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File:Undead.Unluck.S01E01.Undea….jpg (232.31 KB,1920x1080)

 No.121041[Last50 Posts]

Now that there's a bunch of people that have at least seen it in the stream, Undead Unlock is pretty amazing, huh? Seems like a nice high budget production. I haven't been excited for an action-y anime in a while


It looks like it's gonna be full of ridiculous stuff and I am very much looking forward to it.


I wouldn't call it amazing, but it does look nice. I'm really hoping they come up with something more clever than "random object falls from the sky" for future unlucks or it's going to get real old real fast.

Also, boob-chan is ugly with short hair and that kind of ruins the rapeservice for me.


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It's so good it's on the front cover of WSJ! Surprised this is the first time I'm hearing of it given that, but I guess maybe I should be paying attention to the magazines more. I really enjoyed the energy of the first episode and I'm always excited for the main male to deviate from the modern norm.


I enjoyed the first ep a lot and am looking forward to the rest, though I agree with >>121043 that the short hair was a mistake.


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Boobs aside she is certainly quite androgynous. Well, people do like tomboys so some variety in protagonist hair is good.

Huh, is it because of the anime release or is it just popular enough on its own? I've never heard of this thing before a few days ago, but the budget it got made me think it's quite beloved. According to anilist: "Couple years ago, a big chunk of Shaft's in-house staff moved over to David Productions". They worked on the Urusei Yatsura reboot before this, so damn, yeah, no wonder it looks amazing.


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She wasn't that androgynous... before her hair was cut............



her boobs are huge and short hair draws attention to that


It's much better for action scenes imagine all the stuff it'd get stuck on


You know what, she looks very cute with short hair and I don't see what's the problem with it.
That's too long.


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Really amazing show, I'm enjoying it a lot! It's so wacky, and yet there's some serious undertones to it and the animation and cinematography or whatnot is really excellent. I said it somewhere else on kissu, but there's some important ex-Shaft people at David Productions and their expertise really seems to be shining through.


File:Undead.Unluck.S01e04.1080P….mp4 (18.92 MB,1280x720)

I LOVE THIS SHOW! The spectacle of the cool and crazy abilities, the fantastic animation, the blatant Shaft-ness... it's so good!
You're watching it, right? RIGHT?
(also my favorite OP this season for sure)


It's interesting how short the fights are. If it were a different series each would be at least a couple episodes long, but here Undead's very quick to figure out what's going on and they're all over in no time. He's also extremely GAR.


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Hell yeah he is.
You know what's weird, there's Undead Unluck and Helck running right now- two shows starring two muscular protagonists. Normally the muscular guys are only there to defeated by the guys with the 13 year-old boy bodies to establish their strength. Yeah, Andy and Helck are both supernatural, but I think it still means something.
Andy is awesome. The end of episode 4 was really nice as well, showing a different side of him.
Ah, what a fantastic show. But, only 12 episodes is bumming me out. I hope they announce a season 2 because the manga is still ongoing and I'm certainly willing to see more of it animated.


lover of hags


File:73fe23f0c387cca77e83571ce4….png (Spoiler Image,2.24 MB,1364x1079)

i just finished episode 4 and i'm fucking dropping it i'm so mad


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Sorry, only one girl allowed.



File:Undead.Unluck.S01E04.1080p….jpg (Spoiler Image,233.6 KB,1920x1080)

Nooo don't drop it! I empathize with your feelings, but it was a beautiful scene and it made me like it more. I think a show that would inspire such feelings is a good show. There are happy SoL shows of endless joy, but shows like this excel when it has emotional highs and lows instead of simple power fantasy. Andy's ultimate goal is painting a specific kind of ending, too, although I think the watcher/reader is hoping for something else.


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Watched episode 5 again. I wonder what this means. The outside universe will be created if the UN group fails the missions?
In episode 3 Unluck girl apparently has knowledge of stars since she was able to paint them, but apparently no one else does? I mean, it seems like those special ability people in this UN group would have greater knowledge than most people so if one of them didn't know it then probably no one does. Andy seems to emphasize that abilities are more complex than what you would first think, so I'm thinking Fuuko's ability is more powerful than what we already is (and that's usually how it goes in this genre).

This part of the story with the "rules" introduced over time by a creator god including things like sex or language is pretty strange and I wonder where the story will go with it. And I guess the "negators" are people that can ignore specific rules?

Only 12 episodes so this won't get very far. It makes me wonder how far ahead the manga is and I wonder if I should go read it or continue to resist so I can see things for the first time in anime form. Either way I can't finish the story since it's ongoing.


