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R:414 / I:158
Have you played any "ero" (a Japanese word meaning 'erotic') games lately?
R:7 / I:0
Once AI becomes good enough to truly replace lawyers, would it be ethical to deploy them for the task?
R:80 / I:24

Dead Dead Demon's DeDeDeDe Destruction Stream

In 1 hour and 30 minutes I'm going to be streaming DDD DDDD D episodes 1 to 9. (no episode 0 for today since it breaks the chronology and pacing)

On https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri

We'll be using a new locally hosted video stream system, so if you want you can open up the stream in VLC directly by using the files in https://rtmp.kissu.moe/streams/verniy.json when it's ready
It's a 1080p stream so I might switch to individual 720P files(the traditional method) if it doesn't work out.

The anime? It's by the author who did Oyasumi PunPun. It's better if you know less about it, but the animation and music are great.
R:13 / I:7
I've taken notice of my poor health and mental faculties and I think that my diagnosis is I need more sleep. The issue with this is that I don't know how to sleep early or long and my brain resists the urge to give up precious time to be doing other things besides lying still. How do you convince yourself to sleep?
R:206 / I:68

Video Games

General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
R:260 / I:137

Manga Thread

So the DDDDD thread made me realize that kissu doesn't really have any threads dedicated to manga that I could find. The focus seems to be too much on seasonal anime. I realize that this is because manga is much harder to find/follow than seasonal stuff as there are no clear guidelines for it and Westerners don't read comics nearly as much as the Japanese do.

Anyway, what manga have you been reading recently? I just read the latest chapter of Shimeji Simulation a few days ago. As with anything made by Tsukumizu so far it is great. Definitely recommend it to everyone here and I do hope it eventually gets an anime adaption as well like SSR.
R:78 / I:31

Autumn 2024 Anime

It's time to cool off with the 2024 autumn season!
Does anything catch your eye? Do you think you'll fall in love with a show? Do we need more sequels?
R:1684 / I:326
mamoru blog
R:4 / I:3
Silly Kurumi, you can't do magic without the state authorizing you magic iPhone access!
R:361 / I:89

Dreams thread

What have you been dreaming recently?
R:333 / I:32
What music has /qa/ been listening to lately?
R:10 / I:3
It's interesting coming back to this video over a decade later. 4chan is still terrible (obviously) but I'm not sure if it's for the same reasons as the video originally described. Rather, it seems that his complaints now apply more to the mainstream internet as a whole, especially social media.
R:27 / I:14
It's been a while since I've actively used this site.

Something that struck me on my return was just how much more imageboard-y it had become in my absence. Posts like >>133721 contain a kind of real-lifey cynicism that I generally didn't see that much before. There's also more social media speak, although I can't find any specific examples off the top of my head. I remember someone saying "bend the knee" though. It's not a huge difference, mind you, but it's definitely there, and I don't like it.

I've also noticed that there's a lot more generals, which I'm not a fan of. A large part of what I liked about Kissu was the site's hostility to them, where you were encouraged to either make new threads for new topics. Again, not a huge increase, but it's something that stood out to me just casually browsing

I'm probably not going to stick around. Partially because of the cultural shift, but also I'm just not interested in topicless imageboards as a whole anymore, and Kissu has been very much that since pretty early in its existence.
R:600 / I:114

imageboard happenings thread

Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning imageboards, textboards or related stuff here. This thread is for a more centralized place of limited discussion, but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed.
Imageboard Happening Archives

This thread is cyclical with old replies removed as new posts are made.
Last Archived: February 7th, 2023
R:54 / I:37

Utawarerumono Thread!

I'm reading through Uta 2 and 3 again with someone else in the VN thread planning to read it soon, so I think Utawarerumono deserves its own thread again! I did manage to take two previous Utawarerumono /qa/ threads to bump limit back when Season 3 of the anime was airing back in 2022 so let's go for a third!
R:430 / I:366


pouting at the fact that kissu has a bump limit
R:8 / I:3
R:359 / I:130


Didn't have any basil for my pizza so I put thyme on it instead.
It's not a bad substitute. It's pretty good in its own right.
R:3 / I:1
I'm going to reread Higurashi from the beginning after completing 7/8 of the original arcs then stopping several years ago - I don't remember why. However the console arcs seem complicated and I'm unsure of the order in which I should read them. Going with how the series was originally released, I feel I should read the original 8, then Rei, then the console arcs in chronological order.

Please, give me your advice.
R:86 / I:26
I am considering going on a carnivore diet. Nothing fancy, prolly just ground beef, eggs, and dairy products every day. I've tried more "balanced" diets before and I never felt any better. Lately I've been very depressed and started putting on weight, so I'm interested in seeing what life will be like cutting out carbs almost completely. I understand there are some risks because there hasn't been much research on these types of diets, but I don't really care about anything right now.

R:4 / I:2
How do you tell if you're dehydrated? Managing water intake seems like one of the most important health retention tips.
R:363 / I:88

Japanese Learning Thoughts

I want to nakadashi *girl* has become a popular phrase on imageboards (mostly 4chan). But it's a mix of Japanese and English. If I was going to say "I want to cum inside Holo" fully in Japanese, how would I go about doing that? In the English sentence, nakadashi is a loan word and it is the action being done, but in Japanese I don't think 中出し is a verb. Can it be verbified by adding する to it? And then you conjugate it to say you "want" to do it. So the end result would be 私はホロで中出ししたい which would translate to I want to cum inside Holo. Am I correct?

Japanese is fun to learn.
R:7 / I:4
I'm 33 years old, and from elementary school up until now I've had a huge crush on Kinomoto Sakura and I think I will keep loving her until the day that I die.
Is there something wrong with my brain?
R:818 / I:48

random youtube/nico/etc videos

Have you watched anything neat on youtube or similar sites lately? Don't just link it, mention why you like it!
This is a re-enactment of the American Psycho dubs man scene with Weird Al and Huey Lewis. There's some very nice attention to detail and the humor is great. Somehow it's 7 years old and I never saw it.
R:6 / I:0
So who is to blame for this atrocity on art?
R:214 / I:54

Media News Thread

This is a thread for sharing general news about anime or video games or other entertainment that you don't feel like making a thread for.

I find myself not wanting to make a new thread for stuff and then I either forget about it or I put it in the blog thread as a last resort, which is quite awkward. Maybe other people feel that way, too. Well, here's an attempt to fix that.
This is not a containment area for such news, rather it's just a more centralized thread to put it when you don't want to create a new thread to share some info before moving on to something else.
R:12 / I:0
I'm a latin american BR working remotely "with" U.S. companies, not "at" them. Essentially, I'm a middle manager between Latin American contractors and U.S. clients. I make $50k a year in what's basically a NEET job, just doing 1:1s with developers, clients, and handling invoicing. I barely work 2 hours a day.

You’d think I have it pretty good, being from a third world country and barely working, but then I look at the FAANG managers and directors I deal with and they're making anywhere from $250k to $500k a year. With that kind of salary, I could retire in a year in my country.

How do they even get into these positions?

When I check their LinkedIn profiles, most of them started as directors or program managers right off the bat... Meanwhile, I had to start as an intern. Honestly, I feel like where I’m at now is as good as it gets if I want to keep this a NEET job. But if you think differently, enlighten me
R:103 / I:68
media screenshot/video thread for stuff you don't necessarily want to make a thread for
R:124 / I:47
This is a thread for discussing and planning streams that people can host using kissu's own anonymity-supporting cytube fork at https://theatre.kissu.moe/! People can and should make threads for the big day so they can post images and stuff and be more in control, but a thread to talk about stuff was suggested and I think it's a good idea.
I think I'll edit this OP to coincide with planned streams as well.
R:634 / I:284

Giving Back to Kissu

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
R:330 / I:152

Summer 2024 Anime

The scorching heat of summer has arrived and it's time for a new round of shows to distract us from our bodies melting!


What are you going to watch?
Will Oshi no Ko give Kana official main character status as she deserves? Is the time of /qa/ belly anime finally here? Will the fansubs of Dedede save us from mediocrity?
R:122 / I:42

puzzle thread

R:117 / I:40

Mahjong Riichi

Other thread hit bump limit.
R:285 / I:161

/qa/ bump when drunk

R:330 / I:166


Have you been working on anything? Art, programming, etc.
R:3 / I:1
Just saw a
R:18 / I:5
>2 years into quiet quitting
>still with the company
I'm basically a NEET and no one can stop me.
Any of you doing the same?
R:12 / I:8

Who likes to draw pantsu?

Hello again. I made this request twice last year but no one had the time. I'm making it again hoping someone wants to be the hero we need.

We are working towards this year's Christmas present for anon: A "restored" version of Onimai that will have many improvement's over last years' release. A revised English translation, corrected color, many scenes that were "censored" on the BD restored to the TV version and many other things. One thing I _really_ want to include is a restored panty shot from episode 2. But so far I haven't been able to get anyone willing to edit/redraw these 30 or so frames. I am dumping these frames again with corrected colors/chroma today in the hopes that someone will rise to the challenge.

This archive has all the frames (and a few on either side) of the censored pantsu shot. It's the typical modern day "black void" pantsu shot being used in most modern anime. We would like to restore it to what it was intended to be. If you're willing please let us know. You have a chance here to insert your own little easter egg (perhaps a cute picture of a rabbit?) on the pantsu.

Link to archive: https://files.catbox.moe/c9u1al.7z

They are in uncompressed .bmp RGB32 format. I ask that you please do not change the color space and return them in the same image format if possible. If these are not workable for you let me know and I will try to dump them in whatever image format you prefer. Whatever you send back is going to have to be re-inserted into the episode itself and converted back to YV12 color space. I've attempted to properly convert them to RGB32 for you. If I fucked up do let me know. They are 123MB in .7z compressed archive and will uncompress to about 500MB. Please be mindful not to rename any of the files. As the number is linked to frame numbers on my end!

There are only about 20-30 frames total that need to be edited. The rest are duplicates or appear before or after the pantsu would.

Thanks for your attention!
R:4 / I:3

Autumn Reitaisai 11

Less than a month left for ARTS11.

Are you planning to go? What releases are you looking forward to?

The previous day, there is also a concert by ButaOtome, Sekkenya and Reirou no Hydrangea: https://tiget.net/events/326809
R:10 / I:3
PANNY CHAN!!!!!!!!!!
R:267 / I:100

/qa/ works out!

Whenever you see this thread go and get some exercise! You can't just laze around all day as a NEET!
R:3 / I:1
R:170 / I:89

MS Paint drawthread

/qa/! It's time to show off your MS paint skills! Try drawing a character and seeing if others can guess at who it is. Starting off with an iconic one so that the first picture isn't impossible...
R:89 / I:13


So /qa/, which is it? Do you stay true to your Japanese spirit or are the enticements from the west just too alluring?
R:117 / I:28

Neat websites

Found a neat youtube player
R:68 / I:41

Spice and Wolf

Kissu people are talking Spice and Wolf quite a bit lately in relation to the remake, so I decided to watch the original. I'm still in the process of marathoning it, but I can definitely see why people like it so much. I avoided it because of the merchant stuff which I HATE, but the parts unrelated to spreading human misery are very good!
"Why did you make the thread before you finished it?" you might ask. Well, because my neck hurts from laying in bed watching it for 6 hours and I don't want to go into spoiler territory in the OP.

Anyway, I figure a centralized place to talk about the show and manga and whatever else might be a good idea since people are so eager to talk about it (including me now!)
R:6 / I:5
Would you pick freedom over love?
R:7 / I:4
weensperm boson
R:10 / I:2
People have complained in the past about a catalog-centric way of viewing boards on /qa/, but is it really that bad of a thing for some people to have it as their default view? As a primary benefit, I'd say that browsing from the catalog tends to increase the use of threads past the first page and keeps new eyes on threads. I think that this really helps to promote more long lasting discussion than pure index viewing does.
R:112 / I:68

Factorio Space Exploration Server Thread

Server isn't up

We're fast-approaching the time of year where plenty of people are available, and there's a lull in media content to keep people entertained. So, I was thinking it'd be a great time to start up a Factorio server and play with Kissu! The plan is to play on a really big modpack known as Space Exploration which should ensure the server lasts a long while, and also that every person can be helpful even if they're new and it's late into the game. You see, this particular Factorio modpack revamps and expands Factorio beyond the typical endgame where you need to build a rocket out of the world, to where you will now need to escape the entire stellar cluster! Utilizing multiple planets and a space base in the process to reach this goal, Space Exploration forces the players to learn every aspect of it to keep their factory properly running. Especially with the added feature of bot decay which really changes the dynamic of the late game.

With all that said, I think it'd be good to get a head start and begin to discuss things related to Factorio related to optimizing Factories, or maybe even teaching new players/people that want to test things out how it all works. There's a lot to learn about the game and it can make it feel a bit daunting to new people at the start, so if you want to try starting up a world and seeing what makes sense and what doesn't initially I highly recommend it! Also remember that the server will be a group effort so there's no need to worry if you're not particularly good at one aspect since others should be able to help out as well!

I'll be available in the steam chat ( https://s.team/chat/NUIbnP7U ) to give anyone who may want to try out the game a copy, or you can pirate it and download the mods yourself if you so wish to do so. I plan on actually opening up the server sometime a little after Christmas, so there should be plenty of time to talk in here before then.
R:21 / I:8
If vern likes Chinese culture so much, how come he hasn't played the new Taiwanese metroidvania to show his support for their indie studios? Or does the sight of a fox make the vermin scatter?
R:67 / I:31

Dragon's Dogma 2

Played DD2. Some fps issues in the main city, and at infrequent moments out in the world, but aside from that was at a frequent 60+ with RTX on. From what I can see the whole "Mostly Negative" thing on steam is from people getting outraged over mtx that are basically the same thing that Capcom's done in all their other games and people that have more major performance issues. Aside from that I've been having a lot of fun, the game's good. Opening isn't as bombastic as the first though so some people may take issue with that, and there's a bit of minor nitpicks that people may have, but on the whole it's still the same good DD gameplay that people know and love. Supposedly with a much longer story and bigger map if leaks are to be believed.

I made a Fern pawn as you can't make loli ones anymore so Schierke wasn't possible. She got a fair bit of usage so far.
R:25 / I:14
How do I stop becoming jaded? Every time I find a new hobby or interest, after I spend enough time with it I inevitably encounter the "community" surrounding it and become exposed to people and ideas that make me disgusted with the thing I initially liked. I'm beginning to believe that the only correct solution is to avoid developing an attachment to anything beyond a surface level interest.
R:10 / I:1
Would you say that Skyrim was actually a good game?
R:19 / I:5
What would happen if we made it a requirement for girls to have at least one child to graduate from compulsory education, two to get a college degree, and three for a graduate degree? Would it work to counter the tendency of wealthier, higher-educated people to have fewer children? Or the fears about career development being hampered by the year of vacation?
R:8 / I:4
Just finished the main campaign for Space Marine 2 and it was almost great. I liked the first one and this game felt like I was playing a sequel that released only a few years after the first one, in a good way, for about 85% of the game. My primary complaint, the main campaign content feels too short for a $60 game. I finished it in 9hrs on the 2nd highest difficulty. Also the ending of the campaign felt half baked compared to the rest of the game; not that it was terrible but it become a lot cheesier and the story beats seemed like the authors were working on time budget and had to wrap things up.

I wished the tomb world was more awoken and we got to fight the necrons too. There's an audio log, collectable that even suggests as much should be happening.
R:2 / I:1
So I forgot I had a Madokami account that I hadn't logged into years but somehow something put it into my head again, and I go to login and manage to get it with the first try despite it long being out of my browsing routine. No "check your email or phone for verification" no "You must reset your password" No suspicious login blocked!" or even a "Your account has been disabled due to inactivity" even.

Why can't the rest of the web be this good still? Things should just werk.
R:3 / I:2
"They" don't want you to divide vectors by vectors, but it's one of the easiest to understand operations you can define. We'd like a scalar q that makes qB = A, but that's not always possible, so pick the value of q that gets as close as possible, minimizing the size of the remainder R = A - qB. This happens when qB is the component of A parallel to B, and R is the component of A perpendicular to B. We'll call q the scalar quotient and write it as A/B.
R:304 / I:127

Visual Novels

Do you read them? I started reading .jpg related because of that one anon who loves it so much. I find it very soothing so far.
However this is not a thread for only this one, but for visual novels in general. I thought the board was kind of missing one.
R:23 / I:11
Does NBR really matter if the sister is still beaming with brocon energy? Sure, being related by blood is ideal, but if the siblings are highly compatible with each other then isn't that just as good?
R:62 / I:13
Have you seen the storytime generals on 4/a/? I ended up checking out the ShimSim one after the manga ended and it looks like a qualitatively new thing. A new historical epoch.
They're basically a chain of chapter dumps, sustained by a dedicated OP and a group of people interested in reading whatever manga manages to get traction, a notoriously rare thing to happen. At the end, the OP may announce what they're going to dump next, and the community will move on to that as well. They differ from regular ol' dumps in that they carry around in-jokes and all that as well as getting perpetually bumped and remade like a standard general. Right now there's even some friction between /tkmiz/ and the storytime's community, mainly over the former's liberal use of spoilers.

It's like, rather than a segregated topic growing a micro-community, it's a micro-community hopping from topic to topic. Turned the whole thing on its head.
R:16 / I:13
I really like this face
R:8 / I:4
R:4 / I:0
You know people like to go on and on about how villains make a piece of media and whatnot, writing endlessly about them to the point you'd think the heroes are irrelevant. But that's not true, the heroes can be just as pivotal as the villains to a great story, and possibly even more of a driving force behind how beloved a series is. The connection is just more important and thus more complicated for most writers to comprehend how to make the audience truly root for a hero.
R:17 / I:13

Cool weapons!

From pointy sticks to plasma cannons, what are you favorite weapons in real life or fantasy? Weapons are more than just implements of destruction, they represent the culture and time period around them, and many cultures find certain types to be sacred or at least ceremonial. In fantasy they can similarly be an important part of worldbuilding, or more importantly just be really cool. Even wizards often need a good item in their hand to cast their magic.
Cuteness is not considered a weapon in regards to this thread!
R:6 / I:1

Movies and Films

Has /qa/ watched any movies or films lately? What did you think about them?
R:13 / I:3

Music in Media

Do people really not take note of the OST of anime/games while enjoying them? I find it really hard not to notice since the sound in media I find to be one of the more important facets of its enjoyability. Like take this scene from the most recent episode of Nige Jouzu for instance, the OST during bursts with obvious Lupin influence and it makes sense given that Tokiyuki's playing thief and also making his big escape during the scene. The bombastic more samba-ish style fits very well with it and provides a more exciting scene due to it. If it weren't there and it was just some normal epic orchestral soundtrack the difference would be astronomical I feel. You wouldn't have the same lighthearted adventurish feeling to the scene that relays Tokiyuki's own emotions.

