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File:392e3806a8355a8557f2103046….png (633.59 KB,662x1034)


Hisser in the streets.
Pisser in the sheets.
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File:shaaaa.mp4 (1.14 MB,1280x720)

minor Uta 2 spoiler


how is she so flipping cute


I love Atuy's accent


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Me too. More shabs should speak with an accent.


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True, she does have a really relaxing voice and her enunciation of words is very soothing. It's an interesting contrast to her character

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Lain in the wired of Lain in the wired of Lain in the wired of Lain in the wired of Lain in the wired
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lain? more like get out of my lane NERD


NOT hate lainposters
love lainposters


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Girl goes to a shop.
You are an antipsychotic in her.
Try to help her.


the anime is fine, but i am so sick and tired of seeing her face all over the internet. teenagers ruined lame sorry not sorry.


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Lain is very important.

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all that shit about masturbating after becoming a girl is weaksauce
you have to think higher than that


Who said anything about masturbating? I bet the first thing /jp/ does is become the block's mesugaki


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the draw of the manga is how this reincarnated tard keeps trying to get laid but fails because ero logic doesn't hold up, works for both the comedy and the srs


I too would be paranoid if a mesugaki came to offer me sex out of nowhere, now that I think about it...
you need to be in the know whether you're the mesugaki or the lolicon
what's the manga?


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it's got 12 chapters translated so far, it seems the schedule is monthly


the screencaps so far are very

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now they've entered a milk drinking competition......


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how much milk can one cow hag produce.............


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go[s |][/s]oner

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So I want to get into dickgirl gaming but I want to avoid all the culture war nonsense. Are there any futa games out there without woke or DEI in them? Couldn't find any when consulting the approved gaming list.
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How much is that in normal cock measurements?


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Futa is gay and so are you. You have no choice but to embrace all aspects of faggotry.


tard sex wants to tardsex a 'tanari


What do you mean? I don't think there are any Futa games with culture war elements in them.
It's not thought as the same was as people in the west think about it. It's a fantasy and not an identity politics thing.


dickgirl gaming would be a great name for a youtube channel

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It's chow time.


File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (247.46 KB,1920x1080)

McDonald's has been doing so much pandering lately with 2D stuff that I could see this being an official sponsorship, but I guess it's just different enough to not be McDonald's


mcdonalds is a company with lots of smart guys in it


would kana would take part in McCommercials? could she go from being the piiman girl to the burg girl?


File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (258.87 KB,1920x1080)

Seems like a natural career move if you ask me. I can't say I'm fully familiar with the Japanese McDonald's menu, but I don't think there's any peppers on their burgers

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The tea party is one of dreams. You can conjure up any attire and figure when in attendance.

How will /jp/ going to be attending?
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I love Majime.


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For me it's: flanell shirt, anime t-shirt, baggy jeans, worn sneakers, bandana, and a backpack.


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Tea parties are best with witches.


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I couldn't agree more. Tea always tastes better with good company, especially when said company is a cute witch.

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Magical girls are a menace. Will you join the forces of evil and protect our town's crucial infrastructure?


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>protect our town's crucial infrastructure
How does this help us play with the mahou shoujo?


They don't need to be played with, they need to be arrested. I'm tired of the outages and detours caused by their antics.


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Slander! Magical Girls heal the enironment and those around them, not hurt!


You're joking. But I'm not. I will reincarnate as a magical girl. I will save the town. I will spread peace, love and joy. All the little girls will look up to me and I will protect their smiles. This will become my reality and I will maintain my memories of this horrible place so I will be better equipped to fight against the forces of evil in my next life.


and i will be your GREATEST FOE because contrast is needed for you to look truly heroic and also i want to blow shit up

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Haaaaaaaaaahhhhh....... rerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorero
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But homura can stop the time...


yeah it's just unclear for how long
would undressing madoka, licking the sweat out of her asshole, and then dressing her back up take up more time than what she used to fire all those rocket launchers? it's hard to tell
urobutcher apparently said that her ability has a battery life of one month of frozen time, but that doesn't confirm how much of it she can spend in one burst


look, if homu can make the time -and she literally can, always- she will chose madoka's sweaty anus over her back every time


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I really liked the '変態ほむらさん' (Hentai Homura-san) thing back then.


eroticute feetoes


how do you guys feel now that Trevor is literally dead
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Every few months or so I will remember Trever exists and watch like half of one of his streams.


i don't understand why he puts tubers in a corner


File:trevor mario.webm (9.79 MB,2000x1440)

Clicked a random timestamp and saw this beautiful scene
Beautiful, just beautiful



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How do we increase these numbers? These... Kuon numbers?
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I wish she wore that big poofy hat in the game.


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True, it's a shame that you don't see it in the VN. You can see it without the hood in the BGM bonus menu thingie at least, albeit without the hood. She's definitely meant to be wearing it in the VN prologue, but I guess they didn't want to make a set of portraits for it.


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>You can see it without the hood in the BGM bonus menu thingie at least, albeit without the hood.
I need sleep...


I just stared on Uta 3 and Kuon's new outfit makes her look like a country artist.


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Kuon just proposed to me.

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ITT: summarize a story in the dumbest way possible
¥instrumentality BAD, actually


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Touhou but only the cute bits.


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interactive docudrama chronicling the invention of smart appliances


touhou but shimmy


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normies are retards, being a schizo is actually GOOD


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Robot throws rocks at the moon.

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New Latina-chan confirmed, per gamefreak leaks.

I'm just gonna come out and say it, I love brown girls.
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He kidnapped a young girl and hit her hard enough to make her forget about her real home and family. And no, caring for him at the end wasn't love, that's stockholm syndrome.


Stockholm syndrome is the purest form of love.


File:6ICPyDCBfTGZ4Of0NiOM5tSOL….webp (23.17 KB,1080x675)

>too religious!


It's a lot more effort to edit a video animation than removing a few pixels from a sprite. Not that it's never been done. I think we've all seen some 4kids videos.


Too religious for the wrong religion.
Christfags in the US would go apeshit if their children were exposed to Buddhism in their demonic video game.

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Could you beat the living crap out of a goblin to kill it?
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FUCK geese and FUCK goblins
geese are NOT important


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Every hole is a goal I guess.


what's gotten into madoka today....


No, I would knock it out and then leave it alone.


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I found this video and remembered this thread. It's about how goblins fit into our psyche and why they stuck around in popular culture. A neat video if you have 20 minutes to burn.

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Average WANderful Precure fan


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I've been exposed

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