It's likely that luck has some very broad implications since it's tied to the outcome of basically everything, and that it'll expand into negating bad results to make them good or neutral as opposed to its current narrow usage that causes randomly lethal events. Also, it looks like it'll be two cours long, which is great.


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>The outside universe will be created if the UN group fails the missions?
I don't think it's quite like that. When talking about UMAs prior to that they were just negators like the rest of the cast. When talking about Sex, religion, race, and the like it used 'rules'. So my idea would be more like the addition of an extremely strong UMA that'd give them a rough time. As when I hear 'galaxy' I think Galaxia, and she's insanely strong.

The negators being able to ignore rules created makes some sense, although it does call into question what exactly the world was before some negators opposites were brought into existence. Wouldn't some of these like change or whatnot be essential for things to exist? So it's probably not possible for failure to have even occured to cause rules to be created if there were no way to complete them in the first place unless they just failed by default over the course of time until an organization was feasible. But then if they encounter a negator for time.... Probably not for the best to think too hard on these things.

Either way I like how bombastic and energetic the tone of the series has been so far, hoping it keeps it up for the remainder of the cour.


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>Also, it looks like it'll be two cours long, which is great.
Is it? IS IT? YES! I didn't see an episode amount listed anywhere.


>what exactly the world was before some negators opposites were brought into existence
I thought they just did stuff locally? This rules thing sounds really confusing since there's 98 of them and they they've been happening every 3 months. So existence itself would be only be about thirty years. But, that one girl was older than that, and Fuuko has knowledge of stars while she doesn't. Bleh.

>Probably not for the best to think too hard on these things.
Yeah, but there must be some significance to the stars thing in episode 3 since it was made a very obvious focus.
I wonder what it is...


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I like this show a lot, but I find it hard to talk about it. I don't know what to bring up and the faces aren't that great in isolation like SoL shows and the like. bleh
Maybe after watching this week's episode I'll have something more to say


it's a fun Shonen. you make jokes about it and stuff


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This looks familiar somehow, and not because of Andy, like this face was on a pack of candy or something.


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It took some brain (heh) scouring to remember, but this guy reminds me of Mother Brain from Super Metroid


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The side profile especially reminds me of the fight. It almost seems too similar to not be a coincidence, but I'm sure it is


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Aforementioned Mother Brain


keep laughing that they call him andy


Maybe I'm spoiled from jjk this season, but I don't feel that much of an intimidating presence from Victor. He doesn't seem that unmanageable of a foe to defeat.


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True, but it didn't really seem like that kind of show to me. In fact I was actually less interested in the second half of the episode. It's cool, but ehhh. Shen was really cool and that mostly made up for it to me. I really don't know what to expect with this show, but I know it will look really nice!


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Last week's episode was good and had some great visuals, but didn't really stand out apart from some more Shaft-like scenes like in the hospital with the flower. Good episode, but would I say it was amazing? Ehh, well, it was really good


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But episode 10... HOLY CRAP! I'm going to make some clips of it later because so much of it was a truly beautiful spectacle. I want people to give this show a chance if they haven't already and this might be the best chance to convince people.
Also, anime sites are listing it as 24 episodes! anilist.co which is what I use to keep track of the kissu stream finally has it at 24 episodes instead of (?), but I guess it seemed unlikely it was going to end at 12.


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I want to just post the entire episode, but instead I'll try to limit it to less than 5 minutes of highlights.
Obviously consider these videos to be massive spoilers, but if you weren't going to watch this to begin with then it's better to see them than not.

In most shows this would look quite static with people sitting across from the table. But, nope, not here!


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File:und 10 3.mp4 (13.27 MB,1920x1080)

It seems my suspicions were right about this one >>121060 . So Fuko had some knowledge of the existence of stars despite them technically not existing until now?



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Have I pointed out how Shaft-like this show is this hour yet?


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What a spectacle. The creation of the universe outside Earth lead to an immediate invasion of aliens


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...and lastly a Looney Tunes reference.
What an episode!
I'm going to go back and watch it again


I really do love all the shaft-isms in this, having an actual direction does wonders for a series.


these clips are great and worth rewatching, rip rocky the rock


her power is interesting. I guess it's defined as the power to overwrite the unity of people?


>This rules thing sounds really confusing since there's 98 of them and they they've been happening every 3 months. So existence itself would be only be about thirty years.
Rules are only added if they fail. If I remember right, they mentioned Andy being 400 years old.


