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File:__kaname_madoka_and_ultima….jpg (82.46 KB,850x612)


So I forgot I had a Madokami account that I hadn't logged into years but somehow something put it into my head again, and I go to login and manage to get it with the first try despite it long being out of my browsing routine. No "check your email or phone for verification" no "You must reset your password" No suspicious login blocked!" or even a "Your account has been disabled due to inactivity" even.

Why can't the rest of the web be this good still? Things should just werk.


i'd imagine it's because its users aren't getting phished (small pool of people that's hard to target + no monetary gain + no connection to other accounts) and they just don't give enough of a fuck to change anything
while other sites want to either prevent fuckery or add some barriers to make them less responsible for others getting hacked


File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (281.35 KB,1920x1080)

From what I've heard it's a site that's quite comfortable with the idea that it might disappear forever in the next 5 minutes and no one really cares. I'm not a manga guy so I never bothered signing up, but I think there's a lot of people in OP's situation as it's fallen into disuse. It's not going to have an active account help system because there's no one there to run it. My assumption is that it's just on autopilot with someone paying the bills and not paying attention, like many older sites.

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