Similarly in something like SH2 after Pyramid head kills Maria after you make your escape without her, this plays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcsySeJSVD0 . It's somber and slow, amplifies the guilt James feels and forces you to dwell on your actions even if it's one of the parts of the game that can't be avoided, you don't know that. The impact wouldn't linger as long without the OST pulling you back into it.

So I really have to wonder if people that say they don't notice actually don't notice, or if they just don't think too much on it.
R:12 / I:6

When was this sites boom period?

Hello Kissu! I am an interdimensional image board traveler and want to know when this site had its golden era. Thank you!
R:3 / I:2
I'd like to see Greg Egan's Orthogonal trilogy adapted into an anime.
The setting is a universe with an alternate law of physics whose consequences include that
¥ light of different colours travels at different speeds and there is no maximum speed of light
¥ liquids largely don't exist as a state of matter, they're all explosively unstable
¥ temperature acts weirdly (I didn't quite understand it from the books and Greg's website but it seems like the characters use gases as a way to dump arbitrarily high amounts of heat energy from their bodies)
¥ the direction of the arrow of time is determined by local conditions (entropy I guess) and in the greater 4-dimensional universe, the worldlines of objects can go in any direction. You can be hit by a tiny meteorite whose worldline is perpendicular to yours, which you will experience as something traveling infinitely fast, punching a great hole through your stuff and massively damaging it
¥ related to the above, it's possible for time-reversed matter to interact with ordinary matter and both see time running backwards (e.g. objects reforming from a broken state) for the other
and more.

The consequence of the alternate physics most important to the plot is that it is possible for a spacecraft to accelerate away from a planet so that it is travelling infinitely fast, i.e. 'sideways' in 4D space relative to that planet, then turn around and return, such that a short time passes for the planet's inhabitants but many generations pass on the spacecraft. (In our universe, it's the other way around, a lot of time can pass for Earth but the spacecraft ages less)
The plot is a multi-generational drama centered on precisely such a spacecraft, which the inhabitants of the planet built to buy time against a world-ending catastrophe.

Now, a problem I have with Greg Egan's books is that I never really like the characters, I'm only there for the math and physics. The characters tend to be annoying, unlikeable 'Young Adult protagonist' snarkers, and I never care about their stupid emotional problems. The plots mostly aren't interesting to me (Orthogonal's plot is one of his better ones, he successfully portrays the epic scope of the mission). When it comes to religion and woo, the author has the attitude and zeal of a reddit atheist transplanted from the 00s and so he'll write about a Victorian-analogue society inhabited by people who have never so much as thought about religion (because the author has resolved to never include religion in his stories), not that this stops them from being backwards and unenlightened relative to the protagonist who fucking loves science. Which brings me to the point about adapting it to an anime. In the anime adaptation, you could improve the characters by cutting the YA snarkiness and replacing it with anime earnestness. And after making that fix, please make all the female characters oppai loli mini giantesses (Pic semi-related. Females in the setting are already canonically larger than the males, the species has important differences from humans and Earth life in general. IIRC there is a scene where a female chases down a male and pins him, wanting to be bred by him, and that is where the idea entered my mind and would not leave.) The setting is one that would bring a lot of eye candy to the screen, with its multicoloured star trails, explosions, glowing rainbow plants, spaceships, relativistic effects and so on.
R:25 / I:12
Are mmf threesomes gay? Do you think it's strange that something that is 200% straight for girls is questionably homosexual for guys? Or is it just the equivalent of girls doing yuri-play?
R:31 / I:8
Zippyshare will shut down by the end of this month.
I think the impact is limited since it's meant as temporary file hosting, but a small number of files have survived for much longer due to continued downloads.
If you know some old files you want on Zippyshare like those on some DDL sites, download them now.

On the other hand, if Mediafire was to go down, the impact would be much larger since lots of files on it are now over a decade old. The same can be said for Mega due to the huge amount of files shared on it.
R:11 / I:4
What's with the recent influx of shows using these anime-character-on-real-background OPEDs? I can't help but associate the style with 2000s DeviantArt teens, so it feels strange to me that we've had four or five of them in the last couple seasons.

Do you like the style or does it feel as out of place as the aforementioned internet posts always did?
R:114 / I:45
Every time I see an artist that draws Blue Archive it's always lolis. Is the game just that chock full of them that it's all there is to draw? It really tempts me to try it out, but my distaste for gacha is still stronger. Only by a little bit...
R:51 / I:10

No, it's not April 1st. Could this all be because of the social media response to that Japanese ad? It is pretty funny since 'WcDonald's' is indeed something that pops up now and then in anime and manga. If they did this 20-30 years ago it would have been witty and kind of cool, but it feels kind of late now.
The style here is very 90s Western anime imitation, especially the Miku. You need to download the usual spyware app to see the comics, so screw that.
R:194 / I:34
what OP/EDs do you like? I was thinking about the popularity of LycoReco when it came out and how nice it'd be to see more anime inspired by gunslinger girl since that was one hell of a boson anime. the OP for it being one of my favorites and having that early 2000s english indie song for its op. also do you remember that in the same season lycoreco aired there was another original anime "engage kiss" that failed miserably and was just a soulless gacha cashgrab checking boxes to try and hook a playerbase, lycoreco had no tie-in and was the biggest anime besides bocchi so goes to show how far creating something good takes you compared to trying to cash out on the trendy market researched ideal money printer
R:7 / I:5
I've legitimately never heard anyone say anything about about this manga.

Is there anything else as beloved as Soremachi?
R:135 / I:86
Is /qa/ going to watch the new Monogatari?
R:7 / I:3
Taking photos of the night sky sure is hard
R:115 / I:71
It's funny how Oshi no Ko seems to have forgotten that Ruby existed, which is kind of good. But, I feel like Kana isn't getting enough focus. I think it's obvious to everyone that she's the best character.
When Kana isn't on screen the other characters should say "Hey, where's Kana?"
R:122 / I:46
You're watching the four gorgeous shows currently airing, right? It's amazing to see these every week. Dungeon Meshi and Urusei Yatsura extend into Spring, but I'm definitely going to miss Undead and Frieren. I feel like the "anime is terrible since ####" people really need to actually pay attention.
R:15 / I:6

Anime Streaming Sites and C&D

Aniwave, formerly 9anime, is dead among many others killed by a big C&D wave by corporate media fags who have been getting really aggressive with their attacks recently. It's causing a lot of paranoia. Sucks since they had a really nice UI and I liked episode comments.
Just giving a heads up if you're on a streaming site that isn't dead you should probably finish up what you're watching or back it up. If you're getting your stuff through the usual methods then you should be fine for the time being, but something to keep an eye on if you aren't already.
R:126 / I:46

Armored Core

I am... a Raven!
R:41 / I:16
I was worried about the new Geass because of that one post about it being not as good, but watching the first ep it was pretty much what I'd want out of Geass (maybe a bit more fanservice would be nice though). It was over the top, full of style, and most importantly fun. That's the one thing that made Geass the masterpiece it was, it was a masterclass in bringing fun to the audience and getting you excited. If this anime can bring back that feeling of hype and not get into the weeds about 'proper writing' this/ironic meta references that then it should be great.

Looking forwards to the rest of this. Also the CG wasn't bad at all.
R:854 / I:147

News Thread

Have you read any interesting articles lately? Anything news worthy you think kissu would want to know about?
R:23 / I:6

Lazy Food Procuring

This year was the first time I ordered groceries online and had it delivered to the door. It's really weird and feels futuristic. It's not good for everything, such as wanting to actually look at raw vegetables or just browsing, but it's really nice. I even ordered some frozen yogurt to see what would happen and it came in some layered cardboard pouch thing that did a great job of keeping it cool. There's also subscription options so it happens automatically, but I think I'm going to hold off on doing that for now. I've also started ordering some bulk cereal and protein bars on amazon and it seems pretty efficient. I think I'm going to look up to see if Costco supports this stuff.
When I told my mom about it she said this stuff is bad for society because people need to go out and socialize and I don't think she's wrong exactly, but not everyone enjoys being surrounded by people. *cough*

Have you done this stuff before? I think I'm late the party in trying it.
R:261 / I:156
Do you have any experience gardening?
I decided that I'm going to attempt gardening this year. My dad grew up on a farm and we had crops in the backyard when I was a kid. I still have the old tilling machine that's in good shape and some other rusty tools, but I don't have a hammer to mine silver from nearby rocks so I won't be able to upgrade the stuff.
I think it's too late for my geographic location to start growing early Spring stuff from seeds, so I need to buy some that are already a few weeks old from a local nursery, or maybe online? This stuff sounds kind of fun as long as your expectations are reasonable.
R:11 / I:2
How does one maintain a youthful appearance past their actual youth? I think I look alright for my age, but I worry about years from now, especially since my diet and lifestyle aren't exactly the best.
R:85 / I:7

Kaiji Stream

9 Episodes: Janken arc.

If anyone has an issue with 6PM EST let me know and we can do 7PM EST.

8PM EST is likely not possible

Stream on https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri
R:45 / I:18

Gacha Thread

Have you ever spent money on gacha? Do you regret it?
R:117 / I:40
Are tabletop games a good way to make friends
R:3 / I:1


Youtube thread. Post random videos you thought were interesting.
R:9 / I:6
Never apologize. Never back down. Insist on your correctness until the bitter end.
R:11 / I:4
A 16 year wave has finally dissipated; the high mark witnessed.
ZUN didn't even apply for Comiket as a circle this year; he is just attending for fun and I hope he has a good time.
R:9 / I:4
How much rubberbanding do you like? Do you like having the ability to recover from any position with a little luck or is it just a frustration that prevents you from competing on skill?
R:9 / I:4
How's public transport around your area? We've talked about it before several times but it was more about theory/principles rather than the tangible state of affairs.

Recently a globetrotter train ota came by and his blogging did some bazuru locally, which I found fairly fun to read. His sasuga over old Toshiba-kun still working, saying a stop is otogibanashi no you na, his empanada food blog, and the comparisons he makes to other countries or the stuff he points out, very neat. You can read it here:
https://nitter.poast.org/taisetsukuzure (he's getting accosted)
There's a noticeable difference between the 80s Japanese cars and the modern Chinese ones, not just that each has its own runic inscriptions but that there's a tech difference of thirty years, like the fancy rail line map with lights, or Nagoya 5000's having a degree of asbestos. There's a ton of different batches operated concurrently, it's all over the place and a major pain in the ass financially and technically:
A subway line I usually take runs Mitsubishi Eidan alongside Spanish CAF 6000, and the most prominent difference for me is that the latter's seating consists groups of four inward plastic seats while the former has the usual long line of a single padded seat running across the side of the car that I find far more comfortable. Spanish ones also have funny doors that you have to open manually and individually by pulling a mini lever rather than all opening when stopping. It seems to be suited to something for fewer people to take compared to the typical crowded image of Japanese transport.

Stations likewise come in all shapes and sizes, like pic which is the one Taisetsu-san really liked from La Plata. Subway lines can have large tunnel walkways connecting each other and mini-malls, or even a genuinely connecting to an actual mall, and a lot of murals and paintings, very cool stuff. Though the smell can be horrible.
R:4 / I:4

Favourite booru tags

Got any favourite non-ero tags? I really like "contemporary".
R:27 / I:19
/qa/! /qa/! The latest fashion fad is here! You don't want to be left out, do you?
R:76 / I:22
According to the happenings thread >>101080 , Ash's journey in Pokémon is finally ending. It's pretty impressive. He was doing it back when I was a kid, but here we are in 2022 and it's finally over.
It brings lots of thoughts to mind apart from nostalgia.

- I wish I was into Pokémon more. It's like the /mlp/ people on 4chan, there's a bunch of dorks involved, even around my age, that still keep the magic alive. Sure, there's a bunch of kids as there should be, but it's interesting to see older people around making references that only people of a certain age would get. It's hard to find good internet losers.

-Names. People on the English internet generally refer to him as Ash (like this thread) and the localization names for each Pokemon as well. Some names are the same, but many of them aren't. One of my favorite Pokémon is Bulbausaur and not Fushigidane. With the internet full of arguments over everything regards translations, it's strange how this never seems to crop up.

-Great games. I haven't played the most recent ones, but I've never played one I didn't love. I think the newer games allow you to see the Types so you didn't need to throw moves around randomly, which was really getting to be a problem when there are 1000 of them instead of 150.

-The games get a LOT of various ROMhacks. There's even that one Touhou one that's not a hack but a standalone game. Not just simple hacks, either, but very involved stuff and you could spend thousands of hours playing them all. I should look into them more and try some out.

-Pokégirls. I think everyone knows this, but this series has some of the best character designs around and has been consistent about it since its inception. The Asuka vs. Rei thing never seemed that interesting to me in comparison to the girls in Pokémon. Even the 'girl of the week' in the anime had more interesting people in them. Duplica the girl with the Ditto that couldn't transform its face sticks out to me. Brock getting a crush on every girl really made sense.

-Just a fantastic style in general. There are places like https://hirespokemon.tumblr.com/ where you can see the old concept art and it's truly beautiful. Sugimori is a true genius. Also apparently his name is used by people as a keyword to improve the quality of AI art. A name synonymous with quality.

I learned how to type é on the keyboard waaaay back in the day just so I could type Pokémon. Alt + 0 + 2 + 3 + 3 !
So... do you have any strong Pokémon feelings? Are you a Pokémaniac?
R:11 / I:4
what the fuck happened to their necks this season
R:236 / I:56

Pixiv vs Twitter

Which side does /qa/ take? Obviously pixiv would probably be better for searching (although boorus are even more preferable for that) and viewing a long list of art at once. However, in recent days I've been using twitter's feed more and I think that in terms of discovering new artists and likewise finding interesting stuff from people you haven't already followed it's a lot more convenient. Also the previews are a lot easier to see. So in terms of finding content, which do you think makes for the better go-to feed?
R:173 / I:109
Now that there's a bunch of people that have at least seen it in the stream, Undead Unlock is pretty amazing, huh? Seems like a nice high budget production. I haven't been excited for an action-y anime in a while
R:34 / I:18
Surely, /qa/ recognizes this butt or on the other hand bulge, right? Nier and Automata were the only Yoko Taro games I'd actually played before deciding to go and finish each of them in their entirety. And while similar to Drakengard in story quality, the gameplay for these RPGs actually sucks you in.

So what experience or opinions does /qa/ have with the series, or Taro in general? Automata's got an anime out right now that I've been putting on hold until I beat everything, but maybe people have seen and enjoyed it as well.
R:55 / I:29

Path of Exile

The new league starts in a few hours so I thought I'd advertise the /qa/ mansion guild here in case anyone wants to play it. We're around 6-7 right now, but I have enough guild slots so that we can accommodate pretty much the whole /jp/ spinoff population that still plays games (upper limit of 30-ish if I'm assuming generously). The bulk of us are going to be playing on softcore-ruthless so I'd recommend doing that too if you want to reap the benefits of a shared use stash. But, anyone that just wants a bunch of free space can join to use it in normal/hc too. We have a good deal of space https://files.catbox.moe/b6cox8.jpg so poor NEETs can enjoy the convenience of paying without needing to spend a dime.

So if you're interested post your userid or character name ITT if you want me to invite you, we're fine with anyone that's not a complete subhuman.
R:24 / I:8
Do you think he'd be happy or sad at the state of things today?

I think he failed in the end.
R:9 / I:2
Would buying this count as an investment?
R:24 / I:13
I miss board-tans. I find it sad that the board this one belongs to abandoned her. If you try to post her on her home board now the people using it will call you an outsider.

Who's your favorite board-tan?
R:8 / I:6
fduck everyone and fuck everyon on this site
R:17 / I:5
Do you make an active effort to get along with people you don't know or have you become so jaded by the state of the world that you don't bother anymore?

I try to be in the first camp but I keep finding myself in the second. I'm nice to strangers though and most of the time they're either nice or indifferent towards me.
R:81 / I:18
late rome was pretty entertaining in it's spectacular failures
R:6 / I:3
What's the meta on choosing a fan? I know EEs like to suggest altering the voltage to make any bladed fan run super fast.
R:43 / I:11
Why has this thing of a song becoming a meme not really happened on imageboards again? U.N Owen was her, Ievan Polkka, Caramelldansen and ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER are perhaps the biggest examples, but I remember back in 2010-2011 /v/ was in overdrive and going through a phase where a lot of catchy songs would become memes there. It started with HARMONY (Robot Unicorn Attack), then Fukkireta, then PONPONPON, etc. For /a/ and /jp/ I guess there's JIBUN WO, Hare Hare Yukai, the many catchy classic Touhou/Vocaloid songs, the /jp/ theme song, gachimuchi (gachimuchi also got popular on /v/, it's how it got transferred to the normsphere on twitch many years later), ME!ME!ME!, various Japanese MADs, etc.

I guess the modern incarnation of that would be those viral TikTok songs, but it just feels 'soulless' in comparison for a lack of a better word.
R:311 / I:78
Does /qa/ know any fun facts?

One I just learned is that copper is actually more dense than iron.
R:15 / I:6
Is another moe anime that's both celebratory and satire on otaku culture like Lucky Star still possible in this day and age? Feels like the celebratory part is still possible, but everything that's of that vein seems to either avoid any serious self parody and is more feel good than laughs.
R:16 / I:8
Every story feels like a real life in an alternate universe. It's ruining my enjoyment of media and I'm worried it will ruin my relationships with real people. On a side note, what story would you want to reincarnate into? A lot of lives seem stressful and hard, but Binchou-tan looks comfortable.
R:10 / I:3
I don't like the idea of there being more story to Mushoko Tensei after this episode. The ending isn't anything grand but the general message about growing up would be far more potent if it ends here. I don't see how all the other plot lines resolving matter to the main story. Resolving them would just distract from the core message around "growing up". Rudy seems to have finally "grown up" and accepted that he is no longer some isekai main character power tripping in another world, but he is a human, living in an actual world, and his actions have consequences; that he is now willing to take responsibility for. Unless it turns out Rudy's kid is also some isekai'd manchild that then begins to but heads with Rudy, I don't think there is much more to say about a manchild growing up and living a responsible life.
R:26 / I:8
Does anyone else find it weird sometimes how 'shallow' otaku history is?

Like, watching Otaku no Video, the longest-time otaku interviewed had 15 years of otaku history. A lot for the time, but in the present that would be someone who got into anime while Bakemonogatari was airing.
Or how the Lucky Star manga began closer to when the word "otaku" was first coined than to the present day.
Or how we're only 3 years away from the point when NGE will have aired as close to the very first mecha anime as to the present.
Or how Japanese people who were preschoolers when the original Astro Boy anime aired are only just now reaching retirement age.
Or how 4/a/ has existed for a full third of all of TV anime history.
R:50 / I:19
When did you first start using imageboards?
R:27 / I:6

Single Vs Multi(N) Monitors

What are your thoughts on using multiple displays vs having one main one.

