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File:1712513491776.jpeg (310.15 KB,1920x2530)


Look, I'm just saying. If I HAD to bang a dude.....


you don't
NO one will put you in that position, ever.
so why do you keep bringing this up?


happens all the time. had it happen to me on /jp/ 5 times in the past week


Do we really need four threads about this shota now?


all with the same op image too, sigh


The average Kissu Mansion resident.


Where is the pocky in the mouth?
Where is the hair clip?
Where is the eye patch?
Where is the ahoge?


But why? He looks like he's got no upper body strength, his dick probably couldn't even make it out from between his thighs, and he's so full of estrogen his sperm probably couldn't make you pregnant even if he could get it in.


so what's the problem again


I would just pin him down, close his soft thighs and thigh fuck him with the head of my penis rubbing up and down his smooth balls. him cumming or doing anything psychical is not needed, not for me anyway.


File:045.png (403.91 KB,1153x844)

What if they gave him boobs?


Nah, give him budding boobs, like maybe A-cups, like enough that he needs a small bra or something.




File:1607238774152.jpg (755.38 KB,800x1120)

kino no kimo


That's pretty tame honestly.


whats wrong with you
why are you such a sick freak
leave the boi alone


File:[SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - ….jpg (278.27 KB,1920x1080)

Sorry /jp/, he's taken.


me on the left

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