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Have you seen the storytime generals on 4/a/? I ended up checking out the ShimSim one after the manga ended and it looks like a qualitatively new thing. A new historical epoch.
They're basically a chain of chapter dumps, sustained by a dedicated OP and a group of people interested in reading whatever manga manages to get traction, a notoriously rare thing to happen. At the end, the OP may announce what they're going to dump next, and the community will move on to that as well. They differ from regular ol' dumps in that they carry around in-jokes and all that as well as getting perpetually bumped and remade like a standard general. Right now there's even some friction between /tkmiz/ and the storytime's community, mainly over the former's liberal use of spoilers.

It's like, rather than a segregated topic growing a micro-community, it's a micro-community hopping from topic to topic. Turned the whole thing on its head.


Are general's soft allowed again?


The moderators will deal with it soon


Soft? There's like fifty of them, no joke, and many openly refer to themselves as /***/.
It looks like they've been around for at least two years, though. Take this ritualpost:
>Searching for posts that contain ‘"where's my nigga mo"’ and in ascending order. 285 results found.
You can use this to track their journey starting in March 2022: from Shoulder-a-Coffin Kuro, to Hitoribocchi, Mission-chan no Daibouken, End of Goldfish Kingdom, Game Club, Beank & Rosa, Hedoro-san, and after quite a while there's Blame and now ShimSim. Another interesting clue in its development is the word "anonsito," which was first used in 2020, and specifically "thanks, anonsito" from mid-late 2021 onwards. It started out in Yotsuba threads, and can now be found in several of the ongoing storytimes.

Seems to me there's a fundamental tension between people who want there to be a big topic to form board culture around, and people who want space to discuss less popular things.


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I browsed a couple of those threads when they first started and they were mostly made up of (Series)-fags back then, like the SZS one. Didn't know they evolved into their own community.


Bout damn time there's manga discussion about something other than shonen and the fotm


It doesn't strike me as a super closely-knit thing, but there's clearly a clash going on because of it. One person complained that tkmizfags "see these threads as just another discussion thread" and, true enough, in that same thread a different Anonymous later wrote "Merry Christmas /tkmiz/." Happened again in the next thread too, even when there's a separate SSR thread up at the same time.
Yeah, I know, and I can't see any possible alternative to it. But then you have a thread like 260591828 which lasted for nearly ten days in a board that gets 20+ threads per hour, and didn't even reach bump limit. It's weird how the kneejerk reaction is to say anyone pointing it out just wants to have more shonen around.


Just make /ma/ and /ai/ already. It is time.


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Those long weekly storytime threads have been around since 2018 at least because I read through SoreMachi thanks to those threads.

Or maybe those were a different kind of storytime threads, I don't browse /a/ much anymore. tehepero☆(・ω<)


They've been soft allowed since like 2017 when the last moot-era mods were deposed and blatantly promoted since 2020. You can have "edition" and a "last thread >>" in the OP and hit bump limit. They also do nothing to prevent samefag page 10 saves perpetually occurring, which is why ~20% of the board is over a day old at any time, with several always being 1-2 weeks old. I imagine it's easier to moderate this way since you don't need to know about board culture or even watch anime to know what's on-topic when everything is a series general with a clear label. But it tanked the board quality so hard that I pretty much stopped using it.

People have always used shounen as an excuse for why their own cancer should be allowed, but all they're doing is copying the shounenfags they so hate with even more insular generals that kill all the fun and creative threads while said shounen generals are oblivious to it all.


It won't be long until the tkmizfags start a JOI CEI general


Later /a/ generals were offputting. I remember /pc/ being mostly ironic shitposting with an undercurrent of depression blogging and anger at hetero shipping. Man, they must be unhappy with Tsubasa.


Is there still a fascination with Go Nagai manga


Searching for "daily" in the subject field does show it started with Yotsuba& in May 2018, but at first it wasn't getting perma-bumped. It was at the end of that manga that they ran a poll and decided to go with Azumanga next:
Yeap, looks like this was it, the genesis of it all.
>even more insular generals that kill all the fun and creative while said shounen generals are oblivious to it all.
That's the funniest part of how often /dbs/ specifically gets brought up, it's treated as the epitome of generals at the same time that it's one of the most influential and least insular out there. Weird how that turned out.


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with frilly dresses?


>I remember /pc/ being mostly ironic shitposting with an undercurrent of depression blogging and anger at hetero shipping.
Faggots. Yes 5 was vastly elevated by the relationships between first, Nozomi and Coco and second, Komachi anfd Nuts.
So too is Pretty Rhythm elevated by its crushes and kissus and anguish.


