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File:R-1729911112880.jpg (580.29 KB,819x1024)


How to cheat at video games? Cheat Engine is basically malware.


File:[Elysium]Lucky.Star.EP03(B….jpg (381.35 KB,1280x720)

What fun is there in cheating?


I'm sure the old versions are fine. I used it a bit when I was younger.
Probably the current version is fine too if you don't press agree to everything on the installer.
I also think cheating is bad and would rather not play a game if I have to cheat, but it can be fun to mess around in a game you already completed.


Figuring out how to make your own cheats can sometimes be fun. I've used an emulator that came with a built-in debugger to play around with that before.


making a note to myself to look into Squalr


File:[SubsPlease] Acro Trip - 0….jpg (281.68 KB,1920x1080)

I'm not sure what you mean by malware. It does read processes, but isn't that how it works? I'm not aware of any other cheat program in existence these days. Maybe there's something in non-English languages like Chinese or Russian? Those people are pretty good at hacking stuff.
In-game cheats are unfortunately a relic of a time before DLC so you're not going to find them anywhere else...


I think he means the sort of sketchy software that does what it says it's supposed to, in this case it's provide cheats, but it also cooks your GPU mining bitcoin.
Never had a reason to update CE, so I don't know if it actually went bad.


People throw that bitcoin accusation thing at everything so it's impossible to tell when it's legitimate. It seems unlikely that CE would be doing it, though. Maybe it's a bug or it messed up with a hook and eats up a bunch of RAM as a result or something.

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