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Archived threads: /jp/

Displaying 28 expired threads from the past 7 days

Post # Snippet  
73274 Wow what a tight nit community of goblins supporting each others survival in the harsh world. Relationships developing and potentially breeding may come later. It makes me sick to think about. When is someone going to come and properly rid us of this developing menace... [View]
73642 ate banana [View]
73502 Finally after long years ZUN still remember them https://touhou-project.news/news/11292/ [View]
73485 wolf loev poteto [View]
73603 キタ───(゚∀゚)───!! [View]
73572 How are there still people that say gaming is dead in 2024 when it's one of the best times for games yet with all the indie stuff and AA releases [View]
73547 Everyone appreciates [s glowpink]nyaa[/s], but I think [s glowblue]wan[/s] has its own merits that are worth celebrating [View]
73322 I've always said that shotas are just lolis without boobs so are the naysayers of /jp/ ready to admit defeat now that Lloyd de Saloum has released with a character design like THIS. [View]
72922 キタ───(゚∀゚)───!! [View]
73439 Reading books with Zundamon! [View]
73454 So what shall it be? Do you join the Unity or do you die here? [s glowgreen]Join! (* ^ ω ^)[/s] [s glowpink][s heading]Die! ヽ( `д´*)ノ[/s][/s] [s glowgreen]Join! (´。• ω •。`)[/s] [s glowpink][s heading]Die! (#`Д´)[/s][/s] [View]
73452 Reminder that this is a girl and you're fucking straight. [View]
73471 Tubas/trombones/trumpets/euphoniums are very interesting instruments don't you think. Of course, that's the only reason someone would watch Euphonium; to learn more about those intricate instruments and the sounds they produce. The pretty girls have nothing to do with it. And you know the difference between each of them, right? What's the one in this picture called? [View]
73413 Legendary moment [View]
73376 gakis these days...... [View]
73386 this shab just pasted me [View]
73381 damn [View]
72739 i don't get it, why does the anime keep showing off the thighs with panning shots? i mean, why would you do that for a boy character.... [View]
73350 This garbage show full of 3D cars and vtubers and AI and gacha gets a Mizuki Nana OP and you're favorite anime doesn't. [View]
73254 so when do shiro and sora show up to crush these jobbers [View]
72998 What are your thoughts on the morality of piracy? Do you care a lot and try to minimize whatever perceived effect you have by supporting creators, or do you enjoy your sailing free of concern? [View]
72986 Reminder that this is a boy and you're fucking gay [View]
73251 [s glowpink][s heading][b]D O N 'T B E A F R A I D[/b][/s][/s] [View]
72979 Shab stole my baby. [View]
72984 I have an announcement to make, we've done it. Anime has finally crafted the peak lazy narou kei. Everybody applaud. >Allen, a boy called a failure because he was not blessed with a "Gift" from god, is actually a former hero who still has the memories and powers of his past life?! Using his banishment from his family's duchy as an excuse, Allen is about to start a carefree journey to do whatever he wants when he comes across an attempt on the life of his ex-fiancée...?! [View]
72948 What is /jp/'s raison d'être? [View]
72420 The reason sci-fi stopped being popular is because people stopped being hopeful for the future. [View]
72691 Use https://cafechat.kissu.moe to keep messing with the bots! (until we run out of credit)

It's uhh... a thread to ask questions or comment on the chatbot stuff. In hindsight we should have pointed out original.kissu.moe earlier. Oops. If you're in chat and someone asks about what happened to kissu, please direct them to that url! (I do have to sleep at some poin