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In 1 hour and 30 minutes I'm going to be streaming DDD DDDD D episodes 1 to 9. (no episode 0 for today since it breaks the chronology and pacing)

On https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri

We'll be using a new locally hosted video stream system, so if you want you can open up the stream in VLC directly by using the files in https://rtmp.kissu.moe/streams/verniy.json when it's ready
It's a 1080p stream so I might switch to individual 720P files(the traditional method) if it doesn't work out.

The anime? It's by the author who did Oyasumi PunPun. It's better if you know less about it, but the animation and music are great.


Trivia: He's voiced by the same person as sukuna


yep i heard it immediately


Stream in 30 minutes! at 15m I'll post the VLC stream URL


So what subs? Is it that one group, uhh... forgot what it was... I'm going to download and watch at same time and chat so I can take screenshots


So the original subs from crunchyroll were dubtitles. So someone who knows enough JP edited these dubtitles and retimed them so that they would be more appropriate. On episode 6 they added in special OP ED subtitles



But... what's the name of the group?




gotcha, thanks


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2.4gb per episode! Yeah, that's reasonable.
It does seem to be a great-looking show based on the first episode and movie previews, but sheesh. I can't help but feel someone needs to learn how to encode or something, not that I know how personally.
By the way, people will REALLY want to see the first episode for the cool reveal


You can take the 720P versions off of stream.kissu


oh, but skip s0e1


Yeah I'm one of the people that mentioned that. What a really dumb decision that was, like Higurashi Gou level stupidity


streaming in 10m. I probably won't wait long after 6PM to start


streaming in 2


i started exactly at 6




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Now I can use an anime image instead of the manga one heh


when you turn on the remote control biter


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This is a really good adaptation. More than most could ever hope for, really. Great visuals, a really nice soundtrack, and true to the style of the manga. There's still more to watch of course, but I don't see it changing since they had made two movies that somehow turned into these episodes with more material or something.
A fantastic watch, really. They moved some things around, but I think it was done to keep people engaged and it worked pretty well.


Certainly an interesting series. Though I didn't quite get the alt-flashback part, does that fit into something later or is it just a what-if?


gets explained more. It's an alternate timeline thing


Alright, let's see how that pans out.


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Yeah, that's the main thing that was moved ahead. Spoilers being what they are I can't really answer the question, but it's not something we would have seen by now if it kept the original manga order. There would be some glimpses here or there instead everything in order near the beginning.
A strange decision, but people seem to like doing that.


We'll be finishing this today. Same time.

I'm a bit busy today but shouldn't be a problem if I HLS stream it again.


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king dedededede


I'm still catching up so probably won't be able to make it at 6. But it's definitely got my engagement more than anything I've seen recently so I'll probably finish it tonight all the same.


The stream will be at 6:00 EST but I will stream the episode before at 5:30 for recap


Like last time, an HLS stream and playing on https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri


stream set. Starting recap in 8 minute


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just now realized the [4de] subs are dededede




Stream in 15 minutes!


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Starting now!!!


Starting now!!!



Starting now!!!


who the fuck thought that ep00 was a good idea...
gungrave levels of tarded...


also fittingly ironic that both are now in my list of top anime


Funny because I ended up disagreeing with the streamer throwing it to the end. Showing that everything is going to be fucked and posing the question of what happens to everyone would have added some much needed suspense to the early parts and made the introduction of characters like schizoman and fagboy seem more important. Too much stuff got written off as unimportant side crap when I thought the plot was just going to stay in the background the whole time.

Having a two episode epilogue where everybody just lives happily ever after because they do is waaaaay worse and if you have to include it then setting it up early so that we never think the ending is the actual ending at least makes it seem like less of a bullshit cop-out.

Those girls deserved to die.


