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File:daf6131865d4abc2a2993f71a9….jpg (1.4 MB,2067x1447)


what if you combined breakfast

and dinner

to create brinner


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (184.89 KB,1920x1080)



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but would you have a single meal in the middle of the day, or two meals in the morning and the evening?


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for me it breakfast snack brunch lunch snack tea apero brinner dinner and snack

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Why should anyone ever root for good when evil is so objectively superior?
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niggers get free shit


Stealing isn't free.


kant btfo


gotta spend money to make money


I keep coming back to this thread for the video because there's something so enthralling about Sango's voice, I love it.

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an octagon is 8 sided and cute
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


stands out, pointy, well measured
monotonous, broad (fat (in a bad way)), eyes too far apart

it's clear who the winner is


Yeah but one has a :^3 and that's all that matters, it's a smug fat box


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that's right
an octagon


heptagon, the forgotten one
unable to wear any sort of smile

File:[SubsPlease] Sengoku Youko….jpg (230.95 KB,1920x1080)


the official 'heh' face of kissu
save it and use it often
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File:[SubsPlease] Sengoku Youko….jpg (204.53 KB,1920x1080)


that's right, they should become lewd and smug BEFORE growing up


cute yankee wolf girl


Please stick it in me


File:heh template.png (759.95 KB,1154x958)

you bumped the thread

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You got any games on your phone tablet?
11 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Sure, why not? My preference is for playing games on a large screen with a comfortable controller, but when you don't have that choice available a tablet is pretty good. Or, do what I do with my drawing tablet and get a tablet holder and have it in bed. It's quite comfortable!


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I have been playing the new Pokemon gacha on my tablet as main and my phone as an alt reroller; been trying to get a FA Erika or a crown rare but it just is not happening.

If I reroll again on this phone then I will also just uninstall the app and then change ip before redownloading to wash the pity stink off of me.


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Also have been playing Pokemon TCG Pocket, it's enjoyable for the novelty as I can see it being the Duel Links of Pokemon, but so far it is pretty bare bones. I know they're adding new stuff around the new year, but honestly aside from that nothing really. Was really into this one game called Dragon Village Collection, but I was mainly using it as a brief escape from reality that I don't need as much anymore.


can't believe anon would post a fucking WOJAK on kissu of all places, kimo


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Here we go!

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Gordon Frieren in the flesh..
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but we KNOW frieren doesn't need glasses, and is wearing them for the looks
that is a problem


File:Joan Freeman who was Gordo….png (2.65 MB,2623x2400)

I wonder how Gordon Frieren keeps her glasses so clean.


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About that beer I owe ya!


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I expected the cock and balls version for whatever reason.

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Remember to take breaks when saving the city from evil!


File:[MK] Himouto! Umaru-chan -….png (3.31 MB,1920x1080)


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How I feel about this revelation
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File:[Moozzi2] Undead Unluck [S….mp4 (31.02 MB,1920x1080)

The <4MB filesize limit seems ideal to handle social media content that already gets obliterated with compression, but that's about it.


oh nice I posted this on /wsg/


File:Bad touhou doujin plot [qn….mp4 (4.85 MB,1200x720)



File:Seija on the internet.mp4 (8.39 MB,848x464)

The future is B R I G H T

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Getting old... kinda sucks, huh.
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what if im a woman and a fag?


been noticing an increasing amount of famous or semi-famous people that are younger than me


I'm still wearing my soft shirt and it's still soft.


How do you know w̶e̶'̶r̶e̶ they're not cats?

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frick you /jp/


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Oh! Showing the middle finger to someone is an american thing, right? Ahem... frick you too Anon-chan! ^^


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suck my cock dude!!!


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Flipping someone off is like saying hello in america.


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shabs flipped me...

File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)


my tummy hurts


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drink water


I did! Is that something known to help with stomach aches? Hmmm

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I gooned till I spermed in my underpants.
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rub your boyknees together like the fruity fruit you are


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He might be into butt stuff judging by his choice of words.


konachan has a very interesting ice cream cone


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this threads scary i dont like it


letters from a different language potentially

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Draw a Pokemon from memory.
Obviously we have to start with #1 in the Pokedex and #1 in our hearts.
17 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I think it's a Gastrodon.




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Tentaquill sugoi!


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I had to think for a second on why it kept looking like Kirby to me and then I remembered it had ears

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Hark and beware, the Black Cat of Ill Omen has arrived.
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answer is chen


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and if that don't work, use more chen


File:Answer is chen.jpg (32.48 KB,500x448)

Always Chen!

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