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File:summer 2024.png (7.19 MB,2152x5121)

 No.129059[Last50 Posts]

The scorching heat of summer has arrived and it's time for a new round of shows to distract us from our bodies melting!


What are you going to watch?
Will Oshi no Ko give Kana official main character status as she deserves? Is the time of /qa/ belly anime finally here? Will the fansubs of Dedede save us from mediocrity?


Excited for:
Oshikko 2
Gimai Seikatsu (Heard about the LN a while ago, always wanted to read it)

Thinking of trying:
Koi wa Futago
Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai Shiteita
Senpai wa Otokonoko
Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai
Make heroine
Shoushimin series
Rick and Morty the Anime (what the FUCK)
Nige Jouzu no Wakagami
fat elf anime
Dungeon no Naka no Hito
Mayonaka Punch
na-nare hana-nare
0 Saiju Start Dash Monogatari

And will probably try all the isekai/fantasy stuff.


File:[Alinanonymous] Dead Dead ….jpg (681.15 KB,1920x1080)

And to answer my own question, yes Dededededede finally had some fansubbers pick it up!
I'm the guy that made that Dededededededededededeededede manga dump thread on /qa/ a couple years ago and I am definitely adding it to the seasonal stream! It looks really nice from what I've seen and it's probably the show I'm most looking forward to. It was first a movie, but they decided to turn it into a show with added material or something.


Sengoku Youko continues, so that one for sure.
Shika no ko nokonoko Koshitan-tan? Shika no ko nokonoko Koshitan-tan.
Nige-Jouzu looks neat.
Shoushimin is from the author of Hyouka, make of that what you will.

But I'm really not sure about anything else...


Move over Patchy, I'm trying to read about kissu's show of the season.


maybe if it had released two years ago


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I think I've found the Monogatari show for me

Seems like a generic premise, but she's cute and it's a short so it's not like it can overstay its welcome


>it's a short
and so is she!


dumb shorttard




I dont really watch new stuff that much, but that new deer anime has me hooked lol. The only new anime i watched this year was Gushing over magical girls.


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The isekai seems kinda neat


>ending theme
>by Mori Calliope


the OP/ED look kinda cheaply made
i'll check out its regular animation out of curiosity


The fuck are you talking about? The OP looks absolutely gorgeous, so much movement and activity in each shot even if there's not technically a lot of 'movement'.

Also, while I'm a complete sub purist, I feel like this might be one of the extremely rare almost never exceptions to where I'd prefer the dub to the sub (if it exists? don't see any english cast listings). Dub actors are dogshit, but actual English VAs? Especially the ones for Batman and DC animated stuff? They're great.

Also the Batman cartoon and Batman Beyond were two of my favorite cartoons when I was younger so I can't be too skeptical of a new animated project since maybe it could be great and DC's just letting WIT do whatever instead of heading the project like they did with all their disaster movies.


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They know their audience.




>I can't be too skeptical
It's a promotional anime for a DOA live-service game following the same strategy of stapling the currently popular thing to an existing IP expecting it to sell. How can you have a single ounce of hope for this?


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>It's a promotional anime for a DOA live-service game
but yeah for a comic book thing it could go either way. If they're given enough freedom and comic book writers and everyone else that doomed that industry aren't involved then it has potential. The characters are great and they used to be VERY enjoyable as I share >>129285's opinion. Man, it's depressing to think America used to produce such great 2D stuff so relatively recently. I wouldn't count on the English voice actors being any good, though, the 90s had ex-theater people and so on.
It never hurts to rub more salt in the wound of an industry that has fallen so far.


>The OP looks absolutely gorgeous, so much movement and activity in each shot even if there's not technically a lot of 'movement'.
There's still massive concern that it's just wearing the skin of a good show, since it's a western IP, connected to the current culture war. Seeing that episodes are storyboarded and directed by japanese staff is reassuring but it's a western IP with potentially a strong female "character". A big holoEN vtuber being involved also doesn't bode well, since it indicates a desire to appeal to the "Western Audience"; which usually seems to end in missing the mark completely on what the "Western Audience" watches anime for.
The show definitely deserves a chance but it's a western IP with the possibility of being caught in the current culture war; a large dose of skepticism is deserved.


There are retarded people having retarded internet battles over everything so I'm not sure why you'd bring that stuff up. Batman stuff used to be good. It might be good again in Japanese hands.


That makes no sense. The Japanese had no hand in the batman cartoons you watched as a kid. Why would putting a property even further away from the people who made it improve anything? The Japanese aren't innately better at everything, that's stupid weeaboo logic. They even did a batman anime a few years ago and it wasn't any good.


It's not that it's in their hands specifically but it's out of the hands of the people that have been doing so poorly with it.


>The fuck are you talking about?
It's impressive, the more I look at it the worse it gets.

Let me enumerate, to make a point: first you have a bat just moving down and pretending to rotate by slowly shifting its texture towards the left, then it's a 3D model doing it, then Deadshot standing still under the rain, a living bat which admittedly looks nice, the static prison they slowly zoom into, now it's Peacemaker standing in the rain with minimal movement, Harley isn't moving either, Clayface I like, King Shark is completely flat and again slowly moving towards the right, buncha bones slightly rotating, the tiny fetish also slowly rotates insode of more still bones, the enchantress looks up, da Jokah smiles... It's slow not just in movement but in the time it takes compared to other OP/EDs, which is over fifty seconds. Across all of this, the camera is staying still. It's at most zooming into things or slowly panning. It's a lot of nothing, it attempts to introduce its cast one at a time with a single shot each but there's practically no meaning to it. Why do Peacemaker and Deadshot do the exact same thing when they're completely different characters? If you want to hint at a tragic anything, why not use something beyond rain=sad by actually reflecting past or future events? The only one I can say I like is Clayface, contrasting a sickly-looking mug and creeping mud against his good looks elsewhere. Some of them have good motion, but it's still extremely simple and takes more than half the OP to do, for the sake of what? Giving you a conveyor belt of portraits? It's very poor for a gallery.

So nearly 2/3rds of the OP consists of displaying one thing at a time with largely simple movement, and the other third is people... moving, without much coherence.
Cloud girl is falling down, the dragon winds up his breath attack and then without animating it cuts to the flames hitting a water tank, but why? There's no one there, only bricks fall from it. Then the characters are falling... from somewhere that isn't the tank, a guy flies in front of a cloud, Katana is on her own far away standing on.... something, looking at... some other thing, and then the crew runs across nondescript terrain, fleeing from... another thing we don't see, if it's the dragon then they should've included it in the shot. The other girl brings us back to slow rotations and then Harley screams, why? Because of the lightning? Why not show them together in one continuous shot rather than with a weird jumpcut? Then Ratcatcher waves and once more you have flat wolves moving from right to left, cliché hand thingy, and then I don't even know what I'm looking at, all I know is that it's moving slowly again because maybe it got hit but there's no indication of what may have happened, now the crew is slowly walking forward while there's a black cloud behind them, and finally the princess slowly falls backwards to vaguely hint at her downfall? With no connection to anything else, isolated. It's random in a bad way, even for a montage it's really bad.

But the weirdest part is the music, actually. It sounds like the background to a classic car chase and it's pretty uniform throughout, it's not a rollercoaster like you'd find in so many songs which makes it rather odd compared to all the other OP/EDs. The problem is that it's really, really basic for video to be paced according to the music, but that doesn't happen here, it's kind of a slideshow of regular intervals. The most noteworthy shift comes when the dragon is introduced but then the track continues to be uniform in a different way. You have many images with varying tones which are simply not conveyed by the music, it's like it was hastily pasted together into a ball of glue. But it's not paste, that's for sure.

It's like they put together a bunch of snippets made separately with the backing of whatever music they could muster. Compare SQ's OP to Salad Bowl's, DanMeshi's, Urusei, Mushoku, Konosuba, it's night and day. There is so much more going on with so much better pacing and continuity. Nevermind anime, manga music videos do a much better job at everything here. I hope you won't say now that the ED is good, because it looks fucking abysmal. It's a ton of still sprites, some with added fluttering, and gifs of Amanda dancing pasted repeatedly over a flat backgound. What little animation there is in its random gesticulations most definitely doesn't make up for it.


Actually, just compare it to DanMeshi's OP 1. Notice the difference in how its panning introductions surreally place its characters in various locations, in half the time and with matching music, then including everyone with the heavenly thingy pan. It's not my favorite, but it's definitely better.


>The Japanese had no hand in the batman cartoons you watched as a kid.
no one tell him


File:Batman The Animated Series….jpg (102.11 KB,379x2049)

>The Japanese had no hand in the batman cartoons you watched as a kid
He doesn't know.


Look at this dude


The issue is how much those Japanese hands influenced the show over how much those retarded people influenced the show.


All the names are still American there. Outsourced animation work doesn't exactly have a meaningful impact on the production, unless you think Chinese and Koreans are the ones responsible for making anime good.


It's literally the entire studio in this case. Japanese studios usually only outsource in-between frame.
>Chinese and Koreans
It's mostly Viets these days.


>I wouldn't count on the English voice actors being any good, though, the 90s had ex-theater people and so on.
Those people from the 90s still exist and there's good performances still. That said, apparently the dub was by a normal dub studio so it's godawful once again. No idea how you fuck up a DC property's dub when basically the cast is handed to you and all you have to do is get the voice actors to reprise roles. Everyone sounds like a discount/bargain bin version of someone better. Guess there's no exception once again.


if this is true it would explain why the joker especially sounded so strange but for some reason the english voice actors are not even listed in the official site or credits or anywhere else it's only the seiyuus


although listening to the japanese dialogue they sound kinda generic


they sound genericish yeah but still miles better than any dub actors


harley sounds like just about any girl out there instead of her distinctive accent and joker isn't joker at all while deadshot is some rando with no previous roles
peacemaker is dio and that doesn't make much sense to me either, though clayface i can't say for sure since it's a different take on him
generally weird stuff


I know US companies will outsource entire segments to foreign studios, but they're still just doing animation, not the writing or direction.