Having done the following:
- One widescreen monitor
- Two monitors
- One Widescreen + Laptop screen
- One TV monitor
I find that my ability to focus on tasks and get into the `zen` zone state of programming is much simpler when I only have one primary monitor to focus my attention on and then potentially an auxiliary one to play music or get outside notifications. Only one thing is the object of my focus at a time and this helps me get things done.
R:2 / I:0
is Catalog only necessary for non chinese/japanese imageboards?
R:11 / I:5
is kissu friends with heyuri?
R:610 / I:205

Video Games

General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
R:235 / I:57

/qa/'s thoughts on AI

There's two threads on /qa/ for different AI generation content and help. A thread on the morality and ethics of AI. One about the future potential AI holds. One on >>>/megu/ for more in-depth help with specifics. Then scattered about across all the boards some threads using AI generation for image openers and such. However, none of these actually encompass kissu's opinion on AI!

So, what do you /qa/eers think of AI currently? Do you like it, dislike it, find it useful in any meaningful way at all? Or are you simply not interested in the output of algorithms?

I myself find AI to be a useful tool in generating the kind of content I've either exhausted the available stock of or are gated off by some hurdle I need to spend more time overcoming. When it comes to text/story generation, it's like a CYOA playground where I play the role of DM and set up all the lore/situations/characters, and then the AI acts out events as I lay out the flow of the story. This creates a more interactive experience for me than just writing out a story myself for some reason, and I find it highly addictive. Then for AI art generation, I find that AI works wonders for filling a specific niche taste I have, or specific scenario I want to create an image for. It really is quite amazing in my eyes, and I have hopes for it getting even better in the future.
R:98 / I:34
R:28 / I:13

Elden Ring

The new DLC releases in just a day and a half, have you beaten Mohg yet so that you can access it? Supposedly it's an all around improvement on everything that was already great with the base game and the world is enormous for being a DLC. I'm really hoping for it to be filled with little secrets and interconnectivity that makes for a great open world and was something that I sorta felt needed more polish in ER itself. Also I want it to be hard because I've gotten too good at games in recent years. AND I want more Ranni. Everything needs more Ranni.

By the way did you know there's an official spin-off gag manga about Elden Ring?
R:306 / I:143

Spring 2024 Anime

It's spring!


What are you planning on watching? Have any suggestions or recommendations?
R:3 / I:1
Do you use buzzwords to avoid having to explain things?
R:18 / I:4

does anyone here like mathcore or death metal

Both are pretty good, calculating infinity by the dillinger escape plan was my first exposure to metal.
R:3 / I:1
I think my eyes are bugging out
R:8 / I:2
How do you make mob characters look competent and useful without taking away from the main character's importance?
R:2 / I:0
what to host? any ideas?
R:351 / I:183
Anyone else been messing around with the stable diffusion algorithm or anything in a similar vein?
It's a bit hard to make it do exactly what you want but if you're extremely descriptive in the prompt or just use a couple words it gives some pretty good results. It seems to struggle a lot with appendages but faces come out surprisingly well most of the time.

Aside from having a 3070 i just followed this guide I found on /g/ https://rentry.org/voldy to get things setup and it was pretty painless.
R:352 / I:151

Let's talk to AI Characters

MORE AI STUFF! It's weird how this is all happening at once. Singularity is near?

Alright, there's another AI thing people are talking about, but this time it shouldn't be very controversial:
Using a temporary email service (just google 'temporary email') you can make an account and start having conversations with bots. (Write down the email though because it's your login info)
But, these bots are actually good. EXTREMELY good. Like, "is this really a bot?" good. I talked with a vtuber and had an argument and it went very well. Too well, almost. I don't know how varied the stuff is, but they're really entertaining when I talked to Mario and even a vtuber.
Sadly, it's gaining in popularity rapidly so the service is getting slower and it might even crash on you.

It says "beta" all over the site, presumably this is in the public testing phase and once it leaves beta it's going to cost money, so it's best to have fun with this now while we still can (and before it gets neutered to look good for investors or advertisers).
R:100 / I:19

Imouto Rescue Service

Lets play a game /qa/!!

you will be the directors of the feared imouto rescue squad. A highschool club of imoutos that use fearsome weapons and tactics to rescue kidnapped onii-chans, wherever they are in the world...

the rules I will be using are Osprey - Black Ops.
It's the most fun rules that allows for stealth, and action gameplay and feels to me like the best simulation of small unit tactics that you can easily DM for

I've uploaded the rules for your enjoyment, but I will be adjusting the rules a bit to make the game work better. Don't worry about it too much....

coming up next will be the scenario and the buy screen where you can plan and outfit your task force!
R:215 / I:157

Let's Play Dungeon Travelers 2-2!

Alright, so I'm going to make an attempt at a Let's Play thread of what will surely be a fantastic game. I played the original Dungeon Travelers 2 on Vita and it was the last physical game I ever bought (remember when we could buy and own media?) It's truly an amazing game for many reasons. Fantastic characters, great classes, great boss battles and spectacularly frustrating dungeons. Its sequel, Dungeon Travelers 2-2, came out years later, but unfortunately it never received a translation.
Now, a decade later it did received a surprise translation and release on PC. It was going to be on Steam, but those prudes backed out. I'm sure it's related to the lewdness, as Steam only has room for stuff like Sex with Furry Hitler 2 or War Crime Simulator 2023. Instead it got a release on one of those gacha/freemium sites where it feels like you get malware just by loading the page, so I will instead be using the version found on nyaa.
If Aquaplus actually wanted money I'd be willing to buy figures and stuff from them, but nope, they don't. If I traveled to Japan I could get some crappy keychains if I timed it right and found one of their "pop up" stores, but that's about it. Okay, back to the game:

This game is a "what if" scenario at the end of Dungeon Travelers 2 if the final battle was lost. There's a Demon Queen that wants to corrupt and conquer humanity and blahblah that part isn't very exciting. Since the characters are the of the highlights (Aquaplus is involved after all) I'll give a brief introduction of each character before I start the game.
R:16 / I:6
If I wanted to use kissu's vichan fork, which version on github is the most up to date?
And I just need a VPS, domain and database, right?
R:9 / I:3
Do you have any tools that you like? I just bought a 'hori hori' knife because gardeners apparently swear by them. I'm not much of a DIY guy, but I'd kind of like to become one someday
R:44 / I:18
They say be the change you want to see, and that if you like something you should support it. So I preordered the MahoAko BD boxes including the limited edition one with the Baiser fig. Here's hoping we get more series that similarly strive for greatness and ecchi in the future.


Kinda wish I had money 10 years ago like I do now to freely spend on BDs... Could've started amassing a collection a whole lot earlier and I'm sure there's a bunch of limited edition ones that I'll never be able to get my hands on. The effect buying them would have towards the old production would probably be minimal as well. Though, if I were to venture forth and try to make up for lost time while NEETing around does /qa/ know of any good place to find older stuff, or is it just eBay and Amazon? On that topic too, how much into merch or BD buying is /qa/?
R:5 / I:2
Every time I see this dance move in any Mouse advert I see in the wild, I am immediately entranced by it. Not particularly fond of the actresses, nor of any other part of the video(s), but this dance move with their skirt swirling really has me wanting it looping somewhere within my line of eyesight all the time.
R:20 / I:2
Every now and then people like to talk about future human evolution, that humans hundreds of thousands and millions of years from now humanity may be a completely new species that does not resemble a modern human any longer. Do you think so?

Personally, I'm inclined to believe that evolution is like language. When there is a strong social fabric connecting one person and community to the next, languages evolve very slowly. When that cohesion breaks down, languages tend to diverge and evolve. I think evolution is probably something like that, and within our broader interconnected world, humanity will probably evolve more slowly together and so maybe that human born hundreds of thousands and millions of years from now will resemble us much more than others like to suggest.
R:61 / I:28
Solar eclipse soon! Anyone here in a position to see it?
R:13 / I:1
Scary as hell
R:38 / I:14
God damn I hate the modern internet

I just wanted to re-learn how to edit a clip in davinci, but it's impossible to actually find the information. Google is just a bunch of AI garbage and youtube nonsense that is 30 minutes long to explain something that would take one entire sentence.
I don't know how anyone learns a new skill in this hellscape of noise.

Then I remembered a tip where you add "+reddit" to search reddit for humans sharing information for the benefit of other humans and I found it within seconds. This is going to be patched out, isn't it? Everything else is already drowned out.
R:17 / I:8
How is your sleep routine? I'm thinking I need to improve mine. Strangely I've found that having my little tablet thing playing a youtube speedrun history video helps me get sleepy faster. My theory is that it interrupts my thinking and allows my brain to turn off faster. It doesn't increase the amount of sleep I get, but at least it starts earlier so there's less wasted time doing nothing in bed.
R:31 / I:9
Why play something competitive if you are not going to be the best? or among the best, at least.

¨For fun¨ is the obvious answer but then you have a big skill gap between players. I don't play competitive online games anymore because I haven't been able to find an answer to this. I don't want to be a pro or anything, just good enough to think of myself as ¨good at the game¨. Whatever that game might be.

Instead, I've been playing Prominence Poker and MahSoul because those games are luck based and I can listen to a video or do something else while playing.

What do you think?
R:9 / I:6
What are the best live action and 2d stuff about otaku culture or being an otaku?
R:25 / I:21
Are you good at catching references in media?
R:38 / I:13
Do you drink/like energy drinks?

I've noticed quite a few of the people that I talk to drink them, but I personally find them pretty gross and not all that helpful.
R:59 / I:22
Can we take a moment to pay our respects to Utako Shimoda. Who blessed us with the seifuku.
R:20 / I:12
What's your favorite yokai/Japanese folklore being? I think most people are probably going to say kitsune, but the bakeneko is interesting as well. The Sawarineko in Monogatari was based on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakeneko
It's a cat spirit associated with curses that not only it can possess people like how it's demonstrated in Monogatari, but also kill them and take their place by shapeshifting into the person, similar to how kitsune also have shapeshifting powers. It's the opposite of the maneki-neko which brings good luck. You know, that cat figurine with a raised paw.
R:17 / I:11
One of my favorite shows is getting a sequel soon. I really like this series and think a lot of people passed over it because it was said to be a Madoka rip-off when the anime came out. I've been reading the LNs and they're really good. I think they'd be a perfect series for someone learning kana.

The new season of the anime should be really good because it will cover what is arguably the best two LNs in the series. The only downside is it'll probably be 12 episodes instead of 24. It's a lot of content to cover in 12 episodes. The first season felt really fast paced because of that. I don't want to spoil anything but suffice to say characters are introduced quickly and certain events happen too fast.

Anyone else a fan of Raising Project? I don't understand why this series isn't more popular. It feels like only a few people have seen it. I am hopeful season 2 will do good in the ratings and maybe we'll get some OVAs or something. A proper video game based on this series would be really fun.
R:15 / I:3

Wait so does this mean there could be a way to fix the atmosphere on mars and make it habitable again by releasing volcanic activity or something? Or is this suggesting all the water vapor is gone and escaped through the atmosphere
R:16 / I:8
Are anime end cards still a thing? I don't think I can recall the last time I watched a seasonal that had end cards in it.
R:135 / I:45
There's been many a time where I've stumbled upon a character and ironically stated, "Yup, that's me". Pretending or even lying to myself that I'm that character. But that's not the case here, this is me. I am literally Magia Baiser, Baiser is me. The mangaka wrote the story and I was who it was based on. You could not possibly craft a character that was more me than this. That's because if you were to change anything it would not be me, since it's me.
R:53 / I:21

When did lurking start being seen as something good?

I thought you were meant to look down on long-term lurkers for being pathetic cowards and freeloaders, but as the “lurk moar” meme has been taken more and more seriously, it seems people have come to see lurking for months or even years before posting anything as an integral part of board culture. I couldn't disagree with that idea more. It goes against the spontaneity that makes the internet fun. For most communities, if you can't get along with it after a few days using it, you should just leave it alone, rather than stalking it until you can pretend to fit in. And I enjoy seeing people share their first reactions to a forum or board, before gradually becoming more seasoned posters over time. It's refreshing.
R:9 / I:1
Cool website, nerds.
Let me know when you incorporate vim keyboard shortcuts like the actual cool software out there.
R:89 / I:41

Cool Software?

Do you use any software that other people may not know about that you like?
I started using (and eventually even bought!) this thing called Wallpaper Slideshow after trying a bunch of free ones and getting frustrated. https://www.gphotoshow.com/wallpaper-slideshow-pro.php
Basically, you give it folder(s) of your choice and it will assemble a collage image of them and make it your background. You can configure it with a timer that changes it and I have it set to 15 minutes. I had originally used John's Background Switcher that someone thankfully linked to me a few months ago: >>91800 https://johnsad.ventures/software/backgroundswitcher/
I liked this one more because there's less wasted space, more options, and it just generally seems to assemble the image better. I turn it off before I go to bed each night though because I'm worried that it's keeping my hard drive active all day, which probably isn't good. I should maybe research that sometime...

This pairs well with something like Grabber ( https://github.com/Bionus/imgbrd-grabber ) that can bulk download tags from booru sites.
Of course, this stuff is kind of wasteful if you don't have an extra monitor with a wallpaper that's largely visible, but I find myself like that sometimes so it's pretty nice.
R:75 / I:55

Filesharing Thread

The Kissu Filesharing Thread
It's a thread, and you share files in it.
You can link them, or possibly upload them directly if they're small enough since kissu supports archive files.
R:2 / I:1
The answer is (8r^3)/4pi
R:27 / I:10

Fun Facts!

Does /qa/ have any more fun facts to share?

I learned recently that prior WWI, many towns in the US spoke the language of the immigrants who moved there, but due to intense Germanophobia, schools began teaching in English exclusively and gradually the US became a de facto English-first speaking country despite having no official language.
R:253 / I:51


Gone from Ubuntu to Debian, but Debian kind of sucks as a desktop environment (constant freezes, poor drivers and performance issues. Also issues with Steam's client)

Where do I go next?
R:55 / I:28
Greetings and rabbit rabbit (you didn't remember to say it, right?)

For a bunch of reasons I can't get into this is my favorite month of the year. One of those reasons is I get more free time to work on things I enjoy.

Over the last couple of weeks I've been re-watching Moon Phase for the first time in over a decade. I grabbed the best version I could find from the usual trackers. The release I got seems to be the most popular and all of the others seem to be using the same subtitles for the English translation. I was disappointed see that the scripts being used are filled with both spelling and grammar errors. One of two per episode I can forgive. A typo that's one letter off on standard QWERTY keyboard I can forgive. But I hit a string of 3-4 episodes in a row filled with horrible errors and it was obvious to me that no one bothered to even quality check the work before pushing it out to the public. This is in addition to several other errors I've noticed in the video/audio portion along with some pacing issues in the scripts themselves.

I posted all that to propose the following;

I've been slowly working on a handful of old series (and one new one) thanks to various people from here and elsewhere that so graciously provided me with good raws for a couple of shows or volunteered to do quality checking. I haven't been able to put out much in the last few months but now that I'll have more free time I'll be pushing some stuff out soon. But I'm one man and can only do so much so quickly.

So I was curious if anywhere here would be interested in helping out with things like correcting spelling errors in scripts or watching pre-release encodes. I need people to do stuff like the following;
1) Test encodes on various set-top devices (video game consoles, firesticks, AppleTV etc)
2) Double check spelling/grammar in English subtitle scripts
3) Watch test encodes on various different software/hardware players and tell me how things work on their local mpv/mpc-hc+mad configs
4) Help track down raws (DVD, LD, BDs and VHS) that aren't as common on public sources for some older content
5) Help initially seeding releases / posting them to public trackers
6) Post list of shows/series they think could use some attention

In other words the usual work for old fansub groups. If you can do other things like typesetting, timing, and encoding that's would be much appreciated as well. I'm basically trying to see if we can get an open source group going that doesn't fall into the usual trap of the fansub drama. An anonymous group if you will.

Last year a handful of people came together and did a show together and it turned out great and ended up being a lot of fun for everyone involved despite some people attempting to ruin that. I'd like to do the same thing for some older shows. I just happened to notice Moon Phase could really use a better subtitle script and thought people here might be interested in making that happen.

Anyway, last year we all worked using public threads+email when required. Worked out fine. We do have an IRC bot but we rarely use the channel it's in for anything but uploading files to it when needed. I don't care if we release under that old group name or make up a new one. I don't care about starting a website/page or trying to build up a reputation (we can use a different group tag for each show or none at all for all I care). I'd just like to see some of this old stuff get a proper archival release for future generations. Since the people currently churning this stuff out don't seem that interested in maintaining a level of quality I feel is acceptable (on public sources at least).
R:11 / I:10
Was thinking about reading all of Go Nagai's works but then realized it'd probably be impossible given just how much he wrote. It's pretty insane compared to almost any other mangaka out there.


What are the most notable ones to check out though? I've read Devilman, some Harenchi Gakuen, some Mazinger, Cutie Honey, and all of Getter (although does that really count?) Was considering watching and maybe reading Dororon Enma-kun next (OVA/Remake TV) since the OP was cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIsQqRoyKqo
R:18 / I:5

What filetypes will last the longest?

Somebody told me that digitization will let us preserve things forever, but I feel like it's the opposite because of how complicated accessing digital data is and how fast technological systems evolve. Old formats get superseded by updated ones and niche platform-specific ones get abandoned when that platform does. We can look at a wall relief from 5000 years ago and work out an approximation of what it was saying just by looking at it, but how would you get any data out of a floppy filled with files for a program that hasn't been updated in 100 years?

Eventually the effort of maintaining compatibility with old things is going to cause data to be effectively lost, but some formats will obviously last longer than others. Personally, I think the humble .txt file will outlast most others because its simple, yet vitally important to many basic computing tasks so you can't easily get rid of it and there's not much incentive to improve the format. That said, I could also see a specialized format that is used for something like .nes which is used pretty much just to preserve old data being maintained by enthusiasts while more general-purpose formats get killed off to force people to adopt newer ones. Which ones do you think will pass the test of time and which will be be the quickest to die out?
R:163 / I:61

/qa/ music creation thread

i've seen dedicated drawthreads and writethreads here, but never once saw a music creation thread. considering you can post sound files here i wonder why it happens, because i did see several posters here said they made music. is it because many consider the stuffs they make have no merit to be posted? or because many have some musician profiles that they want no connection to this place...?
anyway, post some musics you made!
R:134 / I:29


Hey Kissu Kissu! Would you like to play Sonic Karts sometime? I have created an addon pack with some fun stuff included! If someone else is willing to host it, that would be cool, but if not, I can always do it myself.

The download includes everything needed to host and play the game, plus a custom client created by 4/vm/ that adds new features to the game.

