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What does /qa/ think about the idea of hardcore MMOs? Having seen a bit about this in my Youtube recommends, it looks kinda fun and engaing. Classic wow is by no means the hardest, or even that challenging an MMO, but I think that just lends itself very nicely to a hardcore mode. It encourages a bit more social interaction during questing to not die trying to solo along with encouraging better communication during dungeons/raids since nobody wants to lose their character. Also I'm a bit of a fan of hardcore modes myself, so I was wondering if kissu might be interested in giving it a shot once the servers come out?


sounds hard...


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It is pretty hard, even extremely so, when you're solo. But if you've got friends then I don't think it'd be too tough. Which is why I'd want to play this with /qa/ friends if I ever play.


WoW questing is eh. Hardcore Ironman osrs is better


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I'm the type of person that enjoys WoW questing so it works for me.


I like hardcore modes, but not MMO gameplay. Wouldn't it just lead to your friends having to help grind you back up to their level every time you fuck up?


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I don't think "hardcore and online" is a combination that should exist. It's not too unusual to die in single-player games due to a bug, but introducing network problems is a recipe for disaster.
No thank you!


Looking forward to less hardcore characters on Turtle.


For what it's worth most of these have mulligans


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Most big singleplayer games these days are online only anyways so...


Hardcore WoW is one thing, but hardcore runescape? Weeks of grinding to get ganked by gangs of pkers?


Is runescape even easy enough to justify hardcore?


what does mulligan mean in this context
i'm only used to hearing it in card games




How would you even raid in hardcore classic? Don't bosses kill like 90% of the group even when they're successful?


ah alright
not necessarily
i figure they'll be optimized to hell and back and will also practice in non-hc servers


In reality HC players grind grey mobs and quests to 60


I imagine HIM is for players like Zezima who have long maxed a main but want to keep playing


gonna play this in the kissu vent server 24/7 until we've all grinded to 60


It's more possible than you think.


I'd play with kissu on Turtle


You ever notice nerd sites always have hidden rs and wow players


MMOs are the nerd hobby. Wouldn't be surprised if there's also EQ/FF14 players here too...


Yeah, that'd probably be a real pain to deal with if you get to higher levels. You'd want to constantly be playing together and a death would kind of break the rhythm of fun MMO adventuring.


Even still I'd want to try it out with /qa/ just to see how far we get.


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the pissu osrs hardcore group ironman project.......... who wants to be the herblore slave?


Now find 40 tards that can do basic mechanics in Naxx without getting nuked


yeah the first thing i thought of was naxxs toxic lava floor boss where you have to keep moving and how it always killed me
i remember the giant abomination causing us to wipe a few times but others i dont remember well maybe kt and the dragon werent that bad



Finally got an update and PTR for the servers. Seems like it's going to be great so far since they're preemptively getting rid of most all griefing methods and really screwy bugs. Your character doesn't even get perma deleted just moved to another server, seems great.


It makes sense to remove the shaman, warlock, and paladin things, but other classes still have "cancel combat" spells. Offhand, rogues have that skill to drop combat and gain stealth which is immensely powerful and hunters have feign death which was really good when it didn't bug out about 20% of the time. I guess they're not "cancel death" spells directly, but that's what they do.
Man, thinking back about my warlock that I played way back the day fills me with conflicting thoughts. It was fun, and yet not fun at the same time. The gimmicky stuff was what made him good, but I ended up playing a shadow priest for a superior version.


Well if you read further into it Warlocks are actually going to be receiving and immense buff in hardcore from the debuff limit on mobs being removed. Meaning that in larger raids you'll be able to play an affliction Warlock. As for the other cancel combat spells, they're not 100% guarantees you'll survive but instead just a chance. In the endgame though, there's petrification flasks that anyone can use that can somewhat act as a death save which balances things, but they're pretty damn costly to make.



Turtle deserves your time far more than any blizzshit.