Fighter has a season 2 annouce




File:Go! Go! Loser Ranger! - S0….jpg (233.4 KB,1920x1080)

FUCK YEAH! It's good to see such an amazing show get the continuation it deserves. I just watched episode 11 and it was the best one yet. They can't stop now.


> Sengoku Youko: Senma Konton-hen
> The second and third cours of Sengoku Youko, adapting the "Thousand Chaos Demons" arc.
16 Days


Looks like it focuses on silver Senya more


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Oh yeah, the story focuses on Senya now. Sengoku Youko is divided into 2 parts with 2 main characters, first with Jinka and the second with Senya.
Depending on who you ask, this second part is the real story and Senya is the real main character, but either way things get really crazy and exciting from here on out


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>Megami no Café Terrace 2nd Season


Yep, I'm sleepin


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True, you should be well rested so you can give it your full attention


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SeriouslY? No thanks.


File:opening.webm (25.69 MB,1920x1080)

Shinmai Ossan Boukensha, Saikyou Party ni Shinu hodo Kitaerarete Muteki ni Naru.
Was skeptical going in, but that quickly changed with one second of the OP. With beautiful dark elf lady and beautiful blonde lady, this show is looking pretty promising.


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Better encoder plz


am I really that retarded when it comes to transcoding? it looks perfectly fine on my end. All I did was
ffmpeg -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libvorbis


Great, I'm retarded at posting too. Meant to code block.


dangerous code snippet


ye, it does this on firefox and chrome. You used some forbidden tech


File:opening1.webm (29.14 MB,1920x1080)

how about now?



what the heck...


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File:[EMBER] Boku no Tsuma wa K….png (3.96 MB,1920x1080)

Can't quite put a finger on it, but I don't like the MC of the robowaifu anime. Dropped unless there's enough posts about it on kissu to make me want to watch it again...


I'm giving it two more episodes. I don't think it'll get close to Chobits or anything but I like the premise especially now that such technology might happen within my life time. When Chobits first aired I didn't think I would live to see it. I've actually been trying to buy the parts needed to build my own Gatebox as of late.

I won't buy the one they're selling right now because it's hooked up to "the cloud"/"AI" and I can't design my own waifu. I want one but I want it to be locally hosted on my home server. I'm sure it'd be much cheaper to have multiple holograph boxes so she can follow me around the house (and in my car!). I'll admit I almost bought the 6 foot tall version though.

Plus the lag with them is awful if you live outside of Japan. Since all queries go to Japanese AWS server.

Kind of off topic sorry...

I liked the first episode. Sure nothing happened. But it didn't do anything to turn me off. If nothing happens in the next episode though I'll probably drop it as well.


Admittedly I'm not an expert in vp9 codec but this looks like a screwed up IDR-frame to me. Could just be how your browser is decoding it. I don't feel like downloading it and picking it apart right now.

This is just proof that you can't throw random stuff at ffmpeg and expect good results. All codecs will shit the bed sometimes randomly depending on the source and software involved.


>I won't buy the one they're selling right now because it's hooked up to "the cloud"/"AI" and I can't design my own waifu.
A huge turn off for me too, from anything that will be advertised for the mass. My ideal is creating my own from scratch, with my own model and customizations. Far from that right now, but I'm on my way there...


Yeah I don't understand why the all-in-one home server solution for a lot of stuff isn't the norm. Well I don't understand why no one is marketing it at least. I understand why big companies don't want to do it: They want to make money off the data.

But imagine a company that sold an all-in-one easy to set-up and use package that did:
- media server
- security camera recording/streaming
- personal AI waifu maid
- ran video games and streamed them to every display device in your house (or over the internet)
- storing home movies/photos with way to back up your photos from all your devices
- ...and much much more...

People would buy it. Even if it cost $1k people would buy it. You could even make a lot of money selling dumb terminals/mini-PCs/set-top devices that were plug-and-play with it.

If I had the funding I would build and market such a thing. The home server hobby proves there is a market. Hell most of those guys would give up their homebrew solutions with Linux if someone provided something as simple to use as Apple/Android devices that solved the problem. All the software is already written to. Someone just needs to integrate it all together with a nice UI.

On the subject of robowaifus in particular: There is no way in hell I want some robot (or hologram) that is in my home 24/7 talking to a server I don't control (or the internet at all for that matter. Maybe through a reverse proxy I control. _maybe_)

Oh and I know a guy that's building homebrew robowaifus. He's making good progress. He collaborates with that guy that runs the robomaid cafe in Tokyo. The stuff they're building for cheap is already really impressive. I want to visit the cafe whenever I go to Tokyo again. I've chatted with the owner a few times and he's a really cool dude. I've heard the coffee he serves is really great to.

Video related is his place. Those are all built using off the shelf parts and are running on way less CPU than you might expect.

My issue is I can't find anyone to sell the same holograms being used by the Gatebox wholesale. I'm sure they'll start showing up cheap soon though. The Gatebox is a really cool product. It just doesn't have good latency if you're outside of Japan at the moment and I don't like the TOS where they're selling your data to third parties. It also doesn't support English at all. Which isn't an issue for most people around here. But it's a hard sale for most people in the west. No one wants to learn a second language just to interact with a toy. Also it relies on IR blasters to control devices. Which doesn't work well unless you live in an apartment or small home. Most people in the west would need at least 3 to control all their stuff. A long with retrofitting everything from their AC/Heating unit to their coffee pots.


Is Tensei Shitara Slime really that popular? I only read part of the LN and thought it got old around when the dragon girl shows up


People seem to really love it. I snoop upon watch habits on my server. Pretty much everyone gobbles that show up the moment it hits our server.


That's surprising to me. Even I was who was watching every episode the last season in a fairly timely manner have found myself stalling on the latest season because it was just so much talking.


you run a streaming site or something...?


File:[ASW] Tokidoki Bosotto Rus….png (5.19 MB,1920x1080)

The first minute or so of her being watched in awe by all the students and turning down a senpai almost made me drop it, but everything after than was enjoyable. Looks like a typical harem show with a kuzu-but-serious-when-needed MC and LOTs of cute girls.


Das vidanya


I'm not really a speaker of Russian, I just studied it for six months with a friend, but somehow whenever she spoke in Russian it bothered me. Making me consider whether to continue watching, but it might just be that I know nothing about Russian. To be fair, Russian shouldn't be pronounced cutely, even if it's by a cute girl. It's like Korean, it's a language that can't be cute. Perhaps that was what bothered me.


Everything sounds better with a Japanese accent


To be fair. I don't know much Russian myself but everytime she spoke in Russian I got second hand embarrassment. Even more so the fact that the MC understood her. It was like me speaking my native language in between speaking English with the natives, I could never.


File:[ASW] Giji Harem - 01 [108….png (5.85 MB,1920x1080)

Didn't think this season was going to be anything special, especially after the disaster that was the july 4th releases, and most of the releases prior to them; but Giji Harem alone might just be the saving grace for this season of anime.
You might be thinking, "ugh but I don't like harem anime so I'm not going to watch it." but you'd be thinking wrong! It is not your normal harem anime! It's not even an actual harem anime! It's all the same girl playing different personalities to give her senpai the feel of having a harem! And she is GREAT at playing all the different anime girl archetypes! The best!
Rin is just too cute, every single character she does is cute, especially herself!
So go, go watch it right now!!


File:[Erai-raws] Megami no Cafe….jpg (164.17 KB,1920x1080)

>the disaster that was the july 4th releases
Ah, you must not have noticed that Megami Cafe released that day. But yes, seems like a slower season. This seems like quite an endorsement so I guess I'll have to try this one, huh.


>Megami Cafe
Oh, didn't try it because I don't think I've watched the first season.


File:hmmm.mp4 (2.86 MB,1280x720)

It's quite fun. Ami in particular is hilarious and the ecchi stuff is decent enough. Good ol' fashioned harem comedy, but the guy isn't exactly spineless.


Heh, looks nice. Might give it a try.


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If I remember right it takes a little bit to get into the proper story, with there being a bit of a plot change after the first episode or two, but then it's smooth sailing from there. The serious moments are decent enough, too, so it's not just all just boobs and humor, although I do think the humor is its strong suit. Great outfits, too.
First episode of season 2 was pretty good, so I have high hopes.


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Senpai wa Otokonoko
One of the few anime where "MC is a fag" is a good thing!
Episode one was a fun watch. A Yukkuri anime with a genki Aoi, loved her energy. Hopefully it doesn't get too into the not-so-fun part of being a crossdresser...


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KiseKoi but they're both kuso ota.
Looks like fun.


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From the looks of it I think it's probably going to lean more into the drama side of things than the comedic side. I guess there's not many anime that do that so it's somewhat of a different thing? Though I can't say I'd be opposed to a comedic blast like Hibari-kun. Had to go and rewatch a few episodes of that because this felt very modern and I don't know... is bound to reality a good word for it?


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Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru has potential I think. Started off kind of slow, but the second half was quite interesting and then it got more interesting, but then it got a "ehhhh" out of me but then it got interesting again. I'm going to keep watching, but it's possible that it could just squander the premise like many other shows after the first couple episodes. It might be an adventure format with a different location in each episode, but it's probably too early to tell.
If you want a "just tell me what happens since it has 'sekai' in the name" summary: He's in a VR game world as a debugger but apparently he's stuck in there like SA:O or something. Seems like the virtual world is full of bugs and stuff happens that shouldn't be possible. As an example the girl SPOILER INSIDE SPOILER was supposed to die but after attempting the quest a whole bunch of times somehow she survives after he does the quest one last time so I guess her continued existence is a bug.
Also I like it when the protag isn't a 14 year-old boy with a stick-like body so that's cool.