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REALLY fantastic. So many fantastic shots, although they were there in the source material. The music and general feel was also extremely good and true to the manga!
I had read the manga a few years ago before it was finished and I'm not someone that enjoys waiting weeks (or worse) for chapters so I just put it on hold. So, everything after about 80% or so was new to me. I'll have to go back and read it now since anime adaptations do tend to omit things to keep things concise. I remember the manga getting a bit more into the political side of things, although the anime does get the gist of it.
Really, really good! I'm not good at talking about this stuff, but I can just simply say that it was a truly superb adaptation of truly superb source material.
I don't know how you'd describe Dededede to people to try and get people interested in it without spoiling things that make it so interesting. But, uhh.. people should definitely give it a chance if you like, uhh... good, empathetic characters in a, uhh... contradictory setting?
I can see this being something I rewatch occasionally, and that is a very rare trait.


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You could point out a few loose ends. Like the arc about the anti-genocide activists got mostly cut short by a character hiding in their room and failing to kill the CEO before he got assassinated himself. But for the most part they wrapped up everything.

In the manga to give the ending more weight they bring up a lot of side characters who never got any mention in the anime like President Padron and a gay romance between some game devs.

I'm not really a fan of the anime epilogue but the manga one was fine. Still, the idea of some girls giving up the world for their friendship is more touching than Dad saves the day


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Also in the manga they really drill in the general stupidity of the populace at the story climax. Making a duality between the norms who refuse to look at what's around them and the schizos who try to make the most of it for their own benefits.


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>some girls giving up the world for their friendship
Is stupid. They're stupid.
>Dad saves the day
Would be better if he'd done anything except tell her to do the thing she already did in the other timelines except somehow that's a deus ex machina now.

They should have either made it that the world was screwed either way or had someone reasonable slap some sense into them but instead they just naively fuck around the entire time and have a happy ending gifted to them because nips just can't help themselves.


actually what he did was prevent ISOBean from being written


there's also some theory that Isobeyan was written by an invader so there is no such thing in this world that he lucked into. Another chance is that the alien invasion setup played out differently due to small effects and it learned that humans have a crazy belief in justice


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Yeah, it basically ended at 16. I interpret the rest as a bonus "what if" chapter. Although, the line someone said about that timeline only existing to get the two girls together added an extra insult to everyone's death which was probably the point. It was all for nothing, an entire Earth of people dying just so two girls can have a better try in a different universe. It could have been a better world, but people are just too selfish or lazy so we have to try again.


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Hmm, now that I think about it this is quite similar to another series dealing with human imperfection, people killing each other and going back in time to try again


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I remember someone here describing it as a story about radicalization, and I fully agree. Lots of characters who start doing things lightly for simple reasons then from one event to another starting to go bigger and bigger, like schizman going from paranoid to disgruntled to vigilante to terrorist. The magic sauce is that it does this with several groups of people at a time, crossing paths with each other, not unlike Asano's previous Punpun, that's what makes it different from other such stories. Liked it a fair deal.

My personal criticism is that I believe the time travel detracted from this, and if you wiped it away and stuck to a single timeline in a single world the writing would be much tighter. It reframes Ontan's personality and adds tragedy to the plot, yes, but I feel it ends up making things overly complicated and overall its value is rather debatable given the ending. Perhaps this too is comparable to Punpun's Pegasus. The part where the harbinger went "oh btw if by any chance there's another person tuning in: here's the secret password that I know you two won't be able to use, in case things go really badly in this particular way, juuuust in case", that stuck out a bit, didn't it? Surely it could've been done in a different way.

Looking at the manga's v10-v12 it definitely has better scenery, is more graphic, explicitly political, has stuff I wish it hadn't cut out, and the explosion in particular is magnificent, but I have to give it to the anime that the action in general is considerably easier to read and the voices did add a lot, they're good stuff.

>Too much stuff got written off as unimportant side crap when I thought the plot was just going to stay in the background the whole time.
Personally, I came in having in mind how DDDD is (in)famous for being SoL-heavy early on and only ramping up later, so I was cool with that.
As for 0, it's basically using the epilogue as a prologue: it works in telling you that things are going to get fucked, but it gives away a good deal more and is set much later than your usual flash forward.

>I don't know how you'd describe Dededede
A slice of living on the edge.


