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File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….png (1.19 MB,1920x1080)


The time of Eru and Uru's execution... got changed


hi elle


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (289.29 KB,1920x1080)

File:EV_HAN019a.jpg (92.92 KB,1280x720)


home along on a fridey night?
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File:friends are here.png (711.12 KB,1136x1424)



File:bawson smile.jpg (30.74 KB,339x425)

i love my computer friends


File:36858906408650.png (49.9 KB,1000x1000)

home alone every Friday night and living it up (´꒳`)♡


File:6fe4073f-45a9-49f4-8b0f-e5….jpg (182.85 KB,1080x1076)

>>74175 >>74177


Looking at the thumbnail I almost thought this was an anthropomorphic ("furry") image

File:3d4882de-4dc3-421b-83fc-50….jpg (1.22 MB,1441x2048)


How do I get my wife to stop being an itoddler? She's embarrassing me in front of my /g/ friends.
13 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:1501199776402.jpg (335.66 KB,1280x720)

>installed Arch Linux on it...
There's your problem, how's she supposed to appreciate Arch if she wasn't able to install it herself?


basically everything bar games featuring kernel level anticheat just work on linux nowadays


There are a lot of things in games that don't work well. Like games(or applications) that use system fonts such as Arial rather than build them directly into the executable.
Everything else is pretty system interchangable...


Still the equivalent of buying a mountain bike despite living in the flats.


Unless you mean "just works" like "it just works™", I've come to realize that that's not really the case. Switching from Linux gaming to dual booting Windows to game, the experience is worlds apart; if you just focus on gaming though, everything else feels like shit. Games run smoother, higher FPS for lower/same temperature, etc. Really noticeable when you have a potato for a PC. Maybe not much of a difference if you have relatively newer (gaming) hardware though.

File:GKp2qaEakAAPgW2.jpg (556.01 KB,2700x2400)


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File:603.jpeg (81.3 KB,716x955)





File:IMG_2703.jpeg (119.92 KB,1152x1086)


Why's his butt so red?


thank you for introducing me to this artist he draws a lot of funny stuff

File:1713095569918.jpg (130.32 KB,810x947)


Did you know that you can upload images without actually saving them? I like to temporarily steal images from 4chan archives and boorus with this strategy.
7 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:1713403206070.png (219.7 KB,419x551)


File:C-1713403568280.png (12.84 KB,524x116)

yeah but did you paste the link here rather than the image itself? because you can do both


File:C-1713407290862.png (244.41 KB,419x551)

Yeah I pasted the link. But "copy image" instead seems to generate this "C-" filename. I didn't know that.


File:C-1713407535728.png (35.22 KB,133x175)

Why did it turn the transparency black though.


>>74085 >>74091
Both of these files were altered, clearly.
I guess that copying the image means that kissu regenerates it from the data.

File:GDIXdW9WUAAil2P-1.jpg (214.54 KB,933x1200)


you cute stupid shab....
20 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Why are you listing horror movies?


im not listing horror movies, i only saw hellraiser but never saw saw, i read it also, i mean It, not saw. It was meh.


still need to read soremachi


i watched the anime, the girl had an annoying-cute voice


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File:GKsurO1aYAE_QLI.jpg (189.07 KB,1425x1980)


You have to wonder sometimes just how much of genderbender was spawned by Ranma. I know that's how I originally was introduced to it and Ranma hentai was one of my earlier faps, she's just so hot.
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Oh, and Xchange far, far, FAR less influential of course. I just thought I'd mention something


File:104941309_p0.jpg (2.43 MB,2778x2690)

I don't like how Mahiro's toes are long. I just want to JO to stumpy toe Mahiro.


are they really that long?


File:1648832578145.gif (1.02 MB,498x373)

I have to finish this sometime.


File:1497367646788.gif (1.22 MB,500x375)

Just watch it weekly like it was originally intended to be watched.

File:1444235186250.gif (442.92 KB,506x516)


How do you make bread crust?
No I don't want the rest
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>>74017 has it.

Do they have decent bread there? I was led to believe that their bread is sweetened.


kissu is a 14 year old girl


File:1713297049645898.gif (1000.52 KB,500x560)

But where do the insides go?


In the oven.


I don't like the crust so maybe we could get married and I'll eat the bread while you eat the crust

File:[SubsPlease] Re Monster - ….jpg (320.23 KB,1920x1080)


¥Day 1: Be born
¥Day 2: Achieve final gobbo form and take over village
¥Day 3: Ascend beyond that to demigodhood and acquire multiracial harem
¥Day 4: Eat god and ascend to the master of the universe
Isekai sure is a genre


File:[MTBB] Mushoku Tensei - 13….jpg (339.52 KB,1920x1080)

I think one of the hallmarks of a good isekai is that the protag still has room for growth, emotional and physical, past episode 3. It seems like this is a very rare thing


You're still watching this?

File:20240416_155753.jpg (282.42 KB,1000x1414)


Wait a minute... those aren't pants...


I Always liked Scott Pilgrim's style. It's an interesting hybrid style of East and West

File:36c6ef8939cda2a5468feb1cca….jpg (242.22 KB,495x600)


Type random shit using alt + the numpad and see what comes out

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File:3f5193f47a0fbe3bc226e86912….jpg (99.71 KB,800x1000)

You made me change my tab.




Here's some with Control+Shift+u:


File:marisa speak.png (119.87 KB,300x300)




File:8ef98f72b775ce1fe288b18326….jpg (404.2 KB,1280x1358)


Is it wrong to lewd cgdt/iyashikei characters? What's your opinion? I personally don't do it.
60 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:CGDCT.PNG (68.97 KB,861x966)

>The archive started around that time
The old.sage.moe archive goes back a couple more years.


Iinteresting read, reading the "origin" of CGDCT


File:nostradamus.PNG.png (17.2 KB,1357x214)


Reminds me of how 16bit Sensation's vision of 'Americanized anime' focused on gritty edgy shit. It doesn't seem to come up much in English-language discussions on the topic, but they're not wrong that a substantial portion of the anime that over-performs in the West is of that sort.


Still waiting for the adaptation of My Wife Is A Man.

File:[SubsPlease] The iDOLM@STE….jpg (127.68 KB,1280x720)


This is a Japanese American.
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The Cancerous American


The Crabby American


File:[HorribleSubs] Koisuru Ast….jpg (82.94 KB,439x615)



Woah it's a grown up twin


please play the shiny colors enza game instead guys, or watch it on youtube, it's basically a visual novel

File:holo have a nice a day.jpg (218.82 KB,897x647)


3 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:puffy vulva.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.9 KB,622x521)

Say the line.


File:Akebi's Sailor Uniform - S….png (3.87 MB,1920x1080)

Thanks Holo!



File:R-1712859505335.png (131.58 KB,800x800)

A nice day shall be had, indeed



The fuck is the problem with this Akebi.

File:lol.jpg (72.65 KB,1661x136)


Buy ze soap stinky: https://gelbooru.com/soap.html
12 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Uhh... make sure she never looks up the name...


File:weed 2.jpg (346.79 KB,1512x2150)

That reminds me, it's bicycle day next friday


File:d705ecc22b334e567bc928dd0f….png (500.54 KB,800x1299)

No worries, I only refer to her as such bc I'm the older sibling. We've both been in the sauce for decades and she mostly knows where to avoid nsfw content. She's aware it's a booru but still wants me to buy her a 9-pack of that soap haha


Sounds like you have a great imouto


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