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Dungeon People (not going to bother looking up the Japanese name) is kind of generic, but it still might be good. Unfortunately, it's one of those shows when the story actually starts in episode two. It's kind of strange how the style can be so incredibly generic and unimpressive and yet sometimes the animation seems quite decent at times. I think I have a bias against shows with low contrast colors.
Anyway, a girl is exploring a dungeon and she's very strong blahblah at the end of episode one she gets recruited to help manage the dungeon, which seems to imply a dungeon keeper kind of job about recruiting monsters and doing dungeon maintenance and stuff which could be fun, but that's a huge departure from what you see in episode one.


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Dungeon no Naka no Hito
Very cute.


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First episode tickled the DIY programmer bone in me. I too enjoy creating and fixing bugs in software I created to take care of the minor inconveniences in life! (except in my case they aren't revolutionary)
Reminds me of the bookworm anime but this world is far more advanced so no creating paper or anything like that.
I really hope this will be an anime about debugging magical errors.
side rant
Why the fuck does the maid (if you can even call a baba a maid) even exist? What's wrong with a father daughter duo? She added literal nothing to the show or the family, AND she has the gall to lecture the dad for having quality time creating madougu with his daughter? Stay in your lane you baba!
She wasn't in the second half of the anime so hopefully they fired her!!


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Loli assisted dungeon exploration, is what I got from the ED.


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Thought this was going to be a fun comedy anime until everyone died
Always a fan of a good historical anime, and this looks like it's going to be a good historical anime.


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The art style is cute but not much known about the show in the 5 minutes that it runs.


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Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (317.61 KB,1920x1080)

What is this and why hasn't anyone linked or mentioned it until now?


It's an anime with absolutely abysmal subs from MTL and official.


I thought shikanokonokonokokoshitantan was pretty well known around here


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

'Twas merely a jest, you see


File:[ASW] Shoushimin Series - ….png (3.84 MB,1920x1080)

Reminded me of Hyouka, except it doesn't have the "kininarimasu!"
Looks to be a mystery-solver kind of anime with some kind of platonic relationship between the two MCs that I presume we'll get deeper into as the show progresses. While I like shows like this, they always make me feel dumb and this one comes with the additional "you will never have close platonic relationship with a cute anime girl" loneliness factor!
To attest my dumbness: How did MC figure out where the lost item was hidden??
This show and nige jouzu are looking to be shows with some good story.


I just bit this 'ab


was this cour of spice and wolf devoid of drama/action?


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I wanted to watch the deer show on the stream but I can no longer wait.


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I scanned through the latest episode and it was very sol


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If you're asking people with knowledge of the source material/original anime then it still has drama, but it's more personal interaction between Holo and Lawrence and more emotion. Don't expect explosions or great battles if it's like the original, but there's still... merchants.... BLEGH


i have no recollection of the second half of the first season...


Oh wait, the first cour? Yeah, the second half is quite action-y near the end.


File:[ASW] Mayonaka Punch - 01 ….png (6.03 MB,1920x1080)

Masakichi love

MC, who gets CANCELLED online, and kicked out of her YouTube NewTube channel group after punching a group member on stream, goes into an abandoned hospital to record some epic viral ghost hunting video for her new solo channel. Little does she know, there's a vampire lurking there searching for blood! Hilarity ensues!
Literal knee slapper, this show!



It's more like private netflix for friends, family and random people I let on. We're upgrading to fiber next month to support more users.

Both subtitles are MTL. It's decent enough if you can understand basic Japanese and the references. Not sure why everyone is mad about the first episode. I'll continue watching it just for the practice with spoken Japanese since my ability to understand has gotten kind of bad these last few years as I stopped consuming so much media and don't get many chances to speak the language in person anymore.

I watched this and the vtuber show this morning. They both seem decent enough. Although, I'm not sure if they can keep the vtuber thing going for 12 episodes and keep it interesting.

I'm going to check out the second episode of the robowaifu anime tonight once I finished the last three of last season's train anime.


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I need to watch episode 2 still, but episode one had the cuteness so I imagine I'm going to keep watching. She seems a lot more booobalicious in the source material, but I guess one person's downgrade is another person's upgrade. The ero-cute would have been nice, but I guess an outfit like this would increase the age rating or something.


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I went into this one expecting it to be some cheap youtuber anime cashgrab at first and was assaulted by high budget PA Works. Then I find out that the doing youtube part didn't even really make up much of the first episode at all and it focused a lot more on gags poking fun at the MC alongside a gracious amount of time with the vampires. Usually in these kinds of shows I'd say the vampires are the meat and bones of character that make up most of the personality but this MC's got quite the character of her own. A bit bitchy and violent and smug, but her heart's in the right place of wanting to be the best at what she does.

I'm quite interested in seeing where this goes especially since it seems like they're not shying away from playing up the supernatural element.


I wanted to kill myself watching the second episode of this and apparently it's also rushed to hell and skipped a bunch of fanservice/ecchi for no reason so I dropped it.


was it really that bad? I just enjoyed the loli and that's about it. Honestly, don't even remember the plot to it.


File:[Erai-raws] Mob kara Hajim….jpg (299.88 KB,1920x1080)

Ehhhh? That seems like an overreaction. I guess I'll find out later, but as long as the girls are cute and happy then I'll be satisfied enough.


It was exceedingly boring and I was already poised against it from the start of episode 1 for being a budget Solo Leveling so it was probably trend chasing and it looks bad and there was no fanservice or eye candy to merit sticking around for even that. So pairing all that with the mind-numbingly cookie cutter isekai dungeon progression made me realize I shouldn't be pounding nails into my skull and instead focus on things that aren't pandering to mush brain.


File:[Erai-raws] Mob kara Hajim….jpg (265.97 KB,1920x1080)

>a budget Solo Leveling
Ehhh... it didn't seem anything like that to me. It's just some forgettable generic MC undeservedly surrounded by cute girls, isn't it? It's definitely stupid, but stupid stuff can be enjoyable if it's cute.
I guess it depends on the personalty and humor of the girls, but I do like the blue-haired one, so the worry would be that she get sidelined for a harem type of deal which is quite possible.


>skipped fanservice/ecchi
They dare skip loli fanservice/ECCHI from us! Blasphemy!!


File:extremely short version pa….jpg (3.83 MB,9999x1782)

Well I mean I just skimmed the manga to see what the fanservice was like and in doing so I also came across the arc that encompasses Lucelia's summoning and inside of it she's summoned first as an adult evil demon that they spend a few chapters fighting against until eventually beating her into a pulp where she takes on that loli form in the anime.

More like oppai service. The artist seems to like boobs a whole lot more from what I read.


¥beat up an adult till she turns into your harem loli
oh if only the world worked like that..


lmaoing@leftmost one
it's just her tits and nothing else


File:[SubsPlease] Tokidoki Bos….webm (1.68 MB,1920x1080)



She's just a violent, full-of-herself bitch and I hope more bad things happen to her. The show has enough to make me overlook the youtuber anime thing, but it smells like a classic PA Works flop to me.


I liked Akiba Maid War, Buddy Daddies, and Skip to Loafer.


i like how oshiko frames good and bad characters


really? To me it's more one of these boring "no one really is at fault for anything it was all a misunderstanding" that plagues so much of Japanese writing.
Giving motivation to errors is fine. But simply relieving all characters of any fault worse than "communication failure" is lazy and cowardly


I hope the series leans into Youtube-chan being a complete spiteful sociopath and that she gets rightfully bullied for it.


The author is obviously an asshole and it's setting her up for a glorious failure that aqua has to save


>full-of-herself bitch
¥true to herself
From what was shown in the first episode, I like her.


File:[SubsPlease] Gimai Seikats….jpg (324.51 KB,1920x1080)

really stretching the limits of my suspension of disbelief here


File:on the right.jpg (320.9 KB,1920x1080)

Also claimed


I liked how this show starts by saying that NBR is fucking shit and not worth it, then spends the next 22 minutes proving that fact.


File:[ASW] Katsute Mahou Shoujo….png (6.62 MB,1920x1080)

A demon lieutenant falls in love at first sight with a mahou shoujo, reminds me of the time I fell in love at first sight with a mahou shoujo...
Cute short anime.


File:[SubsPlease] Katsute Mahou….jpg (238.27 KB,1920x1080)

The concept isn't very novel, but the visuals are quite nice.
It kind of reminds me of Frieren at times, which does mean it leans heavily into the post-processing stuff with chromatic aberration and depth of field blurring and other stuff that kind of annoys me.


File:[SubsPlease] Tasogare Out ….jpg (335.34 KB,1920x1080)

Yup, this is definitely the /jp/ anime


File:[SubsPlease] Maougun Saiky….jpg (252.21 KB,1920x1080)

Just wasted an hour trying to get through this piece of shit before realizing it's wasting all my time making me look away and get distracted by other things because I have no desire to keep watching it and every new scene saps my will further making me go check on something else while I wait for a scene with this cutie that's worth screenshotting but nothing ever really comes because this anime was made on the budget of a potato so they couldn't afford good eyecandy which means there's absolutely zero reason for anyone to even consider watching this ever.


File:[ASW] Dungeon no Naka no H….png (5.1 MB,1920x1080)

Been bugging me how you called the style "generic" and "unimpressive", it's CUTE, the style is CUTE; generic would be the kind of style in Gimai Seikatsu, now that's generic, Dungeon no Naka no Hito is CUTE!!!


