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File:spring 2024 seasonal chart.png (6.75 MB,2519x3850)

 No.122445[View All]

It's spring!


What are you planning on watching? Have any suggestions or recommendations?
191 posts and 101 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I was thinking about Sentai's plot a bit, not a spoiler manga reader, but it seems like Blue got coup'd. So I'm not sure if D is dead or not and it if it's just a prank


I dropped Sonny Boy at episode 3 and only went back to finish it because the people calling it AOTY strongarmed me into it. It was a bad show all throughout, with the possible exception of episode 4, and was only bearable when Y.Aoi was talking.


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Sounds like you got filtered.


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I really like 7th Prince's story and art even though it's all slop


yea i bet you like the art


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Then I ended up watching the old OVAs and it reminded me why I kinda hated the old slime before Rimuru became a Demon Lord, and it's how odd everything feels. There's a distinct lack of maturity and misalignment of actions/consequences and what's shown on screen. It never really felt like anything mattered much either and was just happening because it advanced the story, I guess in short it lacked purpose. Like with this scene where the kids are ambushed by some thieves inhabiting the cave they were meant to train in and get into a fight. It's treated as more of a joke encounter where the villains are beaten up and arrested but at one point the bandit leader slashes one of the kids across the stomache drawing blood. You'd think this would be a serious event but he's just healed up quickly and it's also passed off as part of the joke.... It just feels off.


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Actually why is Slime so insanely popular in the first place? IT doesn't really do anything different or exceptionally well. It's not even really the most well animated of the bunch. It just kinda exists as a likeable product.


think of it like the replacement to "Fairy Tail" in the age-demographic


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I guess that kinda makes sense. All the other isekai either target teens or adults or are extremely turd-like.


i wouldn't say that any isekai other than the older ones target a more mature demographic. Most of them are very childlike


yeah very childlike but usually in a more teeny way
slime's kinda really tame in comparison


like usually other isekai are ripe with irony or meta jokes or edge


Isn't salad bowl's OP similar to tatami galaxy...


I think it actually targets an older demographic. Its appeal is in how it delves into the organizational aspect of things.
Then you would be very wrong, unless you use "mature" just as an insult against adults who like isekai.


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Astro Note is really fun! >>>/poll/4076 seems to be right and it's getting a bit crazier as the mp4 I posted in >>123800 kind of hints at. It's still quite restrained, but the groundwork is there. The wild stuff is good, but the regular human interaction between fun characters is the highlight to me.
I think people will regret watching this 'live' if they miss out on it.


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Love the tenshi anime
cant believe it will end in just eight episodes.......


I've been thinking about it more and I think salad bowl was inspired a lot by the director style of Yuasa who did Eizouken, Mind Game, Tatami galaxy etc.


and the art style of One Room


You think Salad Bowl was? What makes you say that.


funny horo ear dance gif!


I only really see similarities between the OPs. It sounds somewhat similar and uses real life imagery like the Tatami Galaxy OP.



Is it just me or is Salad Bowl's art quality dropping?


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Hmm I'll give you my opinion in a couple days when I watch the latest episode. That's unfortunate if it's true, although it's not really a spectacular looking show to begin with (but still fantastic)


There's a lot of contenders for kissu's AOTS this season. Two originals (Jellyfish and Train), Konosuba, Yuru Camp, Urusei Yatsura, and Spice and Wolf. Surprisingly, my favorite isn't among these.


Spice and Wolf will always be one of my favorite anime of all time so I think it's unfair for me to really consider it in this season when it's a remake.


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I've watched it now. I don't really sense any quality drop. Maybe you're referring to the moments of talking where it wasn't animated much? That wasn't really new to this episode.


He's referring to the two-tone hair.


Womanizer tensei was alright, because it didn't have Rudy be a hero. But the plot completely sidestepped the idea that she hates her brother and redirected the idea that she has contempt for being compared to him onto some monologues about him being misunderstood. Makes no sense, human god at it again distorting all logic.

Oh no, turning point 3




am out of entertainment so think I'm going to watch some Hibike


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he's incomprehensibly op lmao, >>>/jp/74707 in shambles


We truly were the An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride.


holo seems like a realistic character


izutsumi is so cute


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The cutest 3D wolf!


