)

It's heating up with means there's more energy available and more energy means more potential and more potential means more chaos

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