File:C-1720837615857.png (2.18 MB,1040x1494)

Thought it was a different one when I read that post and then was disappointed when I watched it. It was ok, I guess.


File:1259611768024465499.webp (13.81 KB,128x128)

[DeerGod] or [YouDeer]?


I checked the DeerGod release of episode 1 when it came out the other day. It's a really good translation. I can't see how anyone could do better. I don't know what the other one is but I'm assuming it's just the re-worked official subtitles from the youtube channel. I wouldn't bother with it.


Okay I just looked. [YouDeer] is the cartel and they're already crying in the comment section about getting beaten. So I wouldn't bother with them going forward unless the anons behind DeerGod decide not to do further episodes. If you like Commie-level of translation then YouDeer is probably for you.



This translation is really funny and I'm going to shit on it. The opening is obviously written by someone that can't speak Japanese and isn't familiar with the references. Every joke has been localized badly. "Conan-kun" is now "Sherlock" and Columbo used for another reference.

Then we have this;
>All according to keikaku. (Translator's note: keikaku means plan)
and they somehow left in the "horns" mistake despite having over a week to correct it.

There is a lot more. But the above is enough to turn me off anything this "group" puts out. The encode itself is also really bad because they filtered it for no reason while using the same WEBrip as everyone else. So they bloated up the file size just so someone else could list their username in the credits.

No idea why they even bothered considering they got beaten by a better group in two days. It's obvious no one in this group can speak even basic Japanese.


File:[SubsPlus ] Dungeon People….jpg (184.04 KB,1920x1080)

It can look generic and unimpressive and still be a great show. It's just... so unremarkable. The girls can be cute and it can be fun, but ehh, it still doesn't look very noteworthy.


File:[ASW] Shikanoko Nokonoko K….jpg (284.91 KB,1920x1080)

"Thug girl" is a really bad translation. Makes it seem like it has to do with American n word culture. There are some similarities like Japanese criminals/delinquents also listening to rap (YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH), but it's their own local variety.


File:[ASW] Shikanoko Nokonoko K….jpg (283.42 KB,1920x1080)

Milkshake... now that's gangster.


File:[ASW] Tokidoki Bosotto Rus….png (5.11 MB,1920x1080)

LOVE her, AND she's the imouto?! LOVE her EVEN MORE!


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (Spoiler Image,176.65 KB,1920x1080)

Supposedly the Elf-san show has three levels of censorship, with the 'Uncensored' version being level 2. It makes me wonder what level 3 will be, but the upload on nyaa was suggesting it's a BD thing or something.
I don't know what level 3 could be apart from mosaic genitals, though. There is quite a lot of nudity. It's still ecchi and humorous, but there's so much nudity. The only other thing the studio has done is actual hentai apparently, so I guess they're leaning into their expertise.
/qa/ belly!


File:[DeerGod] Shikanoko Nokono….jpg (277.46 KB,1920x1080)

Also, I downloaded the DeerGod release to compare with official and... it's pretty much the same thing and it even localizes a bit more (pic related)? There's not much of a point in waiting to download either if you what seek is less localization. Why are fansubbers localizing things more than official subs? Do they want to pander to retards who don't watch anime or something?


File:[ASW] Shikanoko Nokonoko K….jpg (247.12 KB,1920x1080)


File:[DeerGod] Shikanoko Nokono….jpg (299.74 KB,1920x1080)


File:[ASW] Shikanoko Nokonoko K….jpg (292.96 KB,1920x1080)


File:[DeerGod] Shikanoko Nokono….jpg (638.21 KB,1920x1080)

Although there is this which wasn't 'localized' in comparison, so it depends.


File:[ASW] Shikanoko Nokonoko K….jpg (563.01 KB,1920x1080)

Fudou Myou-ou (Acala) is one of the five wisdom kings of Japanese Buddhism by the way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acala


>to compare with official
The problem is that the official is retarded MTL and barely coherent at times. The only really 'good' releases in terms of coherence right now are [YouDeer], [DeerGod], and supposedly [LWL]. But the big debate is between [YouDeer] and [DeerGod] with the former being very much Commie-style localized while [DeerGod] is much more accurate to what's being said.


File:[ASW] Shikanoko Nokonoko K….jpg (303.31 KB,1920x1080)

>the official is retarded MTL and barely coherent at times
Really? I didn't really notice it if so. Can you give an example? You can't really MTL "Fudou Myou-ou" into "wisdom king". That was their own localization. So DeerGod left that as it was said, YouDeer translated it as "Acala" which is his native Sanskrit name, and official localized it as "wisdom king", because he is one of the five wisdom kings in Japanese Buddhism.


File:DeerStalker.png (3.72 MB,1920x1080)

Allow me to offer you another choice for episode 2. It isn't localized. We even have Onee-chan and everything! But seriously, if you liked our Onimai release you'll probably be okay with this. Been up since midnight last night TLing, editing, timing and QCing it. Probably isn't perfect but what is.

MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/gvdAzCpB#-h3qzzfjCfJflLDfDkpIeA

MEGA includes torrents if you want those. Don't want to post the large magnets here but I will if someone needs them. It's on our XDCC bot on #miyosmiyos@rizon as well. Use trigger !shikaAVC or !shikaHEVC for the version you want.

Original translation not based on anyone else's. It's probably a little rough around the edges in some places but what do you expect for two guys working together for 5 hours. TLer went to sleep hours ago and stuck me with finishing alone.

No idea if we'll do more episodes. We just wanted to put out something a little more polished than LWL and all the MTL/not-MTL/whatever attempts. If you find any errors let me know.

.ass script on MEGA if you want to use it for different audio/video source. If someone could post it on nyaa that would be great. I included a .txt file in the archive for you to copy/paste.


I know it isn't you guys. But I really hate when I push something out like this. First 3 people that grabbed both of the files didn't stick around to seed. Then the swarm grew to 20+ each on both files. Now I'm seeding out to all those people on a connection that's already flooded with other things.

I really need to spend the coin on a dedicated seedbox if I'm going to keep releasing stuff.


File:[ASW] Shikanoko Nokonoko K….jpg (239.79 KB,1920x1080)

I downloaded the zip and will watch it soon, but I gotta say that I really prefer the trimmed down ASW releases. I don't really notice any drop in quality in my display. I think only people with bigass 4k monitors get any real noticeable benefit from downloading those huge file sizes.

Also, I can't find your release on nyaa yet.


>Also, I can't find your release on nyaa yet.
Because no one has uploaded it. I can't because they refuse to reactivate my old accounts.
>I prefer ASW
ASW hasn't released episode 2 yet. I used the best HEVC source I could find. Didn't encode these. I don't bother encoding WEBrips because there is no point in putting in the effort to filter them when the BD is coming out in a few months anyway.


File:[ASW] Mob kara Hajimaru Ta….png (5.64 MB,1920x1080)

New loli is an absolute gaki, love it. Can't remember the last time there was an anime with loli.


there's been a fair bit of them even last season had mahoako


File:[ASW] Nige Jouzu no Wakagi….png (4.74 MB,1920x1080)

I love this dude.
Haven't watched mahoako...... missed my chance to weekly it and now it's in the backlog blackhole...


You should pick it up now that the BDs are out. It's really fun. I miss my weekly magical girl rapefest


File:earth1.mp4 (7.98 MB,1280x720)

Bye Bye Earth could go either way. Might be generic, but might be fantastic. I think it's leaning towards the latter.
One thing is for sure, though, and that's that its soundtrack is the best I've heard in quite a while and it's just the first episode. I feel entranced by it. Great music can draw me into a world just as much as the visuals or story can, and I can say that I am eager to see and hear more of this. Looking at seasonal stream poll results so far it seems that this thought isn't shared. Oh well.
At the least people should listen to some music from some clips of it I've made!


File:earth2.mp4 (8.38 MB,1280x720)

2 of 4!


File:earth3.mp4 (1.51 MB,1280x720)

3 of 4!


File:earth4.mp4 (17.06 MB,1280x720)

4 of 4! Okay this one is long and it's the last minute of the show so kind of spoilery, or at least as much of a spoiler as the end of the first episode of something new can be.
I don't know why no one else (well okay one person does) sees the beauty and potential in this...


File:[ASW] Bye Bye, Earth - 01 ….jpg (194.8 KB,1920x1080)

I really like it too! It's just that I don't post much and I didn't see any threads about it...


The new thread button is right there in the corner...


File:bashame.png (2.01 MB,1920x1080)

We're back with episode 3. Managed to get it out before the CR release and much better quality this time around. We had a new person show up that was really good at doing signs and typesetting. He also timed the entire thing. Same TLer as last time. We have some TL notes for you this week as well.

You can DDL it here along with all the extras:

It's up on nyaa as well:


All the extras are attached to the .mkv file as well. So if you grab it from the torrent just open the attachments in the .mkv if you want TL notes, a pdf related to the TL notes and all that good stuff.

Going forward we're only going to do an HEVC version. Since the source video isn't that great and a higher quality one always comes out on Sundays in the west. If you need an AVC file because your toaster can't handle HEVC grab the .ass from the /scripts/ directory along with the fonts then mux them into whatever AVC version you have.

If there are a lot of requests I might consider releasing AVC versions as well. But last week the HEVC was downloaded more than the AVC. So I didn't bother with it. I have to do everything twice if we do an AVC release and I'm kind of lazy. I don't want to re-encode AVC as well. Since the quality will only suffer no matter what kind of filtering I do and the source we get mid-week isn't that great. I did do a bit of filtering to improve the visual quality this time around though. It's probably the best version you can find until CR versions are dumped on Sunday.

Really interested to see how CR does compared to our script this week. They did a decent job last week. But even our rushed translation was better imo but I'm biased of course.

So far it looks like we have enough interest in this show to keep doing it going forward. Although the week where our usual series comes out it might be delayed by a couple of days.