Game plus addons download: https://mega.nz/file/mJYUhJBR#UmY_51jm0gQkjk3uZa512Z09T75V8GujKVscg7clX0s

4/vm/ client source code: https://gitlab.com/c3851/srb-2-k-cep

Stuff added via addons:- Custom characters! https://files.catbox.moe/v72z70.webm If you have characters you want, feel free to suggest more!
- Wide variety of tracks. About 42 map packs worth of maps!
- A Kissu theme pack with custom music and graphics on the voting screen.
- The in-game HUD is colorized to your chosen color, including the new speedometer and drift gauge.
- A hitfeed that shows when people hit each other or fall off the map.
- Timers on the bottom of the screen that shows how long your sneakers, your mini-turbos, or you being spun-out lasts
- A simple trick system. Tap brake after a jump to get a small speed boost when landing. It is on a cool down timer after you do it.
- Air-braking like CTR. By holding brake in the air, you can make yourself fall faster, which is useful for landing faster after big jumps!
- Gold, silver and bronze signposts for the first 3 people to finish a race
- Voteable alternative gametypes like Combi Ring, HPMOD, War and WeatherMod. Type vote in the console to see more things that you can vote for!
- Various balance changes which can be shown by pressing Tab.

Alternative votable gametypes explanation:Combi Ring:
You and another person are linked together and must work together to complete a race. Things your partner does affect you, so be careful of friendly fire. Press Custom 1 or Custom 2 to tell your partner to turn a direction.

As you race, you will have a HP bar that will decrease as you get hit or fall off the track.

Collect items, hit people and complete laps to add time to your timer, last one standing wins.

Similar to the weather system in Touhou 10.5 and 12.3. As the race goes on, random effects will occur that can change how the game works, play around them to win.

Info for hosts:The port you need to have fowarded is 5029.
The startserver-* script is needed to load all addons in this pack so be sure to use it.
R:11 / I:5

Stardew Valley

It's been a while since Kissu's played any games together, and with the interests in agriculture becoming more relevant and Stardew having finally received its multiplayer update recently, I was thinking now is as good a time as ever to see if there's interest in cultivating together. I think in comparison to the upcoming Factorio expansion it should be a nice relaxing intermission people will enjoy. Also it's on sale right now so if anyone's interested I can buy it for them ( https://steamcommunity.com/chat/invite/NUIbnP7U )
R:35 / I:12
Does /qa/ have any experience with ebook readers? I've been getting back into reading recently, and although I like the ebook reader app I have on my Android phone (ReadEra), it's not entirely pleasant; my phone is a bit weighty so it's tiring to hold, and it strains my eyes after reading for a while.

The most obvious choice seems to be a Kindle, but it seems kind of opaque what the differences are between models other than storage. I'm really not a fan of them seemingly being permanently tethered to the cloud and this "ad-supported" thing seems annoying as well. Ideally, I would have something that I can move my own ebooks onto just by plugging it into my PC. USB C is a hard requirement as well; I can't believe Amazon was selling Kindles with the worst charging connector of all time, micro USB, up until 2021.

Looking at the prices for the features that matter to me... I'm really wondering if it would be worth it buying one at all. From what I understand, I would probably be looking at buying some Android e-ink tablet, but those don't seem to have the best reputation online (?) and I can't imagine any are particularly lightweight. My phone is ~200g and that feels a bit too heavy for me. Anything tablet sized I'm sure would be too heavy for me.
R:17 / I:7

Interest in the Composition of Japanese Visual Media

I've noticed that there's a bit of talk here and there at times about big named directors like Shinbo or Ikuhara in threads about there respective anime. Similarly there's "the /qa/ voice" and a few threads in the past made about favorite seiyuu's. With the more recent Seiyuu Radio thread I got a bit more interested in asking /qa/, how much do you pay attention to who's making the anime you enjoy and how conscious of their work are you while watching?

For myself I mostly know seiyuu, studios, composers, singers, and directors since those are more the big in your face part of anime, but I also can recognize a few character designers like Akio Watanabe/Amazuyu Tatsuki. I also know a few (non-director) animators by name, though I can't really tell who's who from just watching an anime like it's occasionally possible to do with directors/studios. Not even sure if it is possible.

Maybe it's a bit meta for some people, but I think it can be valuable and give you a greater appreciation of anime you really enjoy or lead you to finding other works with them included that you may also love. It can also be an interesting experience to go through the catalog of a director to watch how they grew over the years. A similar thing applies to seiyuu, and with them there's also the feeling of hearing a new voice you don't recognize that absolutely hits it out of the park and astounds you, like Utena from MahoAko.
R:11 / I:6
To what length do you go to avoid spoilers?
R:117 / I:6
Post something cool that youtube has recommended to you recently. Note: this is not meant to be a music thread, it can be any kind of video.
R:36 / I:10
What is your proudest 2D/otaku related accomplishment? I can say I've watched Evangelion as a kid. Pretty cool eh? While everyone else was watching Pokemon, DBZ and Yugi-oh I was feeling funny looking at Shinji grab Rei's boobs by accident.
R:31 / I:13
What's the ideal height difference between a man and woman? Whereabouts should her head come up to?
R:27 / I:13
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase "10/10"?
R:10 / I:6

Horror of the Incomprehensible

Watching the most recent episode of Madome and within it there was a botched demon summoning that took place. Unlike the typical fantasy demons though the world in this treats them as beings on the opposite spectrum of gods, so for the MC being faced with just a botched fragment of the insurmountable being felt completely hopeless. Though a convenient plot thing happened that allowed the issue to go away, it did well at showing the sheer scale of power displayed by the demon fragment. It got me wondering, what are some good examples of media /qa/ knows that tackle this lovecraftian feel properly? It seems difficult for most authors to really present to their audience creatures whose scale is just infinitely above what can possibly be defeated in traditional manners.
R:26 / I:11

The problem with imageboard culture

Is that you aren't encouraged to contribute and make well written posts on the ones that move too fast. It's easier to just be a shitposting moron since it might feel like trying to contribute doesn't pay off due to everything archiving quickly. This is why 4chan is so low quality in general, and this is exacerbated even more by the fact that everyone sees it as a site where you can be retarded/controversial without any repercussions due to anonymity. The result is a very negative and 'toxic' environment which is likely bad for your mental health. However, 4/qa/ during our time went against this culture. If your thread was good we would try to keep it alive as long as possible through constant bumps and bumpbots. This in turn encouraged users to be less negative and try to contribute more towards its culture. 4/qa/ as its 2D/Random incarnation was really a community effort unlike anything ever seen on 4chan before. We did not rely on the staff to do anything for ourselves, we self-moderated. But of course, good things aren't allowed to exist on modern 4chan, so they were against this concept and tried to impose as many restrictions on the board as possible to counter that until everyone got fed up and left. I bet they weren't expecting for something even worse to take our place though.

Kissu is pretty removed from 4/qa/ at this point, but elements of its culture are still very present here. You see people making well thought and well written posts all the time and quality of discussion is generally much higher than at 4chan.
R:77 / I:12

Reddit API Stuff

I don't really know much about what's going on, but there's some brouhaha with reddit about API access now costing money and people are talking about it a lot in the happenings thread, which is off-topic to the thread, so here's a thread for it.
R:18 / I:7

Browser customization

What kind of settings, extensions, themes, etc do you use with your browser?
R:19 / I:9


The most fundamental and useful math skill know, we do it every day (Hopefully)! /qa/ does know how to count, right? What about efficiently? Is there any base that /qa/ is particularly fond of counting in?

How about for a celebration of this wonderful tool we use every day we do a fun little counting problem to find all positive integers N that satisfy the following conditions!

(i) N is divisible by 2020.
(ii) N has at most 2020 decimal digits.
(iii) The decimal digits of N are a string of consecutive ones followed by a string of consecutive zeros.
R:9 / I:1
Do you have anything you could show your daughter and say "I made that"?
R:10 / I:5

Emotes and Streams

Are emotes a good form of casual engagement for streams that can quickly convey an emotion like a 'heh' or similar while also being visually witty and somewhat encompassing the history of the stream as well in what content it shows? I think they probably are more a benefit than a drain like people commonly think them to be on a stream's atmosphere but that's assuming a culture where they're used in conjunction with regular posts and not just the entirety of all posts. Do you agree and what kind of emotes could we potentially add to the kissu stream if so? I think that probably a good way to start would be maybe a site like banners, where the emote size has to fit within a certain limit because all the cytube streams I've seen where you have stuff taking up over half the screen is pretty annoying.
R:319 / I:127

Best time to build a PC?

Right now it seems to be a good time to build a PC:
CPUs and GPUs are coming back in stock.
GPU price dropped to MSRP, thanks to the end of GPU crypto mining.
New generation, low availability technologies are cropping up like PCIe 4, DDR5, RTX 4090, AM5 socket, diverting consumer attention away from previous gen.
M.2 SSDs are cheaper than ever, and will be even cheaper in the near future because of flash memory chip oversupply.

What does /qa/ think about building a PC now?
R:12 / I:3
Are advertisements inherently evil?
They are deceptive and manipulative, and arguably dehumanizing.
Is there an ethical justification for advertising beyond "but everybody else is doing it too"?

Note, I am not talking about notifying people of your product. But perhaps the distinction between these two things will have to be drawn (and redrawn) for the purpose of this discussion. We'll see.
R:29 / I:14
What do you look for when downloading an anime release? This seems to be a surprisingly divisive topic in some circles, with some wanting only the highest quality encodes regardless of size while others just want mini-encodes that save space while looking somewhat decent, like ASW or EMBER. I think there's a certain appeal to aiming to only get the highest quality, but at the same time I sometimes struggle to see the difference between that & a significantly smaller version. Maybe my eyes are bad, or it's because I'm just watching on a 1080p monitor?

Personally, I usually reserve those massive encodes for series I really enjoy and download "average" ones for anything else. I only have so much space after all, and I enjoy having a sizeable anime collection...
For example with pic related, I store the MATSU release rather than the Kagura release, which is supposed to be better but also around 13GB or so larger.
R:74 / I:42
What is your opinion on the kuudere archetype? I'm personally attracted to them because they're similar to myself. Kuuderes are a big 'gap moe' thing. The smile of someone who doesn't smile much means a lot more than the smile of someone who smiles all the time.

Many people don't seem to realize the last two ones are kuuderes too. I don't see many people discussing archetypes these days.
R:25 / I:9

hikki health help

When you don't go outside it's easy to forget the basic hygiene you practice since much of the motivation for taking care of yourself can be perceived as a social thing. However some things are important to do even if you're not going outside for the sake of your long term health! Like brushing your teeth and flossing to keep them clean of plaque leads to healthier gums and reduced risk of brain disease! If you haven't brushed yet go do it!

What other health tips does /qa/ know to keep their body in peak condition?
R:33 / I:9
I kinda wonder, how do people discover new music today? There's such a vast expanse of stuff out there and most all of it is hidden in its own corner of the internet. If you know what you're searching for maybe it's easier, but finding completely new stuff that appeals to you seems like an extremely tough endeavor. Are there any good methods /qa/ knows of or is word of mouth the best way still?
R:139 / I:37

Identifiable Posters

What are /qa/'s opinions on avatarfags, namefags, and tripfags? Are they helpful or harmful towards an imageboard, and to what degree for each?
R:438 / I:148

Video Games

General video games thread since the other one hit the bump limit. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
R:52 / I:13
What is your opinion of private trackers and the like? AB recently came back (yay) but people have mixed feelings about such things. It's easy to dismiss criticism as jealous resentment if someone isn't in them, but it's also easy to see that it's not an ideal situation for people that love certain media and want to also share that love with others.
Maybe if AB did die the nyaa admin would get off his butt and actually allow new account creation since they've been temporarily closed for like half a decade now. It's not unusual to see releases and uploads that don't actually belong to the uploader since the person has no account. How much stuff is nyaa missing because it doesn't allow people to actually share them? You can only get post-MoyaiSubs Mewkledreamy Mix subs on twitter right now and I only know that because it was mentioned in one of the 2 uploads on nyaa uploaded by a third party, with the remaining 25 episodes on twitter. Is nyaa considered semi-closed or something?

I think the problem with Japanese media in general is that there's really no middle ground. It's nyaa or nothing. There isn't a "oh, this isn't as great as AB but it has 70% of the content" place, it's either you're in the anime tracker or you're not. I'm not in BBT, but I hear it's closer to the nyaa side of the scale due to certain rules it has among other reasons. I worry that as Japanese media continues to overtake the Western world (even if the mainstream people watch the same 5 shows) the tendrils of corporate rights holders will be as zealous as Disney or Nintendo is, and that will further increase the reliance of private trackers. Not to imply that it doesn't already cause issues on stuff like youtube and the like. Youtube once had lots of full episodes and albums you could watch but they were stricken down by various companies doing the copyright strike thing to wipe out accounts hosting entire libraries. It also has algorithms and AIs to detect and delete stuff that gets uploaded, within minutes. But hey, if you subscribe to one of 15 services you might be able to watch it if it's currently on the service.

Oh yeah, I forgot that I wanted this thread was more about general private tracker stuff. I think they're unfortunately a necessity for most things due to how corporate the internet has become, but I don't think it's necessary for Japanese stuff yet in regards to user safety from lawyers. I think it's kind of sad how people under age 25 or so probably can't remember an internet where you could simply share things. It's quite depressing to think about, but then you have private trackers where you can feel a little bit of security.
Sometimes I feel that just the torrent format should be secure these days and companies should really be focusing on the streaming sites since that's where 99% of people get their pirated media. Some super popular show on nyaa is like 20,000 downloads, but that's what a streaming site does in an hour and the streaming site is monetized so I think torrents should be an extremely low priority.

So... private trackers. What do you think?
R:263 / I:102
><Anonymous> like say someone starts a thread about mecha it's gonna take two years to reach 200 posts

Let's prove him wrong.
R:142 / I:43

/qa/nime: continued!

I was reminded that another year has passed since the last time the /qa/ anime chart was updated, so I thought it was as good a time as ever to bring it back, update it, and improve on it a bit in the process.

The format for deciding on picks this year will be the same as the last with the addition of maybe singling out a specific anime of each year to be the most /qa/ anime of the year. For the current candidates that should be easy since there's only 4 of them, but for this year we'll have to conclude all the seasonal polls first and then afterwards decide.

The polls will be made separately and then linked in the thread with at least 3 days allotted for people to decide on winners, and I'll make a new poll for each season every day, starting with Winter 2021 today. To not make cheating so easy I'll make it so an IP needs at least 3 posts to vote, which shouldn't really be hard for anyone I hope. Also the AOTY polls will probably all be at the end or sometime in-between since they shouldn't be as hard of a decision.
R:11 / I:7
Time for some spring cleaning!
R:93 / I:35

What does /qa/ think about the idea of hardcore MMOs? Having seen a bit about this in my Youtube recommends, it looks kinda fun and engaing. Classic wow is by no means the hardest, or even that challenging an MMO, but I think that just lends itself very nicely to a hardcore mode. It encourages a bit more social interaction during questing to not die trying to solo along with encouraging better communication during dungeons/raids since nobody wants to lose their character. Also I'm a bit of a fan of hardcore modes myself, so I was wondering if kissu might be interested in giving it a shot once the servers come out?
R:16 / I:4

I hope you're paying attention!

There's going to be a spontaneous GuPz stream in 1 hour!!!(or maybe two if people want it at 8EST)!!

This the 4th movie in the final GuPz series and lasts for 60minute

@ https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri !!!!
R:19 / I:3
Does /qa/ have any favorite cartoons? I've never really stopped to think about this since I always despised /co/ as a board and they never discussed any of the cool European comics I was into. So, as usual, I thought of some stuff off the top of my head and made a 3x3 based on it. I think it's pretty obvious that I was an MTV/Cartoon Network kid if you look at my picks. MTV used to be a pretty cool channel and had a lot of cartoons that were aimed at the teen demographic that is so common in anime/manga. I also watched a lot of dubbed anime on CN back then. Avatar would probably be in this since everyone sucks it off so much and lauds it as the best cartoon ever, but I've never finished. I thought it was kinda boring back then and it did not help that Nickelodeon was already declining in quality during the time it aired.

By the way, did you know that there were two new seasons of Beavis and Butthead released in 2022-2023? I had no idea about this until recently. I might check it out sometime.
R:18 / I:4

How the fuck is SSY so highly rated????? It's built on nothing but endless retardation.

What other setting have you heard of where randos suddenly getting powers led to humanity's near extinction simply because they felt like it? The entire backstory is built on first-wave rando retardation on top of a thousand years of emperor retardation on top of scientist retardation all to deal with the absolutely irredeemable walking nukes that are cantus users. Sheer stupidity from everyone involved over a near geological timeframe but what's even stupider is its incredibly abysmal take on totalitarianism.

All across the story the kids have to deal with the blatantly sinister actions of their superiors in a way that almost seems to say "hey, maybe surveillance states are bad" (NO SHIT!) but then you learn that ACTUALLY, YOU KNOW, it was all justified and this is the only societal configuration that makes a shred of sense in this world, otherwise everyone would've died by now. The ending is supposed to be hopeful, but they haven't changed SHIT. FUCK ALL. It goes against everything it has built so far with how it's gone so out of its way to set up the world as stupidly grimdark and then ends with absolutely no answer to all the problems it poses. Espers still can't keep each other under full control so you need the queerrats to continue acting as an underclass of assassins, and you NEED them to be an underclass because if they're not they'll logically rise up again like they just did a few years ago, because cantus users are a cancer that'll destroy the earth itself if you don't keep them in check. So they should all commit suicide somehow, jump off a fucking cliff and let the world heal by itself.

It's all fucked up beyond repair, the rats can't undo their genetic modifications, they can't un-fuck-up their queens, the espers can't stop being nukes, but they can't kill each other either due to the feedback loop, and they can't kill the rats because they need them, nor can they undo humanity's annihilation, it's all set up to fail. It's either the status quo of an obligatory surveillance state or oblivion and this surveillance state is consistently portrayed as bad, so what is the anime trying to say? That in this extremely specific and very stupid setting it turns out totalitarianism is good? How does this apply to anything? If Saki genuinely means well, as she's consistently painted as up to the very end when she forgives Squealer and ends his suffering, then the actually implicit ending is that she'll repeat everything again so none of the events that took place matter. Because she can't do anything else but keep it afloat. None of it matters. It was all reset. It's shit.

R:35 / I:11
Do you have a game or show or anything else that you experienced when you were younger that has left a permanent impression on you? Not just nostalgia, but you feel as though it altered your way of thinking or what it is you desire.
I'm aging myself a bit with this one, but two prominent ones for me are the two Lunar games. They're JRPGs that I first played on the PSX. They originally came out on SegaCD, but it was wisely remastered for a console that more than 5 people had. I did go back and play the SegeaCD versions on emulator back in the day, though. I even had some Lunar avatars that I still have on my drive!

The main themes of the games are adventure and love. At its core the games are very simple both in gameplay and story scope, but its charm is the unmistakable purity of it. I think these two games gave me desire for the fairytale romance that you can only see in fiction, and of course the corny "defeating the bad guy with friendship and love" cliché. It's just so beautiful and pure. If someone were to ask me what paradise is like, I would point to this kind of thing. It is the pure idealization of human emotion.

Someone might have also noticed that the art looks familiar, and that's because the character designer eventually worked on Idolm@ster. Takane in particular really has the face, so she's a bit of a weakness of mine when it comes to 2D idols, even when I don't really partake in that culture.