I interpreted it as literally being "unjustice". The alien mentioned cooperation being one of the core tenants of their society, so negating that sense of cooperation led to immediate infighting.


I suppose these rules come and go. At one point there might have been stars and the celestial calendar, as Victor and Fuko seemed to remember somehow, but the uma got killed. Perhaps some sort of cosmic cycle where Ragnarok represents a restart of the rules and everything being created from scratch.... saaaa...


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E05.1080p….jpg (363.59 KB,1920x1080)

I actually rewatched it a few times to try and make sense of it.
She asked the alien "Is that your justice?" which she said to make it more apparent of what was happening. She had used her power on Andy in a previous episode and he immediately did this so I assume it inverts your values (sense of justice) since it was his highest priority to protect her (which I also think means he's chivalrous and/or has feelings for her).
The alien said they were invading Earth and the humans needed to die so that his friends and family can live on it. The alien also mocked the humans earlier by saying that they're a race that is unable to cooperate enough to explore space, so presumably aliens have a strong sense of cooperation which was a very bad thing once reversed.
But, the singular alien lives and Unjustice quips that he himself must not have believed in it because it had no effect on him.


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This show reminds me of the time travel paradox stuff because everything is a Rule that was later added and it everyone that sits outside that table interprets it as always existing. I assume the people at the table, depending on the timescale (which seems to be very long) have knowledge of stuff that seems nonsensical, like a time before death was a thing. I hope the past is explored more because that sounds fun.
I'm so tempted to binge a manga for the first time in a long time, but I must resist and instead enjoy the visual splender of the anime. (and I can binge it after the 24 episodes end and S2 is in 2027 or something)


>like a time before death was a thing
yeah like spoil pretty much that was his role


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I was watching the older episodes again. Spoil calls Andy a Rule Vessel so I think that answers some things. Maybe Andy himself is the concept of death then? I don't get it...
I'm trying to interpret any hints from the ED, but I don't really notice anything. Charon taking a soul across the river Styx is a pretty famous thing, presumably even in Japan, so I just assume it's that. The identity of the woman in the veil, though, hmm...
Also in first episode there's this weird red water-drop-into-swirl graphic when Fuko thinks and then names him Andy, so I wonder what it means. There's quite a few things like that as I rewatch the episodes again; stuff that looks cool but might actually have a meaning to it.
If there's anyone on kissu thinking of watching the show, please do! I really like it a lot. This is a really strong season, but it's my favorite.
Also I like the ED a lot and I mentioned it in the post so here it is.


>The identity of the woman in the veil, though, hmm...
My guess is that it would be his wife, maybe? At first he's in a flower-filled casket and she's clearly wearing black mourning attire, and then outstretches her hand to bring him back. I'm not really sure what it means. Andy died and then was somehow revived? Or maybe it's illustrative of how he longs for death, maybe to be with his first wife who he wishes to be reunited with in death?


Andy does have something funky inside of him, and that's Victor, who's strong enough to fuck up Spoil without much trouble. But Victor himself doesn't look like a UMA, while Spoil had the ability to passively affect everyone around it Undead's power is tied to itself alone. It's possible that all negators are vessels of some sort in the sense that they are bound to what they oppose, we'll have to see how that goes.
Also, I'm thinking Andy's quest may actually be about killing Victor rather than simply being bored or life anything silly like that.
>Andy died and then was somehow revived?
Something happened that led to his existence and the thingamajig he's got jammed in his face, that much is certain.


Uhh when I say "silly" I mean in the lighthearted way Andy presents himself.


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Oh, huh. It was pointed out in episode 10 that the UMA Galaxy penalty created the days of the week but this is in episode 8. I guess this is another situation like Fuko and the stars. Hmmmm.....

Yeah, and he was in a coffin. Funeral stuff, but it's hard to say if it's just a stylistic ED or not.

>I'm thinking Andy's quest may actually be about killing Victor
Yeah, that makes more sense. Could be some atonement thing, too.


>It's possible that all negators are vessels of some sort in the sense that they are bound to what they oppose, we'll have to see how that goes.
That would maybe make sense as to why they seem to either intentionally kill or capture other negators, but there's no mention of rules being taken away for doing so, other than the example in the most recent episode where all of the languages were unified to English as a reward for completing one of the quest thingies. But... They can die, so it would make more sense to me that what they're doing is a kind of survival of the fittest meritocracy: those that are stronger ascend to the table, and those that are weak will die and succumb to other negators. Those not captured could pose a threat to other people and should be eliminated. I mean, Fuko literally caused an asteroid to fall on her parent's plane, killing them. That's pretty big reason to get rid of her, especially since it seems like all the nations of the world work together to deal with quests from the Apocalypse book.

