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File:[SubsPlease] Acro Trip - 0….jpg (128.87 KB,1280x720)


What would you do if you were evil?


What kind of power levels are we talking? If capital G God I would reduce the speed of light to 60 miles per hour, but only in some parts of the world.


Evil is a spook. It's a privation of good. It's like saying shadows have weight.


post non-blogs in the blog thread


i would go around saying "erm actually this basic concept isn't real don't you know"


have libidinous thoughts about kemono friends


File:__roon_original_and_3_more….png (3.24 MB,2000x2500)

avatarfag without any care


too far


Let me tell you in song:


File:084e555f6eaf85206133a8d10d….jpg (133.74 KB,708x1000)

if she didn't want me having libidinous thoughts about her then why did she wear that lewd skintight suit with those outrageous boobs!


I love Acro Trip


File:SidewaysHop.png (325.7 KB,240x160)


I've called this series Acro Bike more times than I care to admit...


Probably nothing different. I am quite cautious so I would not do anything that would get me in trouble or make me a target even if I was evil.


so weird of the Hoenn people to build something like that over a river...


If your kid won't risk his life on sick BMX stunts, he isn't elite four worthy.


i'd sexually harass the magical girls

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