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File:GILTW2hWIAAV2zC.jpg (203.86 KB,736x1067)


Did you know that YouTube has a feature where you can search older videos now? If the first thing you put into the search is
then you'll only get search results from before that date. I was using it to find nice blasts from the past earlier and it's also kinda funny how much better the results are when none of the modern algorithm optimized content exists.


I didn't know that, very useful information.


sexy paffendorf


Oh yeah I remember people doing this on /v/ a year ago but then it completely escaped my memory. I'll have to try this later...


I found gold.


Also this makes it very easy to find all those embarrassing early 00s AMVS. I remember some girls in my school liked this show. Coincidentally the subs are in Italian which is where I'm from.


File:C-1710019691550.png (1.64 MB,1134x2031)

youtube search, fixed




File:[shiggy] Made in Abyss - S….jpg (292.93 KB,1920x1080)

It's even funnier when you actually watch it. It starts playing Elfen Lied music in the middle video for no reason.


I miss when people treated YouTube as a content archive, rather than a community unto itself.

Most of the interesting culture surrounding YouTube early on wasn't even on YouTube; it was on sites like Newgrounds and Something Awful and YouChew. They used YouTube as a place to host their videos, but the videos themselves weren't 'youtube videos'; they were videos on YouTube.

It ties into why I dislike modern social media "platforms" in general. They try to do double duty as a content host and a community, and they end up doing neither well.


I still get recommended those 4chan thread simulator-esque videos from time to time. Also, thanks for reminding me of Mountain Dew Hitler Did Nothing Wrong. Good times.

Youtube isn't a community. It's too big to be a community. It plays host to many smaller communities which use it for content distribution, many of which have their primary community elements on Discord or Patreon.


There was a time where youtube had more of a "community" feel to it, when you could do a video reply (that didn't end well), PM others, make comments on other channels, customize your own channel, and other features I don't remember.
The only community type feature now is the community section that lets you do polls and posts for your subscribers but they are easy to miss if you are on not on mobile.
I actually miss when youtube could be its own community for smaller channels who just vlogged or played games before monetization became the main incentive, but I have to agree that it didn't do a good job at being a community even back then.
Youtube got many of its features mauled by google over the years, the most significant for me was removing your subscriptions from the home page. It makes sense why nobody wants to use it as their main platform.


nice+cute feet


File:__hiiragi_kagami_and_hiira….jpg (3.46 MB,4093x5935)

Judging from the filename, it was saved from xitter. Here's a high res ver


Stop posting lewds


File:frends.gif (1.42 MB,800x900)

Make me


it's essentially the same feature twitter has though still neat

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