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When imagining things, particularly when imagining scenarios, do you see things from a first-person perspective or do you imagine things as if you were a camera viewing the area?


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If I consider how I remember my dreams, probably both. When I imagine something and I don't see myself in it maybe that's in first-person, but a lot of the time I'll tend to also picture myself, but not myself. I don't know if it's myself because I never really clearly see myself in my imagination, at least never the self I see in the mirror. I don't know why that is. I can imagine and walk through a detailed layout of all the homes I've been into often and picture family members well, but not myself.


I can do both. Depends on what I'm doing at the time.

This takes a lot of practice. I think it's hard because you have to imagine the same object from both 1st and 3rd person at the same time. It took me months before I could do it without instantly waking up.


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I'd say it's almost exclusively the "camera" thing since the object/person/environment's properties are what I'm imagining and not my view of them. I guess it's more likely that I imagine my view if it actually directly involves me, but I don't do that very often. I think that's usually for sexual stuff, heh.


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I tend to flick back and forth. Your first person perspective, a single point of view. It seems like a waste to not look at things from other views and angles. I do think it's funny that some people think that imagining themselves with their waifu from any other POV than 1st is cutieoldry.


first-person because that's what I'm used to

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