Dunno, but it's fun to think about in a chuuni kind of way and apply this warped logic like any of it is supposed to make sense.


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E11.1080p….jpg (Spoiler Image,316.53 KB,1920x1080)

This is your weekly "Yep it's Shaft" screenshot that isn't actually a spoiler, but people should be able to experience it "live" themselves in the episode I think.

I couldn't wait for the seasonal stream. I had to watch the new episode as soon as possible. It really is such a pleasure to watch it. Really nice visuals in this, even (or especially) during simple conversations. I think this is one of the things that makes it stand apart from other shows. Even though the characters are simply talking to each other it's such a visual treat to the eyes.


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E11.1080p….jpg (222.89 KB,1920x1080)

When I say I get bored of anime where people just sit in a static pose and talk for an extended time, I think of the way truly fantastic directors and artists can turn a "simple" one on one discussion into something that is still a treat to look at. This episode of was filled with intriguing angles, colors, backgrounds and just fantastic overall atmosphere that really draws you into the scene.


Weird if you're the same person that didn't want to watch Monogatari, it's basically this done perfectly.


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Yeah, I am.
It probably would have helped if I liked how those shows looked in general, but I wasn't a fan. The skin looked sickly and the faces had an uncanny ugliness to me that I can't really explain. The same guy that did those unfortunate Higurashi shows. It is unappealing to me and I can't really explain it in a way that would make sense to other people.
I just couldn't get into them. Well, it's not the first and won't be the last time my opinions deviate from others for some inexplicable reason.


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Also something that is VERY important is that Tatiana's voice is... Kamyu! UTAWARERUMONO CONNECTION ESTABLISHED!
You can't mistake that voice.


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Very cool stuff indeed.


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Another voice credit for Kiwru. Undead Unlock now has two obvious Utawarerumono voice talents in it, matching Sky Precure! Will it be able to surpass it in Utawarerumono-ness? We'll have to wait and see!
(the VA is getting very prolific)


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Murase? Yeah, he's simply got the perfect cute boy voice. It makes me very happy.


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Foot reviewer! What is your call?


not bad
I personally prefer them less kidney-shaped but it's not bad


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E12.1080p….jpg (275.74 KB,1920x1080)

Wow, that's pretty good. I think normally your reaction to anime feet is more dire, which is understandable since I think they're low priority most of the time. Undead Unluck truly operates on another level.


Cute retard Iruma-kun! Pet! Pet! Pet!


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>Pet! Pet! Pet!
Pat! Pat! Pat!
Hug hug hug, love love love.
NOT retarded though, just vulnerable to suggestion.


File:Undead.Unluck.S01e12.1080P….mp4 (2.26 MB,1280x720)

Hehehe. This part was so cool. It's so dumb and chuuni and yet awesome. Unable to regrow his hands since it was a wound caused by the Unrepair guy, Andy swings his arms against a stationary sword to "disconnect" the wound with an amputation. Now that's hardcore.


hate this face
hate the whiny girl


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Wait, are saying Fuko is a whiny girl? I don't really get that from her. Well, in the first couple episodes, sure, but it's quite understandable if you ask me. It's not too unusual for a show to have a 'grounded' character that struggles to make sense of her supernatural world as sort of a stand-in for the viewer/reader.


the episodes in this are 10% recap, but I still like the action and dialog


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This was another truly fantastic episode. There wasn't supposed to be an episode this week and yet there was? I don't know if that means there's going to be one more episode than expected or if it's just going to end earlier now.
I've heard people complain about recaps in this, and it's true that it's there, but I can't get too angry at it when it looks so good. 20 minutes of fantastic animation instead of 21 is still quite an amazing thing to see every week! Maybe it means there's less static scenes like most shows.
Here is your Shaft screenshot of the week


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The climax to 13 was really good! Some nice emotional moments in this episode, too. I also want to say that I really love how it does the labeling for the debut of the ability, in this case Untouchable.
The video is full of spoilers of course.

And, man, it's so painful to see the TO BE CONTINUED every week. At least the great ED softens the blow a little bit.