File:[EMBER] Megami no Cafe Ter….jpg (202.36 KB,1920x1080)

Cool to see you guys doing this and even cooler that you're here posting on kissu!
So, uhh.. what is HEVC and AVC? Is it just file compression stuff?


They are two different video codecs. AVC is over 20 years old now. It's what you typically found in an .mkv file up until about 5-8 years ago. HEVC is a newer codec that allows you to get better quality at a smaller file size. It's basically an extension of the AVC standard.

We use HEVC because it has native 10-bit color space support on all devices that support the standard (pretty much everything released in the last decade). AVC standard does not require a device to support its 10-bit color space. So support for it is spotty at the best of times. However, 10-bit AVC became the "fansub standard" long ago. So the majority of stuff is released in it. Meaning the majority of stuff can't be played on lots of devices.

You want the 10-bit color because it prevents banding in flat areas of the image. You have to throw A LOT of bits at something to prevent it in 8-bit AVC.

Since I/we target set-top device support like Roku, Xbox, AppleTV, Firestick and others I standardized on HEVC last year. It just werks everywhere. Trust me I've done a lot of testing on various devices. Also anything that can handle HEVC typically can handle the typesetting in .ass files. With very few exceptions for very advanced karaoke effects and such.

If your computer or device is less than 15 years old you shouldn't worry too much about it. It can likely run either AVC or HEVC. People argue all the time about one being better than the other. But in truth they're both just fine for the file sizes people release anime in these days.

The main reason I use HEVC for my personal media server is the fact that files are half the size compared to AVC versions. Meaning I can store double the amount of anime in my limited HDD space. Right now I'm hosting/serving over 1,000 full series, OVAs and movies in about 4TB of HDD space. If I were using AVC I'd have to double that easy.


Oh and since your pic related is an EMBER release you're already using HEVC. Wish I would have noticed before I typed all that. Just chiming in again to say if anyone here can't run HEVC releases let me know. I'll make an AVC one just for you.


File:[Erai-raws] Nige Jouzu no ….jpg (479.66 KB,1920x1080)

Huh, on Roku and Firestick and stuff? Does that mean people jailbreak those to play other media files on them or something? I just have my computer so that stuff is alien to me.
I don't pay much attention to this stuff since I delete most shows after the season ends, leaving me just the obsessive amount of screenshots I take. (apart from really nice shows I download BDs of eventually).
I think the Samurai show is an example of a show I'd probably want the BD of someday. Well, not physically since I don't have the money...
It's really nice to be living in the age of the cheap multi-TB hard drive.


File:plex_homescreen.jpg (917.55 KB,1436x2144)

>Does that mean people jailbreak those to play other media files on them or something?

You don't have to jailbreak them. Most of them let you install a player/client for free directly from the app store. Most of them even have KODI listed in the app store. I host anime on a streaming server and my users access it through those devices. It basically looks/run like netflix or similar services. You can browse through the library and it keeps up with your progress. Pic related is from my home screen for the PleX side of my server. It isn't the best example because I load up a lot of stuff just to check it (hence all the episode 1s of different series). I manually check most things when I add them.

Anyway, you log-in to my server on your device and it will allow you to remotely stream the content. Since they all support HEVC my server doesn't have to transcode. It simply sends the video+audio track+subtitle track to the client device for decoding. For content with multiple audio/subtitle tracks the extra tracks aren't sent over the network. Just whatever is actively being watched.

It took awhile to set this up but it has been really useful for even non-otaku related reasons. I can take my little Firestick anywhere in the world and access my content at home. I set all my family up with access and a bunch of my friends to. Most of which were either paying a lot of money a month for multiple streaming platforms and cable TV or using ad-ridden streaming websites.

>I'd probably want the BD of someday. Well, not physically since I don't have the money...

In most cases downloading the BD/remux is a massive waste of space. These files are more for people that want to encode their own version for release. Although a lot of people do download them and think it's a big flex to show off they have enough HDD space to store thousands of BDs.

The reason they aren't as good is most of them have a lot of errors due to a poor mastering. Someone like me will clean them up and re-encode them into AVC or HEVC. With filtering applied they look better than the BD itself and they take up a lot less space (going from 2-6+GB per episode down to 200-800MB).

Most people don't even watch the BDs they do buy. It's more of a way to support the show and try to get new seasons made. You buy the discs then you put them on a shelf somewhere with your figures and manga. I personally don't do that anymore unless I really like a show. What I do buy I don't even show off. I rip them, share them and then they get stored away in a closet never to be seen again.

Out of all the BDs I've bought there were only like 2 that didn't have obvious problems caused by a bad mastering process. The people producing content for BD are really lazy and/or bad at what they do. By the way BDs are in 8-bit AVC. One of the reason the episodes on them are so large is because they inject artificial grain into the video to prevent the commercial AVC codec they use from producing banding into the flat areas of the picture. If you buy a US BD with more episodes on it than a JP one they typically suffer from a lot of banding. Since Americans won't buy 2-3 episodes per disc and spend $100s on 12 episodes. Where Japanese viewers will happily put up with that kind of stuff.


I like the included deer tips and look forward to more of them if you continue to work on this show. I remember you'd mentioned giving some hunting related advice in a past thread, so I'm glad to finally see some of it here. I'd try the funny fishing line trick, but our garden already has a conventional fence and a small electric fence set up around it, plus I doubt it'd do much to stop the groundhogs and other small critters. Maybe in the future I can dig out another spot for just corn or something where it can see some use.

The show is good. Humor is kind of hit or miss, but the good parts are great. Lots of great facial expressions and yankee no neesan is very cute. Bullyable blonde girls really are the best.


Seems cool, but can't see it as something I'd do since I'm connected to my computer.

>In most cases downloading the BD/remux is a massive waste of space.
When I say I download BDs, I'm really just downloading the higher quality MKVs or whatever. It's very noticeable in shows like Precure where the bandwidth guts transformation scenes and other intense moments. It also just tends to look really good like in Akebi. It's pretty rare that I get the BD MKV stuff after I've already seen a show.


Nice OP on the A-1 Picture's SoL of the season.


Thanks for kind comments. I'll try to include more deer tips. The fence works really well. For groundhogs I'm afraid your best option is a rifle and/or catching them in a cage. But relocating them is basically a death sentence. So you're better off shooting them painlessly if possible. Same goes for rabbits I'm afraid.

I like the show to. I think it'll get better now that the rest of the cast is about to be introduced in the next episode.

>When I say I download BDs, I'm really just downloading the higher quality MKVs or whatever. It's very noticeable in shows like Precure where the bandwidth guts transformation scenes and other intense moments.
Ah I thought you were referring to straight BDMV rips. Yes encodes done from BD sources are always much better than web sources depending on the group. Plus usually they're uncensored or less censored. Just be careful where you get them from because some people have no idea what they're doing.

If you've made it this far into my long reply I have a secret for you: I've hidden some fun stuff in my two last releases. See if you can figure out how to find them.


Also little update. For those that need AVC or prefer slightly higher quality (CR WEBRip vs ABEMA) we released an AVC version tonight. You can find it listed on nyaa here: https://nyaa.si/view/1849046

It's also in the MEGA folder linked in the last post. A bit of a one-off (for the moment).

I've also talked with the guys that helped me with these. We'll probably issue a v2 for EP3 sometime in the next few days if we have the time. It will include some minor changes to the script (nothing drastic) and improved audio/video quality since we now have better source to work from. We will also be going back to re-do EP2 and doing an original translation of EP1 sometime in the near future. This way people don't have to jump between so many groups going forward and can stick with the one they prefer.

Also of note. Some shady stuff has been happening with our seedbox and listings on certain fansubDBs like anidb. We're trying to get to the bottom of it. But our seedbox was ddos'd and the hosting provider isn't happy. Our anon emails that we use to talk to viewers who report issues/bugs/want to help have now been added to all the spam lists as well. So now we can no longer exchange mail with people using major email services like gmail and outlook. We're doing what we can to fix these problems but we can only do so much. The seedbox situation isn't that big of a deal. But I would prefer to have one.

We've also been having some asshole attempt to break-in to our XDCC bot for the last 2 months or so. Thankfully, the anti-ddos protection on the network it's hosted on is really good.


>I've hidden some fun stuff in my two last releases
In the video itself or do you mean in an .nfo or file somewhere else? I'm not sure if I have the patience to do a frame-by-frame search. Well, I guess answering this question would be kind of spoiling, it, huh?


File:[ASW] Katsute Mahou Shoujo….png (Spoiler Image,5.54 MB,1920x1080)



File:[ASW] Make Heroine ga Oosu….png (6.27 MB,1920x1080)

love this baka
(anime reminds me of oregairu)


I will buy her!
Change for ¥2000?


File:Mission.Yozakura.Family.S0….mp4 (8.19 MB,1280x720)

It's a carryover from last season, but Yozakura is still stupid fun, although it's adding some seriousness to it. I do like some good chuuni retardation now and then. Apparently now is when it's supposed to get good, but it seems about the same to me. Maybe next episode (16) or something. Although, I generally assume it's a teenager saying stuff like that on anilist for a show like this so my expectations are tempered a bit.


File:[SubsPlease] Make Heroine ….jpg (119.51 KB,1280x720)

That's not her price, that's how much she'll cost you every day in pre-dinner snacks.


File:[SubsPlease] Katsute Mahou….jpg (203.07 KB,1920x1080)

SHOCKING TWIST! But not as shocking as Mitsuki eating


File:C-1722003039431.png (946.52 KB,1166x1350)

I don't get it either...


