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Post Bois
31 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Remember to use bleach when cleaning your kitty litter!


525 Anonymous[軍人将棋(エロ.swf][G]264.64 KB 2 [Reply]


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Like not in a good way
Its inconvenient that on its top and bottom is pure utter filler
Also the default theme is an eystrain
12 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


needed to get the perfect screenshot to show how retarded you are


graphic design just sucks


Why do you browse an image board without the screen in portrait mode?


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This seems a lot less like criticism and more wild swings of 'this sucks' meant for the poster's stress release and/or mental illness manifestation. This isn't worth anyone's attention.


Logically speaking yes.
I don't mind trying to find out new things from anyone.


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Look, I'm just saying. If I HAD to bang a dude.....
10 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Nah, give him budding boobs, like maybe A-cups, like enough that he needs a small bra or something.




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kino no kimo


That's pretty tame honestly.


whats wrong with you
why are you such a sick freak
leave the boi alone


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¥ Handmade water, aged to perfection. The flavor of time itself. As you may know, water can completely change the flavor of a drink. I'll have two drops in mine.
10 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ahv drank da fuakken mountain water a meter away from ice it came from and it tasted like fuakken water


They did here https://www.seriouseats.com/best-water-for-tea-tap-spring-bottled-filtered
There's probably a more official verdict out there, but anecdotally I do notice the difference with my own teas.
You could in theory check this yourself by making some tea using tap water and fancy bottled water assuming you have access to water that's close to the ideal mix.
I personally have been to a tea room (cafe equivalent for tea) which served their own blends of tea which you can buy. I bought some of their teas after having some at the place itself and try as I might I couldn't recreate the taste because I just don't have access to truly good water.


Interesting. Though I am pretty sure that my taste buds are too bad to tell a difference.
I'm drinking tea primarily for the ceremony of it. If not for that, I'd be happy with just hot water.


I like my water HARD


Aren't you worried about the possibility of your water breaking?


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I don't really know much about what's going on, but there's some brouhaha with reddit about API access now costing money and people are talking about it a lot in the happenings thread, which is off-topic to the thread, so here's a thread for it.
75 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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There was a moderator strike around the same time on stack exchange that recently concluded:
The negotiation mostly focuses on AI policy, but they also made stack exchange to announce commitment to API and datadump access, as they suspended datadumps earlier but reverted it due to heavy backlash.
They achieved a lot more than the reddit strike did which I think there wasn't any.


Because it is the superior platform.


I didn't ask you at all.


A matter of perspective?
Fact is not.
lmao @you


Because those are not efficient systems and the official app outclasses any third party in terms of features. Reddit is not just a discussion site its an ecosystem.


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Is that you aren't encouraged to contribute and make well written posts on the ones that move too fast. It's easier to just be a shitposting moron since it might feel like trying to contribute doesn't pay off due to everything archiving quickly. This is why 4chan is so low quality in general, and this is exacerbated even more by the fact that everyone sees it as a site where you can be retarded/controversial without any repercussions due to anonymity. The result is a very negative and 'toxic' environment which is likely bad for your mental health. However, 4/qa/ during our time went against this culture. If your thread was good we would try to keep it alive as long as possible through constant bumps and bumpbots. This in turn encouraged users to be less negative and try to contribute more towards its culture. 4/qa/ as its 2D/Random incarnation was really a community effort unlike anything ever seen on 4chan before. We did not rely on the staff to do anything for ourselves, we self-moderated. But of course, good things aren't allowed to exist on modern 4chan, so they were against this concept and tried to impose as many restrictions on the board as possible to counter that until everyone got fed up and left. I bet they weren't expecting for something even worse to take our place though.

Kissu is pretty removed from 4/qa/ at this point, but elements of its culture are still very present here. You see people making well thought and well written posts all the time and quality of discussion is generally much higher than at 4chan.
19 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I never said it was universally liked. Nothing is. Contrarianism is 4chan's religion, it will never agree on anything.


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Also, the event which turned /b/ into a sterile pr0n board was "The Fappening" I believe. I had to look up the year it happened since I wasn't using /b/ anymore during that time and don't know much about its details. It was in 2014, same year as Gamergate.


>didn't resort to meta-tactics to maximize thread visibility
That was absolutely happening, you just didn't notice. To be fair, with no deletion cooldown, no archives, and with auto-updaters being third-party userscripts, it was much harder to notice bumping with deletion. There was also ordinary samefagging and a lot of plain old spam.


nice pick!


>Is that you aren't encouraged to contribute and make well written posts on the ones that move too fast. It's easier to just be a shitposting moron since it might feel like trying to contribute doesn't pay off due to everything archiving quickly. This is why 4chan is so low quality in general, and this is exacerbated even more by the fact that everyone sees it as a site where you can be retarded/controversial without any repercussions due to anonymity. The result is a very negative and 'toxic' environment which is likely bad for your mental health. However, 4/qa/ during our time went against this culture. If your thread was good we would try to keep it alive as long as possible through constant bumps and bumpbots. This in turn encouraged users to be less negative and try to contribute more towards its culture. 4/qa/ as its 2D/Random incarnation was really a community effort unlike anything ever seen on 4chan before. We did not rely on the staff to do anything for ourselves, we self-moderated. But of course, good things aren't allowed to exist on modern 4chan, so they were against this concept and tried to impose as many restrictions on the board as possible to counter that until everyone got fed up and left. I bet they weren't expecting for something even worse to take our place though.