Of course, the games do have issues. Today I can appreciate the fact that Working Designs went overboard with the localization process and should have been respectful to the source material. The main story is fine, but the random NPCs make jokes and references to pop culture that they really shouldn't.
R:29 / I:8
Which other websites on the World Wide Web does /qa/ use?
R:78 / I:33

Japanese Mascots

Don't think I have ever seen a mascot thread here.
R:5 / I:1
Where do I go to watch seasonal shows with Japanese subtitles? I want to watch YuruCamp S3 but I'm at the point in my ninhongo studies where I feel like if I'm not watching anime with JP subs I'm wasting my time. I'm also not good enough to watch with no visual aid whatsoever.

Every torrent site I've found uses subs for every language except Japanese.
R:11 / I:2
How much should you change your appearance to match your partner's preferences?
Would you be willing to cut your hair if your girlfriend liked it better short? Get piercings? Lose weight? Gain weight? Hit the gym? Become a gyaru-oh?
R:6 / I:2
What is /qa/'s raison d'être?
R:4 / I:2
This says a lot about society.
R:4 / I:2
How is this board related to /qa/(4chan)?
R:141 / I:51

Winter 2024 Anime

The winter season is upon us. It will be difficult to match the quality of the autumn season, but hopefully there's some good stuff to watch.

R:17 / I:5
How do you feel about all the different versions of Miku? Does it get on your nerves if people don't stick to a general mold of the character that feels appropriate or are you fine with the artists vision being expressed through her freely? I'm more in the latter camp since I feel it fits better with vocaloids in general being for people to make their own music with, and not for people to make music for the vocaloid.
R:7 / I:3
Do 2d girls give you "Strength"?
R:225 / I:90
*shouts into the sky*


100% /qa/
R:78 / I:33

/qa/ works on the /qa/ mansion


Gonna get one of these for the /qa/ mansion it'll be boson. What are you guys contributing?
R:46 / I:16
Does it upset you when characters you like are mistreated in doujinshi? How much do you sympathize with them and how invested do you need to be before it starts bothering you?
R:76 / I:12

fighting games

Anything fighting games can go here.
Going to post here whenever I'm up for some games, feel free do to the same if you want.
R:16 / I:6

꓄ꂦ꓄ꍏ꒒ ꉣꀤꌗꌗ ꀸꍟꍏ꓄ꃅ

Your board is cordially invited to piss in a SOKUNIGGER TOURNAMENT. Enter to compete for glory for yourself and your board.

TOURNAMENT STARTS AT MARCH 23RD, 8PM UTC https://time.is/ UTC https://prolikewoah.com/t/20240323T20

MAIN THREAD: https://zzzchan.xyz/japan/thread/11497.html
BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/ SOKUAWAKENING
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/KS4EWGAMZL#/signup/r6sdsoi3ztc
STREAM LINK (when the tourney starts): https://cytu.be/r/touhourney

For those that do not want to register manually, post the name that you are signing up with in the main thread. It will be added to the brackets.

Hisoutensoku is an expansion to Touhou 10.5 SWR and is a multiplayer fighting game made by Tasofro with ZUN's approval. It's easy to learn, hard to master battle system makes for fun and fast paced matches with counterhits often launching girls across the screen. Very fast when played right. As a P2P game, game hosts must forward ports in order to play it or use specific workarounds.


Full installation: https://mega.nz/#!ashhnZza!cWdD2mqnQSfpzow5h_LDABQzHOnAiHDL62ceAOF6z9k
Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7ulje2arv05zjbg/Touhou_Hisoutensoku_%252B_Full_Unlock_%252B_SokuRoll_%252B_SWRSToys_%252B_Tensokukan.zip/file
Modpack: https://mega.nz/file/m5ghXYLQ#waa_R8bY-JmApb3Xia__6MetYdKddmCk39QwkJEGlGc

Get soku, then extract contents of swrs toys (modpack archive) directly into the same folder.

To host, a hosting player forwards a port (detailed instructions are available on the internet) and provides IP with a port in an IP:Port format, launches the game and uses the Vs Network menu to start the server. Client connects to provided IP and port and plays game. For hosts, please be sure to check the options menu to set a port and disable the "post to bot" checkmark if you don't want random people from the lobby to join instead of people in the thread. If no one's joining in the thread, playing people from the lobby can be a good idea to practice!

Should a port be unable to be forwarded, workarounds exist - Autopunch is installed in a modpack and is used automatically in case of un-forwarded ports. Keep in mind that it can fail on some routers and workplace connections and that ping will likely be less desirable, so please forward your ports.

Wiki: https://hisouten.koumakan.jp/

People are advised to check the main thread for hosted practice games and topical discussion. You never know what you may find!
R:25 / I:5
Do you think this will have a chilling effect on emulation?

>Nintendo wins $2.4M in Switch emulator lawsuit, Yuzu to shut down

>Makers of Nintendo Switch emulator Yuzu owe Nintendo $2.4 million after reaching a settlement with the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom developer, following a lawsuit over the open-source emulator just last week. Both Nintendo and Tropic Haze, the company behind Yuzu, filed for a final judgment and permanent injunction on Monday, according to court documents, after Nintendo accused the Yuzu makers of copyright infringement, circumvention of Nintendo’s Switch protections, and selling those circumvention technologies as Yuzu, among other things.

R:69 / I:14

What are /qa/'s favorite scores for anime and such? Are they mostly comprised of scores for older series or has anything recent really drawn your attention and favor as well? Or, do you even notice the soundtrack while watching?

Also I don't mean an anime with say 1 good track throughout the whole thing with the rest forgettable, but one where the music as a whole is good.
R:8 / I:3
Something I've noticed of more serious otome/action-bishojo series is that they always try to upend society and replace the status quo with the politics and ideology that best suit them and their ideals. Homura, Utena, Dork, Euphie, Nefertima all act in similar ways to oppose the avatars of God(or God directly) who stand against them. Quite reminiscent of the Western media that conveys a similar concept of eroding status quo in favour of a rational society, except unlike in the West it's not done from a perspective of the moral choice and group harmony but pushes a more logical idea that directly criticizes the motives of those antagonistic of the protagonist.
R:6 / I:1
One thing I've noticed kissu never does is baneposting
R:1 / I:1
The fact that one of the biggest open source social media software companies has the most minimal website speak volumes of the unnecessary bloat of modern web design.
R:14 / I:5
Do you remember what was the first VN/eroge you've played? I was trying to find out the names of some of these pixelated PC-98 ones I've played before and one of them was apparently True Love. It seems to have gotten an official TL in 1998 according to vndb. I played it sometime around 2003-2004 I believe. Quite a few ones seem to have gotten official translations back then surprisingly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAST_USA There are probably more that I've had the chance of playing before in there as well. Need to check it thoroughly. Yume Miru Kusuri is in there too and it was also important to me in that it was the first 'real' VN I've played/read in its entirety. I remember finding out about it on /v/ around late 2007.
R:18 / I:6
Did you see EoE in theatres this week /qa/? For the first time it's coming to the big screen in the states.
R:8 / I:2
Do you watch anime movies often? It feels like they are something that goes unnoticed in the West for the most part. Miyazaki won an Oscar with his newest movie but I haven't seen people discussing this movie anywhere. The last two big hits (Kimi no Na wa and Koe no Katachi) were almost 8 years ago by now, so what gives? Why couldn't it gain traction from there?
R:10 / I:4
Which torrent client do you use? why?
R:12 / I:3
Thai curry = Indian curry > Japanese curry
R:9 / I:1

ZAQ hopeness and 忍

I was listening to the koukaku no pandora opening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWGqagnqHb4 when it dawned on me that the line
"yaiba no kage ni kokoro ga atta yo"
is probably referencing the kanji for shinobu 忍, literally composed of the the characters for a blade "in the shadow" of the character for heart

This is also the heart of the pun in naming Acerola Orion Heart-Under-Blade "shinobu"

unfortunately all english translations of the song had interpreted "atta" as the past tense of "au" rather than "aru", thus shifting the meaning to "hearts meeting"
R:23 / I:15
They're making a new season of the dumbpire and smoking christmas cake anime.
R:12 / I:6

R:23 / I:8
After years of being told I'm in the wrong line of work I've decided to take a shot at what I was born to do: writing.

I'm going to write and publish a LN before the end of this year. I just wanted to tell someone so I stick to this goal. I don't imagine it'll be that great but I've taken a look at other books and LNs people are publishing and they aren't that great either.

Will my friends here read the first draft when I'm done?
R:60 / I:22
How much animes do you watch per weeks/months?
R:20 / I:6
Has the internet been a net benefit for society? Going by the access it gives us to all information, it could seem so on a technical level. However, with so much information out there it's impossible for a normal human to sort through, and as such many rely on small feeds to get their information that motivates them most emotionally. This stewing of outrage culture seems like it's lead to perpetuating and even stoking more violence and hatred.

On the other hand, the vast sea of information has also given opportunity for those in research to collaborate and build off each others work at lightning speed, and even help to raise new generations on material that teaches them well. Not to mention the entirety of github. In my own personal experience I feel as though I've learned to connect better with others through my use of the internet.
R:9 / I:1
what's the cheapest TV computer you can build?

Can you beat 600$?
> Intel Core i7 up to 3.9GHz 4-Core | 32GB Memory | 2TB Solid State Drive | Genuine Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
>AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT 8G GDDR6 Video Card | 1x HDMI | 2x DisplayPort
> RGB !!!
> relating to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AddtrV6UFFs
R:287 / I:93
I'm a VR now.
R:126 / I:21
If you told me that Doga Kobo of all studios would be producing the potential AOTD with an opening movie that asserts itself proudly as most likely the best anime movie to come out this year. I'd probably laugh in your face. All the trash they've been throwing out there. The quality void, I didn't think it was possible.

After watching this I'm convinced and refuse to believe there's any reason for this other than they had the A-team hard at work perfecting this very work. Haven't been this excited about an anime for a long time. Being able to tug at my heartstrings and relate to the protagonist not out of some form of "relatable" character points, but instead from sharing the same burning vengeful passion is what I feel really marks a masterpiece in the making.
R:16 / I:4
Did you know that YouTube has a feature where you can search older videos now? If the first thing you put into the search is
then you'll only get search results from before that date. I was using it to find nice blasts from the past earlier and it's also kinda funny how much better the results are when none of the modern algorithm optimized content exists.
R:98 / I:13
When do you sage, and when do you bump while others don't?
R:29 / I:7
Why do people like marcille and fern? They're so miserable and are probably drains to be around, fern can even come off like a bully to her friends whereas marcille feels like a girl who nags because she feels left out
R:36 / I:4
This is going to sound retarded but does anyone have like, a code of etiquette when it comes to bumping and saging threads?
¥ If the thread is on page 1
There shouldn't be a need to bump it, it's already on the first page.
¥ If it's on any other page
Should be fine to bump, but it should be with a good post.

This is predicated that its on a board of "high quality"
R:66 / I:25

/qa/'s AOTYs over the years

Everyone knows about 3x3s and whatnot, but what about your particular AOTYs for every year? Have you ever given thought to that? Think it'd be interesting to see how much how this graph kissu can fill out, and what everyone picks.

I think even for myself I'd have some trouble for some of these years with how much good stuff is in them.

https://kissu.moe/test.html or https://files.catbox.moe/vhp590.html : Easy fill-in horizontal template
(Edit the background-image property of the body segment of this to whatever image you want as long as it's a variation on >>109261 and it should work.)
R:64 / I:29

Voiceroid fun!

Thanks to a link from a guy that lead to discussion and a link from another guy, we have links to software that makes cute voices!

I'm using the first link personally because it has Zundamon, which is the absolute cutest artificial voice. I'm making a thread here on /qa/ because the original thread is on /jp/ and /jp/ threads can fall off after a couple weeks and this is too cool to lose that quickly.
R:5 / I:2
What do you think were the best underappreciated or obscure games of 2023?
R:43 / I:11
Isn't it funny that two of the best anime airing this season, Frieren and Dungeon Meshi, are both intermixing serious plot and action with prime Slice of Life material? It's really a winning combo to have since you want the audience to be endeared to your characters, and there's no better genre for scenarios to do that than SoL.

On another note, I've learned to stop nitpicking and love the Frieren. Despite my hesitations towards calling it excellent from the onset, at some point within the past few weeks all those thoughts have disappeared and instead been replaced by anticipation to watch the latest episode when it comes out. I'll need to go back and rewatch it when the BDs come out to see whether my initial concerns were valid or it was just my unconscious contrarian flaring up.
R:17 / I:11
So it has been SEVEN YEARS since the anniversary of /qa/ becoming 2D/Random and /qa/ itself is just one year short of turning a decade old. What are your fondest memories of /qa/ as that particular incarnation which led us here today? I posted the Doggy Temple thread on /jp/ which was what made me think about this in the first place: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2019745/ I can see some of my posts there. I also liked the anon who called everyone faggots for not watching M.D. Geist, the Kemono Friends threads which provided a cool original spin on the /jp/ meme/catchphrase, Pocari sweat, etc. The board died in an ugly unceremonious way, but I will always treasure those moments.
R:12 / I:4
What are the most effective baits you know of?
R:32 / I:12
does /qa/ support their country?
R:10 / I:2
What do you do in this situation?
R:46 / I:10
The longer time goes on in a community you fear participating in, the bigger the newfag you'll be when you eventually post. The bonds that exist will grow stronger without you and those chances you had to forge friendships will be lost. Wary and judgement is cast upon the newfag when they first enter into a community. Their every contribution or post viewed with the extra critical eye people place on strangers to the group. Yet even still, the brazen newfag presses on without fear and eventually forms connections and becomes seen as more than a stranger.

I envy the newfag with the willpower to leave their mark.
R:54 / I:24
I spent a really long time trying to get this working recently, so I figured I'd document what I did to get GPU passthrough working on my laptop. The steps I went through might be a bit different on other distros given that I am using Proxmox, but the broad strokes should apply. Bear in mind, this is with regards to using a Windows 11 virtual machine. Certain steps may be different or unnecessary for Linux-based virtual machines.

First, why might you want to do this? Well, the most obvious reason is that virtual machines are slooow. So, by passing through a GPU you can improve its speed considerably. Another possibility would be that you want to use the GPU for some task like GPU transcoding for Plex, or to simply use it as a render host, or you may want to use it for something like AI workloads that rely on the GPU. Alternatively, you may just want to use this to have a virtual machine that you can host Steam on or something like that (bear in mind, some games and applications will not run under virtual machines or run if you are using Remote Desktop).

0. Enable Virtualization-specific settings in the BIOS such as Intel VT-x and VT-d or AMD IOMMU and AMD-V, and disable Safe Boot (After installing your OS of choice if it requires UEFI)
1. Create a virtual machine
- BIOS should be OVMF (UEFI)
- Machine type should be q35
- SCSI Controller should be VirtIO SCSI or SCSI Single; others may work these are just what I have tested
- Display should be VirtIO-GPU (virtio); other display emulators will not work for Proxmox's built-in console VNC, or otherwise cause the VM to crash on launch.
- CPU may need to be of type host and hidden from the VM
2. Edit GRUB config line beginning with "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT"
- These settings worked for me: "quiet intel_iommu=on iommu=pt pcie_acs_override=downstream,multifunction nofb nomodeset"
- For AMD CPUs, change 'intel_iommu' to 'amd_iommu'
- Save the changes and then run 'update-grub'
- Reboot
3. Run 'dmesg | grep -e DMAR -e IOMMU'
- You should see a line like "DMAR: IOMMU enabled"
4. Add the following to /etc/modules :

5. Run "dmesg | grep 'remapping'"
- You should see something like the following:
"AMD-Vi: Interrupt remapping enabled"
"DMAR-IR: Enabled IRQ remapping in x2apic mode" ('x2apic' can be different on old CPUs, but should still work)

5.1 If not, run "echo "options vfio_iommu_type1 allow_unsafe_interrupts=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/iommu_unsafe_interrupts.conf"
6. Run "dmesg | grep iommu"
- You need proper IOMMU groups for the PCI device you want to assign to your VM. This means that the GPU isn't arbitrarily grouped with some other PCI devices but has a group of its own. In my case, this returns something like this:
5.398008] pci 0000:00:00.0: Adding to iommu group 0
[ 5.398019] pci 0000:00:01.0: Adding to iommu group 1
[ 5.398028] pci 0000:00:02.0: Adding to iommu group 2
[ 5.398038] pci 0000:00:08.0: Adding to iommu group 3
[ 5.398054] pci 0000:00:14.0: Adding to iommu group 4
[ 5.398062] pci 0000:00:14.2: Adding to iommu group 4
[ 5.398076] pci 0000:00:15.0: Adding to iommu group 5
[ 5.398088] pci 0000:00:16.0: Adding to iommu group 6
[ 5.398097] pci 0000:00:17.0: Adding to iommu group 7
[ 5.398108] pci 0000:00:1b.0: Adding to iommu group 8
[ 5.398120] pci 0000:00:1c.0: Adding to iommu group 9
[ 5.398136] pci 0000:00:1c.2: Adding to iommu group 10
[ 5.398148] pci 0000:00:1c.4: Adding to iommu group 11
[ 5.398160] pci 0000:00:1d.0: Adding to iommu group 12
[ 5.398172] pci 0000:00:1d.4: Adding to iommu group 13
[ 5.398197] pci 0000:00:1f.0: Adding to iommu group 14
[ 5.398207] pci 0000:00:1f.2: Adding to iommu group 14
[ 5.398215] pci 0000:00:1f.3: Adding to iommu group 14
[ 5.398224] pci 0000:00:1f.4: Adding to iommu group 14
[ 5.398233] pci 0000:00:1f.6: Adding to iommu group 14
[ 5.398245] pci 0000:01:00.0: Adding to iommu group 15
[ 5.398256] pci 0000:01:00.1: Adding to iommu group 16
[ 5.398267] pci 0000:02:00.0: Adding to iommu group 17
[ 5.398279] pci 0000:04:00.0: Adding to iommu group 18
[ 5.398290] pci 0000:05:00.0: Adding to iommu group 19
[ 5.398313] pci 0000:06:00.0: Adding to iommu group 20
[ 5.398336] pci 0000:06:01.0: Adding to iommu group 21
[ 5.398358] pci 0000:06:02.0: Adding to iommu group 22
[ 5.398382] pci 0000:06:04.0: Adding to iommu group 23
[ 5.398415] pci 0000:3b:00.0: Adding to iommu group 24
[ 5.398427] pci 0000:71:00.0: Adding to iommu group 25

6.1 If you don't have dedicated IOMMU groups, you can add "pcie_acs_override=downstream" to your GRUB launch arguments if you didn't already do that.
7. Run lspci to determine the location of your GPU or other PCI device you want to pass through. It should generally be "01:00.0"
8. Run "lspci -nnk -s 01:00"
- You should see something like this:
01:00.0 3D controller [0302]: NVIDIA Corporation GP104GLM [Quadro P4000 Mobile] [10de:1bb7] (rev a1)
Subsystem: Lenovo GP104GLM [Quadro P4000 Mobile] [17aa:224c]
Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci
Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau
01:00.1 Audio device [0403]: NVIDIA Corporation GP104 High Definition Audio Controller [10de:10f0] (rev a1)
Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci
Kernel modules: snd_hda_intel