Anime is just Saturday morning cartoons to Japanese


That's true for most but definitely not for all


saturday midday and saturday evening and saturday midnight


Completely forgot if tensura was still airing or not... and turns out it was, I just forgot to carry it over to the new season's RSS watch list. At this point I'm just watching it for the sake of watching it.


funny maou in isekai shikkaku is maomao


File:[SubsPlease] Katsute Mahou….jpg (339.39 KB,1920x1080)

Is stuff releasing differently this season or something? Taiga keeps downloading 720p for some reason when it should be 1080p. I guess that's more of a software/torrent question, but maybe it's happening to someone else here, too.


File:[SubsPlease] Isekai Shikka….jpg (298.4 KB,1920x1080)

Seems like it's just a you problem, all my stuff is downloading in 1080.


Are you on AB? I had the same issue when the season started so I restricted my downloading software to 1080p. I'm using sonarr and stuff but on taiga you need to go to options > Torrents > Filters and change up some settings there.


File:Taiga_wqc9pYBXwM.png (14.62 KB,755x566)

>Are you on AB?
Yep! I figure seasonal downloads every week help keep my account active. I think Taiga had this filter by default and it doesn't seem to be doing its job.


File:extra rule.png (10.41 KB,683x394)

Make an additional rule (and put it above the prefer high res rule) with these settings, I believe it should block out 720 and below


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (290.02 KB,1920x1080)

Ooh, good idea. That seems like a perfect solution. Thanks!


Most shows are no different between 720p and 1080p. Most of them aren't even in 1080p and are just upscales. I realize they're broadcast in that resolution. But the 720p version is typically better if the encoder knows what he's doing since the studio upscale has been undone.


if you watch it fullscreen on a 1080p screen then what does it matter whether its in its native 720p or upscaled 1080p...


File:[Erai-raws] Megami no Cafe….jpg (350.32 KB,1920x1080)

Huh, it wasn't downloading Megami Cafe at all, either. Something weird with Taiga and AB's RSS thing recently, I guess. But now I can watch two episodes at once, so that's nice.


I hear that fairly often and I strongly disagree.
I watch anime on a 4k TV and there is a noticeable difference between 720p and 1080p. Whether 1080p is just an upscale or not doesn't matter to me, it's still better looking.


Do a blind test you might surprise yourself


File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….png (2.66 MB,1920x1080)

Got this out just a few hours ahead of western streaming services this week. Guy that did the typesetting went above and beyond.



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Looking forward to it! (I just watch it in the kissu seasonal stream so we're a week behind)
Oh yeah, did you guys notice in episode 3 that the karaoke subs in the OP didn't move along? (or was it not supposed to?) I'll go see how it is in episode 4.


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This was a carry over from the Japanese closed captions. They match the color of characters in the OP itself.


alright that makes sense


Originally, we were going to have kana + English translation at the bottom. The guy that did the editing wanted to have romaji+kana+English but we didn't want all that crap on screen. So we decided not to do karaoke and to drop the kana from the English script since there were already Japanese closed captions for people that wanted them. Maybe we'll add karaoke at some point some interest has been expressed by the guy that did the karaoke for episode 4's song (and for some other stuff we've done).

Thanks for reporting it though.


fellow curse tards unite


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Not trying to flood the thread. But I did another encode from a higher quality video source this morning and uploaded an AVC version (8-bit). These are a bit higher quality video/audio wise than the first release. Since the ABEMA rips we use aren't as good as the CR+Amazon ones that come out on Sundays. It also includes the CR subtitle track and several other languages if you're into that sort of thing. Otherwise, nothing changed in our own scripts and includes everything as this release did: >>131634

Not on nyaa yet but you can find it for DDL here. Along with .torrents if you wish to get it that way.


They're also on our XDCC bot:

Going forward I'll probably continue to do these after the CR/Amazon WEBrips release on Sundays. Expect them to come out on Mondays since it takes about 12 hours to make the HEVC version. Going forward I won't announce them since we'll be uploading them to the same MEGA anyway.


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Dang they even gave the ED a full MV, went all the way with this. Honestly I didn't expect an episode like this coming from an anime about making YouTube videos, but I'm pleasantly surprised by it. Elevates the anime to something well above just trend chasing and invests me in Fu way more than typical SoL fun would.

Hopefully the episodes from here on out are able to keep up this same quality or surprise me in some way with where they take the concept of Vampires making videos.


File:[Erai-Raws] Megami No Cafe….mp4 (4.92 MB,1280x720)

love these tards.
and was this a Predator reference at the end? heh


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strange layering bug


reminds me, havent watched the new danmachi...


this anime season is pretty trash as I was thinking...


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what... you're not going crazy over big titted elf girl in awful series with mediocre animation/cgi... do you even like anything....


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Anilist really is quite cool when it comes to this stuff. Announcements for stuff that you've watched on your list is really a great feature. I'm not someone that's going to check "anime news" every day, or every month, so this really is a great feature.
The /qa/ show delayed for Olympics...


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Great, now he exposes the loli to the norms, never before seen levels of retardation. Should've just stuck with exploring with the loli.


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adult senya is buff


man this anime has absolutely zero budget


the olympics needs to stop!





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love her


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I told you /qa/, I told you Yuki a best


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I don't think there's anyone who'd disagree...


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Did she just confess? Are they going out now or what?


Which one?


Normal Rin...


Did you not see them h*nd h*lding after? Tsundere-chan won big.


stop the olympics for getting in the way of anime...


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Just a heads up. We didn't drop this show. We just decided to take extra time now that we've forced CR and other streaming platforms into releasing mid-week because they got sick of getting embarrassed every week by four guys doing it as a fun fansub project in their free time. Oh the the power of the LoliGPL license. Which was posted on twitter where all 10 followers of our competition's account saw it. Probably the same group that had an "e-celeb" with no more than 2k followers "review" an episode we did in a few hours and lied by not showing 2/3rds of the screen so he could claim the official subtitles translated a joke we didn't.

Oh course I jest.

I'm just posting today to say the typesetter finished some amazing sign work for episode 6 about 30 minutes ago and we should have it out before the end of the day. It'll be worth the wait. I know most people here don't need subtitles. But if you do and you're willing to wait until the weekends consider waiting on our release. We plan on continuing doing this show until the end. We'll try to get them out ahead of weekly streams since I heard you guys were watching them.

Thanks for all the help and support.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (222.28 KB,1920x1080)

That's an impressive amount of dedication! Yeah, I don't know how you guys are able to release such quality at such impressive speed.

>I know most people here don't need subtitles
I don't think this is true. There's a few of them, but far from the majority. We do use your subs when we do the kissu seasonal stream every Saturday!


Did you guys not stream it this week or were you forced to go with CR subtitles?

We're basically churning them out quickly like this;
Encoder-kun produces a workraw in about an hour after the raws hit the usual places. He runs through and manually inserts I/IDR-frames at all points where there will be a chapter (there are over 20 this week haha). The translator translates all of the signs on his lunch break on the day this show airs. Then passes a long a .txt file to the typesetter. The typesetter than starts working on doing all of the signs. He did a ton of work this week and now that we aren't rushing to have them out by Sunday he got to spend more time than before. He's the same guy that typeset those subtitles on that laptop in show above. He also times a premux version of the script with no dialog. He's really good and can do an episode in about an hour or less.

After premux is done the translator gets to work later that night and over the next couple of days working out a literal/rough translation. We do research about anything we might not be sure about (references mostly). Meanwhile, encoder-kun runs through the entire episode filtering it scene-by-scene. This week there were over 100 scenes to filter. Script was over 1,000 lines long. He can get through an episode with that many scenes in about 2-3 hours. Once he's happy with the results he does a final encode. With even more forced I-frames at every frame where there will be a sign on screen. Various reasons for this but mostly boils down to device support and less stress on the viewer's hardware. He also goes through and adds "zones" to every scene that needs a bitrate boost. This week I think there are about 25 or 30 of those IIRC. He runs a test encode for the episode which takes about 8-10 hours depending on contents of each episode. Typically, the first "final" encode test is good enough and what we go with. But for a couple I've ran multiple encodes eeking out a little more quality at the same file size or giving the codec more bitrate to work with globally since the file size was so small. Although he tries to keep them under 800MB. This weeks will be about 700MB with everything (audio, video, subtitles, signs etc).

Once signs+script+final encode is done then Encoder-kun goes through the script again and strips out everything that isn't dialog. We convert it over to .srt format and do edits where needed (adding signs as dialog or adjusting things to get around the limitations of the .srt format for when two characters are talking at the same time). We offer the .srt for devices that can't support .ass. This takes maybe an hour or two depending on episode. Oh and at some point we go through the Japanese Closed Captions and check those to make sure everything is good and there are no errors.

After all that encoder-kun muxes everything together. We upload it to MEGA. Everyone watches for QC. If it's good we release to public.

I forgot one very important thing: After dialog TL is done we all give it a once over with multiple editing passes. We're up to v6 this week so far.

Anyway, typesetting just finished and we're going to go over dialog again. Then I'll strip it down for .srt and we'll push a release out in the next couple-few hours.

Thanks for watching.


File:[Kaleido-subs] ATRI -My De….jpg (228.81 KB,1920x1080)

>Did you guys not stream it this week or were you forced to go with CR subtitles?
Generally we try to give fansubs a wide berth so we watched episode 5 yesterday. If you miss a week we'll just delay a week. I wanted to keep Kaleido for Atri, but they seem to average about 11 days per episode (and fan subbing usually gets slower through the season) so it will quickly lead to issues in a weekly stream that doesn't pause at all for the next season.

I can't pretend to understand any of the technical stuff you mentioned, but I can definitely appreciate the TL notes and crazy subtitle stuff!


that scene's double subs were very impressive, all around great stuff, great typesetting still
i'll admit i was thrown off by the lersant translation which, although after looking it up i understand is the same wordplay as tsuno->notsu, at first it seemed like french or something entirely different to me, so maybe a small note for that one wouldn't hurt
damn, you guys work fast
and is this all the same crew as miyosmiyos or did you get anyone else on board?