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I'm not sure I'd exactly say radicalization is the main theme of the story, though there are messages about it spread throughout. Primarily, I think DDDD is about perversions of justice. Kadode's rampage in the other timeline, the radicalization of SHIP, Kenichi's revenge and the later NJH, which also ties in similarly with Japan's justification for the alien culling after 8/31. Although like with all things, there were many more factors going into the response to 8/31 that make it so you can't easily wrap it under solely this theme. It's why I think "Those girls deserved to die." >>134133 mentions is a completely incorrect takeaway. All it does it twist the act of Oran trying to save her friend into a malevolent one where somehow she's to blame for all of society's ills, just like the alien crash was twisted into an attack on the populace. More concern is placed on finding a target to receive all the blame than on the environment that allowed the events to unfold in the way they did.

If there is a separation between DDDD and PunPun, then I'd say it's that PunPun is hyper focused on individual characters and the role of greater society is far less than it is in DDDD where the actions of society as a whole are put under a spotlight. Like I said before, the perversion of justice played a role in foisting responsibility for the 8/31 incident on all aliens, but that was only a part of what made it the grand mess it was. Other major culprits throughout the story were apathy and greed. The government was making too much money and scientific progress through the 'war' efforts and resources scrounged up from the aliens, so it decided that even on finding the truth of their nature it'd be better for them and their approval ratings to keep lying to the people and continue the assaults on the aliens. Outside the government, people were satisfied with how they were able to go about their mostly normal lives so most were fine with the demonization and summary execution of aliens, aside from a few who saw the injustice for what it was and tried to call for change, but even they eventually fizzled out and/or were turned towards extremism as time progressed on and nobody else really cared.

It speaks to the conformist nature of Japan, and somewhat humanity as a whole, as standing against societal norms just leads to ostracization without any benefit because nobody around you is willing to buck the system either. Even if plenty of the individual characters aren't portrayed as having personal issues if they happen upon an alien themselves and that it's possible for them to even befriend each other. As a side note, this is why I absolutely adore the way the us vs them conflict is portrayed in this, it felt as though I was being vindicated for my utter hatred and contempt for beastmen racism in lesser works like Somali or isekai stories. The real monster not being a uniform hatred and fear amongst every single person, but the unwillingness to address the obvious extremism for fear of shaking up their own normal life for the benefit of strangers or enraging the few who violently enforce their belief. Selfishness and apathy in face of the indefensible violence in front of them that boils up and symbolically culminates in world crying out in rage through the reactor meltdown. A rage only eased in severity by the kindness and connection shared between Oran and Keita.

while I think the epilogue and happy ending were its weakest parts, by no means do I think that they were unnecessary. Asano set out to write a more positive story in DDDD, so to end it on a desolate and depressing future would go against those goals. It would also betray the thematic opposition towards perverting justice by suggesting humanity as a whole deserves eternal damnation for its acts against the invaders without any chance of redemption. I don't really mind the "oh btw if by any chance there's another person tuning in: here's the secret password that I know you two won't be able to use, in case things go really badly in this particular way, juuuust in case" since it does seem somewhat logical with their knowledge and use of time shifting alongside memory devices that they'd take precautions against things going awry. Especially since it's clued in that the home planet was itching to cull their population through the migration effort.


radicalization was a piece of a more complex work around the theme of world changing events


Think I can agree with that too. Mostly I think it's a greater societal critique than an individual one, which I feel the radicalization one is more directed towards with only really Kenichi and Futaba's stories directly relating to it.


Also the radicalization of the invader colonies but that never materialized into much since as soon as it happened the Fujin wiped them out.


>a story about radicalization
I think it's a much for mundane "power corrupts" thing. Schizoman only sets bigger goals for himself as he gains power over others. He starts killing ayys because they are powerless to fight back and only starts going after the government when he gets alien tech which spirals into him being "the chosen one" as more weapons fall into his lap. It's very similar to how Kadode goes from yelling at the lads for having a little fun to forming a gang to murdering politicians, the main difference being that she picked targets with the naivete of a child instead of the paranoia of a /pol/tard. You can also see it a bit in how the SHIP lady uses her organization to enact personal revenge and how the government jumps to abandoning its allies and people once it gets hold of supertech. It's basically the author's answer to the "why doesn't Doraemon tech get used for a higher purpose?" question. It's not particularly insightful so I wouldn't look at it as much more than a way to drive characters to self-destructive actions.