- The first 4 characters designate the Vendor ID, in this case "10de" represents Nvidia. The second 4 characters after the colon represent the Device ID, in this case "1bb7" represents an Nvidia Quadro P4000
9. (Proxmox-specific, but generally applies) Add a PCI Device under Hardware for you virtual machine
- Select the ID for your Device, enabling "All Functions", "Primary GPU", "ROM-Bar", and "PCI-Express"
- Fill in the Vendor ID, Device ID, Sub-Vendor ID, and Sub-Device ID. In my case, the Vendor ID and Device ID are: "0x10de" and "0x1bb7" and the Sub-Vendor ID and Sub-Device ID are: "17aa" and "224c"
- If you edit the virtual machine config file located at "/etc/pve/qemu-server/vmid.conf" (replace vmid.conf with your Virtual Machine ID, like 101.conf), that would look like hostpci0: 0000:01:00,device-id=0x1bb7,pcie=1,sub-device-id=0x224c,sub-vendor-id=0x17aa,vendor-id=0x10de,x-vga=1
10. Run the following, making sure to replace the IDs with the IDs for your specific GPU or PCI device.
echo "options vfio-pci ids=10de:1bb7,10de:10f0 disable_vga=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf
11. Disable GPU drivers so that the host machine does not try to use the GPU by running the following:
echo "blacklist amdgpu" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
echo "blacklist radeon" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
echo "blacklist nouveau" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
echo "blacklist nvidia" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

12. (Nvidia-specific) Run the following to prevent applications from crashing the virtual machine:
echo "options kvm ignore_msrs=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
12.1 You may want to add "report_ignored_msrs=0" if you see a lot of warnings in your dmesg system log
12.2 Kepler K80 GPUs require the following in the vmid.conf:
args: -machine pc,max-ram-below-4g=1G
13. Run the following:
echo "softdep nouveau pre: vfio-pci" >> /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf
echo "softdep nvidia pre: vfio-pci" >> /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf
echo "softdep nvidia* pre: vfio-pci" >> /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf

14. [Skip this step unless you have errors beyond this point] Note: At this point, you may read that you might require dumping your GPU's vBIOS. In my experience, this was completely unnecessary and above all did not work. Specific instructions in other guides may be like the following:
cd /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/
echo 1 > rom
cat rom > /usr/share/kvm/vbios.bin
echo 0 > rom

In my experience, attempting to run "cat rom > /usr/share/kvm/vbios.bin" would result in an Input/Output error and the vBIOS would not be able to be dumped. If you really do end up needing to dump the vBIOS, I would strongly recommend installing Windows onto your host machine and then installing and running GPU-z. GPU-z has a "share" button that allows you to easily dump the vBIOS for your GPU.
To add the vBIOS to your virtual machine, place the place your vBIOS file that you dumped at "/usr/share/kvm/" and then add ",romfile=vbios.bin" to your vmid.conf for your PCI device (replacing vbios.bin with the name of your vBIOS file you dumped). That would look something like the following:
hostpci0: 0000:01:00,device-id=0x1bb7,pcie=1,sub-device-id=0x224c,sub-vendor-id=0x17aa,vendor-id=0x10de,x-vga=1,romfile=vbios.bin
15. Reboot. At this point, when you start your virtual machine you should be able to see in Windows Device Manager that your GPU was detected under display adapters. At this point, try installing your GPU device drivers and then reboot your virtual machine once they've installed. If all goes well, you should have a functioning GPU passed through to your virtual machine. If not... You'll likely see "Code 43" under the properties for your GPU in Device Manager.
16. Going back to your vmid.conf add the following to your cpu options ",hidden=1,flags=+pcid", you should have a line that looks like this:
cpu: host,hidden=1,flags=+pcid
17. Nvidia drivers can be very picky. You may need to add an ACPI table to emulate having a battery. You can do this by downloading this and then adding it to your vmid.conf by adding a line like so:
args: -acpitable file="/root/ssdt1.dat"
18. If you're still having a code 43 issue, you can go back to step 14 and try adding your vBIOS.

At this point, you're done. Your virtual machine should be successfully detecting your GPU or PCI device and you should be able to use it mostly normally. For obvious reasons, you may still not be able to run all programs as you would like due to running them under a virtual machine, however, the main core functionality of the GPU or PCI device should be fully accessible to the virtual machine.

A few of my resources:
R:21 / I:9
Sometimes I wonder what Kissu would be like if the voting system used on /ec/ and /megu/ was a sitewide thing that was active on every board.

In the standard imageboard format, it's hard to tell the difference between a post that has no replies because no one read it, and a post that has no replies because people found it generally agreeable and nobody had anything to add, and it can sometimes feel like you're shouting into the void.

This isn't a feature request. I'm not even sure if it's a good idea to begin with. I just think it's one of those things that's interesting to think about.
R:4 / I:2
Gets aren't worth it but that doesn't mean repeating digits aren't still fun
R:10 / I:5
Apparently the most important part of a skincare routine is sunscreen, even indoors.
R:6 / I:3
If your life is saved in a way that makes you completely dependent on the person who saved it, with them able to take it away at any time, have you really been saved?
R:318 / I:102

Autumn 2023 Anime

So, what anime are you planning on watching this season? There's quite a few major sequels and continuations and some new stuff that looks great as well.

R:110 / I:42

Tegaki Feature

New feature just landed.
Better than paint, allows you to add another layer on top for a simple CSP style image editor.
R:28 / I:12

cant believe I’m back here.

Got banned from heyuri cuz anonwaha is a faggot.
I need a good site to migrate to.
R:13 / I:9
I've been looking at 4chan/w/ and found the powerlevel thread. It's like a thread for posting wallpapers which reference some anime/manga/game/whatever but try and be pretty stealth about it so it won't look weird in public.
There were some really good ones there, but there aren't many wallpapers for phones there...

What wallpapers does kissu use? I've been using pic related on my phone for a long time now, it's Okabe's phone wallpaper from the Steins;Gate VN. Pretty stealth but still a nice reference that somebody who's also read Steins;Gate would catch (not that that's happened to me yet...)

This could be a nice long-running thread so I'm posting it on /qa/, but maybe it's better for the seasonal boards? Though those don't get much activity compared to the 2 main ones, so I put it here
R:7 / I:3
How much time can a show spend on build-up before you demand the plot move forward?
How many episodes can the main character be absent before you need things to get back on track?
R:11 / I:8
Is this an "anthropomorphic" (furry) image?
R:11 / I:3

AI no tame no suugaku: the blog

Having a hard time getting advanced math concepts into my head so I can get advanced machine learning concepts into my head easier.
R:10 / I:4
nitter is fucking DEAD
>If nothing changes, all remaining instances will go down eventually: Instances rely on guest accounts, which are valid for a certain time and of which you need a ton to run a public instance. The API for this got taken down and it doesn't look like a fluke this time.
>Guest accounts have been removed, they weren't just led to believe that. With real accounts getting rate limited immediately and likely banned, I don't see any path forward for Nitter.
R:10 / I:6

Rustlang - Tokio

Sponsored by Alice
R:4 / I:0
R:7 / I:2
I wonder how much the proliferation of generals comes down to having to attach an image to the OP on most imageboards. It's a small thing, but speaking personally, it adds just enough friction that I've posted things I've wrote to existing threads rather than starting new ones.
R:21 / I:12

De Qataris Pronuntiatio

I present to you De Qataris Pronuntiatio, or, On The Questionable Realizations Of A Toponymic Tetragraph And Its Many Compositions, Lesser Known Among Imageboarders.

Since time immemorial, two questions have remained present in the minds of all those dwelling /qa/: what do we call ourselves, and how do you pronounce the board's name? It has long been a matter of ⟨/qa/⟩'s phonemic composition, whose myriad expressions appear to contradict each other at every turn. Herein you shall find an authoritative examination of its manifestations and the underlying logic, motivated by the recent anniversary, and based on General American English and General British. (I am sadly forced to neglect Australian pronunciation for the sake of my sanity and time, nothing personal mate.) It's very long, but its length is necessitated by these phenomena's complexity.
The two books I've consulted the most are Gimson's Pronunciation of English (actually by Cruttenden), and Kreidler's The Pronunciation of English, while getting transcriptions from The Oxford Dictionary of Pronunciation for Current English with some usage of Cambridge here and there.

I'll first go over general English grammar and fundamentals, then compounds, and then free-standing ⟨/qa/⟩. Some of these are heavily subject to board changes, take ⟨/qa/bal⟩: of its 39 total hits, 35 are from 2017-2018. Likewise, 65% of ⟨/qa/non⟩'s 449 instances come from 2020-2021. Patently tied to historical contingency. Also, some words included are less than nice, but they're important to the overall analysis.


No.XXXXX = a 4/qa/ post and its number.

⟨xxx⟩ = a word as it is written, not pronounced. After words with ⟨/qa/⟩, the added parenthesis (XX) represents how many times it appears on desuarchive, totalling the root alongside plurals and such.*
/xxx/ = broad transcription, the word as made up of logical units, phonemes.
[xxx] = narrow transcription, specific sounds independent of the logic behind them.
E.g., English ⟨cat⟩ is broad /kæt/, but narrow [kʰæt], with the extra puff of air that English speakers add at the start, but which is generally not treated as relevant.

In terms of the broad transcription itself:
/V/ = any kind of vowel.
/Vː/ = a long vowel.
/(*)/ = a, let's call it, "optional" phoneme. It may or may not be there. I also use it for some written words like ⟨/qa/bal(l)ah⟩.
/'/ = the following syllable is stressed. The difference between CONstruct /ˈkɒn.strʌkt/, and conSTRUCT /kənˈstrʌkt/. Extremely important stuff.
/j/ = the sound that would typically be written as ⟨y⟩ in English, instead the IPA follows the convention of continental Germanic languages like German's Jagd, Jahr, ja.

*= E.g. ⟨/qa/y⟩ appears 26 times, and ⟨/qa/ys⟩ once more, so it's ⟨/qa/y⟩ (27). Also, there are several cases where the number listed is less than the amount of desu hits, due to matches that weren't actually referring to the board's name. The greatest offender in this regard is ⟨ka⟩.
R:5 / I:2
How do I make good programming language benchmarks. No one has done any performance research on Godot's GDScript because the community says it's good enough. Any benchmarks only look at framerate in physics calcd and not GC impact or memory per object. Obviously that reasoning is not good enough.

Picture related is single core performance on a weak processor
R:59 / I:10

Internet Language

A thread about phrases, buzzwords, and online discourse in general, because why not.
Which terms do you gravitate towards and which ones do you avoid? Do you think people has lost the ability to take lighthearted banter in stride?
Personally I try to write properly when the discussion is semi-serious, but get lax when funposting. For mainstream though it seems like using memespeak for post-ironic brownie points or ad-hominem attacks has been the norm for awhile. It gets tiring seeing the same lazy response over and over again. The rampant use of 'based/cringe' is a prime example.
R:9 / I:1

Favourite metal band?

Mines fear factory, what are yours?
R:4 / I:1
What is the purpose of NULL?
R:88 / I:53

Learning Photoshop with Kissu!

Hello, friends. Would you believe me if I told you that the attached image is an edit? It does not exist! It's crazy, isn't it? You assumed there was a Mewkledreamy/Elden Ring crossover, but it's not actually real. This is the power of photo editing.
Photoshop is expensive, though, and these days you have to subscribe. I heard there's a way to bypass that, but this isn't the thread for it. I heard someone might have uploaded it somewhere, I think a bird was talking about it.
Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes. I think we should talk about photo editing to encourage more kissu creations since people might want to participate in the random nonsense people throw together here now and then.
R:19 / I:6


What makes something look good? It's one of those things you see people talk about a lot, but I've never heard a satisfactory answer. Most theories of aesthetics boil down to some combination of "this looks good we should do more things that look like this" and "I like how this looks, you should too".

I don't want to be told what looks good; I already know what looks good because I have eyes. What I want to know is why the things I find visually appealing visually appealing. We know broad strokes what makes something sound or taste good, but why is our knowledge of what makes something look good (at least from where I stand) so primitive?
R:17 / I:6
Found this pic from January 2020, not sure what it's supposed to mean.
I think I posted it in the /b/ meta thoughts thread before someone flippin' killed it while I was away.
R:17 / I:4
Recently I've come across two different channels that seemingly popped outta nowhere and started putting out fairly specific and very high effort content at a pretty decent rate, which then went on to get hundreds of thousands of views. It's weird, so I wanted to share it:

Dogehammer Fortykay makes WarHam animations in the style of Madness Combat with the peculiarity that all humanoids are portrayed as a variation of doge, and they seem to have a pretty good grasp on the lore. Highly likely to have read at least some of the novels.
Mr. also makes animations, mainly centered around Zundamon but also featuring other synthesizers, consisting of absurd situations loaded with Jap memes. Their last video (>>112412) is a song that they wrote, drew, and edited by themselves. Their watermark is a black square, further adding to its oddity.

What motivates someone to straight up drop what they were doing, start from scratch with something so damn specific, and somehow still succeed in an environment where 99.99% of people are stuck with views well below 10k? The whole thing seems crazy to me.
R:28 / I:5

Dream Thread

What tales have your minds woven while you lie in slumber?

As for myself, I just had a dream in which I died. It started off with my father taking over a trip I planned out with a friend and making the experience somewhat uncomfortable. During said trip I uncovered a trait about them I hadn't known amd also apparently they had a medium sized youtube channel they'd mostly put behind them. Apparently it was discovered by a background check my father ran. Which is odd considering they were concealing themself within a black cloth the whole time. This did strike me as odd as the person in question doesn't really seem to care much. But, after that revelation I wad able to connect with their reasoning and appreciate them a bit more.

Then the dream shifted over to me and my family at the shore. We were going to enjoy the beach and also get some food first. I was looking at the donuts in a display case wondering why we weren't eating those but they insisted on going out to the downstairs breakfast bakery that I don't think would work in real life given that it'd be so easily flooded. But back on track, I'd decided to stay home and just sit in one of our trucks. Which is when another family showed up and started putting stuff in the house starting to treat it like they owned it. I told them to stop and that they didn't have any rental here at the time, but they didn't listen. The head of the house, some wicked lady I presume started to get really aggressive with me and yelling at me telling me to get lost. I was trying to tell her that my family owned the house when one of her relatives came after me and I defended myself with a wooden plank, bashing their skull. I don't quite remember the rest of the altercation but afterwards everyone was under the beds in the house and fairly injured. One of the younger children clearly had enough as she desperately reached for the shotgun besides her loaded it before firing it into the vicinity of the matriarch. Right after this she fired the second shot at her too. The matriarch keeled over and died as she asked her daughter how did she know she should've shot twice to make sure she finished the deed? The echo reverberated throughout the town and siblings/relatives of mine came to check on the situation.

I tried guiding them in or calling out to them however they mysteriously ignored me no matter how hard I tried to get their attention. I found out why soon enough as I saw my lifeless corpse on the ground, having been killed in the scuffle long before. I was depressed at first, but soonafter overwhelmed by curiosity at how I possessed my consciousness still and to what extent I could affect the world around me. To my surprise I could manipulate pretty much all physical objects as if I weren't even dead, but still I couldn't really talk verbally to anyone.

In the next condo over for some reason was Vermin working on the site in a candlelit room. Tried talking, punching him to get a reaction but nothing worked, so then I elected to go with the next best thing and just throw shit around until I got his attention. In the notebook I had picked up I finally had gotten his full attention, and then within the opened pages I wrote, "i died lol" before chuckling to myself over the absurdity of my ghost announcing that news in such a manner, but to me death had just been another thing since at the end of the day I could still do whatever. He seemed to take it well enough and then I headed over to my PC where I proceeded to watch anime and play games without the need for sleep. I felt safe and secure until I needed to go to the bathroom, where something felt off since ghosts don't need to take dumps. But I went anyways. Where upon sitting on the toilet urged me to start taking one, but then as time crept on it was still going and going. At that point I realized I'd been trapped in a hell of endless poop, and that's when I woke up.
R:65 / I:31


R:16 / I:4
Can anyone explain why I can read a vn for 10 hours but have trouble watching an hour of a tv show or a movie? Are the stories that much better?
R:9 / I:6

Western classics in Jap media

The other day I came across Go Nagai's adaptation of the Divine Comedy, and a lot of its illustrations struck me as rather un-manga-like. True enough, most of his large illustrations appear to be taken from Doré's art. It's a very interesting crossover.
The main change Nagai does is making characters more monstruous, you can see how he draws Charon here twice as tall as regular people and gives him blank eyes for further contrast, and to King Minos in the first circle he gives a pretty evil look with large teeth and all that.
R:36 / I:11
What was your AOTY 2023?
R:37 / I:19

im from heyuri.

Im from heyuri, what is this site like? and what are the good parts and the bad parts about this site?
R:72 / I:15
To what extent -- if at all -- do you think people should be protected from information hazards? Should the spirit of preserving free speech supersede ethical considerations?

To be clear, I would define an information hazard as any piece of information which can reasonably be assumed to potentially result in harm to others or oneself. Many things would fall under this definition, such as instructions on the creation of a weapon to direct encouragement or instruction to commit self-harm. Taking a more broad view, there is also information that by virtue of knowing presents a tangible and credible risk to the person who knows said information -- for example, self-incriminating knowledge or, as previously mentioned, information on self-harm. I would exclude non-intrinsic sources of potential harm, such as social media, because a medium itself cannot be a source of harm, but it is instead the content within it that may harm others.

I began thinking about this after learning of a particular place that encourages and celebrates self-harm to the extent of providing information, means, and validation. I have also for a long time been under the impression that mass media reporting on certain topics, such as mass shootings, naturally increases and tacitly encourages their prevalence.
R:16 / I:9
Q: Why is Spy x Family s2 better than 1?
A: Because it's the Yor season

Seriously, I can't get enough of this cutie draped in crimson. Not to mention the way the spy gags are interwoven into the plotline without breaking the flow, or how competent this more serious story is for what on the surface looks like a mainly comedy anime. It's an absolute love letter to the genre and I in turn love it, and relish in the popularity it's found itself. How about /qa/, are you enjoying the increased screentime for best girl?
R:28 / I:11
What's there to do on the internet?
Online conversations feel too superficial and all it does it only make me lonely.

I'm unironically considering to touch grass.
R:5 / I:4

Dungeon Meshi

Did you like the first episode?
R:20 / I:3
I am convinced that cell phones have reached a level where they can read the end user's mind without relying on verbal or typed in data. Some examples that have happened to me recently;

I was sleeping in the middle of the day like a NEET when I was woken by a loud bang. I thought something had fallen on the house so I ran out the back door to check. Nothing was there. I went back to sleep for several hours.

