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File:[SubsPlease] Hananoi-kun t….jpg (124.33 KB,1280x720)


How much should you change your appearance to match your partner's preferences?
Would you be willing to cut your hair if your girlfriend liked it better short? Get piercings? Lose weight? Gain weight? Hit the gym? Become a gyaru-oh?


>your partner
No danger of that ever happening.


That logic doesn't make sense, because if she were your gf you would already be within her preferences and if not you can always learn to love ntr


the most i would do is adjust my care and grooming routines. nothing more


If I personally see myself liking the new appearance, I'd accommodate the request. Not great if one or both partners are unhappy afterward.
Personally, I prefer short hair on girls and I've surely asked and she tried it and we both loved it, so it'd only be fair if I listened to one of her requests (no shade on long hair, they're both great).
Some level of reciprocity is nice. If you're unsure about your decision, then maybe propose that each of you makes a change to make it easier. Can even make a game out of it to see who sticks with it the longest.
If the goal is losing weight, then it's even a nice bonus that you got some positive health benefits from it. Can make for some nice gym dates if you're both doing the same thing. And the added bonus of seeing your partner in workout attire heh


I would get a different haircut and grow a beard if she is into that, but there are no gyms or tanning salons in Gensokyo so becoming a gyaruo is NG.


uhh what


File:caster nervous.jpg (937.4 KB,1168x1238)

What kind of question is this? You're talking about hypothetical 2D ones right? Otherwise fuck off.


No to piercings and gyaru-oh, don't mind changing my weight or hitting the gym more, on the fence about growing out my hair.


The kind of question posed by the pictured anime. You know, that thing people who aren't too busy posing on the internet watch for fun. If your 2D girlfriend were more than hypothetical, you'd understand the question better.


Sounds good, but if you're doing something you don't like just because it was a deal that would create friction. I think it's a function of how attached you are to your own appearance, or parts of it, measured against how much you want to please a certain person. Depending on what it is, it could also mean going against social standards from the other people in your life, which requires a higher level of devotion, I think.

Just because a girl looks cute with her contacts in doesn't mean you wouldn't want her to wear her glasses more, right?


File:..........................….jpg (43.69 KB,583x498)

That's a tough question then, because I view my relationship with her as platonic. I mean, there are people who don't? Platonic love is the only type of love that makes sense for 2D.

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