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File:20240227_130616.jpg (555 KB,2488x3576)


What are the most effective baits you know of?


I have good success in saltwater with dead shrimp.


People seem to be divided on whether synthetic bait is as effective as live bait. I've been meaning to go fishing, but since I've moved there's not really any bodies of water nearby to fish in.


I just get in the water and grab anything that swims too close.


File:[alice margatroid cardboar….jpg (220.64 KB,750x1000)

A cardboard box is guaranteed to attract cats. If you were to add something like catnip to it I don't think it's physically possible for a cat to ignore it


oh my holy flip is that cat girl alice???


No, that's a Mobile Suit Zaku.


Fishing? Crickets and/or Chicken Liver
Government shills on the internet? I don't want to post it here because they'll flood in thanks to their real time monitoring. But suffice to say I know of a great keyword that brings them running every time.

I've actually broken a few just today. To the point where they've given up all together and resorted to sliding with angry rants.


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I remember using hooks with a red "berry" on them being very good for fishing mackerel.


Have you seen King of the Hill episode titled "Jumpin Crack Bass"


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