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2-3 minutes of recap. Yeah, this is definitely an issue. I say 2-3 because I don't remember if something said was there last time or not. Still, David Production will doing the two most gorgeous shows this season (this and Urusei Yatsura reboot) so I'm willing to forgive them because they will be providing a visual treat to the eyes every week twice now.
I'm watching parts of it multiple times so I can actually follow the movement and it's all animated there despite being single frames. The skill, technique and dedication to draw so many frames really sets it apart from most shows.
I'll post clips from the episode in a day or two after people have had time to watch it themselves.
Man, why is this show not ridiculously popular? I DON'T GET IT!


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> David Production will doing
Why must I always mess up when editing a post? AJS*D(JSADSAPLIKDMSA


The rest of the show is crazy good but the 3 minutes of recap every week definitely does grate on me.


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Yeah, there's no way to sugarcoat it. Actually it was about 4 minutes for that episode since they did it later on.
But, well, the show is still absolutely gorgeous and my brain forgets the recap parts. Time goes by too fast when I'm watching it.


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This is just so cool! He creates a blade when he kicks the boots and he kicks in a perpendicular pattern to create an X shape that gets launched. Having a character that can survive this stuff really does make for an amazing spectacle


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Few things can be this cool. The visuals, the music (a new track!) and foreshadowing in the words. The recaps were indeed rough in this episode, but if it allows them to produce stuff like this for the other 18 minutes of the show then who coan complain? The whale at the end would be 3D in most shows.


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Another great Shaft-ish shot


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The atmosphere in these shots is just so good


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Technically mostly recap, but an explanation that ties it all together. The last part that relates to the guy's negator ability and the words said earlier really is a fantastic end to it.
If you don't understand it, watch >>121122 again.


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Just simply beautiful. The animators, director, and everyone else are simply people at the top of their profession. I'm not someone that can write paragraphs examining stuff like a critic, but the colors and atmosphere in all this is just fantastic.

Until the next episode!


The people sometimes look wonky but I appreciate them experimenting with perspective


dumbdead dumbluck


yeah what a banger ep
definitely best backgrounds for the season


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I guess this week's episode was officially the new cour because there's a new OP and ED.
But... they suck. Well, I guess it would be more fair to say it's a standard OP instead of a completely fantastic one and the ED is just... not good at all really. It's barely animated. WHY WOULD THEY SWITCH THEM OUT IF THEY'RE NOT GOING TO REPLACE THEM WITH SOMETHING GOOD? THE SONGS AREN'T GOOD EITHER! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


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I bet Urisei Yatsura did this! Damn you, Lum! David Production, why did you take on the two most beautiful shows at once?!
(the episode was pretty nice, though it was sort of an intermission)


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>Urisei Yatsura


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Does that have a meaning? It was a genuine typo since it's one romaji word I can actually type!


Is the people sometimes looking odd a stylistic choice?


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It depends on what you mean by "odd", but I think so?


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I forgot to post about last week's episode, but it was pretty good. Lots of talking, but a little bit of action as well.
Another great example of people talking at a table being visually interesting instead of relying solely on dialog. Also I've come to really like Shen, he has great expressions and is a very fun character.
Now it's time to watch the next episode (and it's recap)!


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After this week's episode my hunch about a major story element seems more and more likely, although I have a feeling other people think it already, too.
I wonder.... hmmmmm....


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I'm guessing you're referring tothe way it hints at this not being the first go around of killing god for the Round Table. With this scene it's nearly confirmed, and if you assume that Andy's immortality somehow spares himself in a universal reset it makes sense how he could have lived 400 years with the timespan of the apocalypse only seeming to be around 30, especially when you consider that Unjustice seems to have been around when the round table was first created. Although with the way people's memories in this series works it does make me wonder a bit what's going on exactly when they reach Armageddon, since it doesn't seem like things are perfectly reset. The artifacts themselves most likely bits and pieces of that stored up information of past events like Andy most likely does without his chip. Also she hasn't spoken all that much about the past or really exposed much about herself yet, but Unjustice seems like a key piece of the puzzle for figuring out this stuff. Everything that's been shown off seems to be very deliberate and I really like that about this anime. Having former SHAFT employees working on this must be a match made in heaven since they're the best at sprinkling in those subtle details.

As for Billy, despite his ability seemingly being to copy others, the move by him to try and recruit Tatiana, saying that he "needs" her ability calls into question just what are the conditions he needs to satisfy for his copying to take place. I wonder if the reason for him having some of the powers of the Round Table members and not others has something to do with the past as well hmmm.