Ok. So here's the setup, Norn doesn't want to be compared to her brother because she thinks he's a bad person. So she decides to shut herself away to stop being compared to him.
But why does she shy away from saying that she doesn't like him or show external frustration in it?
The story presents it not as a situation where the comparision itself is bad, but that she's seen as having to strive towards an objective of becoming like her brother who she doesn't like.
If she doesn't like someone and realizes they're not a bad person does that solve the issue of being constantly seen as someone's brother ?
Wounds don't heal in a night though, it's not a realistic way for a person to resolve the situation. They would be more ambivalent to the idea of someone's existence, but they wouldn't outright accept them right away. It would still be annoying.
So Norn smilling at rudeus doesn't actually make sense.

But then this setup is just about Norn removing herself from society over her brother. Such a thing seems rather odd since not everything the school talks about is her brother. She would be able to escape it to some degree and go somewhere else. Someone like her would probably just run away into the city, but we can't have a female character engaging with someone male off screen if it's not about sex.
Again the story portrays everything a character directly involved with Rudeu's revolving around his existence

Just weak writting.


also you might have missed it, but turning point 3 So I think the plot will start moving back towards magic and mystery rather than how hard Rudy's life is. Which is good


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Mmm, yeah I can't really disagree. It was completely centered around Rudeus, but that's basically the entire theme of the show. It adds to the whole isekai fantasy about being the center of the universe. It really is strange how the situation is considered fixed now. I guess it's possible that the LN has more nuance since it has far more time to do things, but probably not.


This nuance is why the Monogatari series is good. Because when it starts getting more into the characters it presents situations in ways that they're not resolved, but the characters can move on with their lives


The development was a bit fast, I can agree on that. But I don't think you're quite on the mark about why Norn was removing herself from class and holing up in her room. In part I think you could say that she thought Rudeus was a bad person, but that thought process didn't really align with all the events that occurred after she arrived at his mansion, nor did it line up with the impressions of Rudeus others around her had. In this way Norn was being stubborn because the first impression of Rudeus she had was so strong that she couldn't simply let it go and instead chose to deny reality. Wanting to get away from her brother and have nothing to do with him, she's assaulted by the barrage of questions asked of her and comparisons made between her and Rudeus. But because of her own willful retention of that first impression and denial of Rudeus she's unable to form connections with those around her through small talk which is most always started through trying to form a connection with her through her brother given his fame. She doesn't make her dislike known to everyone though so she isolates herself instead hating the expectations placed on her by the person she sees as trash. Rudeus opening himself up to her and apologizing works more as a way to show his own vulnerability and offer Norn a way to view him without seeing it as a facade to trick her. In that sense it's able to break through those first impressions and allow herself to accept him as her brother.

I think the author probably suffered as a hikkikomori himself for a time and as such wanted to write a nice recovery for Norn that breaks her out of her shell and allows her to live a happy life. It's more self-fulfillment fantasy on his end than an analysis of the greater human condition like Monogatari.


tsukimichi is really flippin annoying to watch in weekly format
definitely the kind of anime to watch all at once


rudeus just needs to flip norn already


Did it start getting good enough to feel like one episode isn't enough?


has always been the same for me
but I am a biased manga reader


thought it was interesting but the plot was too free form


I don't think it's really a matter of something being good enough or not to need more than an episode. I can watch an episode of Hidamari or Aria, and even some more plot heavy anime while feeling totally satisfied. But with Tsukimichi every episode feels like it's running out of time to get to something interesting and is always just building up to things more than executing those build-ups. Leading you to want for those moments more and just get the buildup over with already. It'd be better if I were marathoning it since I'd be able to reach the satisfying pay off asap instead of needing to wait a week to see if something happens this episode or not. All watching it weekly really does is make me feel impatient.

Also probably doesn't help that there's not much to dwell on in an episode so all I'm really left with is a desire to be entertained more.


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Good ol' dumb gamer fun (actually they're hacking).
This Yozakura show has stayed silly and fun.

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