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File:A life for me.jpg (69.7 KB,1280x720)


Aniwave, formerly 9anime, is dead among many others killed by a big C&D wave by corporate media fags who have been getting really aggressive with their attacks recently. It's causing a lot of paranoia. Sucks since they had a really nice UI and I liked episode comments.
Just giving a heads up if you're on a streaming site that isn't dead you should probably finish up what you're watching or back it up. If you're getting your stuff through the usual methods then you should be fine for the time being, but something to keep an eye on if you aren't already.


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How do C&D's work for piracy sites? I would've assumed they'd be taking measures to avoid having to deal with them since it's pretty much acting directly against copyright law.


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I'm kind of surprised that those sites can exist for very long at all in this age. So many giant corporations around the world now compete with each other for licensing of anime properties, so crackdowns will increase since money is involved. Of course this is reason so many normal people who would otherwise do it legit are being lead to piracy; the pie is being cut into smaller and smaller pieces. Someone who used to just be content with crunchy or netflix now needs to add 5 more subscriptions so instead they choose piracy streaming sites.
Well, anyway, that sucks for the streaming people. New sites will pop up I'm sure.


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looks like there were a couple /a/ threads about it though it's mostly the shitshow you'd expect
it did link to this article that's much more interesting about a big media group shutting down a number of other streaming sites just a few days ago and has been going at it repeatedly for a long time
same case of crashing down as a batch
>A few days after Fmovies shut down, several ‘sister sites’ decided to throw in the towel as well. Instead of simply pulling the plug, these sites redirected to new pirate streaming portals, ostensibly operated by different people.
>These simultaneous shutdowns took place at more than a dozen sites, some of which had millions of monthly visitors. They include flixtorz.to, movies7.to, and swatchseries.mx, which were redirected to theflixtor.to, mov2day.to, and 2flix.to respectively.
a post on the above /a/ thread claims they worked by linking to a third party server but supplied no evidence, and i haven't touched one of these sites in the last ten years so can't say myself
torrentfreak reports the fmovies site ACE took down some days ago was hosted in vietnam, and they link to other articles of theirs speculating on the situation

might as well link the sabbrwredeeggegrettitit too


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>linking to a third party server but supplied no evidence
Could be Webtoon. https://torrentfreak.com/webtoon-targets-170-pirate-domains-through-dmca-subpoena-240821/
South Koreans are really fucked when it comes to this stuff, if you think American corporate capitalism is bad you haven't seen how far the Koreans take it.


Do we have no choice but private trackers? On one side the companies are shutting down sites (not torrent sites so far?), on the other hand private trackers are gay.


I'm a retard and misread your post. Thought you meant the ones taking the website down were linking up with third parties. 2 am reading comprehension is bad desu.
They can't get all of them, these sites pop up like daisies. It just hurts when the sites taken down have old and rare animations in good quality or the good fansubs from back in the day.
Data storage is incredibly cheap. Could be an incentive to start pooling money for a private server you own and hoard.


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Glancing at the /a/ thread, the sites affected have identical goodbye messages (in bizarre corporate speak) which means it's the same guy or group operating them. It's kind of hard to feel bad for them when it's clearly a for-profit enterprise comprising a network of sites.
Even if somehow all streaming sites died forever, there's still torrenting, which admittedly would take some getting used to for a lot of people.
I don't know if streaming sites are good for torrent sites or not. They bring attention to the authorities that anime piracy is a thing, but maybe they're a convenient distraction away from the extreme minority of the population that torrents.
Nyaa is still around, although practically semi-private since no one has been able to create accounts for a long time...


I don't think the restrictions on account creation matter that much. You can upload anonymously, and of course, browsing the site and downloading torrents doesn't require an account.

If someday both nyaa and tokyotosho go down, things will get pretty bleak.


>I don't think the restrictions on account creation matter that much
It absolutely does. I had to beg for help from /jp/ to upload a VN that wasn't available anywhere.
I would've also loved to post comments with re-timed Japanese subtitles to random anime shows I've watched so others won't have to, but I can't.
You also cannot upload anonymously without an account, the feature is disabled.

The fact that Nyaa still doesn't allow new users is honestly unforgivable, but I also think what private trackers are doing is way worse with their stupid "oh yeah this is licensed sorry you can't upload this~" stance and gatekeeping random people from torrenting. Who cares if people leech? I seed so they can. If it was only about incentivizing long term uploads, they could do this with a two tiered system anyways.


>You also cannot upload anonymously without an account, the feature is disabled.
I wasn't aware, my bad. Never mind then.


hi laala


>no one has been able to create accounts
oh fuck, wonder if I still have my nyaa account password stored somewhere... haven't used an account in ages but wouldn't want to be completely locked out... you just never know these days huh.
>streaming sites
I couldn't care less about streaming sites, those ad ridden hell holes are better off dead. They're no better than any legal streaming site; taking money from viewers and keeping most, if not all, to themselves. But streaming sites are a good way to keep the tards away from torrenting sites, but now even the torrent sites are coming to light. Before you'd have to google "anime torrenting websites", which was still s


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(AAAAAAAAAAAA misclicked ctrl+enter)
... which was still somewhat safer since the ones googling that already know about torrenting, but now I've actually seen youtube shorts that mention anime torrenting, and gloating tards commenting about nyaa. I just hope I don't have to go around begging for private trackers to take me in.........


Something will come back within the next couple of months.


dumb ctrl+entard

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