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E16.Revol….jpg (309.68 KB,1920x1080)

Basically, yeah. Time/The world is reset and the 'game' is played again. The hints of a "before time" existing appear now and then such as Fuko knowing what stars were. I think it mentioned it earlier in the thread, but Victor first asking what day of the week it was to Shen (who didn't know what he meant) was him confirming that he was on a new loop. That was basically when I started to think that time loops were involved. I also think that Fuko's Unluck is a new ability introduced, possibly because God was bored. It's like a randomizer!
I think Gina had knowledge of such things as well since she seemed older than she should have been just like Andy. I'm kind of expecting a bunch of characters to die and the world to end, only for things to start over. Maybe that's where the anime will cut off. I wonder if means Gina will return or if the new Unchange (which is a new quest objective) will instead take her place. I hope not, I like Gina.


Me browsing kissu


File:Undead.Unluck.S01e18.Cry.F….mp4 (76.35 KB,1280x720)

Spoiler! (but not surprising)



thumbnail made me think this was washu and ryoko lol


File:[ZetaRebel] Tenchi Muyo! R….jpg (485.66 KB,1920x1080)

Now that you mention it...
Anyway, bad news. This episode was like 60% recap. I'd say it qualifies as the dreaded recap episode. If each episode didn't have two minutes of recap I could forgive it, but... yeah, this is unfortunate.


Hmmm, and you can't cut it out well given that it'd interrupt the music. 0:20-1:20 is fair game though, that one would work.


I think I might have to just drop it and pick up the manga at this point, I can't deal with this anymore.


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E18.Cry.f….png (3.35 MB,1920x1080)

it's still a fantastic show if you ask me, you just have to accept that it's 19 minutes instead of 21. A half-recap episode sucks, but meh. Maybe they have to pace it a certain way to end it the season at the right time.


might read some things after the season ends


it's not like the recapping is abrupt and unexpected


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E18.Cry.f….png (2.32 MB,1920x1080)

This is such a truly gorgeous show, and the soundtrack is also phenomenal. Once it's uploaded somewhere (or maybe it already is? probably not) I'll add it to that /qa/ thread talking about shows with great soundtracks.


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E18.Cry.f….png (2.23 MB,1920x1080)



File:Undead.Unluck.S01E18.Cry.f….png (1.96 MB,1920x1080)

Even an episode that was something like half recap, contained in one spot with mere discussion, was visually stunning. What a fantastic show.


agreed it's really good stuff


File:Undead.Unluck.S01e18.Cry.F….mp4 (7.24 MB,1280x720)

I think this audio track is new, or altered, or maybe this intro part of it hasn't played before. (and obviously this clip has episode 18 spoilers). The intro part with the bass-y strings... it's so good.
I really, really want the soundtrack. And I'll say it again: this show is BEAUTIFUL


File:waterfox_h86x54hoZW.png (1.27 MB,1668x459)

I'll bump the thread tomorrow when I talk about the episode, but despite this lacking the popularity it deserve I've noticed that it at least pops up on the 'hot' shows on release day every week on anilist.
This works by people updating their "watched episode 5" thing, so it means enough people are watching it to make a difference here, briefly.


I'll bump it now tehe


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E19.Undea….jpg (215.23 KB,1920x1080)

That was a really fun and unexpected episode. It's strange because it doesn't feel like they're rushing towards a conclusion and are instead taking their time. This episode did move the story forward, a little bit, but it could have easily been condensed into 3 minutes so they could fit more things in before they run out of episodes.
Very strange pacing, not that I'm complaining. I wonder what it could mean. I really really REALLY want there to be another season, but it's apparently under-performing because people have terrible taste. Poor BD sales or manga or something. I mentioned this somewhere but forgot where (was it in this thread?).
Anyway... cool episode! I wonder if I should go make some clips of it, but what stands out...


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E20.Anno.….jpg (564.19 KB,1920x1080)

I feel like there was a quality dip with this episode, although it was still good. It had a second recap was just outright playing a previous episode for a full minute in addition to the usual recap that started the episode. It was really blatant filler, too and not a "oh yeah I guess this is important to remember" thing. Some CGI is there, too, although it's appeared before and in the same kind of situation now that I think about it more.
I don't how this anime planning and stuff works, but if they're still working on it then I wonder if Urusei Yatsura is dividing their time.
There's not many episodes left, so what are they doing? This is when you should be pulling out the big stuff and giving it an epic conclusion that everyone will be talking about.


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E20.Anno.….jpg (290.49 KB,1920x1080)

or... I guess maybe they ARE working on an amazing finale and they cut some corners for this episode. Yeah, I choose to believe this.