SHIP were never the good guys. They were there to show the uselessness of such peaceful protest organizations and how they are more about social connections (i.e. getting laid) than about a cause that has fuck all to do with the people in the organization. Shizoman and the soldier bro were both right in telling them that they were turning their eyes from reality. Oran was the biggest culprit when it comes to that, but the activist girl, the crossdresser, the onii-chan, the senpai, the PM, and basically everyone still in Tokyo was guilty of the same thing. The Americans were right in mocking them.

Oran only liked Keita because he was hot and quirky and willing to ignore the looming disaster to fuck around until it was too late just like her. It was happenstance that he learned of the solution through her memories and she was fully willing to shift the blame for everything to "humanity" and let them perish so she could get a few more years with her hetero-girlfriend pretending like she isn't murderous scum.


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Alt.Kadode actually went in the more analytical[mass shooter rationalization] /pol/tard direction

The anime omitted the hitler parts


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The manga in general has some really amazing paneling/pacing


She was asking randos who they thought was bad to find new targets. If she had followed Hitler she would have identified the group responsible for all the ills in society and wiped them out to solve everything.


A mass killer doesn't actually select targets really. They just kill everyone who gets in the way of their justice. Schizoman just killed everyone in the end because the murder that was required to satisfy him was unsatiable.


>the people who pushed her that far
Does the manga also show anyone being an actual reason for her going off the deep end? Because having a grade schooler call you names is not really justification for derailing trains.


The manga is obviously putting to light that the invader is correct, it's not any person but the outcome of everything. So Ouran blaming anyone just seems illogical to it.

What made her go off the deep-end? She just made a mistake with her powers and in order to correct the wrongs she decided that she had to kill people to compensate. The anime made this clear without the manga


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It was at this moment. She felt like a superhero and understood all the wrongs in the world. Then to help someone she derailed a train without understanding what it would cause.


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Just contrived logic to cope with the fact you killed someone.


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Then she kills him because he saw that he was not a perfect being, even though she caused the problem in the first place.
Ultimately she realized that she was at fault and killed herself.


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even if you think it doesn't make sense. It's a fairytale to show how someone's sense of justice can snowball into absurd rationalizations


It's a child's understanding of morality and society. In her developing age she's coming to realize the faults in the world. But before learning there are problems far too complex to be fixed by just a single person or understanding the intricacies of people, she's granted the power to insert herself into all of it and carry out her grand chuuni plan to fix the world. Only realizing her mistake after she's done too much to take back.


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>She just made a mistake with her powers and in order to correct the wrongs she decided that she had to kill people to compensate
What a hack.


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To me, perversion means that the intended ideal turned into something terrible it was never supposed to be, that there was a downfall, like the cries for liberty and rationalism of the French Revolution leading to the terror. But I don't think that's what happens in DDDD.
Schizman is from the outset a paranoid /pol/tard, he remains this way throughout. SHIP wants to stop the killing of invaders, them switching from peaceful demonstrations to violence is something that has occurred innumerable times. The government is fighting illegal immigration and cynically exploiting the situation. Ontan explicitly changes the timeline for selfish reasons, she doesn't even care about justice. Maybe you disagree with their actions and see them as deviations from the One™ True™ Justice™, but I don't think they stray too far from their starting points. Might as well mention Kadode's mother too, who's radical in her departure from society.
The one where your interpretation best holds up is Ouran because she's a dumb kid mixing how power corrupts with getting back at the norms the norms the norms the norms. To be fair, Isobeyan explicitly questions the notion of human justice in v8's chapter 63, though here too it's about how "one of your race's spiritual afflictions" is in reality "just satisfying your own egos" and that those prattling about it "might become demons." A jab at justice as a whole.

