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File:1493551082507.webm (70.56 KB,614x720)


What are some games about taking endless dick up your ass?


Probably quite a few RPGMaker games. I can't name any offhand, though.



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Fear and Hunger?
Severe anal bleeding is a status effect


the /jp/ status effects


the game of life

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I;m thinking about thos Beans
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I think it's mainly the slimy texture that puts people off, natto with a little spicy mustard is pretty all right taste wise.


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oni no liek beans


someone get those spiderwebs out of their beans!


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what if I told you they were supposed to be like that?



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what if you combined breakfast

and dinner

to create brinner
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dunch sounds weird to me because it has the order inversed
brunch is breakfast+lunch, chronologically it makes sense
but dunch keeps -unch where it is and switches br- for a d-, now it doesn't make sense anymore
i'd prefer linner


It would be like a midnight snack


Read this as "Dutch sounds weird to me".


i respect dutch for ditching the aberrant voiced+aspiration germanic chimera in favor of just voice like its civilized southern neighbors


what if you're still eating your breakfast past lunchtime

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Draw a Pokemon from memory.
Obviously we have to start with #1 in the Pokedex and #1 in our hearts.
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I think it's close enough


moe mew


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I think it's close enough.


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File:Tsukuyomi -Moon Phase- - C….mp4 (5.78 MB,720x480)


It's that time again. You are cordially invited to attend the usually-but-not-always annual viewing of
Tsukuyomi Moon Phase in kissu's anonymity-supporting fork of cytube: kissu theater!
Invite your friends, too!
It will be at the standard stream time of 6PM EST (11PM UTC) on Friday 29th and then following Friday (December 6th)
It's something like 13 episodes each night, so prepare yourself!

kissu (kissu (kissu))
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Nice! Been waiting for this!
Probably wont be there for the start but should be able to join half way through...


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interesting, this one doesn't minimize the sidebar


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text is hard to read now ;x;


Yeah, thought it might be less shocking to people if it was still there and the source isn't widescreen anyway.

I'm not smart enough to figure out how to revert it on completion, so just reload the page...

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gf lost a game of CoD so now instead of having sex I have to listen to her calling people niggers all night...


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Fuck it I'm just going to read the LNs.

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Why do people say that cheese doesn't go with seafood?
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no one says this. there's plenty of pasta and risotto recipes that call for cheese and seafood


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indirect incest kissu...


Fish don't make cheese.


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Cultures that historically raised cattle and also subsisted on fish seem pretty rare, so I'd assume there hasn't been enough time for it to intertwine in a way that becomes second nature. I guess there's Italy as someone mentioned, but that whole 'paradise climate for the human species' thing is very limited and others had to adapt.


Anchovy Pizza
Fish Tacos
Salmon and Cream Cheese Bagel

ChatGPT says:
Tuna Casserole
Fish and Chips with Cheese Curds
Salmon with LemonDill Sauce and Goat Cheese
Shrimp and Grits with Cheddar Cheese



File:Nintendo-DS-Fat-Blue.jpg (2.94 MB,2660x2420)


The Nintendo DS just turned 20.
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>I'd compare it to the NES or SNES with its catalog of games
You are vastly overestimating the NES library and somewhat the SNES one. The DS is the PS2 of handhelds.
Also, the phat model is rounded and pretty comfortable in adult hands, it just makes the screens look minuscule in comparison to the rest of the brick.
Also also, the 3DS has full compatibility the DS (well, outside of like two games with unique hardware attachments) and can be hacked incredibly easily so unless you're an extreme retro purist that's the far better option.


GOAT 4ever


File:Nintendo-3DS-AquaOpen.jpg (1.88 MB,2300x2080)

One downside of the phat model for an adult is that the stylus is both shorter and thinner compared to the Lite and the 3DS, making the stylus harder to hold.