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Good to see people still willing to wait on "quality". If I could get paid to do this for a living I would (encoding/video mastering). Working on some software right now to try to make progress on that front. No excuse for how anime BDs are mastered.

We picked up a third guy who is a typesetting wizard and a couple of other people help out with various things. But we're always looking for more help with stuff (QCing, editing, suggestions, distro). If you haven't already stop by the IRC channel. We have one on rizon under the name you mentioned. We also have pretty good XDCC bot where you can grab stuff early.

Speaking of;

It's out:
-nyaa links (thanks to the anon that keeps posting these for us)

MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/L2w2yZ5Z#I1okLr0Kiyzlo73h4w6HhQ

XDCC: http://miyos.hydraulic-handpumps.com:8000/?g=NEWSTUFF

Note for XDCC you'll need to be in our channel on rizon to access it. Also note that someone keeps ddos'ing and trying to crack into the bot lately (we seem to have some haters). So uploading to it has been slower than usual. Download speeds don't seem to be affected. I'm going through logs later tonight to see if they're sending malformed packets again.

I will eventually make a section just for this show when I have time. For now it's always under "new stuff" section. Also note that I've decided to drop releasing AVC version due to low number of downloaders (who were probably mostly interested in the multisub/ESL subtitles anyway). But if I get one request to continue I'll start muxing them and uploading them again.

See nyaa posts or .nfo files for information about some changes in this release concerning subtitle tracks, TL notes and release schedule going forward.

Short version: We'll be doing HEVC video+AAC audio version and HEVC video+E-AC3 audio version. Source for video is CR on both with _lots_ of scene filtering. I am sure it's the highest quality you can find until BDs are released and I filter/edit those. Audio sources are CR for AAC version and Amazon for E-AC3 version. You probably can't tell the difference but if you need to pass through Dolby Digital Stereo to your TV go for the AC3. Otherwise, AAC works everywhere and is probably what you want. Both will work just fine on PC with the E-AC3 being slightly larger (10MB or so).

Thanks for kind words!


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File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….png (2.58 MB,1920x1080)

>i'll admit i was thrown off by the lersant translation which, although after looking it up i understand is the same wordplay as tsuno->notsu, at first it seemed like french or something entirely different to me, so maybe a small note for that one wouldn't hurt

This of it like this: Lersant is Antlers backwards much like tsuno->notsu. Now imagine it being used for greetings among other things. It's used all over the place. I won't try to argue which is better (CR doesn't use Lersant obviously). In all honesty DeerGod did it first and we couldn't come up with anything better. So we rolled with it. We also took a line from their OP for the same reason. That's why I like the TLer working on this show. He's willing to do stuff like that.

Since we haven't gone back to do episode 2 yet (and episode 1 at all) we haven't really made a TL note for it. Since it should have been part of TL notes for episode 1/2. But 2 was a quick and dirty script we threw together because doing ep2 just kind of happened with no plans before hand.

If you're interested in all the TL notes so far: https://files.catbox.moe/q3byi3.txt

Just know there are a few for EP6 that contain spoilers. I would suggest reading their after you've watched the episode. Assuming you didn't want it early this week already. I think the other one is for EP3.


>i'll admit i was thrown off by the lersant translation which, although after looking it up i understand is the same wordplay as tsuno->notsu, at first it seemed like french or something entirely different to me, so maybe a small note for that one wouldn't hurt

I asked the TLer and we updated the TL notes on the MEGA archives. Thanks for suggestion.

Lersant - Shikanoko often uses the made-up word "Notsu" (のつ) as a greeting/farewell and the like. This is the Japanese word "Tsuno" (つの/角) with its two syllables flipped around. It originally means "horn-like appendage", and thus applies to the antlers of, you guessed it, deer. So, Tsuno (JP) becomes Notsu, Antlers (EN) becomes Lersant. She also mixes the word into some familiar phrases in a punny fashion, which we have translated accordingly (i.e. "Notsukaresama" , a spin on "Otsukaresama" (お疲れ様, a very versatile phrase that can in a specific use case mean "Take care", becomes "Take caribou".)


at least wednesdays are good...


File:[SubsPlease] Make Heroine ….jpg (283.59 KB,1920x1080)

yanami has nice voice acting
also looking it up she's another fairly newish seiyuu; only big role before this was howan and the two are completely different


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slime is probably selling...
but i hope that the rest of the top 3 are flopping outside of views
they're so bad


what does hazure even have going for it


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apparently the elf
mostly just her design too, I'd assume
she has no character


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anime is pretty powerful


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Quite surprising, granted it's only 968. Pretty impressive for a VN, and impressive that a recent VN got a good anime adaptation in 2024.
As for the VN/anime differences, it's pretty accurate but some stuff is switched around is a bit strange. Episode 5 and 4 should have been switched around if it was accurate to the VN, but some other stuff was also earlier than it is in the VN.


you need to read the number on that big bar again


I really don't know how to read it.
It's hard to tell... it shows 16k total reviews and the lowest bar representing a month is like 100ish with the average being around 300 and it's been out for 4 years?
But then there's 1,481 positive reviews on July 1st? But the previous day is 45 or so and July 2nd is the same? Huh? Everyone bought it on July 1st?


No that's a monthly bar


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cute stupid shab


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Megami Cafe's serious plot wrapped up last week but I didn't watch it until now. Quite touching and heart-wrenching and it tied into a subplot that had been going on since the beginning of this season. Alzheimer's is not something I see brought up in this stuff much, but maybe I just tend to avoid this kind of thing. Ami really is the best character, but the others are pretty great, too. Ami's grandmother is miraculously cured as it turns out she could be shocked out of it thanks to Hayate (the guy's) resemblance to his grandfather whom she knew. There was a tongue-in-cheek "oh they misdiagnosed her somehow" moment. Silly, but it was nice that there was a fantastical happy ending.
I really do love this show for its nostalgic feel, there's just an innocence to it that heals the soul. Yeah, even with all the ecchi stuff. It's the kind of show that has panty shots in 2024. It feels old-fashioned. I mean, Ami plays Street Fighter 2. It's definitely aimed at my demographic.
Really good show that you should watch if any of that appeals to you!


this week's monogatari looks like a snoozer


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I don't know what went through the author's mind when adding these to the cast. They are literally useless compared to the two loli and even MC himself. Heck, they're even a burden to the three of them. Why couldn't it have been dungeon exploring with loli, and not this harem shit...


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Yeah, I was eagerly watching it every week but lately I've been procrastinating over it. I don't know what it is about these shows throwing away the best part (if not only good part) after a few episodes, but it happens way too often. A cute valkyrie and devil pair and yet the story pivots to boring high school girls. Lame.


All the same voice actor


NO idea why i don't feel bad starting every new episode of shinmai ossan despite it being one of the eliminated on week 1 shows this season for the stream


youtube shorts sucks for anime but at least you can hear it well enough


isn't shikanoko just luckystar(2024)


i don't think so, satan, not particularly


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Closer to Nichijou, probably, but I don't think any comedy show is necessarily just the same thing in another year


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closer to jashin chan than lucky star or nichijou i'd say


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There is a redirect script for that. Turns youtube shorts back into "normal" videos.


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One could say it's Nara Jashin.


this ougi looks a bit goofy i think it's the mouth combined with the head shape


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aoi is suffering


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yeah sure her sad situation is neat HOWEVER


this is LITERALLY the v and berun meetup


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nice and sweet self-contained episode for isekai shikkaku this week
old man got a happy ending


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in a similar vein ossan adventurer had a good episode this week too
going strong on its main theme of hard work vs natural talent
though tournaments will never feel as satisfying as db's were...


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Like this version of Alya.


Is there no oshiko this week?


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MC has a perfectly fine imouto to date and yet he goes for the unrelated Russian slute instead.


that's pee dude!


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Thought the Ossan adventurer anime would be a fun timewaster, turns out it's actually one of the better anime this season. I'm sorry I underestimated it...


Huh, it is? How so?


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It started out as another "MC is more powerful than everyone but is willfully oblivious" show but instead of playing that trope out and having the MC collect a harem over it's run time, it actually developed a believable story with character growth. Without going into too much detail, the MC quickly gains confidence in his abilities and recognizes his strength and then proceeds to be a love interest/mentor for a new introduced female lead. Notable he acts as much more of a mentor and much less of a love interest despite some tropes indicating that she is just going to be added to his harem. I wouldn't call the show a must watch or anything but it does execute well and tells coherent message of "hard work beats talent".


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You pretty much summed up everything I could've said, but I'll just add that it's got a lot more visual flare than I initially expected out of it. And there's a lot more GAR moments than you'd expect from the first episode that befit its Akira Kushida OP.


Is that the parry guy?


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No, Parry sucks shit and is exactly how to do what Ossan did poorly. The gimmick and misunderstanding is never moved past, there's no meaning to all the training just sugoi sugoi throughout for praise of the MC and an ever-amassing harem.


Also I just hate the RPG rules for a non-videogame world thing. Where I have to believe a guy can parry a mountain out of existence but somehow can't just swing sword really hard at a guy. But that's probably more of a personal nitpick.


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That's a good point, I feel like the visualls got better as the show went on, maybe due to just more big fights. I also liked the mid roll cards they did. And this recent episode the comparison of a round mountain to Rennete's bust was pretty clever visually, even if straight forward. A nice way to make MC have an established reason to stop running all of a sudden and look around.

no it's the 30yr old guy goes adventurering show
Shinmai Ossan Boukensha


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Oh yeah, now that you mention mid rolls it reminded me I wanted to ask foot anon how he'd rate these.


