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File:1573541190964.jpg (330.72 KB,686x720)


nitter is fucking DEAD
>If nothing changes, all remaining instances will go down eventually: Instances rely on guest accounts, which are valid for a certain time and of which you need a ton to run a public instance. The API for this got taken down and it doesn't look like a fluke this time.
>Guest accounts have been removed, they weren't just led to believe that. With real accounts getting rate limited immediately and likely banned, I don't see any path forward for Nitter.


Maybe take it as a reason to wean yourself off of Twitter. Just as I will with Youtube when Google eventually kills invidious


File:1442432342792.png (157.56 KB,454x404)

hehe, more like...


File:blackchouli gyate.png (19.39 KB,800x520)

Don't you dare.


i barely check the site once every couple months when someone links to stuff, it's impossible to read without it
now it's going to become completely unusable


niXX 'er!


File:Utawarerumono.S03E20.1080p….png (2.45 MB,1920x1080)

I will NEVER have a twitter account so this is a bit of a bummer for the few times I actually need to look at something. I really, really wish artists and creators would completely move to something else


File:Yama no Susume Next Summit….jpg (152.27 KB,1920x1080)

Rather unfortunate, the maintainer says the same.

It's difficult to wean yourself off of something when people insist on linking to it for no apparent reason. I suppose from now on I'll just tell them I can't see it, same as when people link to other kuso sites.


god i'm finally free


I'd really like to, but 99% of my traffic to twatter is due to japanese artists posting some stuff only there and nobody put it on any boorus
misskeys still hasn't completely taken twatter's place for them so far, either, the future is bleak unless elon actually delivers on his promise to make the service subscription based for real (thereby killing it, hopefully)


For now he's still hoping to make money off of it. But I doubt he'd let money get in the way of controlling one of the greatest communication platforms, when he is already making enough money elsewhere.

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