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File:mosaic7f3dfc6a1b4d1f41ccc7….jpg (291.26 KB,900x900)


Does /qa/ have any favorite cartoons? I've never really stopped to think about this since I always despised /co/ as a board and they never discussed any of the cool European comics I was into. So, as usual, I thought of some stuff off the top of my head and made a 3x3 based on it. I think it's pretty obvious that I was an MTV/Cartoon Network kid if you look at my picks. MTV used to be a pretty cool channel and had a lot of cartoons that were aimed at the teen demographic that is so common in anime/manga. I also watched a lot of dubbed anime on CN back then. Avatar would probably be in this since everyone sucks it off so much and lauds it as the best cartoon ever, but I've never finished. I thought it was kinda boring back then and it did not help that Nickelodeon was already declining in quality during the time it aired.

By the way, did you know that there were two new seasons of Beavis and Butthead released in 2022-2023? I had no idea about this until recently. I might check it out sometime.


I would think that most people over the age of 30 would put the old Simpsons into a top10, simply because they were omnipresent in the past.


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Surprise box spotted.


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I watched some Simpsons eps too, but I wasn't a big fan. I preferred Futurama.

Was waiting for that comment. Sorry, I couldn't resist.


I remember liking Courage a lot even if it did scare me at times.

Don't think I have watched any cartoons since Korra and that disappointing final season of Samurai Jack.


It's kinda funny, if I were to make a 3x3 I'd have Batman, Beyond, and Teen Titans there too. Crazy how well Batman has worked with animation every time, though the original will always be my favorite.


my favorite was spongebob because i was autistic and liked the bright colors and funny voices


i think if i had to choose my favorite it'd be adventure time, though i stopped at the end of season 7 because it's too flippin long but even up to then it's really really damn good
gumball is great too with all the stuff it does
there was also justice league and to a lesser degree young justice which i don't remember that well


Yeah I remember Justice League too, though I don't remember liking it as much as the usual Batman stuff, although it was still good. Think over Justice League I'd have X-Men.

By the way did you know the JP version of the animated X-Men had an amazing OP? Somehow better than the original even though I hold a lot of nostalgia for it.


ohhh x-men nice, one of the later series had an arc with the sentinels and a post-apocalyptic world that stuck with me a bit
the avengers show was good too with the bee girl being given a lot of spotlight that the movies didn't


>the avengers show
You know I don't really remember that at all, actually. Even though looking back it definitely existed, I only remembered them being a part of the Spiderman cartoon or maybe with the X-Men as well...

Even back then adapted marvel media was all a mix and mash of every IP.


ghost busters had some pretty demonic episodes. I've been trying to find one that was memorable, but anyways...


I think Avatar is okay, not as good as people make it out to be though, but then it does not have much competition so that's probably why people like it so much in the west.
I watched Wakfu when I was learning French, that's okay as well and I liked Fairly odd parents when I was a kid and that's all I can really think of.

My dad did not let me watch Simpsons when I was a kid. Though I don't like it anyway.


Megas XLR will always stand out in my mind as the one show I rushed between the TV and the computer to IM my friend about the finale as it was airing.


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If I had to pick a favorite, it'd be a tie between Code Lyoko and Ed Edd n Eddy. Courage is a close second mainly for how surreal it got in some episodes.
Haven't really kept up with anything after early 2000s.


yeah, that's a nostalgic one




I think I've forgotten most of this stuff. Old Simpsons of course, uhh... children's stuff from the 90s I guess? Stuff like Rupert, David the Gnome, uhh, what else was there?
I really liked the old cartoons that wrote about magic and imagination and good things happening if you just believed in yourself. Good ol' sappy stuff is inspiring and really what kids need to hear if you ask me. Maybe the David the Gnome theme itself is emblematic of this kind of feeling. (video related)
Maybe I need to think more about this, because this is really deep in my memory somewhere...


I loved this show so much I became a bit obsessed with it. I'd daydream all the time about being part of the group and how things would play out if I were there. Being stuck at a boarding school but having the freedom to go wherever you wanted outside and actually doing things that mattered was so enticing to the imagination. Especially the whole conflict and interaction between the virtual world and real world, whatever happened in the virtual world had visible effects on the real world. And a lot of times they had to use guile and deception to keep a secret.

I really liked Kids Next Door too. The whole premise of kids leading double lives as spies/commandos was really fun.

There's just something so alluring about alteregos/personas. The ability to put on a mask and slip through the chains that bind. Deception, lies, trickery. Not knowing who you really are yet knowing all the same. Mutability, vague, indescript, undefined, outside the box.


Same, my friends and I had a field day with CL. Rewatching some episodes recently reminded me how dark it could get for a kid's show.
Shame about the reboot.

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