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File:[SubsPlease] Nige Jouzu n….webm (22.44 MB,1920x1080)


Do people really not take note of the OST of anime/games while enjoying them? I find it really hard not to notice since the sound in media I find to be one of the more important facets of its enjoyability. Like take this scene from the most recent episode of Nige Jouzu for instance, the OST during bursts with obvious Lupin influence and it makes sense given that Tokiyuki's playing thief and also making his big escape during the scene. The bombastic more samba-ish style fits very well with it and provides a more exciting scene due to it. If it weren't there and it was just some normal epic orchestral soundtrack the difference would be astronomical I feel. You wouldn't have the same lighthearted adventurish feeling to the scene that relays Tokiyuki's own emotions.

Similarly in something like SH2 after Pyramid head kills Maria after you make your escape without her, this plays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcsySeJSVD0 . It's somber and slow, amplifies the guilt James feels and forces you to dwell on your actions even if it's one of the parts of the game that can't be avoided, you don't know that. The impact wouldn't linger as long without the OST pulling you back into it.

So I really have to wonder if people that say they don't notice actually don't notice, or if they just don't think too much on it.


File:[Subsplease] Bye Bye, Eart….mp4 (2.57 MB,1280x720)

Games? Absolutely.
Anime? Well, it depends. So many of them make it hard to notice because of the talking or action going on. I'll notice the music for 20 seconds or so when they're panning to scenery or something like that. A lot of it really blends in because it's meant to be in the background by design, unlike in old video games where the music set the atmosphere. I did notice some of the music in that Nige episode, but not when people are talking.
Bye Bye Earth has great soundtrack and unlike many other anime it allows it to be the highlight. It reminds me of RPG music and I love that stuff. Before this one the last time I actively noticed and appreciated good music in an anime was Undead Unluck.


I don't usually remember music or even listen to music, it's one of the things I'm most incapable of talking about. For me, I feel it's somewhat the other way around: without a track being tied to a particularly lasting emotion or memory, or some very distinctive characteristic like Hirasawa's style, I find it very hard for it to stand out. One of few themes that for last five or six years I've had etched into my soul is that of God Hand's demons' due to the sheer terror of facing one of these motherfuckers, and the intentional mood whiplash their appearance generates as all of the environment darkens and enemies stop to orbit around you so you can focus on dueling the fucking hellspawn coming to destroy your ass, heralded by a very specific SFX I can also distinctly recall. This is the theme, for anyone who hasn't heard it:
I very rarely listen to it, yet the feeling is immediately fresh whenever it comes to mind. God Hand is a very lighthearted game with tons of silly carnival variety thrown around and the OST reflects this, it's got like fifteen different styles in it. I suppose it ties into the reason why the band I've listened to the most is by far They Might be Giants, it's a world of difference whether you're listening to Climbing the Walls, Boat of Car, Vestibule, or End of the Rope, that's what truly stays with me. I think it's rare for media to have an OST with multiple salient yet commonplace tracks in this way, as (in my experience at least) it's usual for the odder stuff to be relegated to smaller sections and not as prioritized as the bigger themes you'd expect, compare this to Berserk with Hirasawa which I already mentioned. It helps that these are VERY popular themes. When watching Nige-Jouzu I also noticed the tune and relevance of the track you talk about, but its actual sound I forgot around a minute later.


anime soundtracks largely sound the same. The exceptions being works like "garden of sinners" where the orchestra gave a shit to sound distinct and emphasize important moments like the bridge battle.

games? Composers like Marty O Donnell are very rare in this day and age of glowies and discordniggers.


what you call noticing I call picking apart and being a total nerd about it. For me it's all part of the emotional package and saying I don't or do notice it only makes sense when I think about stand out tracks that I want in my music library for regular listening.


>anime soundtracks largely sound the same

And even going further, that's just a bit pulled from off the top of my head with completely different styles. This thread >>87121 is full of examples of completely different sounds in anime soundtracks.


File:18073484_p0.jpg (115.82 KB,390x547)

I wonder if there is a general lack of interest in game soundtracks now. It's not unusual to see modern day remakes and sequels having worse music than the originals, and not that many people seem to be bothered by it.


To me music was most closely tied to RPGs and that is unfortunately a genre that has largely vanished from the world. Lots of other genres had fantastic music, but it's what really sold the emotional experience. RTS was another genre where music was a highlight, but I'm not sure how often any emotional stuff was tied to it. Just great music in general meant to be good enough for you to hear it for 5 hours in a row and not get sick of it.
And RTS is... well... at least RPGs won't feel lonely in the afterlife.

Some companies/composers were just fantastic at creating music for genres that really didn't "need" it, though. So many great 2D sidescrolling games had godly soundtracks that would make me pause to soak in the music.


I don't think there is. There are still modern games with amazing OST such as Fire Emblem and Nier OST remakes are still quite good.

Most of the games you posted are western, so that could be it.


Apparently I completely cut out the OST because watching that clip keeping the OST in mind, I had a "that couldn't have been the OST" feeling. I remember the dialogue, and the scene/visuals but not one bit of the OST.


>Games? Absolutely.
You know, it's kinda weird when you think about it how anime can have some great OSTs, but for sure the best I've ever heard have always been from games.

Definitely one of the best out there, though does that count so much as "modern"? 2010 was so long ago and so different it's practically a separate era.


File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (259.59 KB,1920x1080)

Twins thought their anime was so safe with me 8 episodes in that I'd just tolerate its awful OST blaring behind a continually worsening anime. Well guess what? I dropped it! Hah!


Nier Automata is from 2017, that's what I was eluding to when I said remakes, that and the actual remakes of Neir games but Nier Automata also does use remakes of the classic songs and it has it's own originals that are quite good too. Also Rome 2 is from 2013 so it's not that far away from 2010.


Are there any anime that are nearly defined by a specific track?

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