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File:122538171_p0.png (6.49 MB,3508x2480)


Would you pick freedom over love?


I choose love.


File:39505816_p1.png (551.62 KB,639x710)

Wihtout love it cannot be seen.


File:1698079587968869.jpg (1.76 MB,2480x3071)

I choose both


File:1724710510050625.jpg (574.09 KB,3508x2480)

You cannot. Love is constriction, the only way to have it is to give up your wandering and return home.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (287.29 KB,1920x1080)

the love of freedom, the freedom to love
wow, I'm poetic


File:punch.jpg (298.22 KB,1000x1000)

Love, but first:

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