>Kissu is pretty removed from 4/qa/ at this point, but elements of its culture are still very present here. You see people making well thought and well written posts all the time and quality of discussion is generally much higher than at 4chan.

subjective and relative
time is of the essence here
it is what it is
a board engine
just talk whatevs


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 No.4165[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning imageboards, textboards or related stuff here. This thread is for a more centralized place of limited discussion, but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed.
Imageboard Happening Archives

This thread is cyclical with old replies removed as new posts are made.
Last Archived: February 7th, 2023
595 posts and 105 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I don't see how he gets the domain back after this, so maybe.


I think more than that him focusing on his new job was what pushed him to sell it. He finally normed out


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It's Cinco de Maho today.


The jurisdiction of this site is a democratic state.
Regardless the content is still there for you to see.
You are freely able to sort by any way you wish for.


I am not sure what you are trying to say. Please clarify.


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You know it's absolutely insane when you think about it that people will look at Japanese toilets that are floorbound and say "wow that looks inferior" when if you've ever tried taking a dumb while squatting you'd know it's the best possible way to avoid any constipation so actually it's completely genius
12 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Is Shinku constipated?


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Dolls don't poop.


Yes they do





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 No.122445[Reply][Last50 Posts]

It's spring!


What are you planning on watching? Have any suggestions or recommendations?
217 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Spice and Wolf will always be one of my favorite anime of all time so I think it's unfair for me to really consider it in this season when it's a remake.


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I've watched it now. I don't really sense any quality drop. Maybe you're referring to the moments of talking where it wasn't animated much? That wasn't really new to this episode.


He's referring to the two-tone hair.


Womanizer tensei was alright, because it didn't have Rudy be a hero. But the plot completely sidestepped the idea that she hates her brother and redirected the idea that she has contempt for being compared to him onto some monologues about him being misunderstood. Makes no sense, human god at it again distorting all logic.

Oh no, turning point 3




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The Roulette is open for entry for a week. At the conclusion of this period, the following occurs for all of the people who entered:
¥ One person, chosen entirely at random, is turned into the perfect loli according to whatever they personally consider that to be
¥ Every other person gets free use of the loli

Do you enter?
67 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I just woke up and I'm not the lucky loli. Where do I go for the free use? Can the winner please announce themselves? Please don't be a bad sport.


You need to roll the dice at least 3 times


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I don't remember my number.


should have voted no to avoid all this mess.


There are now 13 anons unsure of their genitalia.
One of them is going to have a rude awakening when she realizes that the phallus between her legs is not her own, and it's being as enthusiastically social as a little puppy.


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What kind of settings, extensions, themes, etc do you use with your browser?
13 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I tried making my computer stuff look unique when I was a teenager. I even recorded myself to have special sounds (though I ended up getting annoyed hearing my own voice every time I opened a window, so the only ones that remained were for boot-up and boot-down).
Nowadays, I just want my computer to do the things I want it to do without annoying me. Most of the internet is designed to annoy, so you've gotta have apps that put limits on what the internet can do.
I really don't care for themes, outside of them being sufficiently dark so that at nighttime it doesn't feel like I'm staring right at the sun.


Tridactyl, Tree Style Tab, and Tab Session Manager are nice. Librewolf is nice.


Vanilla Microsoft Edge
It just works


so strange to me that scrolling in Edge triggers GPU usage while Chrome and FF don't


Check hardware acceleration options in the browser.


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"Penis" is a very funny word but not "vagina". Why is that? Drawing penises is considered humorous but doing the same thing for vaginas would be considered obscene.


Because it's guy humor and cocks are silly


>"Penis" is a very funny word
Is it?
>but not "vagina"
Frankly, I find it quite amusing that it literally means sheath. This is also true for the Germanic Scheide or Skide or however the locals spell it. Reducing the vagina to its purpose as a hole to thrust into.

>but doing the same thing for vaginas would be considered obscene.
It's all over art though. Like the massive vaginas that appear in Dune/Star Wars and literally eat people.


drawing penises IS obscene what the hell

I always thought those were buttholes


Is femdom a feminist thing?


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When did you first start using imageboards?
13 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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started with the 'sharty in 2022



Never really ventured there much but I get the feeling that at that time the board must have been a cistern of negativity and downward spirals.
Glad you got out of it.


my very first time going onto a board firsthand was...sometime in the mid 2010s, maybe 2016? i don't really remember. i went onto /b/ out of curiosity once.

i didn't start actually using imageboards, as in, posting on them until...way more recently than i'd like to admit...like, in 2020 or so >_>...

hai newfren ^_^


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I think it was like late 2009 / early 2010, I was playing Warcraft 3 mods at a Cybercafe, and one of them was an anime-themed mod called Anime Wars. Within the mod, there was a secret boss character named Ryūgū Rena tucked away in the corner of the map. She had impressive speed and strength, which piqued my curiosity. I googled her name and stumbled upon a /jp/ Umineko Thread. Intrigued, I downloaded Umineko, played it, enjoyed it, and began frequenting /jp/ regularly. Interestingly, I have never watched or read Higurashi.


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 No.116660[Reply][Last50 Posts]

mamoru blog
884 posts and 154 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it's a LIE they die due to stomach acid and even if they survived with their miniscule numbers they wouldn't be compatible with your already existing flora it's a complete sham


obviously you buttchug it


Why would you ask your math teacher for advice on biology, anyway?
Why not... the biology teacher?


To those who are not used to reading, the distinction between valuable sources and not-so-valuable ones is difficult.
It's the same as speech in general. Humanity thrives because of speech, but that does not imply that all speech is useful. But how would a chimpanzee know that the demagogue is both less knowledgeable and more biased than that Anonymous who uses sage for his every post on kissu?


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Need to stay up all night to write my bachelor's dissertation but it's not even 9 and I'm already too sleepy to concentrate.

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