Pretty Rhythm seems to have dadcon going on too


I know, I was the one who showed you.


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Generally speaking the more I enjoy something the less likely I am to look at discussion of it on 4chan (save niche stuff that can't be found elsewhere) so I can't say I have any experience with this.
It makes sense to me that people would seek to create new ongoing generals. They're basically eeking out a smaller userbase experience so things are more personal, slower and less flamewar-y. If these people could choose I bet they would want a board of their own instead of a general.
Although, it being the year it is, it's most likely they will end up on a discord.


/pc/ was very hostile to dicksword last time I was there


What you didn't clip was how unsuitable everyone aside from the blonde one are to actually be a pop star long-term


Make a thread about it. I haven't finished watching it yet


Have you checked what the Japanese otaku fanbase thinks of it? The only thing I've seen was a 2ch poster pleased the mascot was central to the plot. (And also that they made it clear early ero art of her is considered taboo even by their standards)


I saw it, deletard.


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Nope. I don't speak the language and MTL translating entire pages with google doesn't work as well as it used to (and it was frustrating to decode anyway). Those threads where someone dumps hundreds of frames for a new episode were also a bit weird to me, but maybe they don't pirate shows on their computer as much as we do?
As a result it sort of never enters my mind.


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Yeah, so from Yotsuba in 2018, to Azumanga on to YKK through another poll, and then Planetes in February 2019. There were a lot of other storytimes even before that, and a couple of actually daily concurrent threads for Kenrantaru Grande Scene in January and Keyman in February, but it seems it was this current that defined what storytime generals behave like today: dumping a chapter per day, being permabumped, and going from one manga to the next. A group event made into a micro-community.
On the one hand, I empathize and don't really hold it against them, without a board they don't have any other way to consistently go about it, but on the other it's further fragmentation of a space whose current speed is hovering around the lowest levels it has had in the last ten years. In any case, it's at least an interesting change.

>(And also that they made it clear early ero art of her is considered taboo even by their standards)
I started off thinking she was a sexy baby but the feeling gradually went away and now it's just cute with no ero attached. Purinsesu MAMORU.


>but on the other it's further fragmentation of a space whose current speed is hovering around the lowest levels it has had in the last ten years.
Really? The frustrating thing is that /a/ users just seem to disappear, aside from those liveboards there's no real alternative where they all congregate


>more personal, slower and less flamewar-y
/vg/ and /vt/ are the fastest boards on 4chan. Generals make things faster because there's a need to maintain constant activity so any time there's a lull someone will post template prompts or bait to spark the same handful of responses. The opinions and "sides" become more entrenched and hostile since they're stuck sharing the same space all day and that makes them prime real-estate for trolls, which is why every one ends up with at least one massive shitposter who constantly drives people up the wall.

/a/ at least hasn't taken to blatantly posting their series discord yet, but that is the norm on other general-centric boards. The 4chan element of the community becomes sort of an entrance portal for new members.

>they don't have any other way to consistently go about it
Before the daily chapter thing took off the norm was to dump an entire volume a day/week, then just let it end. It wasn't about trying to foster and maintain a sub-community, it was a way to give exposure to the series an opportunity for anyone interested in the series to discuss it before being on their way.


>/a/ users just seem to disappear
It isn't just /a/. The last major exodus from 4chan into 8ch drove out the long time users and content creators. Which splintered into multiple smaller boards at 8ch over the years due to differences in opinion on how the boards should be run. Then when 8ch died nothing was allowed to replace it (all possible websites were attacked and ran offline). So now the users of all the old boards are spread to the four corners of the internet. Everyone is contained in small little communities where it's impossible to organize and where they can be monitored and contained. Most of which require a SIM card to access them.

The name of the Discord application wasn't a mistake. It's exactly what it was designed to do. All alternatives to it are the same thing with a different coat of paint. All require cell phone to access or will soft-ban you and ask for it the moment you post anything some mod doesn't like. The WWW is a minefield of small websites that can't get beyond 10-20 active users. Any more than that and the bots roll in to shut it down.


>it was a way to give exposure to the series an opportunity for anyone interested in the series to discuss it before being on their way.
Yeah, that's exactly where the ~paradigm shift~ took place.
When going through the archives I saw several threads that were just OP dumping anywhere from fifty to a hundred pages while getting zero to five comments at the end. The current model's advantage is sidestepping that, both by having an already invested group of people and by keeping the daily material small enough that it's easy to engage with. Factually speaking it's more reliable, and the people I've seen arguing in favor of them typically highlight those two main points.
It's not that rare of a strategy to take. One forum I used to browse has a sub-section dedicated to JP book clubs of different difficulty levels whose threads work identically, and (if I recall correctly) the /qa/ stream itself also used voting even before it was seasonal. The key differences are that these didn't create new sub-communities, they're events for the group that was already there, and moreover don't saturate their given space.