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Anyone playing the new season of discovery for classic? I'm playing on Living Flame.


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About to roll on Crusader Strike RPPvP.


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>About to roll on Crusader Strike RPPvP.


mmos are not real games


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Although with that said, my choice isn't much preferable...


Tell us why!


moms are not real gamer girls


I've just learned this realm name somehow became the "streamer realm" on NA. Fortunately I am EU so I don't have to worry about five retards and their tens of thousands of followers ruining the game by acting like absolute morons.


>Fortunately I am EU
Lucky, are you in already?


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No, my estimated time is going higher and higher.


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I'm in.


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Queues in WoW? Huh.
Yeah, I'm not going back. I did play from like 2006-2010, but it was too addictive and while the experience wouldn't be the same I'm not going to risk it. I hope you guys have fun... and don't get addicted!
I wish my hard drive with screenshots from the early years didn't die


Good old Xperl, I still use it.
They released a new kind of seasonal classic(vanilla-ish) server today, that's why there's a queue. It's not completely vanilla, but fresh is fresh. I just wanna walk around roleplaying as a voodoo man.


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Almost level 20, time to do some RFC


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>but it was too addictive
It still is really addictive. There's just a certain charm to vanilla that sucks you in and lets you drone out playing for hours, especially if you have other people to play with. The way it encourages group play and social interaction while still being roughly soloable makes it the perfect environment for sucking you in. With the mix-up of new abilities and potential class roles it's made for a great rerun through memory lane. The level cap at the moment being 25 makes playing and not being too outpaced feel very viable, can't get ganked as easily in the contested zones when the others are only 10 levels above you at most. I'm playing a rogue and there's this one rune which makes backstab cost as much as a reduced sinister strike, so I can spam it in dungeons to do massive dps and it feels so good.


>can't get ganked as easily in the contested zones when the others are only 10 levels above you at most.

Aww, that was part of the fun. People would enjoy how there would be random elites that kept you on your toes and the high level gankers performed a similar role. Once you hit the level 30s you could actually kill some of the level 60 gankers that weren't good at the game if you made proper use of the environment and engineering or certain abilities. Such humiliation you could visit upon them. Hehehe. Ah, those were the days. Altered abilities sound kinda cool; I guess it's a way to try and keep the game "fresh" in a way that's still comfortable and recognizable.
I wonder why so few MMOs tried to the "retro" server thing. Maybe they just die and go into maintenance mode too soon, as Blizzard itself said no to classic servers for like 10 years before this stuff hit.


>high level gankers performed a similar role
They still will easily kill you, but you can also kill them back more easily than you could a 60. 15 years ago you could probably kill a 60 as a 30, but with how much more knowledgeable people are now that'll probably never happen.


>I wonder why so few MMOs tried to the "retro" server thing.

Most are doing it, even the unpopular ones (freaking EQ2 has classic servers) and are successful among their playerbase


I liked BDO because I preferred Korean grindfests to western MMOs and tolerated their P2W until they kept adding more and more stuff that you HAD to buy. Im looking at playing Silk Road Online again


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I want to start playing OSRS but I've read that you can't do much if you're on a free-to-play account. Are there any private servers that solve this?


Theres plenty. Find a version running a version of the game you're nostalgic for


I'm not nostalgic for any of them, I haven't tried OSRS apart from playing it for a few hours ages ago. I saw some videos with comparisons between private servers but none of it makes sense to me as a newbie.


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I've been grinding solo and fishing for months on HorizonXI. There is a one life hardcore game mode on CatsEye but I can't understand why anyone would want to play that as a single character is a very long and slow investment.


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If you understand what this means in the 75 era then you know this person left in search for the portal to Gensokyo.


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There's losing hardcore arpg characters that can take you like maybe a week to build up and then it's just a bunch of perfection. But hardcore MMOs you spend months getting up to max level, and to die along the way would break me. The pressure alone already makes this unapproachable.


that's a nice butte


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Got to max level and did my dungeons/raids. So now I'm levelling alts to see how they play and get all my professions maxxed out. I wish I was multiboxing so this could be much easier!


