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File:[No-Subs]_Nurse_Witch_Komu….jpg (147.5 KB,640x480)


Subbing anime in small monocentric languages is such a niche thing to do, especially when the majority of speakers know English.
22 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


We're not rude, we're just not fake friendly.
I had a bit of a culture shock myself when I studied in Georgia (the state) for a semester, it feels like everyone pretends to be your best friend for no reason.


Berlin is kinda infamous for being rude. Like, if you find a waiter who does not look at you like you're a nuisance, you're probably dealing with a recent migrant.
Nah, he has a point. I appreciate the dry, standoffish nature of Northern Germans. But I can see how it would rub people the wrong way if they're used to a more emotional social life.

I don't think that's entirely true. I think the German manga market was basically captured by girls, which means that guys either dismiss the genre or make use of English versions. But overall, Germany has actually a pretty active /a/ scene.


>Nah, he has a point. I appreciate the dry, standoffish nature of Northern Germans.
Fair enough, but going to Berlin and complaining about Germans is like going to New York or Boston and concluding that all Americans are rude assholes.


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>Like, if you find a waiter who does not look at you like you're a nuisance, you're probably dealing with a recent migrant.
In my experience, they barely even look at you at all, just at the paper for taking your order. The service is done in a very robotic manner. Very different from my country where they always greet you with a smile.

Japan is an introvert country too and they aren't like this though, so what gives. People there tend to be pretty polite and friendly on the surface.


I think it has to do with Berlin's history.
Its rents are still below what they should be, for a western capital city.
The service sector is just terrible. It's not uncommon to find serious flaws in the silicone seals in your kitchen or bathroom, or splashes of paint on your furniture after your landlord had somebody paint your wall to hide the signs of water damage.

I'm expecting the city to change dramatically over the next few decades though. Rents are going up and new constructions largely target richer folks. Many of the artsy leftists will probably be forced to leave. It'll be a bit of a balancing act, since students also tend to be poor. But there are few ways to deal with that.
I do wonder what will become of the city's nightlife though.

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why is trying to engage in online conversation so exhausting
it's difficult enough just to make one substantial and coherent post, but then i have to keep making them in response to other people who respond to my posts
this is something i have realized ever since i stopped being a lurker, you can't just make a single post and have the thread or conversation perpetuate itself, you have to keep talking too
but it's too hard
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I don't have this problem because I rarely have anything interesting to say.


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That's the beauty of anonymous conversation. You don't need to reply because it won't stick to you and maybe somebody else comes along to carry the conversation in your place.

Though one could argue the feeling of needing to respond can lead to healthier activity.


You can very much make a point and then leave it to others to decide if the point has any merit.
It's only when you find that apparently you have erroneously made the point in a way that others can't understand that you should feel compelled to make another post, or else live with the fact that what you originally wanted to say never reached the other users.


>you can't just make a single post and have the thread or conversation perpetuate itself
i can


>Though one could argue the feeling of needing to respond can lead to healthier activity.
I'll argue people's need to respond is what causes most of the unhealthy activity. People are happier when they ignore things.

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Post the most delicious shab in the world, or I'll eat your soul!


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Delicious? Mmm... kind of depends what you mean by that.


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This is not the most delicious SHAB in the world.
This is just a tribute.


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wakarimasen lol


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I just ate this shab

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what's so wrong about it anyway


nothing, it's all propaganda by big sex to have people going around searching for sex and spending money


I have a bad feeling about this thread


It encourages sedentary, insular lifestyles. Why risk venturing out into the great unknown when you have the perfect partner right there and can move on to the next life stage without really needing to change much about the lifestyle or relationships you've had up until now? But when you need to find a mate elsewhere, you have a strong incentive to move away, often to a city because that's where the potential partners are. This means rural land can be concentrated in large farms and ranches while labor can be concentrated in cities with lots of factories, services, and administrative hubs, allowing both to be used more efficiently. Just look at the correlation between the decline in consanguinity in a region and the increase in urbanization.


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yeah ok dork

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This is why the Moriya shrine gets more visitors than Reimu
16 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


No one wants to stay in Hotel California




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I'm so used to seeing the 2hus depicted with huge boobers that I sometimes forget that in canon they actually have small to average breasts or are total flatties.


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Well, sometimes they're big. Yuugi is massive in the printworks along with Lotus Eaters giving everyone a nice posterior and there's Silent Sinner in Blue which gave everyone a cup size or two up. Byakuren along with the Yakumos have some heft to them in the airborne fighting games.


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I think we may have some different ideas on what is considered big.