And of course, said efficacy doesn't justify something like this:
It was created twenty hours ago, but hasn't managed to gain any traction at all. Absolutely zero exchanges, it's been necrobumped for the last 14 hours for no reason other than autism. Bad stuff.

>Generals make things faster because there's a need to maintain constant activity
It's also where you find the most dedicated people in concentrated amounts, can't discount that either.


>It's also where you find the most dedicated people
This is true, but being dedicated doesn't translate to being creative, productive, producing good discussion, or even necessarily being particularly educated in the subject. The worst shitposters are the ones who are autistically dedicated to some bullshit crusade. When your community is based on one specific thing, it creates a necessity to continually engage with that thing in order to maintain your social connection with the group. Generals thus manufacture dedication and use it to fuel themselves in a self-perpetuating loop.


I agree wholeheartedly, that's exactly what I meant to say. Most dedicated in this context also means most willing to entertain it.


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Well, the d/a/ily for Shimeji has ended, and it was interesting.

A very clever practice the OP implemented as some point is ending each chapter with a question for the audience, sometimes related, sometimes not so much. Tatoeba, "What deserves preservation?", "What stories do you believe in?", or "What's your /fa/ hot take?" On top of receiving the readers' thanks, replies to the question further serve as bumps and in a handful of cases generate chains for more activity. It's not rare for their chains to be more active than comments on the manga itself, and I do wonder what the thread's inhabitants think of that.

Another thing that sets it apart from regular generals is that in a sense they act like several threads stitched together, which makes sense given its origin. A regular general is perpetual, a constant string of posts, whereas the daily is in principle punctuated and divided into chunks. The daily folks care about space: each chunk must have enough breathing room within a thread for the full conversation to take place (interesting implications there). The issue of not having enough space doesn't impact the old general, if it gets archived before they've finished a reply they'll simply do a cross-thread quote from the new to the old. But the daily folks don't want that, they wish for it to be a whole unit.

In many cases a thread would cover 4 chapters or so (meaning it lasts 4-5 days, let's not forget that), but a lot more activity than usual took place in the penultimate thread and people decided it should only cover 47-48. Around the 250 mark, the following exchange took place across three posts, where they laid out their logic very clearly:
>Maybe it's better if we let this thread die in order to have a fresh one for the finale.
>I don't think the next chapter is going to need more than 250 posts
>But the next one will be posted in like 20 hours. Only the posts needed for keeping the thread alive would push it in the 300s territory, and that's if no long discussion happens. Also, finale chapters are usually longer, and more people post in them.
A few posts down the line another Anonymous proposed a remedy for the situation:
>time for serious discussion on the crimes against humanity by nee-san
And then they did. There's something bizarre to it, having discussion return to the topic on-demand like that in order to fill up space. Of course, it quickly drifted into cannibalism.

One Anonymous made six E.Y.E edits which, although I appreciate them quite a bit, were dumped into the void unceremoniously one after the other. They weren't a part of any exchange, and only received two replies: one guy asking what it was referencing, and another saying he appreciated the pics too. The same is true for many pieces of OC made, the person creating them has a neat idea and simply posts it on the thread, commonly with nothing else as if it were just another bump. When the limit finally drew close, precisely 58 standalone images (over 10% of the thread's posts) were dumped, I assume for the sake of killing the thread. This avalanche taken as a whole received a total of two replies. The first read "That line gets me every time." and the second was "Gets me every time." In 32-36 the dump was about 120 images long, that one was truly anomalous.

In a vacuum and by themselves there's no problem at all with this stuff, not everything has to receive replies or further discussion, there's no obligation to stay on topic, and it's perfectly okay to freely post funny pics for others to see, even if no one saves them. But looking at all of it together and taking context into account, it feels... off. It's easy to see why people would enjoy these threads, but it's not for me. Strangely enough, I don't think having a manga board would change this, it's possible they'd simply transplant the thread and keep it acting the same way.

I do like the shortening meme, though.


This thread depresses me.
4/a is the only home that I have really known for many years. I've been wanting to emigrate for the past few of them. Slow boards like this one provide some much needed relief. But their lack of activity makes them fail as real alternatives.
Most of 4/a now feels like it's posts for the sake of posts. Content has been largely sidelined. It's a suffocating experience for me.


I feel the same way. Sometimes I crave more discussion of anime I like than altchans provide and go back, but even with the higher activity there's less of what I want there. 4/a/ doesn't need alternatives, it needs a successor.