Sounds pretty dumb unless they rebalance the game around it (they won't), and WoW is a pretty easy game in general for modern gamers.

I heard they had to take away reincarnation and bubble hearth to even make it difficult.


Anyone know where the BiS gear/weapon list is by level that includes 25? I had it open before and was using it to figure out where to farm but now I lost it when I closed the tab while cleaning up my browser...


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2-man'd Wailing Caverns and got my legs and then the ring dropped from mutanus as well


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>and don't get addicted!
With the level cap at 25 it feels like I can make an alt for each profession and max them out unlike when I could get to 60 so I'm currently a bit addicted....


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I'm just chilling in Era.


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lol wtf all runes are NOT created equal


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Rerolled on a PvE server. I can't take it anymore. Not only are horde outnumbered and hunted in gank squads, but essential items for runes are locked behind farming spots in alliance zones where you can't walk 5ft without running into one.


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Kinda crazy that a game that hasn't been updated in years performs better (user wise) than one getting continual expansions and new content.


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Update: PvE server is really nice and I can gather in peace, and even the Alliance sometimes help out in normal zones. Doing a druid again and just hit 20, it's simply amazing how much feral changes the game to make everything better.


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Phase 2 is out, time to hit 40.


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Already 33 but I see people at level 40 with their mounts...


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Got my one druid at 40 and he's not feeling fun enough so now getting my rogue to 40 and almost there...

I'm not addicted I swear...


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Starting today on the SoD realms they've buffed XP gains from 1-40 by 100% and halved the gold price of mounts and skills, while tripling the gold rewards from quests. Super easy to level alts now, and that's what I'll be doing for every class now.


I bought the 80g mount I want a refund from these scammers.


Anyone on lone wolf server


yeah whats your name we can be pen pals


send name


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player not found


im alliance



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I'm too easily annoyed for PvP servers, so I play on Wild Growth


gank some noobs if you cant beat em join em


They added Dual-Spec to SoD, the game is saved


Aris is saying it's Dark Souls 2 tier
Oh no


already linked this and you IGNORED it >>122346


Oh I see now.
You put it in a thread with an erotic maid behind a post with an erotic maid.
I see, I see. How did I miss it


Damn there's so much UNIQUE and INSPIRING generic erotic drawings. How can I possibly be so blind as to miss that


it's kagami with cat ears how can you forget that


also he NEVER said it was ds2 tier


Phase 3 of WoW SoD launched with Nightmare Incursions, a new mechanic that just so happened to turn into the most profitable gold and xp source in the game. Blizz noticed and changes are already planned like a gold reward hotfix that came 8 hours after the patch launched, and an exp nerf to the incursion quests that'll come later today. Figuring this out, I decided to use it as an opportunity to easily level 2 of my chars to 50, and I spent all day today just running incursions over and over. Now my warrior is 50 alongside my rogue.


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>Nightmare Incursion
What is that exactly?


Sort of like an instance thing that everyone takes part in, they're inside of the portals that the world boss dragons come out of. Inside you do quests and get mission letters from them that you then use to get another quest and an item that lets you share the quest with other party members. There's kill quests, pick up quests, boss quests, and profession-based quests. It's pretty fun to do as a one off event and feels very MMO-y with how many people are doing it at the same time and killing bosses and such. However, the issue is that it's much easier to just do bosses and pick up quests than it is to do any kill quests or profession ones, so people run them in loops of 5-man groups and refresh all the quests after turning them in by sharing with each other then do it again and again and again because it's the most efficient way to get both gold and xp. You do this from 40 to 50 unless you want to be left behind, and right now there's a rush to do them since it's getting nerfed hard in the next patch so it's super easy to get groups.


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No group for Blood Moon? No problem! Just play a rogue.

Heavy metal may/may not improve performance

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