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File:1642034525592.jpg (1.16 MB,1240x1754)


"Penis" is a very funny word but not "vagina". Why is that? Drawing penises is considered humorous but doing the same thing for vaginas would be considered obscene.


Because it's guy humor and cocks are silly


>"Penis" is a very funny word
Is it?
>but not "vagina"
Frankly, I find it quite amusing that it literally means sheath. This is also true for the Germanic Scheide or Skide or however the locals spell it. Reducing the vagina to its purpose as a hole to thrust into.

>but doing the same thing for vaginas would be considered obscene.
It's all over art though. Like the massive vaginas that appear in Dune/Star Wars and literally eat people.


drawing penises IS obscene what the hell

I always thought those were buttholes


Is femdom a feminist thing?


File:1704064581970.jpg (114.21 KB,456x456)

Ryuguu is a very funny word




I remember watching a standup and he joked about vagina sounding like an exotic car brand. "Come test drive the new Vagina" or something.
I think English lacks a good term for penis, stuff like 'cock' or 'dick' sounds too crude, but I guess they're slang that was developed for that purpose. So there's other ambiguous stuff like "member" or "his length" and other stuff. This is very obvious in AI ERP. I wonder how other language fare in this regard, although "chinpo" is probably funnier than "penis".
Sex talk in general is something I've generally found to be low quality; I think you're supposed to enjoy it a lot more if you're personally involved and the emotions override the dumbness. I think I would find the audio in H games to be a lot less erotic if I understood it.


>"Come test drive the new Vagina" or something.
Me when I hear anon's mother is in town


it may be that penis became sillier through contrast with rougher terms, its cognates in italian, spanish, etc i think are more formal but i really dunno why that's the case for english
look at how dumb this stuff is overall: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Thesaurus:penis
as for dialogue in japanese it's yeah a bit tarded (uwaa ippai detekita) but still erotic, really not that different from its translation

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