Overall, the 3DS is a decent option, but there are some downsides to using it for GBA and DS games.
One is that the position of the dpad directly below the circle pad makes the dpad uncomfortable to use for a long period of time.
Another is the screen scaling. By default the image is scaled up to fill the higher-resolution screens, which makes the image look blurry and ugly. There is a pixel-perfect option, but this makes the image appear even smaller than on the original GBA model and the original DS model because the pixels are physically smaller.
And you miss out on functionality in games that use the bottom GBA slot for anything. This includes those games where it's required like those with unique hardware attachments that you mentioned, but there are also quite a few games where the bottom slot enables bonus functionality like transferring Pokemon from Gen 3 to Gen 4, unlocking a music video in WarioWare Touched, getting rumble in Ouendan 2, instantly unlocking all the cases in the Japanese Phoenix Wright trilogy, etc.
There's also a small portion of GBA titles that currently don't function properly on a softmodded 3DS.


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After my first 3DS broke (shoulder buttons somehow) I waited and got the 2DS XL. The 3D part of the 3DS was a gimmick that was quickly abandoned and I never liked it that much in the first place, so the 2DS that was cheaper was a much better option.
It's pretty comfortable when compared to previous incarnations, but the speaker placement is horrendous and you often block it with your hand. I really don't know what they were thinking with that one, it should have been enough to scrap the design and start over.


Had to keep the tradition of the 2DS looking like a total joke so the rest of us can laugh at poorfags, I guess. I very rarely turn the 3D on, but I still went for the N3DS XL because it looks better and has sensible speaker, home button, and camera placement instead of looking like a smartphone taped to a control pad.

>the dpad uncomfortable to use for a long period of time
XL doesn't have this problem, you can hold it with a normal grip on the d-pad instead of needing to pinch the bottom left to keep your hand in position like with the OG 3DS. It does add to the scaling issues if you're a purist, but I'll gladly trade some sharpness for a more comfortable grip and being able to see the screen better with my old eyes, especially with games that focus on the touch screen and stylus controls.

I know GBA emulation is still shaky, but I thought agbfirm ran GBA games natively, so it's weird to hear some don't work.

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>if you don't pay us, we'll sit here and let the bodies pile up in the streets
Maybe privatizing public safety wasn't the best idea...


well you know, the private company will need to pay people eventually so if you hold out long enough they'll lower their prices and be more efficient with their hiring practices


I'll have to wait to comment on this after I watch the episode..

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Getting old... kinda sucks, huh.
42 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


what if im a woman and a fag?


been noticing an increasing amount of famous or semi-famous people that are younger than me


I'm still wearing my soft shirt and it's still soft.


How do you know w̶e̶'̶r̶e̶ they're not cats?


I'm not wearing my soft shirt anymore...

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What say you /jp/?
10 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I wish I had a small penor so I could stick it in my loliwife...


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Tengu women prefer Human men.


yeah, this must be it. it's definitely not because I'm a lolicon


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That last bit made my heart go dokidoki instead of my ween, I have a weakness for human x youkai romance.


most people wouldn't refer to pure, unadulterated smut as being "romance".

File:[koakuma patchouli knowled….jpg (2.98 MB,1223x2971)


Thanks to my 'random image collage' background thing I've discovered that the famous finger trick image is Koakuma and it's actually 2 panels out of 4.


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is that so?


Wait a minute, are you already familiar with that artist??? That Patchy there is the same one, isn't it?


it's Puinyui: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/175882
Unfortunately they dropped off the face of the earth after 2010.


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Hmm, that's a shame. I wonder what they would think of their art becoming a bit of a long-lasting repost on English (and potentially other) imageboards. At least they didn't purge all their art from the internet.

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I gooned till I spermed in my underpants.
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letters from a different language potentially


I spermed in my pants again.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (295.88 KB,1920x1080)

I wanted this thread to pass naturally, but since it gets bumped I'm going to autosage it. I don't want people to see the kuso "It's over" /pol/ template and oon/oom words when they load up kissu


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down it goes!


Just ate a grape and...

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