I believe the bigger focus is on the steps that lead people to take more and more extreme measures in response to worsening situations, the escalation, that's what's really consistent across most characters regardless of their emotions, means, or motivations. I do agree with the elements of scapegoating and us vs them, although
>It would also betray the thematic opposition towards perverting justice by suggesting humanity as a whole deserves eternal damnation for its acts against the invaders without any chance of redemption.
This doesn't exactly hold up, because the ruined timeline continues to exist and nobody moves into the happy one. The people we were following are all still fucked, even if Asano tries to give you a glimpse of happiness.

I disagree that schizman was corrupted by power. All he needed to start killing invaders was a knife, the tech enables him to do wilder stuff but he obtained it a long time after he had already formed his einsatzgruppen. First he's primed by his distrust of the mainstream (v2), then it becomes personal (v3), and then the hunt begins (v4). But he gets the tech in v6 as Keita tries to save an invader, and starts using it in v7, biding his time until he can finally seize the chance to off some glowies and get the biometrics lady to follow him in v10. He doesn't kill because of unintentionally obtained power, he seeks power to kill, and it works as intended. It's calculated, very different from Kadode who manages to temporarily get better thanks to the Demons but turns to the dark side right after getting the blaster (both v8).


is v supposed to be ep?




He's all talk until opportunities for action appear and then he expands his plans based on his new power. If there had been any barriers to him hunting alien scum then he would have just kept complaining about society and if he'd never gotten hold of invisibility he never would have tried to fight the glowies and if he'd never gotten hold of guns and the lady he'd never have tried to build a new world from the ashes of the old. Nobody in this series uses power responsibly because the message is that power corrupts.


Some people would call that smart behavior or strategic. It's not that the power corrupted, but it gave him opportunity to act out more grand plans that put him in control.
Comparably the invaders who gathered and got ion-cannon'd were people who would up with similar goals but no power.

The power didn't corrupt. Just let them act


this series sound super interesting maybe i should read it


If a person believes in something and acts accordingly after getting power then they were not corrupted, they were enabled.
The quintessential allegory for power corrupting is Tolkien's One Ring, where characters do greatly deviate from their original goals because of its influence. Schizman doesn't.


The One Ring is different because it has a will of its own and is actively influencing the bearer's mind to achieve its ends. You can argue that Schizoman and Kadode were fundamentally evil and just smart enough not to show it until they thought they could get away with it, but the fact remains that they would have gone their whole lives as simple disillusioned losers had they not gained power and reevaluated their course of action based on that. I think Kadode not becoming a terrorist in the timelines where she didn't get the sonic screwdriver shows that the author's perspective is that the power is what turned her down the wrong path rather than simply allowing her to achieve goals she already had.


With Kadode we absolutely agree that power corrupted her or at least led her down a dark path, I don't think anyone could interpret it any other way. Ten pages after experiencing the power of the blaster she's derailing a train, in the two other timelines where that doesn't happen she's fine, the correlation is statistically significant. But your response to Schizman having ill intent from the start is to shift to hypotheticals. He didn't say "if only I had a gang of people to help back me up, then and only then I would take revenge on the invaders, oh well too bad." He did it himself, actively, starting from nothing, unlike Kadode. There are prior events (reading /pol/, Kiho's death) that make him go down that path well before any change in power occurs, independently from it. Moreover, Ontan's mother going derelict is unrelated to power or acting out of a sense of justice (on the contrary, she is forsaking her child), and if you want to argue that the self-serving government has been corrupted then you have to pretty much take an anarchist stance and reach back well before the start of the story to say it's been that way all along.

I think it would be easier to say that Asano's message is that power corrupts if he had shown any of his characters as upstanding prior to obtaining it, if he had brought attention to a clearer distinction between the before and after, or if he had shown a standard for responsible usage that others failed to follow, but they're mostly flawed from the get-go. What he does explicitly criticize is justice itself, and for you or I to say that their usage of power is irresponsible we're left to do so with our own sense of justice, which he doesn't endorse.


wouldn't mind naming my son schizman
he can be warm water's little brother

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