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File:R-1708396625078.png (1.3 MB,1060x1060)


Sometimes I wonder what Kissu would be like if the voting system used on /ec/ and /megu/ was a sitewide thing that was active on every board.

In the standard imageboard format, it's hard to tell the difference between a post that has no replies because no one read it, and a post that has no replies because people found it generally agreeable and nobody had anything to add, and it can sometimes feel like you're shouting into the void.

This isn't a feature request. I'm not even sure if it's a good idea to begin with. I just think it's one of those things that's interesting to think about.




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Well, some futaba boards have it (that's where it's from) but I'm a bit conflicted on it personally. It does sound nice to give people a "yeah!" on a nice post, but then it would become customary to do it on every post you like, or maybe you'd wrack your brain to think which posts are worth it, or maybe you'd have conditions like every nice post with at least two paragraphs or something. At that point you're doing it on autopilot and you're not really giving "feedback".
With so many places ranked on retweets and upvotes and so on I kind of think imageboards are innovative by not doing it. But, people say like 90% of the users of a place never post so I guess it could give a lurker a way to approve of things. (or would it no longer be lurking?)
I don't know. I have to think about it more...


dont put upboats on other boards thanks


sighers and sagers will get a -1 applied to their next psot


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Depends on how its handled.
Because the way it sounds off the bat sounds way too reddit in the literal sense.


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Okay... What if... Every bump adds 1 and every sage subtracts 1, and if it goes below 0 the thread is sunk.


Someone has always read your post. If no one responds it's either because it's a boring restatement of what everyone else already knows, because it's so colossally stupid they don't want to dignify it with a response, or, in the case of my posts, it's simply too intellectual for them to craft a response of appropriate wit and insight.

Every fucking site on the internet has feedback buttons and, while there are times were ranking responses is helpful, they're only a detriment to normal conversation. Even imageboards aren't immune to this with the (you)-counting, but at least you still have to join the conversation to add them. These aren't places to perform in front of an audience, they're places to exchange ideas. I don't want little dopamine rushes shaping my posting behavior, I want to talk to people and have them talk back.

The 90% thing is that normally 1% of users add all the content (like videos and comments), 10% use interaction buttons (click like or subscribe), and 90% just silently lurk. According to moot, 4chan circa 2015 was an exemplar of user participation by having ~10% (or was it 15?) of users actually making posts. I think the lack of an easy way to convey your judgement of something forces people to speak up and get involved, effectively dragging the 10% into the 1% by force.


and interestingly enough, sites where voting feedback is very helpful (normally factual or best-practice questions, like Stack Exchange) often have other stuff to distract you! The web is just terrible.


Be the change you want to see. Respond to well written posts with a reaction image. Use sage so you don't interrupt the flow of the board with your feedback (and so people don't get notifications and happily hurry back to their threads only to find that nothing of worth was added to the conversation).


(Anonymous responded to this post with "Thumbs Up")


This, really. Reaction image replies are pretty much the そうだね!! of western imageboards


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I don't think this is really needed


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (301.84 KB,1920x1080)

Panel two: The twins are going away forever!


Panel three: The twins are back!


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (287.29 KB,1920x1080)

...to praise Elle and acknowledge her as their superior before departing!


File:rhythm kimo look.png (267.56 KB,576x576)


First panel: Opening a video titled "ugly baby eaten by dog"
Second panel: Watching the video


this is what pitbull mamas enjoy doing in secret


File:20231002_221220.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB,960x960)

The video thumbnail:

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