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File:[SubsPlease] Jibaku Shoune….jpg (568.3 KB,1920x1080)


We've come to save /jp/


looking forward to this one


claimed 3rd right

File:126227334_p0.jpg (2.41 MB,1505x2125)




File:86361288_p0.jpg (1.4 MB,2067x1447)

Holy crap he drew another piece of art! I think the last one Koruri he drew was for 2024 new year's...


holy whab


File:1657788673014.jpeg (91.34 KB,811x1200)

ate the post

File:[SubsPlease] Hana wa Saku,….jpg (131.87 KB,1280x720)




File:rika scream.jpg (231.75 KB,1600x900)





File:[AonE]_Hidamari_Sketch_x_S….jpg (190.72 KB,1280x720)


File:[SubsPlease] Kuroiwa Medak….jpg (94.4 KB,1280x720)


¥ be me
¥ walking down hallway
¥ girl flashes her thighs and panties at me
¥ immediately lament the loose morals of today's youth
¥ walk away in despair at the debauchery of modern society
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Is this supposed to be a slip or one of those petticoat things?


File:OKITSURA.Fell.in.Love.with….jpg (230.76 KB,1920x1080)

>¥ be me



Google thinks the difference between a petticoat and a slip is the volume it imparts to the skirt/dress but honestly I've never really understood the difference.
Except for a half slip that makes sense.


>I've never really understood the difference.
A slip is like an under dress that prevents over clothing from rubbing against your body. It pretty much does what it says. A petticoat is designed to add volume or shape to a skirt and typically doesn't cover the upper body. They're also usually made out of different material. Slip is silky and smooth. Petticoat is bulky.


File:[SubsPlease] Kuroiwa Medak….jpg (289.06 KB,1920x1080)



It's a road we've all been down.


File:good.png (141.94 KB,265x304)

/jp/ moé warriors vs /qa/ jong nerds


File:[SubsPlease] Kinomi Master….jpg (212.82 KB,1920x1080)

I'd definitely take the VN over mahjong. BLEH

File:yada!.png (28.75 KB,600x600)


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>Stop it!
>I said stop it!

Nekomimi is nyaat furry, it is ultra super duper moe.


itty bitty orin


File:orin dance.gif (51.01 KB,280x440)



File:1609232617032.png (33.12 KB,600x600)

Nore more big flan belly slap a slap slaps...


File:95194002_p0.png (4.5 MB,2048x2048)

That's not what I meant. He draws Pokemon and kemono now instead of Touhou, but since this goes back like 12 years it's understandable that interests may change. He draws a lot less these days after I heard his computer or tablet or something broke.


Could /jp/ woo their waifu?
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Glad he ditched that disgusting 3DPD complainer after she came out as a FRAUD


File:R-1736878385153.png (159.1 KB,499x477)

You know why


appropriate /jp/ soundtrack


File:Majin Tantei Nougami Neur….webm (764.12 KB,1024x576)

From my extensive women studies in otaku culture, I know I could. For example I can easily identify the fat otaku's shortcomings from his failed attempt here. Instead of getting all shy and apologizing when he hits her, he needs to abuse her MORE and not show sympathy.


File:[crossover][enoshima junko….png (228.06 KB,600x570)

Absolutely no problem.


There's so many idols now I don't even know some of them


Although what I was searching for most people have probably forgotten about as well


This kind of 3DCG idol is pretty boring. What's even the point?


cheaper isn't it?


File:IMG_5895.jpeg (Spoiler Image,126.67 KB,598x935)

How could I not recognize Fuyuko?

File:desu.png (1.31 MB,1037x1079)


Who wants to get watered desu?
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File:Rozen Maiden Träumend - S0….png (1.18 MB,983x909)



File:out112332.png (1.35 MB,1920x1080)


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File:knight.jpg (65.34 KB,651x794)


File:58f55dd42cf37b338b18a186c5….png (1.93 MB,1920x1080)


Praying for you 🕯️ O Great Mita 💝
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do NOT bully cappie


File:vsvy61pvyqce1.jpeg (955.54 KB,1622x2410)


The wand is for her, not for me.


i notice the horrid flatness of the arch and the too-long toes and the squared-off shape of the front of the feet


File:6f035f5daed6477a00cda98093….jpg (2.1 MB,2400x4080)

File:me.webm (1.68 MB,1920x1080)




File:[ASW] Kuroiwa Medaka ni Wa….png (5.25 MB,1920x1080)

literally me


Can't be me because the bottom left photo isn't focused enough on the pit

File:(4).mp4 (3.27 MB,960x540)


*Japanese eating noises*


File:1677368628542157.gif (387.62 KB,387x285)



The point of camping is to get far away from people so you can make all the eating noises you want


File:1544907661155.jpg (258.19 KB,1091x1600)

Why slurp if there are no noodle chefs around to appreciate your slurping?


If a shab slurps in the forest and no one is around to hear it did it make a sound?

File:e724bcff910c103a4066c3945c….jpg (129.27 KB,724x1024)


Damn mesubabaa!!

Correction is needed!!!


such a mature 17 year-old...


God I want to make that hag into a wife!


File:Smugkari.jpg (1018.83 KB,1512x1512)

kuso babaa

File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (101.92 KB,1280x720)


Niko-sama just found out what a furry is.


a unicorn(?) is fine too




perfectly sized for kissu weens

File:discord-ping-crying-femboy.gif (90.06 KB,640x640)


>be me
> 19 year old femboy anon
> tfw no gf
> kissless, handheldless and loveless loser

anon im so tired, i just want to be luved.
17 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   _/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\  <  Is this another kuso thread?
 ∑_    ∪ ´∀`)   \_____________

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < Ya damn~ right.
 (つ   つ
 | | |     


File:gaphug.png (689.18 KB,787x760)

hags love girly boys


Just be yourself.


Just shoot yourself.


A bit harsh.

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