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File:R-1704381917626.jpg (134.84 KB,427x600)


Did you like the first episode?


File:Delicious.in.Dungeon.S01E0….jpg (297.26 KB,1920x1080)

It was unexpectedly uneventful, 90% of it being talking about RPG and/or food autism with a lot of levity around that first scene. But the premise of constantly fighting and scavenging their way through the dungeon kinda a la MiA is interesting, and given how well-regarded the manga is I'm willing to give it a shot.


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Lots of people seem excited about this, or at least enough people for me to notice, but I'm a little skeptical. It would be something I'd likely pass over when scanning the list of seasonals if not for its reputation. I'm holding off until I can try a few shows at once so I can't give any impressions yet. My only experience with the source material is probably like that of others: reaction images in unrelated threads.
In general shows about food/eating are a miss for me since I can't really appreciate food as an art as much as the Japanese, but if it's more about the experience of finding/preparing/sharing and relaxing around food then I can get behind it.


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Interesting to see her drawing Planescape fanart of all things:
One of the seven pieces of Annah art that boorus have. Made some portaits for the old Baldur's Gate, too:


Overall I enjoyed it. It was fun learning about what parts of the monsters are most delicious and how to cook them. It's hard not to like when you're a foodie and a fan of fantasy series.


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I liked it a lot, and it made me really, really, want to make hot pot.

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