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I'm personally not too bothered by the situation, perhaps due to being so invested in kissu and without a strong attachment to other places. For me the activity here is more than enough.
Wish I could say something more meaningful, but I really can't. That's just how it is.


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/a/ never felt like a real community to me, so I'm not too upset about the state it's in.


>But their lack of activity makes them fail as real alternatives
It's why I'm always gung-ho about integrating (salvageable) new blood. The ability to have constant conversation at any time of day while giving people the ability to work on greater projects for the site, to me, supersedes any necessary cultural fun facts that people want to reminisce about with each other.


Felt more like it back when fansubbers were in their prime and most of them were on the board.


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How long did it all last from beginning to end? Were there plans for people to migrate to a new type of daily thing? I can see threads ending like that spurring people into trying to find each other in another specific set of threads.
I'm not a huge fan of the general format for a few reasons, but your mentions of stuff being skimmed over is a major reason for me. Things can't be spontaneous and if you weren't there for someone posting something at the time then it's like it never happened at all, which makes sense on the index or catalog but not within the same thread.

>I do like the shortening meme, though.
What's that one? Is that like /v/'s "that comic has too many panels" and people repeatedly reduce it?

The mindset that people have to adopt when using a non-4chan imageboard is that it's supplementary rather than primary. When you load up 4chan you're expecting constant stimulation at all times, even if it's not particularly good. It's like kids getting addicted to scrolling TikTok. Your brain becomes conditioned to it and you can actually forget to do other things and fall behind in watching shows or playing the games you're supposed to be commenting on.
Perhaps equally as important, it requires no input from the user. There will be thousands of conversations happening including those that you would have to start yourself elsewhere.
Essentially 4chan itself can be your hobby instead of something that allows you to talk about your hobbies.


Can you tolerate the forums of list sites? That + altchans and mangadex comments is usually enough


It lasted 49 days, one for every chapter of the manga, and yes, they find each other not just by looking at other daily threads but via announcements that make it explicit. The OP here announces that the next manga he'll dump is Breakfast at the Vivarium:
And here on the separate Aho Girl daily someone else cross-links to it:
>New daily! More from the Dowman daily, Breakfast at the Vivarium
"The Dowman daily" because its OP (or perhaps DM, dump master) previously storytimed Voynich Hotel, among others from the same author afaik. It's part of their "daily culture," as said one Anonymous in reference to Shoulder-a-Coffin Kuro having its Mo chapter dumped in the ShimSim thread. You can also see up in Aho Girl's No. 262224865 them being congratulated over finishing Shimeji, which would appear to be a normal practice.

Actually, searching for "daily culture" led me to find some strong meta shittery that took place back in February of 2022:
I'll give it a better read later, but it looks like they do understand the situation.


Yeah, actually, No.233798988 referred to him as "Dowman OP" all the way back in 2022. Wonder how they keep track of that.
Forgot to reply to the second part: the meme consists of taking what someone said and making it into a portmanteau, always preceded by "shortened:" and followed by "don't shorten it."
>shortened: yex
>Don't shorten it
It's really quite simple, an enjoyable silly little thing.


Oh, another fascinating development is the one that took place in /vt/: their usage of the term "catalogniggers."

On that board there's an interesting split between the catalog and generals, where sub-communities are the ones most devoted and knowledgeable, actively following their oshis, watching their streams, while non-generals are stereotypically full of drama and people who only consume clips unrepresentative of a chuuba's full activity. Their numbers predictably grow larger whenever there's a prominent yab, as a wave of tourists flood the board (a pamphlet classifies drama into several levels by comparing them to biblical trumpets). There's a markedly different culture and topics, interests, depending on which you browse, thus you don't learn the full culture of a sub-community by lurking the board, you do so by lurking the general of the particular person or group you want to follow. That's how you keep up with events and learn what's sanctioned and frowned upon.

Therefore, if a person comes in repeating the narrative or bait of someone who's clearly an outsider the perfectly sensible response is to reply with "fuck off, catalognigger." Here are some very recent quotations you can find in warosu or palanq:
>Once again a catalognigger making the same retarded posts.
>Don't be a catalognigger and watch the full video.
>She's clarified her answer to the catalognigger question many times anon, the furious, ugly clip watchers, the mass of sunken eyed, hook nosed, brown mass of parasites that cultivate the catalogue, and we have decided to follow that creed
It could not possibly be clearer. And in pic, one of those chantard song parodies this time of American Pie and reflecting this month's climactic Niji scandal, there's a section at the start that goes "Did you paint the corpo black, or is Riku just a greedy hack? If the catalog tells you so..."

