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File:[SubsPlease] Karasu wa Aru….jpg (256.69 KB,1920x1080)


finally an anime that understands just how important birds are


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How so?


File:[SubsPlease] Karasu wa Aru….jpg (245.69 KB,1920x1080)

Crow people are the main cast


Dang, Yatagarasu people sounds nice, but I can tell after looking at the preview that I"d hate it. Oh well.

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Opinions on Japanese shaman girls?
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Shintoism is pretty much the closest we can come to authentic pagan religion in the modern world


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Shintoism isn't exactly shamanism, but has characteristics from Ainu/Jomon religions which are indeed shamanistic/animistic: https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/ainu-religion




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File:[Subsplease] Yoru No Kura….webm (20.59 MB,1280x720)


And a test of who can tell the difference between buzzwords and words
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The problem with the term "cringe" in anime discourse, I feel, is that it can be used both to describe when someone has that response to what the characters are doing, but also when someone reacts that way to the anime itself. Basically the difference between laughing with someone and laughing at them, but the latter is in this case so much more prevalent (since a cringe response inherently involves at least some negative emotion, whether in a mean-spirited way or in the second-hand embarrassment way) that it ends up just as a generic insult.


File:[SubsPlease] Soredemo Ayum….jpg (152.77 KB,1280x720)

Yeah, it wouldn't really apply in the case of me getting embarrassed at watching Lucky Star/K-ON, because I was embarrassed over something I was doing, not at the characters or the show itself, nor expressing distaste. I was having a moe moment over trying to watch overtly moe shows.


I can see it...


>I was having a moe moment
anonymous-kun kawaiiiii!!!!


File:[HorribleSubs] Animegatari….jpg (301 KB,1920x1080)

Stop living the same life as me. I had to pause the opening of Lucky star and take my laptop to my room so I could watch it in a place where only I could judge me. LS was my first anime and this happened over 10 years ago but I still remember it.

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The things I would do to get greeted by this face when I come home from a long day at w*rk.
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File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (341.52 KB,1920x1080)

>Nekomoe kissaten&LoliHouse


From the thumbnail I thought she was holding a fish.


If you post something often enough, eventually it will turn into electronics.


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Maira once caught a fish this big


File:[SubsPlease] Hibike! Eupho….jpg (156.83 KB,1280x720)


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hibikid! euphonium

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The CIA kept a database of these bad boys for themselves. Which one is your favorite?
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there's a "smuggled" meme stash where i work at that is just for use on our secure network
i wouldn't be surprised if our cia buddies were using these for the same reason






Somewhere in the CIA headquarters, somebody is shouting: "Andrew you goddamn weeb, you're making us look stupid!"


>(\/) (°,,°) (\/) WOOPwoopwowopwoopwoopwoop!
my favorite

File:[MATSU] Maria Holic Alive ….png (618.88 KB,808x880)


Can you stand the sound of your own voice? Whenever I hear mine I can't stand how high it sounds it should be a lot deeper and not make me angry like it does when I hear it in my head.
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I'm reminded there was a weird trend not long ago with a website called Voicecel which would record the user's voice and funnel them into chad or voicecel category based on how low the frequency is -- ofc I saw some users getting upset, but for them to take it seriously was just as hilarious, kinda like horoscopes imo.

As >>72873 said, we all sound ridiculous to ourselves. If only I could keep my morning voice for the whole day


CanNOT believe they called Ranko too old to be a maid


Never realized but her (family) name is "Oikura"
perfect name for bullying


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Heard my voice while going through cat videos to edit and it was so gay I had to remove the audio to continue


I think the proper term is an "alto"

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(ↀωↀ)✧ pepsi and milk drinker


Cats should not be permitted to handle forks.
It's not safe.


that's why she has a spork


*holds up spork*


It's that time of the year again


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I don't follow

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Stop being serious
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Since when were you under the impression I was?


Did you know that fish cough? Yes, I'm being *serious*. I learned this from a Snapple cap.


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Wanna know how I got these nekomimi?
Y'see, my father was an otaku... and a fiend.
One night, he came out of his cave a little crazier than usual.
My mother put on the news to defend herself.
He didn't like that.
Not. One. Bit.
So he grabs a bunny girl maid outfit and starts putting it on her while I'm screaming and crying.
Then he turns to me and says:
"Why so serious, waga musume?"
"Let's put a :3 on that face!"
He rips off my glasses and grabs a pair of cat ears like this.
And... then...

Why so serious?


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I take funposting on the Jay very seriously.


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Life is such a fucking joke, that taking it perfectly seriously is the ultimate insult for it, and thus the only appropriate attitude.

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Happy Bicycle Day, /jp/!
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There's no 20th month ya dummy.


4/20 is just a fancy way of writing o point two.


Happy Dude Weed day!


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Saturday morning...
How does jp gets over a hangover?


greasy food

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Can dolls physically age?


If left in the Sun they made degrade


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If they couldn't, why don't we see very many 4000 year old dolls around?
Are they leaving Earth?
Are they having an exciting dolls-only space adventure that we are not invited to?
What kind of sick joke is this?


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A tan would be considered a massive upgrade among certain individuals.


They would lose color.
Have you never heard of sun-bleaching?

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what's the best pizza
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This is the most revolting thing I've ever seen. I'm gagging just thinking about it.


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I often use soy sauce (and fish sauce) instead of salt.


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I like my pizza fancy.


If you buy 4 of those, will you get the rest of the car as well?


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I just ordered a beef and mushroom pizza because of this thread.

File:[Piyoko] Himitsu No Aipri ….mp4 (1.3 MB,1280x720)


What is it that makes a proper kissu girl? Is it this?


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That is not proper in and of itself, but the path to achieving properness.

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