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File:sakaki2.gif (1.65 MB,500x374)


Mines fear factory, what are yours?


what counts as 'metal'


I don't really like metal but Alestorm is cool.


I've listened to a little bit of Avantasia and Blind Guardian in the past (And Then There Was Silence is beyond epic), but I think if I had to choose I'd go with The Algorithm. The techno part is very cool, same as with Master Boot Record.
(I know it's just one guy plz don't disqualify me)


Uh, does Deftones count?


No, I looked it up and metalcore is its own thing. Probably early Mastodon then



File:[SubsPlease] Isekai de Mof….jpg (193.58 KB,1920x1080)

My favorite metal band is the ring. It's small and smooth and fits right on your finger. I don't wear any, but I can still appreciate them.


miku metal


Please just drop the damned ring into the volcano, Mister Frodo. We've been here for 3 hours already.

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