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Archived threads: /trans/

Displaying 8 expired threads from the past 7 days

Post # Snippet  
19545 Fall is always the best anime season, do you agree? I've noticed this in the 4 years I've been watching seasonal anime '''Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 5 (OP)''' [View]
19532 Finally reaching that time of the year where I can make warm milk before bed and not feel like I'm burning up '''Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 692 (OP)''' [View]
19524 Any noodle otaku here? '''Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 1830 (OP)''' [View]
19527 eating is a seasonal activity '''Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 525 (OP)''' [View]
19455 wa ha ha '''Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 2264 (OP)''' [View]
19467 i watched love live school idol project 6 years ago but i never finished it and i don't remember too much about it, so i will watch it today '''Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 1836 (OP)''' [View]
19446 (This thread is partially in response to some of the posts in https://[link-ommited]) The way people look at civilization collapse, especially internet people, is a gross simplification of the way things actually work. Honestly, the term "collapse" itself bothers me, because it encourages that sort of thinking. Civilizations don't fall apart over night. The most famous example of civilization collapse, the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, was a slow, incremental process, much longer tha [View]
19437 Please look at this image. '''Deleted by berun from >>>/aut/ Post No. 2619 (OP)''' [View]