When I woke up I went in the bathroom and saw that my shower curtain bar had fallen again. Which explained the loud bang (this happens often). I took my old phone in there with me so I could read shitposts while shitting as I do everyday. I ended up watching some youtube videos.

What is youtube shilling to me in the ads?
>Click here to get list of local roofers and roof repair tips!

Back around Christmas my father came over which is rare. I see him maybe once a month now. He didn't come into the house we were just talking on my porch for maybe 2 minutes. I mentioned to him that I'd been looking at buying a simulator wheel+gearbox+pedals and thinking about getting started with playing iRacing. Which is a pay-for subscription service for sim racing.

On Christmas day we all met at my Grandmother's house for breakfast and dinner. My Dad mentioned to me that since that conversion his phone had been shilling ads to him for Sim racing gear and steering wheels. I didn't have my phone on me at the time we were talking on my porch and he said his was in his car.

A couple of days ago the temperature dropped really low in our area and I had the heater turned down because the bill gets high if I run it too much when the temperature is below freezing outside. I was laying on the couch watching videos and shitposting with my old smart phone that hasn't had service in years (can only use wifi). I had two blankets covering me and my head under the covers because it's warmer that way. What does youtube start shilling?
>Click here to find local HVAC repairman in your area! Don't freeze this winter get your heat fixed now!

This last one I can understand. The camera is watching all of the time and it noticed I was bundled up. Still spooky.

Another one that happened recently. I was again using the phone. My teeth weren't looking the best because they'd gotten stained from something I'd eaten and I was being kind of nasty and hadn't brushed that day. So I was doing that thing where I quickly covered them with my lips when smiling because I was embarrassed about it despite no one being around.

Youtube starts shilling me ads for local dentists. Which I don't need for cleanings since I do those at home now (I scrape stains off a few times a year using wooden toothpicks. Works fine).

There are many many other examples of this I can give about smart phones doing spooky things. I don't notice this stuff unless I use phones because all my desktops and laptops run full adblocking. But the ads I get from that old smart phone and my set-top device under the TV (which I can block ads on) have basically been mind reading devices for the last several years. Even if I don't speak around them and take care to cover up the cameras they know exactly what I'm thinking about before I search for it and the ads start shilling me things I haven't ever entered into a device on my local network.

This year I guessed correctly what all my family members were buying me for Christmas because I am their /tech/ support and regularly use their LANs. If I connect to their LANs and allow ads to come through I can see what the botnet is shilling to them. Which is always related to whatever they've been thinking about recently. I spooked my Grandmother and father this year because I knew what were in those boxes before I open them. I even correctly guessed the novelty gift that my Uncle bought me.
R:15 / I:1

Do you really need a dedicated to-do list app?

These are really popular, and I don't get it. Is there any reason to use one of these instead of just writing the to-do list in your synced note-taking application, another thing everyone in the productivity treadmill seems to have? I guess notifications are the main difference, but you should be relying on your calendar app for that.
Or barring that, a piece of notebook paper and a pen?
R:5 / I:3
When imagining things, particularly when imagining scenarios, do you see things from a first-person perspective or do you imagine things as if you were a camera viewing the area?
R:20 / I:4

Interaction between different programming languages

So I was trying to write an IRC bot and while I started off in python I realized at some point maybe I might need to do stuff in javascript as well. It got me wondering if you can just have a bot that's in python that just connects and calls upon javascript programs to do stuff. My first assumption is no since most programs I've seen online seem to be entirely written in one language or another. Since if this was the case then you'd have people mixing and matching languages to do individual tasks ideally because I see a bunch of discussion around languages with people praising something for how well it can do a specific task. If this doesn't exist already, how come?
R:52 / I:11
Why should threads die? Isn't there a reason to keep around everything on the chance that somebody goes through the site and finds something that gets them to reply even if it's in the far future?
R:13 / I:3

Would /qa/ be willing to live in a cyberpunk world?

How would you describe cyberpunk without the "punk"? Since the "punk" portion of the term implies some sort of rebellion against the system or disdain for norms. This question came upon my mind while thinking about the future and how for many the kind of cybernetic corporate controlled society we'd be in actually may be desirable and maybe even the natural evolution of things.

Even for I, I find myself dwelling on some sort of charm or intrigue about the more moral-less late stage capitalist society many works in the genre take place in. Things are quite often terrible in these worlds, yes. However, the unmitigated freedom from regulation or ethics related to cybernetic augmentations normally rampant within has appeal in how often it leads to independent shops having business all over the place that contribute to a thriving home modification scene. Although at the same time often there's a control on who can be augmented and I don't really care for those worlds in terms of likability. Another thing that often seems to be prominent is the lax care for normative religious creed which is the root cause for boundless discrimination and social barries towards avenues cybernetics would open up. On the whole though, despite some parts that appear better than current society, there's still plenty of legitimate corruption that'd make the tradeoff not worth it.
R:48 / I:11

New Year's Resolutions

What are you Resolutions, goals and hopes in the coming year? Some of mine include;
>fasting between Christmas day and the day after New Years
>spending more time with my Grandmother and parents
>finishing a project I've been working on for 2 years
>contributing more to other people's projects
>hopefully making a steady income to live on from projects I've been maintaining for free for years. I'm finally going to start asking for donations like everyone else
>running everyday until I can go 5 miles without stopping or taking breaks
>talking with my neighbors more often and helping them out where I can
>making amends for things I did in the past and people I hurt with my actions (think My Name is Earl). List is pretty short but I want to make amends anyway
>visiting dead friend's parents more often to let them know their children were good people and helped/saved me at the lowest time in my life
>trying to take it easy more often
>quitting smoking (already down to 10 a day from 2 packs daily plus I roll my own now)
>starting my own business (rabbit+chicken farming)
>attending more community/social events like church on Sunday and dances and what-not to help with my social anxiety which is the result of isolation and the fact that I no longer take drugs to mask it
>visiting my mother and sister for the first time in 8 years. Want to see Mom's new house and my sister's apartment. Want to be more involved with their lives beyond just talking on the phone a couple of times a year.
>Helping my Dad out more often in his wood shop which has become his main daily activity since he retired a year ago.
>Learning a couple of new languages (Thai and Korean)

What about you guys? Anything you're going to try to work on in the next year? What are you goals for the future?
R:10 / I:4
Do you ever get that "moe moe kyuu~n" feeling when watching anime or reading manga/VNs? Like, are there any characters that are just so dang cute that you start giggling every time you see her?
R:20 / I:13

tegaki drawing thing

>>>/jp/65426 is an interesting idea, but I think it would be better to go in reverse.
In this thread, continue the previous tegaki drawing by adding another line/object/whatever. You can go into as much depth and quality as you like or just make a scribble (like I will). If someone does imparts crazy detail, you don't need to repeat it as long as it's still somewhat recognizable. I think it would be cool to alter the scene, too, or zoom out or change angle and maybe it can become a story of sorts.

You may want to say that you're working on a drawing so there aren't splits, but that probably won't be an issue.
R:15 / I:14
wanted to share this cute and colourful frame of this show i'm watching
share your nice screencaps
R:26 / I:14
Anniversaries are always a good time for reflection. So how about thinking of yourself, /qa/. As the years have gone by and you've gotten older, do you feel like you've become a better poster?
R:15 / I:5
Is "Gezellig" the most accurate word to describe /qa/ - my friend is here?

>Gezelligheid is a Dutch word which, depending on context, can be translated as 'conviviality', 'coziness', 'fun'.
>The word derives from gezel which means 'companion' or 'friend'.
>A common trait to all descriptions of gezelligheid is a general and abstract sensation of individual well-being that one typically shares with others. All descriptions involve a positive atmosphere, flow or vibe that colours the individual personal experience in a favorable way and in one way or another corresponds to social contexts.
R:44 / I:11
Do you share any of your otaku interests with your family members?
R:4 / I:0
When did you peak?
R:10 / I:2
What games, or types of games, do you think will survive the test of time and become staples into the far future? Like checkers, chess, or backgammon.

Although esports has been a fairly well-known thing for at least a couple decades, it hasn't been until the past few years where it was actually accepted by the Olympics and even schools and universities as something more than just goofing off. But I wonder: how many of these games are truly timeless? It's not exactly a competitive sport, but Tetris strikes me as being reduced to the most essential parts of a game -- not overly flashy, or constrained by sensibilities on what makes good graphics -- it is the prototypical timeless game.

That said, there are a lot of things we for granted as being timeless now. Modern sports like hockey, american football, table tennis, etc. were only invented within the last ~150 years. Even modern yoga, as we understand it, is only really an invention from within the last ~200 years.
R:27 / I:4
Can /qa/ give me some fun anime and cartoons to watch? I've already added a bunch to my media server and I'm running out of things I've watched before. It automatically adds stuff that's airing so I already have everything released in the last year.

I'm mainly looking for 60s-2000s era content. I have five other people sharing the server with me. I'm tired of going through anidb looking for stuff I haven't seen before. Half of what I find isn't available anywhere anyway.
R:16 / I:3

Rurouni Kenshi and Remakes

The new rurouni kenshin looks flippin GOOD (Although not on the level of Tsuioku good but that's impractical). Which is nice for me because depending on how much they adapt this is probably up in my top 3 greatest battle shounens of all time. Would be amazing if this goes beyond just re-adapting what the anime already covered and properly doing justice to the later manga arcs because that's the greatest fault of the original IMO. Although the new OP is definitely no sobakasu..... It's hard to top a 10/10 opening I wish the new one was at least comparable...


Anyways, with this I kinda wonder what /qa/ thinks about the uptick in higher budget remakes of older anime? I find it a bit worrying because of the precedent Hollywood set with it, but everything so far has been pretty quality (This, Urusei Yatsura, Mahoujin Guru Guru come to mind). Also as a positive it seems that these new remakes, if source material has updated since the original, are doing more the Brotherhood style of remake in which they adapt the source material more accurately and to its conclusion instead of just being an advertisement. In a way I think I'd actually prefer more of these since I hate the way so many older anime are just sitting in the "next season never" bin and if a full remake is what's needed to see them adapted to finish then so be it. I will happily eat up the Spice and Wolf remake if that's what'll be done as well.
R:18 / I:4
How does kissu manage their passwords? I used to use a password manager (KeePass) but I thought someone figured out the master password and got my keyfile when I was having a psychotic episode. Now I'm writing them down in a notepad, but the list is getting long and it takes a while to find the password I'm looking for. I also don't have the memory for a bunch of xkcd-style passwords (https://xkcd.com/936/) even though they are a good alternative to honestly answering security questions.
R:61 / I:12
do you think that catalogs and overboards are detrimental to an imageboard's quality of posts? i'm not sure about catalogs but i do think overboards can be harmful since different types of threads get grouped in, and as such anons may be inclined to reply to a /qa/ thread with a /jp/ style, so to speak.
R:28 / I:11
Towards a Theory of Width

I believe it's high time we formalized this crucial matter. At first I believed this to be a simple task, I thought we could say wide was a subset of chibi, but reality is never so straightforward.

¬ Ume Aoki - Orthodox Width
Ume's default head shape is hexagonal, alternating with a rectangle or narrow oval that are about twice or thrice as wide as the default while retaining roughly the same height. Eyes change too, going from a fairly regular form to to her trademark (✖╹◡╹✖). It's a very clear contrast, absent in Madoka for the sake of srs but commonly extended to it in fanart. The golden standard.

¬ tkmiz - Heterodox Width
Unlike Ume, tkmiz's heads are predominantly circular, blobby, and don't have a qualitatively different mode of width, instead characters will melt or be stretched like fresh dough. Their eyes do not change either, as can be seen when Yuuri gets NARROW'd in ep 2. However, after an exhaustive review I've come to the conclusion they are not nearly as wide as the hidamaris. They mostly stick to their regular-sized blobheads, and it's only in Shimeji that their proportions sometimes change in a way that's comparable to Ume's or even more radical. However, this model is widely recognized as wide, so excluding it would be negligence. ("Don't be so wide about it" is a bit of a meme translation, though, the original says 横長.)

¬ Kotoyama - Sharp Width
If tkmiz's width is on the blobbiest end of the spectrum, then Kotoyama is the opposite: his wide faces are well-defined and extremely pointy. Eyes change from regular to rectangular (though as you can see in >>/jp/58098 it's not exclusive to widened forms), and noses disappear. Initially I had my doubts about including this one, as it is proportionally the narrowest of all, but after giving it a closer look I can say with no doubt that it fits Ume's criteria to a T, even if the change is not as pronounced as in Hidamari.

What prompted this is the following question: did Vermilio truly widen, or did she just blob out a little bit? Is it heterodox? She retains all of her facial features, her face barely becomes wider, and the only noticeable difference is her jaw dissolving from frustration. I checked the manga and she's definitely not wide there, this blobbiness is anime-original, which further casts doubt on the matter.

I believe these to be different from potatoes like Princess L-chan, the ghosts in Shachiku, or Hakumei to Mikochi and Mitsudomoe. Potatoes don't really change shapes, there's no serious widening as far as I know, so I'd refrain from including them here. There is one transformation that comes to mind, Umaru's, but she differs in that she becomes radically smaller, while all prior examples retain their regular bodies and only change their heads.

What other examples come to mind, and what do you think?
R:91 / I:47
Lala Lala Lala!! Her voice so sweet!! It's been over a year since we've had the pleasure of seeing Lala here on Earth.
Well, the Starscape alliance is always working tirelessly to protect the universe.
In the name of all the magical girls around the world, our top secret ally Lala has returned from her mission on earth.
On top of that, our beloved friend Lala has been taking pictures of the magical girls for the Starscape alliance. (She's on the left side)
I hope to see many more pictures soon!!

And there's that magical girl friends are so awesome. I wish I could make magical friends like them!
And so there you go, the reason why I love Lala and why I'm so happy to see her around every time.
R:2 / I:1
Do you think that as we march forawrds towards a future in which AI bots become prolific, paying for access to post on sites will become the norm? Not a crazy amount or anything, but more like a dime/quarter for a code that you insert to allow posting. The financial burden for the regular person is nothing, but the cost to spammers would mount to hundreds if not more depending on how many different 'access tokens' they'd need to purchase. Maybe there's other ways that I'm just not good enough at computers to understand, but with the way botnets keep getting better and better it seems like something the net will have to deal with somehow.
R:57 / I:27

Kissu's Birthday!

Kissu is four years old! Stream has concluded!

You WERE cordially invited to the annual streaming of Tsukuyomi Moon Phase, the namesake of this corner of the internet known as Kissu!
Kissu was born on December 1st, 2018, and since streaming is done on weekends for the benefit of those people that have things known as "lives", the stream will start on Friday, December 2nd at 6PM EST/11PM UTC.*
Currently the plan is to watch 13 episodes on the 2nd and then 13 more (12 + OVA) on the 9th, which is what we did in previous years. However, I'm also open to splitting it up into 3 weeks since 5 hours of streaming is a pretty long time.
Questions? Comments? Neko mimi modo?

*Timezones are a major pain and sadly some people will be left out, but if there is enough interest maybe someone can organize a stream for the Eastern hemisphere and I could provide you with the stuff you need. [css deactivated]
R:57 / I:42
Today I went to an art museum. Does /qa/ like fine art?

I'll post some of the things I liked.
R:248 / I:112

Spring 2023 Anime

A breath of fresh air after the barren wasteland that was Winter, I'm actually looking forwards to a lot of the things airing this coming Spring. From only the short runthrough I've done I was able to immediately spot:
-Megu anime
-Mahoutsukai no Yome S2
-Witch from Mercury S2
-Tengoku Daimakyou
And the rest look like they could have potential as well, as I didn't write off most of them from the title. So is there anything in particular /qa/ is looking at?
R:68 / I:11
"Weeb" or "Otaku", which would you prefer to be called? How do you feel about one word or the other?

i used to not really care either way, but now i feel like "Weeb" has too much of an ironic "WOW I like ANIME, i'm so TRASH" connotation, which i don't really like.
R:4 / I:1
non controversial nuclear thread
R:75 / I:24

Kissu multiplayer games?

Do you play any online games you'd like to play with kissu people?
Maybe this could be a thread to play some games together online? I think the stuff should ideally be free, cheap, or already have multiple players here.

Personally, I'd like to start playing Power Bomberman together again. It's a free fan game it's really fun, featuring a crapload of characters (including the new slutty ones) in beautiful pixel form and lots of cool maps. We had a thread for it about a year ago.
You can play it offline too, if you want to practice.

So, what multiplayer games do you want to play?
R:21 / I:14

The Unix Epoch

1700000000 approaches in ~8 days. Where has the time gone... It feels like just yesterday that /qa/ was celebrating 1500000000
R:111 / I:39

Stupid questions thread

How I stop Furryfox from saving images as .webp?
R:5 / I:4
R:29 / I:2
What does /qa/ think is a better idea?

Buy a unit or apartment in the city or suburbs or buy a normal house or even a house on an acre of land but in a town in the middle of nowhere 6 hours drive from the nearest city?
R:21 / I:6

Meditation thread

Everyone's been raving about meditation in almost every circle, and I honestly dont get it. I just get bored and sometimes fall asleep. Is the point of the exercise to cope with your boredom or do I just dont get it
R:86 / I:35

Kissu's Future Planning: Potential of Self-Hosting

As time goes on and we consider different avenues of potential growth or new features for kissu, the big question of "What's the best way to do this?" comes into play a fair bit. Recently I've been considering some ideas that make me think the best way to really expand on what kissu has right now is for us to set up a mini-server/pc to allow us to have these features on-site without the need to pay out the butt for expensive and really not cost-effective rental servers. With that said, I'm not necessarily the most technologically inclined of the admins so most of my ideas are wrapped up in idealism and fantasy. As such I think it'd be a good idea to bring the discussion to kissu itself to get more practical ideas and maybe expand the range of what'd make for 'cool features' to add to kissu.

At the moment, the two main ideas that I have for potential additions relate to AI and games. For games, I want something that can serve as a perpetual server for whatever it is kissu may be playing at the moment (if anything). Then for AI my idea is to host a SD webpage on a kissu subdomain, and allow people to generate images, set weights, and do whatever else you can do on the offline SD on the page. The difference between it and other variations of that idea would be that we'd allow (trusted) users to add their own Loras/Hypernetworks and whatnot so that it takes on the role of an open development project rather than being restricted and closed off from improvements.