Good feet actually. The details on the tops of the feet and the ankles are well executed. Toes are pretty good too and I like the tendons leading up to them, it's not something that many people draw. Wrinkly sole is the main detractor in my eyes. That combined with the angular lines makes them look like a bag that's had some of the fluid sucked out of it. Makes them look kinda mannish. But for some reason I like them more than that description'd make you think. I like it when feet inexplicably outperform the linear regression model that exists in my head of foot characteristics vs quality.


On a macro level I think the ones on the bottom are good but I think the line work is too rough and sharp and that makes many details of the feet look rough and sharp, like the wrinkles >>133135 mentioned.
The ones at the top are fine though.


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The only good thing to come out of the debacle that was the introduction of the trio in this anime; the almost dead girl brought MC and his love interest together. Was probably a better way to do it (one without the trio), but all's well that ends well I guess. Fun anime if you skip past the the girls' parts.


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¥my face when watching russia girl anime
Stupid, stupid execution of everything. Why couldn't it have been a fun anime. Plot ruined everything. Stupid plot.


Good news: https://anilist.co/anime/181641/Tokidoki-Bosotto-Russiago-de-Dereru-Tonari-no-Alyasan-Season-2/
I don't know what people see in the show personally, but yeah


Will probably just be more seitokai election. I don't care for their stupid seitokai election.


I wouldn't mind seeing Yuki and her onii-chan compete, but Alya is just so fucking boring that my eyes glaze over whenever she's involved.


Exactly. She has no right competing for seitokaichou's seat, she's just a tard that sometimes speaks russian. The current kaichou completely changed himself to get to where he is (albeit to get a girl, but the determination is still there), all through hard work. Yuki is a good candidate for kaichou because of who she innately is in the anime, but russia girl? a tsun-tard.
Her speech of "I am very determined, I am hard working, bla bla bla" sounded like utter bullcrap. I don't for a second believe the student body felt any compassion for her with that being her speech. She has nothing to show to support that. Maybe if you have to tell them about it, you're not actually doing anything to show for it. All of those characteristics are "show, not tell", all that speech should have done for her was paint her as someone who's all bark no bite, making it harder for her to compete in the election. But she was well received for some reason? Then there's MC who makes a couple jokes (?), announces her "rivals" are going to be in the saitokai? and the crowd goes wild? What?
Not to mention the broadcast with Yuki thing. Russia girl could have easily just rejected the offer. The conversation was actually retarded:
Yuki: "Come as a guest!"
"no! you're planning to shame me in front of the entire school arent you!"
Yuki: "No I'm not!"
"Oh, ok then"
Yuki: "Actually, YES I AM!!"
and she still goes to the fucking radio show? Good thing it only ended with Yuki making her feel bad for her. She could have easily destroyed little miss I speak "russia and no one says anything about it". She should've at most been a support character with the actual show revolving around the siblings, that or she's just the gag girl that deres in russiago with no "I want to be seitokaichou because... because!". She really ruined the anime. Or, they really ruined the anime with her. Or, they really ruined the anime by making her what she is. I don't know, just the anime was ruined.


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Megami Cafe S2 ended and it was pretty good. I'd say the humor wasn't quite as good as season 1 overall, but some episodes were really great. The fan service was good, although a bit too much steam at times (and first season's steam wasn't removed for BDs or anything). It still had some butts and lots of nipple-less boobers and pantsu.
S2 increased the seriousness quite a bit, which is kind of ehhh. They weren't exactly bad, but it's just not something I got into the show for. Silly and sexy girls have a special kind of healing if you ask me.
I was a bit surprised by the last episode since one of the harem girls left for France and I guess that shows that it's not just a simple funny harem show. I'd kind prefer if it was, though.


What are your recommendations this season?
I am looking for hidden gems but also not hidden gems as I do not participate in anime discussions so I don't know what is popular.


Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai Shiteita
Dungeon no Naka no Hito
Make Heroine ga Oosugiru!
Shoushimin Series
are about the only ones I'm eager to watch every week.


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You'd need to read my posts, and I don't know what you like


why didnt /qa/ like the /qa/ anime?


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Well, it did have a thread unlike most shows ( >>>/jp/77952 ), but I think it's just hard to talk about. Well, for me it's hard to talk about anime in general, other than "Whoa that was cool!" and stuff.
It's a show I'd recommend for sure if people like a show about people stuck in a video game world that is taken somewhat seriously with some horror-like elements in it.


i saw that, you can't hide your mistakes anonymous


you could easily discuss Haga's character since it's pretty interetesting. But you might wind up discussing poltics by doing that


also you could discuss how it makes an isekai into a cosmic horror genre


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Ehh, he's not that interesting. He's dedicated to his Q&A job, but I can't really say anything else. Horror is also not my thing, but I think it's cool how it uses MMORPG elements for its "death" states. Well, if anyone is interested, go read the /jp/ thread I linked! I think I'm the wrong guy to talk about the show


The old spice and wolf skipped vol.4 and went to 5. Glad they did something not yet adapted. Hoping they continue to 24


File:[SubsPlease] Kono Sekai wa….jpg (190.66 KB,1920x1080)

As the /qa/ QA, it's because it's kinda, sorta, fairly bad.
It's terrible at developing its plot, with sloppy endings, things being regularly dropped, and no long-term storylines, while the amount of character development somewhere between 0 and -1.
Take the mangaka fluffer and his waifu: she's killed by the sadistic crew, and that motivates him to take revenge. Once his revenge is fulfilled, he ends up reviving her, but she has no memory of him and their relationship stays dead. What for? Now he no longer has any goals of his own. His character hasn't really developed, rather it has lost something, so he can aimlessly remain in the party without any regrets. Oh, and the manga subplot dies along her.

Haga isn't so much a commissar as he is an automaton. You could genuinely switch him with a robot with basic empathy functions and the plot would not change, because he always puts bugs over the well being of others and his actions are never truly contested. When the elf is forced to use the kill command to dispose of Gaydle and Haga once more objects to it, there isn't any sort of re-examining of his beliefs. No "well maybe I was wrong and sometimes cheats are necessary", they just move on and it's never brought up again. When they're trapped in the dungeon and stay stuck in that claustrophic death trap devoid of sunlight for a whole year, they off-handedly comment "we would've gotten out of there much more quickly if it weren't for Haga's debugging" as if that wouldn't stress the hell out of people. All the while the villain succeeds at carrying out their evil plan. Well, too bad, right? Now even more players are dead, guess we'll just move on again after a bit of grieving.


>No "well maybe I was wrong and sometimes cheats are necessary",
That's just you injecting your own opinion... The part that's interesting is his borderline sociopathic commitment to his job and how he is terrified of debug mode because it is part of the rules and how you can brick yourself.


Like I don't doubt the plot is weak, but it's a series about constructing atmospheres and it's just sad that you would essay it without understanding that


It's not my opinion, it's the reality of the job. And I can't say it's interesting if it never develops and is never challenged.


sengoku recap arc


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mega spoilers for the next episode


sure she will


murder is wrong, but I like the fallen angel vibes


also idk what they're talking about but there's like no akane in the later chapters...


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The Mahou Shoujo show was quite good. I decided to marathon it all at the end of the season instead of watching 10 minutes every week. Well, it's absolutely beautiful and the characters are quite enjoyable. The main guy is pretty dull with his "unnghh so cute" reactions that got old fast, BUT the rest of the cast is really good. I can understand why someone really liked the brown elf.
But, it does kind of feel squandered somehow. Fun characters only got a few minutes of screentime, like the FUCK magical girl or aforementioned brown elf while the moments with the main guy and main girl kind of dragged on without anything interesting. It makes you appreciate the transformation scenes that are seen only once.

It feels like some studios are starting to get a hang of the digital filters and other post process things. The anime on the TV screen in the last episode seems to advertise this as it had all sorts of "retro" filters placed on it instead of actually drawing in a retro style.


so much of shinobu's character development is done as a byproduct of building Araragi's character. It's so bland. He's such a blemish on the series



also ranma and rurouni


There's like no point in saying there's a sequel worth watching


wait this is one of those retarded "church bad" galileo affair retellings


Thank god we have Japan here to tell off the people who think they're immune to criticism


what did you MEAN by this


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I don't really keep up with seasonal anime much so I just finished watching Alya-san. I'm disappointed that the progatanist's understanding of Russian wasn't brought up at all, when I was hoping it would appear partway through the series. I don't think the show is objectively good, but it's enjoyable to watch and Alya's Russian voice is enchanting. I'm going to watch Summertime Rending next because I didn't finish it the first time.


>Summertime Rending next
crucial question, where did you drop it off?


I think episode 5 or 6, with the festival. I was watching it while it was airing, a while ago, so I don't remember exactly.


alright, heads up: the plot's gonna shift quite drastically after it ramps up, so don't expect it to be island higurashi like i (and several others) did


I didn't really enjoy any of the isekai last season. At all.


The QA anime was watchable


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Yeah, it was decent. It didn't really go deep into anything and kept things at the same level of adventure with occasional horror-like stuff, but at least it didn't abandon its premise. The bugs and glitches made it more interesting than most VR game anime. The "to be continued" ending makes me want a S2, but I'm not sure if it will get one.


Oshi no Ko ends on Sunday. Apparently there might be some sort of extensions to the runtime. not sure


Preview of you're into that


Thank you, I ended up not doing something else today so I kept watching it. I had seen up to and including episode 7 before and intended to finish it today, but didn't realise it had 25 episodes - I only had up to 11 downloaded. It's really good and I like this sort of setting and theme. I should finish reading Higurashi and Island as well.


oh shit..... it's 6am and the sun is coming out.... and i have to work.....


i posted this in the wrong thread....

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