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Become Yuru Camper


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now what

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ITT: images that make your nutbladder aching hurt
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i JUST bit this SHAB...


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makes me hurt in a different way

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Is this what people mean by "perfection"?
14 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


big butt post


It's called 'perfection'


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How can it be perfect when there are bigger butts out there?


i would prefer calling it quintessential
which this second derailing also was


You cannot measure perfection outside of clearly defined rules. Otherwise I can just endlessly redefine the rules and prove you wrong after the fact.
"Oh, so you got 105% on the test by bribing the teacher? Well, I got 200% by hacking the school computer and directly editing my score."
- "Oh you got 200%, eh? Well, I got 10000% by making my dad pressure the headmaster into changing the score keeping from percentage to decimal, and only informing my teacher of it after he had already written the 100."
- "Oh, you got 10000%, eh? ..."

There is no perfection to be defined here. It's just a silly race to sillier extremes.
It's like arguing that there is a perfect goal for evolution to converge toward. But outside of crabs, that's just not true.

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It's quite simple to recognize and make valid criticisms towards a bad anime, even for paragraphs at a time. But how does one go about writing long-form praise for media that doesn't get bogged down in repetition or dullness?
61 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Feel like I've seen this very same post in the past as well...


You now realize that March 23 is almost a month ago.


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How would you guys define "art"?


I prefer a more non-restrictive definition centered on work dedicated to inspiring certain feelings in people. So paintings, dance, sculpture, storytelling, where the objective is to make you feel something. Cave paintings are art, and so are the doodles carved into a prehistoric piece of ivory. "It's not art" isn't something you should say about things you dislike, it's what you should say about a nail or a bag of concrete mix. But I'm not interested in outlining the subjective boundaries of where something starts or stops being art, I think it's more of a relational thing, like postmodern art that takes completely regular shit and places it in a podium to fuck with you, the intention is to make you feel like you're being fucked with. It certainly succeeded.


things with meaning outside of the physical form

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Haven't played a visual novel since 2012.
What big kinos did I miss?
Last one I played was axanael
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I fucking hate it when the boobs or pussy are the only part of an image in a more precise/detailed style. It feels way dirtier than normal smut. It's no longer eroticism. It's just lust.
Like a young boy's semenally sticky lingery magazine.


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Do I really need to say it? Obviously you need to read Utawarerumono 2 and 3! It's a single story, with 2 leading directly into 3. You should definitely read the first one or at least watch its anime ahead of time, though.
It does have a great turn-based tactical game attached to it so it's not a "pure" VN. I find it more fun than Disgaea, but I guess they're different subgenres.
Oh, what a fantastic story it is! Lovable characters, heartwrenching scenes, fantastic SoL moments and humor, beautiful story, beautiful music and KUON! You definitely need to read it! It's the culmination of everything they learned in the decade since the first one.
Also FYI there's a slow VN thread on /qa/ that has people talking about stuff. >>>/qa/95318
I need to get back into reading VNs since I finally got my setup going for it to do it in bed.

Breast shading is deceptively simple in such a direct and static pose since digital brushes are circular. The neck is the weird spot since it's traditionally flat to match flat 2D faces. I kind of wonder how much Japanese artists study anatomy for such things since you rarely see it. A 3D scultping course I watched had a whole chapter on neck tendons flexing and moving in different poses and speech.


Underwater Ray Romano has been in my backlog since 2009.
Why am I unable to work on my backlog.


Because you lack a habit.
You either have to forcibly change one of your old habits, or introduce a new one. I suspect the latter would be easier.


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Honestly, not much. The last modern VN I played was Steins;Gate 0. VNs are kind of a dead medium. Sure, there's a lot of stuff getting translations recently, but basically nothing noteworthy that is modern being released.

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creation and destruction
complementary asymmetry
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I completely bit this shab.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

Never happened


I never bit this shab


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

That's right. You didn't.


i right bit this shab

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it has been decided i will become a 'my pace' character irl from now on.
any suggestions (pic unrelated)
17 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


fu explain it


it's been a month i have found my pace now


is your my pace running


is your pace making


is baby making

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*gaps through it*


Those are some big gaps that's for sure


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Turns out the shield wasn't meant to protect Himari from others... It is to protect us from Himari!


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Just standard displays of dominance, really. It may seem primitive, but it keeps things running smoothly to establish hierarchy

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Ikemen nanoda


What mod is that




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The best LOTR mod and arguably the best mod for Total War.

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Gyaruism has gone too far. Absolutely murdered my girl.


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Too pale!


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not that big a loss
she was only playing second fiddle to her manager anyways


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Gyaruism hasn't gone far enough.


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