File:C-1708766813163.png (4.52 MB,2434x1376)

They show this shot a few times, but they're no where around that area


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The manga might have more detail, but I've been avoiding it until the anime ends. If the skyline accurate? You could maybe see where they are with that?


Too far North. No one would notice anyways.

Also what's wrong with the quality? They used 3D instead of handdrawn?


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File:noooo.mp4 (191.07 KB,1280x720)

3D, yeah, but it was also used during the first major fight in the show against the UMA zombie guy. Basically they don't want to animate groups of stuff.
There's just a few moments where you get a real "huh?" feeling. I'd assume that having 3 minutes of recap would mean they wouldn't have to cut corners. Sometimes I feel like I'm more sensitive to random 3D than most people.
It's normal in other shows, but that's the problem when you have the bar set so high.



nice scaling animation


>3D, yeah,
Is it?
Is it not a perfectly flat image being scaled up panel by panel?


>Sometimes I feel like I'm more sensitive to random 3D than most people.
That's just called having good taste.


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E21.Memen….jpg (289.26 KB,1920x1080)

This was a nice episode. It got better and better as it went along.
You had the cartoon ghost effects


File:clouds.mp4 (713.53 KB,1920x1080)

...Shaft clouds


File:lighting.mp4 (6.24 MB,1920x1080)

fantastic lighting (kinda spoilery)


File:nice.mp4 (34.8 MB,1920x1080)

and a very pretty (and emotional) talking scene that looked far better than it would in most other shows. 4 minutes of talking and yet I'm glued to the visuals. SO PRETTY!
(4 minutes of talking will be kind of spoilery of course)


yeah this scene really stuck out to me as looking excellent
and this too has top tier ambiance


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E22.Profi….jpg (679.56 KB,1920x1080)

Man, I really, really don't understand how they're going to end this in two weeks. There's no option other than a massively disappointing "TO BE CONTINUED!". I really don't know how to gauge how popular the show is in Japan and whether or not it will get a second season, but I certainly hope it does.
I do have a theory on how it's going to end abruptly since it's been building into it and it could be quite a crazy way to end the show. My assumption is that God is going to wipe everything out and the story will continue on the next loop. Fuko already knows things she shouldn't (the stars thing) so she must have some sort of memory reincarnation thing going on.
This episode was quite a bit different from the previous one, very action-y. I did feel like the visual quality was down a little bit, but not as much as two episodes ago with the 3D stuff. But, I know I'm being too hard on it. Action stuff requires a lot more frames so if you have X amount of time for static scenery of talking characters and the same amount of time for a bunch of movement then obviously the high amount of frames needed for movement will lead to lower individual quality. Maybe people won't even notice. There were still great individual frames, though.
I'll upload some clips later...


not hard to imagine, they'll kill Spring and then it will do a sort of montage of billy and such preparing to do something interesting, then "please buy manga!"


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E23.A.Sto….jpg (225.2 KB,1920x1080)

Man, what the heck... this is going to be such a massive cliffhanger. ONE more episode, seriously?
This was a nice episode, some cool animation moments and I guess I'll post them in a couple days. But, geez, I really have to wonder how they're going to end this. This is going to be the most TO BE CONTINUED of all TO BE CONTINUEDS


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E23.A.Sto….jpg (145.48 KB,1920x1080)

I can post non-spoiler bun images though


File:[KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Pr….png (717.32 KB,1280x720)


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E23.A.Sto….jpg (149.72 KB,1920x1080)

nice subs


it;s the journey not the destination


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E23.A.Sto….jpg (296.66 KB,1920x1080)

Just looked at anilist comments (a place I can go to and know I won't get inundated with spoilers like 4chan) and episode 23 ends at Chapter 49 and there's currently 198 chapter while it's still ongoing. That's quite a lot of material.


now this is shaft




nice sketch


File:un231.mp4 (10.75 MB,1920x1080)

(videos are spoilery of course)
In this episode this part and the next upload is separated by like 10 minutes, but it makes a little more sense together... maybe.
It sure looks cool at least!

I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not in this thread, but another thing that David Production does really well is sound design which I think is more obvious during scenes like this.



