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File:[Erai-raws] Oi Tonbo 2nd S….jpg (118.87 KB,1280x720)


Do you feel pleasure or relief in seeing others fail in competitive scenarios or do you want to win purely by your own efforts?


File:They are here to laugh at ….jpg (30.09 KB,346x347)

It depends on what their character is like. If they're a good sport about it then I'd want to give them my best effort. If they're an asshat then of course I'll partake in a little schadenfreude, little faggot deserved it.


File:[Erai-raws] Megami no Cafe….jpg (302.37 KB,1920x1080)

I hate competition and generally try to avoid it. I guess if I'm watching people do it then I'd prefer whatever is most entertaining, which is usually an even match.


not in them failing itself, no, but seeing it serves to reassure me that i'm not doing so bad and that does make me happy


i like it when cute girls cry and pout

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