It really is quite something to behold.


The terminology is weird since the catalog enables generals and suppresses non-generals, though I suppose if linking to the new thread isn't taboo on /vt/ then they could theoretically stay in their little box forever without even needed to see the other threads as they ctrl+f through, but the general sentiment of generalfags despising any larger culture and aggressively isolating themselves from anything different is par for the course. I am surprised /vt/ actually has non-general threads, however, since my brief looks at it made it seem like a /vg/-style collection of chatrooms.


>The terminology is weird since the catalog enables generals and suppresses non-generals,
Nah, that's two different levels of discussion. You are talking about the general trend and what catalog use changed compared to the indexed view.
What they are frowning upon is not the followers of the general quickly finding the general, but rather that you are even looking at the overall board (on the catalog) instead of dedicating your entire attention to the thing that actually matters: the general.
Think of catalognigger as the new form of crossboarder.


I get that, I just find it ironic that they've chosen that word to refer to someone who browses the board.


>Think of catalognigger as the new form of crossboarder.
Exactly, exactly.


Thought for a second it was neat because I assumed it'd be a preference for the index over catalog, but then I read the entirety of what you posted. I think I hate these people.


When I read that post I knew the anti-blog thread guy would hate it


stinky vtumors


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That's weird, considering that /vt/ is (was?) made up of the same people who spammed /jp/ to death the instant they were allowed outside of their generals.


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I don't know what some of these terms mean, but I get the gist of things.
So not only are generals preferred, but people are hostile to people that don't stay inside them? That's quite interesting from a cultural standpoint. It's really stretching the format to the limit if people don't even see other users of the board as community members. I guess you could see it as the final form of general-itis. The only way I could see of making it stronger would be to make them all rolling stickies so that no one ever looks at the board itself again. I could see a board outside 4chan doing that.

There's more than one anti-blog guy! Well, I guess it depends on what you mean by it.


But once the transition is complete, the website becomes meaningless. I think Hiro's strategy of just letting shit fester is counterproductive because it deprives the board of its raison d'être. From there, it will just be a matter of deciding that a different platform is more accommodating to what the community actually wants. The technical limitations of 4chan make this practically an inevitability.


Back then they were contained to iirc a single thread for all of Hololive and another for vtubers in general, those two still exist on /jp/. Maybe a Niji thread too. But now, there's ALSO a holo global general on /vt/ as well as a couple dozen other permanent threads for various tubers, and that's only Hololive's. They used to be under far bigger pressure, and you could say they did continue to spam the board.
It's not exactly that they don't see them as board members, they do and everyone has it in mind, it's more like their relationship is one of antagonistic familiarity. Kinda like console warriors getting up to no good when others are trying to post about an exclusive game. A recurring theme.
>From there, it will just be a matter of deciding that a different platform is more accommodating to what the community actually wants.
You could say the same about Twitter, where instead of making a traditional blog entry you find people chaining thirty tweets when they want to write something substantial. Nobody thinks it's good, that's why twitlonger exists, but they sure as hell aren't going to leave the platform. It's where everyone else is, and I assume many people keep up with several generals at the same time.


>Hiro's strategy
You're implying he gives a shit about the site at all and isn't trying to sell it to someone else at this point. What was the last time he communicated with the userbase even?


Anonymous' field observations on modern thread structure and distribution


I feel an intrinsic disgust at insular generals from my years of browsing several other boards, but in /vt/'s case the hostility to "catalogniggers" or tourists makes perfect sense to me. I don't think I've ever seen a board with more clearly divided cultures. The kinds of discussions in /#/ (numbers) or drama threads vs many of the smaller generals are incredibly different. And since the only form of interaction many of those generals' regulars have with the rest of the board is having to deal with random shitposters, I'm sure most of them would prefer not to be on /vt/ at all.


>I'm sure most of them would prefer not to be on /vt/ at all
The majority of general posters on any board would be happier having their discussions elsewhere. A site that isn't constantly deleting their threads and having board events shaking things up and forcing them to bump more rapidly would make things a lot easier on them. Even when the mods take their side, forcing all discussion of their topic into their thread and deleting anything that takes up board space unnecessarily, the inherent structure of an imageboard conflicts with what they're trying to do. This can again be compared to people who jump through hoops to write long blogposts on Twitter or creators who complain about demonetization on YouTube. They would be better off going somewhere that is built for their style of community, but they refuse to leave even when a better option is available because they want visibility at all costs.


Honestly for the /vt/ general users it sounds like an anonymous forum would work the best


Probably, though I don't see how you'd get habitual 4chan posters to migrate. Some people would stay no matter what, so you'd simply split an already small community.

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