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File:120971206_p0.jpg (3.01 MB,2026x1912)


Got any favourite non-ero tags? I really like "contemporary".


File:__kirby_and_the_very_hungr….jpg (152.38 KB,1397x971)

'Crossover' can be fun if it's not just two popular characters posing with each other, but related in some themed way that makes sense. Also 'what' can be funny.
I don't generally go looking through a booru without something in mind to search for, since I feel like I've aged out of the newer hip source material.


File:amibazh.jpg (363.81 KB,1599x1169)



File:__kawashiro_nitori_and_kag….jpg (682.59 KB,2048x1536)

I'm a simple guy who likes most traditional_media. Bonus if it overlaps with >>132077


File:snale.jpg (271.2 KB,1200x1200)


That is a very beautiful example.

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