File:un232.mp4 (8.85 MB,1920x1080)

It was a nice episode, but it's hard to pinpoint specific parts to upload. Some great frames here or there.


i like that they outright killed him just like that


the spoiler


you would have NO idea who it refers to if you hadn't watched it, he's present for about a minute and does nothing of worth


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E24.To.Yo….jpg (290.29 KB,1920x1080)

Well, it's over. It wasn't a spectacular over-the-top end, but it was pretty good.
Sadly, there wasn't a big "SEE YOU IN SEASON TWO" card, but it did at least have 20 seconds of teaser that could possibly be interpreted that way. But, it could also just mean "GO BUY THE MANGA!" so I'll go with the most likely scenario and think it's manga-related. Maybe this is where it would benefit to use social media to check it for what the staff are saying, but meh.
Maybe it's time to read the manga...


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E04.1080p….jpg (281.93 KB,1920x1080)

I'm really going to miss seeing this every week... aaarrrgghhhhh


File:Undead Slowmo-1.mp4 (7.44 MB,1920x1080)

(video is kinda spoiler-y I think? Not sure...)
Watching this scene at 20% speed you can appreciate the animation a lot more, but that's true for a lot of the action scenes. The amount of detail you miss it really quite remarkable.

Anyway... what did you guys think of Undead Unluck? The recaps were a problem, but apart from that it's really amazing. Fantastic and stylish visuals, wonderful soundtrack (still don't see it online), great sound effects, phenomenal direction, quite poignant emotional moments and overall just a superb experience. Even if you're someone that doesn't like action stuff I think it's worth trying this to experience the style. Just look through the thread's screenshots and I think you'll see what I mean.
Maybe I can try to be inspired by that /jp/ thread and write up paragraphs of why I like it. I did already fill up a thread, though...
I downloaded the manga! I guess now I need to decide if I'll read it or wait for some miracle of a S2 announcement. David Production's 2024 schedule is so far only Urusei Yatsura, but more Undead so soon is probably too much to hope for. (or maybe hoping for it ever...)


File:waterfox_mUvSGLLMtL.png (432.37 KB,536x444)


>2024.8.1 New information release!
>On August 1, when Andy and Kazeko met
>A major announcement regarding the anime will be unleashed!
>Please don't forget to wait!

Announcing an announcement that is months away?? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? I want to think it means Season 2, but I don't want my hopes to be crushed. Why would they not commit to announcing something right now? AARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


File:Undead Unluck - c001 (v01)….jpg (851.08 KB,1500x2250)

Looking through the manga it's kind of crazy how many shots are done exactly the same in the anime. Like, EXACT exact.
The anime is extremely faithful, although this is just Chapter 1 of course.


File:Undead Unluck - c001 (v01)….jpg (830.56 KB,1500x2250)

But you can also appreciate the liberties they took, such as this one page the entirety of Fuka's flashback (although I guess it's possible it's seen later on)


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E09.1080p….jpg (377.13 KB,1920x1080)

Now everyone has to watch it!


I forget exactly how they did it in the anime, but what's really crazy to me is how well drawn the manga is despite being the author's first real manga. I thought that David Productions was really touching it up, but they had a good base to start with.


File:Undead Unluck - c001 (v01)….jpg (1.02 MB,1500x2250)

Yeah, it said on the first page that his debut was a "one-shot" and this was his first real one and it was in Shonen Jump already. I'd say it's well earned.
It's VERY well drawn, especially at conveying motion. This is what CHAPTER ONE LOOKS LIKE ALREADY! Geez, this is he he starts out?


File:Undead.Unluck.S01e01.Undea….mp4 (13.67 MB,1280x720)

>I forget exactly how they did it in the anime

And that's a prompt for me to share more Undead Unluck anime footage!
Yes, here is how David Production did that page. This is at the very beginning of the first episode so by no means is it a spoiler.


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E01.Undea….jpg (Spoiler Image,240.43 KB,1920x1080)

Also, damn, looking at this again knowing what I do after seeing the rest of the anime...
These single frames that flash on screen during the intro are quite interesting. So this is the something that will happen in future, huh? It does look sort of similar to the God in the visions. God has nice boobs.


File:Undead Unluck - c020 (v03)….jpg (1.29 MB,3000x2250)

I continue to be amazed at the quality of this art. The lines are beautiful and clean.
So many panels are directly seen in the anime because the quality is just so high and the presentation can't be improved upon. It's like the guy wrote it as a director of anime or something, or however you would say that.


File:Undead Unluck - c052 (v06)….jpg (Spoiler Image,2.54 MB,3000x2250)

I read one chapter or two after the part where the anime ended and I think I'll stop. I could finish this story in hours whereas waiting for the anime will give me months of experiencing things for the first time. But I have to say again how well choreographed everything is. Yoshifumi Yozuka is very talented. This thread should survive until August 1st, so until then!


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