With those two goals stated, what does kissu think the ideal setup for this would be? Preferably the budget should be in the 3-8k range (preferably on the cheap end) as we don't want to invest a fortune into something that may not even pan out to be something interesting and I don't have mega-millions.
R:29 / I:13
Haven and Hearth is having another world reset on october 13th if anyone is interested in playing.
The game is free and is part mmo part survival game that's a bit hard to describe but what you essentially do is progress your character, explore and build in one big persistent world.
To play you can hit play on the website or download a custom client from the forum (ender is the one I use); not much point in starting right now though as everything will be reset soon.
R:10 / I:5
Is pleasure real or is it merely imaginary? We've often heard of material pleasures, bodily pleasures, etc., but as far as we are capable of knowing, it might not necessarily be anything but a mental phenomenon.
What if pleasure is just a meme? What if enjoyment does not exist? What if it's all mere poetic fancy, constituting nothing but decoration in art, pure artifice born from the inside of creative organ?
But if people do strongly enough believe in it and bring out works of art that represent this ideal very much in accordance to what they believe it is meant to be, then can it be said to come into being, or does it remain trapped on a canvas or on a piece of paper? If Man attributes the qualities of beauty, grace, harmony, balance to real objects that were created by nature, do those qualities indeed objectively typify them, or are they only assignations describing a subjective judgement, a mere product of circumstantial associations?

The World might not be objectively beautiful, but it is not objectively ugly.
R:22 / I:6
Is it just me or is it getting harder to download shows you watched from 10+ years agos because it seems like every torrent has 0 seeds?
R:66 / I:12

Growing Humanity

What are /qa/'s beliefs surrounding growing humans from artificial wombs, or potentially even tubes? As the population of the earth thins, many countries have come to a point where a large portion of population replacement comes from immigration. However, there seems to be a trend among developed and advance nations that birthrates fall below replacement level. Potentially this balances itself out in the future, but with all the current societal problems that come with birthrates falling below replacement it's clear that if all countries were developed and came to face the same issue there'd be major issues worldwide. With that said it seems like in an eventual fully developed earth scenario something's going to have to happen to solve this, and artificial wombs seem like a pretty good way to bump up societies to replacement levels.

Of course, one of the first things one must contend with if we have the power to artificially create babies is: Assuming we have the power to determine certain genetic characteristics of the babies, should we keep what genetic traits those babies have random or allow people to choose? Potentially, maybe even settle on an optimized "ideal", but that brings with it issues related to integrating the people in with a society full of non-grown babies, not to mention the massive issues with selecting said ideal, so I consider this one the least viable. In my opinion, when it comes to babies people should be able to choose the traits of their grown babies since leaving it up to random chance potentially allows the babies to be born with birth defects or disabilities. And, if there was the ability to avoid having a messed up baby brought into the world with extra hurdles because of failing a human-made genetic lottery, it puts the moral responsibility for that suffering onto the scientists that didn't allow for trait selection. So if the ability for one to avoid deformity/disability is there, it should theoretically be taken.

Aside from that, what other moral quandaries does /qa/ see with growing humans? The one other I can think of at the moment is with how many of the people that don't have kids now don't because they'd rather be doing other things than raising kids. So if the world were to be brought up to replacement levels through artificial wombs, who would take care of the babies? For me, I think the simplest solution to that would just be making a full-time parenting/raising job that people could do for the grown humans. It'd probably help open up more job opportunities for when AI kills a whole bunch of menial labor.
R:16 / I:4

Pinny sold out. Seriously, what made nintendo think this audience would like this? Slightly angsty vocaloid music that often has spiritual themes, yeah, those hardcores are totally gonna buy SV after watching this. The sad part is that a PinnyP song about Team Galactic and N could work!

Im kidding about the selling out part, but its just a very weird choice for both parties. Need to start buying their CDs again if they needed to do this
R:23 / I:8

Guide to Good Fantasy

I've taken the time to categorize what is a good and bad fantasy series based on >>>/jp/62468 's findings.
Please take this list very seriously.
R:189 / I:74

Summer 2023 Anime

There's a whole lot less this season, what does /qa/ plan to watch?

R:2 / I:1
I've never understood why so many independent creators, particularly Western ones, use the artistic freedom being an indie provides to create imitations of corporate commercial media they grew up with.

Like, it's fine if you like and are influenced by that sort of thing. What bothers me is that they don't do anything with that influence beyond emulating it. You're free to make whatever you want. Why restrict yourself to dumbed-down copies of corporate product?
R:31 / I:11

Goblin Slayer Stream

This Friday at 6PM EST we'll be streaming Goblin Slayer!

Since it's a 12 episode series with a movie we'll have to break it down somehow.
Vote on this poll to decide how we'll divide it up.

We'll be on https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri
R:11 / I:4

Mahoutsukai no Yome

I love the way in which the world of magic is presented in this anime. There's not really much power scaling shounen stuff that typically accompanies the setting and neither Chise nor Elias are so powerful that they aren't beholden to the rules of the world. It allows the world feel so much more vast because of how much out there is on the same footing as the main cast instead of only a select few being even capable of harming them. It also makes the tension feel more real in that the threats of the neighbors are in no way empty, and a mistake could cause irreparable harm. Take Ashen Eyes for instance, his presence makes any scene more tense from the fact that his whims are all that protect Chise.
R:7 / I:1
How would someone even go about learning about music history and becoming knowledgeable about theory without attending courses? I'd assume that unlike math or any science the online knowledge is all a jumble.
R:12 / I:4
Is a digitalized personality put into a robotic shell a zombie?
R:3 / I:0
Kroger had candles on the clearance shelf so I bought a couple. They smell quite nice. Wish they weren't so expensive normally or I'd buy them a lot more. They give off a nice vibe, especially the wood wick ones.
R:9 / I:3

A thought on irony

People say they're sick of irony, but what I think they're actually sick of is people using the guise of it as a shield for social and intellectual cowardice.

When someone says "awesome" to bad news, they obviously mean the opposite and are just being funny. A statement like "The Room is the greatest movie of all time" is a bit more ambiguous, but you can still infer that they're probably joking.

The problems come in when you start using the general shape of irony to make statements that aren't actually ironic. You're intentionally muddying your point to give yourself an easy out; you're joking, unless people start agreeing with you, at which point your 'ironic' statement starts revealing itself more and more as sincere, although it's still phrased kind of jokingly, because you want to maintain a level of plausible deniability in case you say something people don't like. It's an okay-ish way of making yourself look good in an argument, I suppose, at least in the short term, but it's anathema to any actual communication; to sharing ideas with others and seeing how they respond to them.

I was thinking about this because I myself use real irony all the time. When I hear bad news I'll say "wonderful"; when someone tells me an embarrassing story I'll say "that rocks". But I have, to my knowledge, never used pseudo-irony, and I couldn't quite articulate why it bothered me until now.
R:12 / I:3
It seems like CR decided to jump on the AI bandwagon by publishing a straight MTL that nobody bothered to look over. Probably their worst output since Gab Dropout, though in a completely different direction.

Obviously companies are itching to fire all their translators, but how good does the tech need to come before that becomes viable?
R:3 / I:1
R:15 / I:3
Do you like classical music?
R:8 / I:1
Streaming the 1988 USSR Tresure Island in 20 minute
R:64 / I:28

Baldur's Gate 3

So we're about 2 weeks out from the biggest RPG release of potentially the decade. What plans has /qa/ set aside for the release of BG3? Do you have a general idea for what you'll be playing or are you going into it blind, or do you not give two-shits about it because it's a WRPG? I'm looking forwards to playing an Elven Necro and seeing just how fleshed out the summons are for it. Also to see if they let you take an evil route.

From all that I've seen and heard so far about it, the game seems to be rife with player freedom/choice and really expansive with its lore, with the early access version alone being able to clock a few days worth of play. I haven't touched it at all yet because I'm waiting for the finished product, but based on Larian's history and the past Baldur's Gate games I think it has a solid foundation for massive success.
R:19 / I:12
Please talk to me about something.
R:10 / I:0
You ever notice, that in almost every subculture based around media, that consumption on your phone is considered a faux pas. Which I get it, its hard to appreciate stuff made for a larger screen or even movie theater on a little cell but it feels great to watch things in bed
R:14 / I:3
Do you prefer magical portals or scientific portals? Do you find the material of portal boundaries alluring? Which objects and places could be serving as portals unbeknownst to passersby?
R:31 / I:22
Continuing from >>105100, I'll be streaming Hidamari S3, Hoshimittsu, its specials, and SP. It'll be eight episodes on Friday and eight on Sunday, at 6PM EST as usual.
It'll be lighter than last time, but still, remember to take a nap and drink some coffee beforehand.

Right here: https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/widehall
R:20 / I:11
Is it better to space out good things or to engage with them as they are found?
I ask this because in the past 3 weeks I have finished Natsu no Arashi, Penguindrum, and Mahoromatic. I think less of Natsu no Arashi despite really liking it because I was quickly blown away by Penguindrum. Similarly I found Mahoromatic to be fun and well made, but lacked the impact the other two had. If I hadn't watched these shows so close together these connections wouldn't have been made. Is there a reason to not intentionally space things out or a way to take advantage of this?
R:8 / I:2

This twitter account is funny. I like looking at all the passed out drunk people.
R:19 / I:7
In a world in which extremes are constantly spotlighted, what does it take for media to be truly 'edgy'?
R:19 / I:8

(´・ω・) Shobon (・ω・`)

Also called Denko or Shoboon and probably other things, this lovable little kaomoji is a living legend.
Did you know Shobon is starring in an upcoming otaku-oriented anime? It's true.
Let's have a thread where we talk about and post about him.
R:9 / I:2

Anime Goods

Finally started my "buyfag" life; albeit not anywhere near the level I've dreamt of, with only second hand stuff so far.
What anime goods have you bought /qa/?
R:8 / I:2
Have you seen the xbox leaks from the FTC case /qa/? It's pretty huge with internal plans leaked, Fallout 3/Oblivion remasters confirmed (why not the older ones...), and acquisition attempts they tried to make or were in talks of.


Also does anyone know if somebody saved the entire thing?
R:9 / I:3

Other uses of Anki

You know, I was just thinking about this since I've been using Anki a whole lot recently to learn and remember kanji, but daily flash cards that you use to recall and keep fresh learned material seems like a pretty good way not to lose and waste knowledge. For instance, I don't often use all the theorems, lemmas, formulas, equations, methods, etc. from back when I was really deep into studying mathematics. However, if I made or used an Anki deck for it I could probably help myself to retain a fair bit of those couldn't I? Has anyone on kissu tried this, or are there better methods for retaining that kind of mathematical knowledge?
R:58 / I:27
Probably been forever since the last time you picked up a bullethell isn't it /qa/, go pick one up right now and see how far you can get!
R:16 / I:10
Draw Elle. Do it. Do it now.
R:15 / I:4
What's the highest frequency /qa/ can hear?

R:304 / I:19

Does /qa/ still listen to music?

R:25 / I:11
What is kissu's opinion on Genshin Impact? Don't think I've ever seen it mentioned here before.
R:7 / I:2
Always found it funny how "Chris" is used as a girl's name in Japan. Is there a deeper meaning behind this, or does クリス just sound girly to them?
R:19 / I:1
With such a high output of pornographic content in Japan(and cultural neighbors) and the US(Cartoon or 3DPD), why do people settle for anything less than exactly what you want? If you just look a bit harder you can find basically anything. With a bit of messaging you can find someone who will erp or you can find an artist putting out something interesting.
Yet we settle with these AI generations which put together lower quality outputs with minimal effort? Is it novelty, an outlet for creativity when you don't want effort or something else?
R:16 / I:6
I'm reading Tiger Mother. That got me thinking about what my parenting style would be like. I'd pay for piano lessons and swimming lessons. I'd have some Draw 50 books on hand and some video tutorials on how to tap dance. Have the kid work through Summer Bridge workbooks. Buy a ton of novels from the thrift shop. What would you do with your (hypothetical) child?
R:12 / I:2
Is /qa/ looking forwards to what'll most likely be Miyazaki's swan song?
R:24 / I:1
Holy hell,
R:7 / I:1
Do you ever open the profiles of random youtube commenters and look through their uploads?
Just yesterday I found a 12yr old vid with 1.7k views but 3.9k comments, turns out the OP was using it as a log for his ongoing fanfic. Pretty neat stuff.
R:4 / I:2
Is Discord's poor runtime performance an aspect of it being built on top of the Electron Framework or is it down to how they programmed it? Perhaps they put too much logic into the JS instead of having the chromium engine handle CSS and HTML manipulation.
R:20 / I:4

The "Bloodstain" HP System

Some games, particularly 1st/3rd person action games feature an HP system which I call the "Bloodstain" system.
These games don't feature health bars, and only indicate when the HP is low through the bloodstains, red filter, and blur filter on screen. Almost all of them also have HP regeneration which gradually takes the bloodstains away.

I think the "Bloodstain" HP system is stupid. Most of these games have directions that focus on realism, but the "Bloodstain" HP system is anything but. When you're hurt in the body, you don't see bloodstains in your eyes. This is even more ridiculous for 3rd person games, as if there are so much blood they splatter and blur all over the camera. The HP regeneration system essentially always regenerates your HP to 100%, because apparently when the bloodstains go away you're magically healed. A standard health bar allows for more flexible HP regeneration systems, like only allowing regeneration up to a certain amount.

Does this system have any redeeming quality compared to other HP systems?
R:3 / I:1
What skills do you need to have in order to say you're generally good at video games? Like platforming, aim, actions per minute,
R:27 / I:13
Are you still in-touch with your inner-chuuni? Or have you moved far past those days, or maybe even never had them.
R:25 / I:1
I feel like this is the new ME ME ME in that everyone missed the point of it because they liked the dance
R:164 / I:12
Has anyone read academic works on otaku? The ME!ME!ME! poll made me think about how there are actual dedicated academic analyses of the phenomenon, like this book which seems pretty interesting, as opposed to simple media satires. Though I guess this sort of cultural analysis might not be interesting if you're already in the culture it's talking about.
R:16 / I:3
does kissu watch tokusatsu? what shows have you seen? how would you rank them?
R:14 / I:3
When was the last time you made the mistake of pre-ordering a game? For me it was Rome 2 back in 2013. I got burned hard when they released that unfinished mess of a video game.
R:14 / I:1
How I entertained myself in a psych ward:
- You can floss with utensil wrappers, although it's harder to wiggle the wrapper between certain teeth.
- Progressive calisthenics and isometrics are a subtitute for free weights. Jumping jacks and jogging in place for cardio.
- Golden venture and modular origami are like makeshift Legos.
- Repeatedly sketching your hands and feet in different positions.
- Reading. I had someone on the outside donate about 50 books from a thrift store - a lot more than the 10 they used to have. Just make sure they're paperback.
R:10 / I:2
[s heading|font-size:20px]THE IRON..NY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![\s]
[s heading|font-size:20px]IT'S KILL...ING .....
R:5 / I:3
I wish we just abandoned time zones and communicated in unix timestamps
R:12 / I:1
Is there an alternative to YouTube yet?
R:1676 / I:256

february blog

it's come and it won't leave
R:11 / I:2
Can you describe a circle without referencing its circumference?
R:9 / I:2

Comiket 101

Day two of C101 is coming up. Is there anything that strike your fancy?
R:102 / I:7

Imageboards: in the midst of web2.0 death

Recently, it seems that the slow death of web2.0 is being accelerated rapidly. Here I define "web2.0" as openly accessible websites with primarily user-generated and linkable contents.

Other than the well-known examples of mainstream social media and niche communities moving to post-web platforms (where contents aren't openly accessible or linkable, like discord), what's more concerning is that for the remaining holdouts of niche platforms that keep the web2.0 format, more and more of them have switched to invite-only, or have disabled new user registrations altogether. The rationale of these decisions often being that they already have an established userbase and new users often bring more troubles than they worth.

This leaves imageboards and textboards as the only types of web2.0 sites that haven't gone through a significant format or accessibility change. That's a lot less than even the amount of web1.0 (websites with contents primarily provided by their site administrators) sites in existence today.

What do you think would be the implication of this on the future of the imagebaord format? Will it survive, or will it die eventually like all other forms of web2.0 sites did?
R:45 / I:16
Is "cringemobile" a good translation of itasha?

I feel that itasha is one of those things that are so unique to Japan that it's better to leave the word untranslated.
R:26 / I:6
You know, I've often wondered about the (western) anime vs manga debate, do non-originals stand on their own and are separate works or at least different interpretations?

Are they just commercials?

Does this debate mostly exist in the west because of how hard tls of manga can be to come by, especially of unpopular series or very new series?

Is there even a debate in Japan? I know mangaonlys tend to be riaju and anime is the realm of otaku but is there any division there like there is in the west?
R:25 / I:8
does anyone else feel really scared to share fucked up things about themselves on imageboards even when its completely anonymous?
i should be able to overshare all i want on these places but i cant idrk why
R:20 / I:4

Streaming: One Outs

We're watching baseball today.
One Outs is a gambling/psychological anime from 2008 focusing around the sport of baseball.
Don't naysay it, it's actually exciting.
Many people consider it one of the best sports anime ever made.
It stays far away from those annoying shone tropes.

I'll co-opt https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri for this stream.
We'll start at 6PM EST
R:17 / I:1
How do I learn discipline in dropping more seasonals so I can do more work on my backlogs for other anime/games/vns? There's a bunch of stuff I pick up each season that's mearly passable at best and I know I probably won't come out of it at the end of the season feeling great about watching, but I don't feel it's so bad that I should drop it. Yet at the same time these hangups prevent me from getting through more of what I really like the most and know I will deeply enjoy when I'm finished. It's a complicated feeling because I know that most likely whatever I drop during the season for being merely passable I probably won't ever rewatch later on since it'll be competing against the rest of my backlog. How does /qa/ deal with this?

Also pic not related, that's the 5th AOTS this season.
R:2 / I:0
There's an anime convention next month and I'm thinking of going. I want to cosplay as Akira from Eden of the East. Would I be allowed in if I cosplayed pic rel? I would tape a white piece of card to my groin so nobody sees my dick
R:12 / I:2
If I have anal sex but I don't like it, am I still gay?
R:13 / I:5
Strong start for generic fantasy anime. The show had some good animation, funny faces, and decent enough fan service, for the genre, but otherwise isn't too amazing. I didn't like that the school nurse's office is basically just a typical modern anime nurse's office, complete with the nurse in a lab-coat and short skirt.
The end of the first episode really caught my attention. It seems to be an allegory for the MC getting married to the redhead. The ritual, forming a pact with the fire demon represents their wedding ceremony. And after this ritual the MC carries her (naked body) away to, presumably, consummate their marriage. Her change in hair and personality in the follow scene, cements her change as an woman reliant on her family (the demon sword) to a now part of a cooperative union between husband and wife.
Thinking about this, makes me wonder how many other harem anime have allegories for marriage between the MC and his harem that I wasn't actively looking for.
R:18 / I:3

Leveling and the Like

Am I the only one who thinks that traditional RPG progression systems are weird from a game design standpoint?

The reward for playing the game well (leveling your characters, using the right equipment, etc.) is your party becoming more powerful and thus the game becoming easier, which seems counterintuitive to me. Ideally, you'd want to give better players more of a challenge, or at least not less.

I've had this on my mind because I've been replaying RPGs I had as a young kid, and it's disappointing to see how easy they've become now that I know how to manage my party properly.
R:14 / I:5
Do you abuse pharma amphetamines for qualityposting?
R:34 / I:15

The Kirino Question

Incest. Do you think it's okay?

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