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I've taken notice of my poor health and mental faculties and I think that my diagnosis is I need more sleep. The issue with this is that I don't know how to sleep early or long and my brain resists the urge to give up precious time to be doing other things besides lying still. How do you convince yourself to sleep?


sleeping pills
i can easily stay awake until 5-6am if i don't take them (this is a bad thing)
dad is scared of them but it's the only thing that truly works for me


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I'm also someone reliant on sleeping medication, specifically Trazodone. I'd recommend doing everything you can to avoid being reliant on medicine if you can. It's a last resort as sleep does not come naturally to me in any schedule resembling a human's. Side effects are usually a problem and it's rarely a simple black and white effect as I never wake up "refreshed" and I have days where I simply can't do anything.

What to try otherwise? Noise is usually good, like a fan or maybe you could try those apps that have the sound of rain or waves or something. When I was a teenager I had a little trinkling water fountain thing which I kind of liked. If you have hard, mineral-y water make sure to buy distilled water to use for it or it will coat your room with residue.
Exercise is something that makes sleeping more difficult for me, personally, but it's still good to do of course.
You could maybe search for stuff that makes you sleepy, like the genre of youtube that is "___ to fall asleep to" that's become quite popular. Monotonous male voices seem pretty good at making me tired and thankfully that's the default voice for various nerd stuff like speedrun documentaries. The "U can Beat Video Games" channel ( https://www.youtube.com/@UCanBeatVideoGames) I've mentioned in the youtube thread a few times is like the perfect thing to make me sleepy, personally.
Make sure to use blue light dimming software not just to protect your eyes, but also to supposedly aim in telling your brain that it's time to sleep soon.
Hmm... what else...


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Thanks for the advice on sleeping pills, I'll probably look into those to force myself to sleep. In the time it took for me to remember to sleep though an hour's passed and I'm not in bed yet so probably will just go now because my body's starting to fail me from the 5 hours I've been getting.

I do use blue light protection on my phone in bed and a noise machine to help me sleep (Otherwise I imagine people walking on the floor below me and other stuff), and I'm pretty good at getting myself to pass out when I'm in bed since I'm exhausted by the time I fall into it. I'd try exercise but around the time I'm this sleepy it makes me feel like death... More I need to take the step of getting myself into bed earlier so I'm also not passing out in my chair because then I wake up in just an hour or two feeling like death as well.


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jo'ing is the only sleeping pill I'll ever need.


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The best advice I have is to not have nerve-wrecking plans for the next day and more importantly to wake up and go to sleep the same hour as the day before.
The real question is why my brain gets less tired when going to bed later than usual.


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i used to use noise as well, a mixture of rain and grey noise iirc, which i needed since i had a massive transformer on the street just outside my window perpetually buzzing at a shockingly loud volume. it believe it was this app, which lets you combine and layer them:
the problem with it was that, although it manage to cover up the background buzzing with something much more pleasing, it also was no guarantee that i'd actually manage to sleep, and would regularly lay still in bed for hours unable to sleep until 3am, sometimes getting up to walk around the house while everyone else had passed away

so it was an extreme situation (still is) and if your problem lies more with getting in bed in the first place then i would advise you to sort that out first without meds


The doctor gave me these one time and my dick got hard after I took them and started turning purple. I called him to tell him I refused to take them anymore because of this and painful ejaculation. His response was that I should keep taking them. I told him no and he labeled me a drug seeker.

I was seeking drugs. I was seeking a real sleeping pill that didn't make me try to get in my car and kill someone without being aware (ambien) or make my dick try to fall off (trazodone). I was seeking benzos.

I ended up buying benzos off the street for $1.


wouldn't mind having a rock hard purple cock of my own


You don't want it trust me it's very painful. I had a book on all the FDA approved drugs released by 1998 I would reference at the time. In that book it said it was a good possibility that my cock would fall off and to go straight to the hospital. I was so pissed off with that doctor when I called and he basically said
>lol keep taking it it'll go away
Figured out I knew more than him pretty quickly. Was really mad considering he hands out opioids and xanax like candy to everyone in town but for some reason he refused to give me anything worth a damn. But that's how you get treated in America if you don't have health insurance.

I've taken every sleeping pill other than the ones that were taken off the market and widely prescribed before the mid-1980s. They're all bad and will just ruin your sleep cycles. You'll get dependent and have to keep upping the dose. Depending on what you're on they can kill you if you attempt to quit cold turkey. Most aren't even good. Trazodone is prescribed off label for sleep because it has mild sedation as a side effect. In reality it's an antidepressant and no one should be taking that shit for any reason.

You want good sleep? Put your ass in bed at a decent time. Turn off the TV. Don't watch a screen after dark. Don't drink a bunch of caffeine after noon. Don't drink alcohol more than once a week. Don't consume sugars. Drink a lot of water. Accept that sometimes you'll won't fall asleep no matter what you do because your mind is racing about the fact that you live in horrible times in a horrible place called hell (this is hell).

I'm not trying to brag. It isn't anything to brag about. But when it comes to insomnia I'm sure I've got it much worse than any of you. Considering I have a legit reason to have it (mild brain damage aka slowly progressing CTE).

Whatever you do. Do not take a drug without researching it first. Do not trust doctors. They will give you plenty of bullshit just to pad out their numbers and got those sweet sweet kick backs. Most of them have never read a whitepaper and give no fucks about your health. To them it's all about the almighty dollar. I've also discovered that the vast majority of them are borderline retarded. They do not question authority. The few that do learned a long time ago not to go against the system. Least they end up poorfags. If they tow the line at least they can enjoy a life of luxury and ease.

If you aren't as far gone as me I suggest maybe trying melatonin. IF you can actually find some pills that aren't a bunch of filler and nothing else. Most supplements don't even have an active in them these days. You might also consider a nightcap when it's really bad. But again; Alcohol dependence is easy to get into and alcohol sleep (like benzos) is not real sleep because it prevents REM sleep. Warm milk works. Opium is fine too if you're willing to take the risk of opioid dependence (not recommended). Benzos will knock you out but same issue as alcohol and easier to get hooked on them. Ambien is the devil's work half the time you'll just eat all the junk food in the house and maybe hop in your car to murder someone and won't even be aware of it. Most of the other drugs have similar or worse problems or don't even make you drowsy.

I used to suggest pot because they went and made it borderline LSD. But if you can find a good indica that isn't genetically modified Government weed it could work. Try to avoid any of these THC knockoffs and CBD supplements being sold semi-legally now. They're all pretty awful.

There are some others supplements that might work for you like valerian root. Just have to try it and see. Hopefully, you can find a real supplement instead of something that's just filler.

In the 90s people used to take GHB until it was labeled a date rape drug. Instant knock out/sleep. Same issue as benzos and alcohol though. Prevents REM sleep. You can still get GBL legally online. Usually sold as "tire cleaner". Probably want to convert to GHB before consuming. You can take GBL and let it convert in your stomach. But it's hard on the body and you don't want to take it everyday (or GHB for that manner).

There are like 100 more drugs to list so I'll stop. Rule of thumb though: Doing your own research and getting drugs yourself is almost always cheaper and safer than getting them through a doctor. Doctor is just going to throw you a free sample of whatever the pharma reps gave him that week. Or he'll put you on benzos long term and ruin your life.

How did I forget the most important tip for good sleep all together? Get off your ass and go for a run a few hours before bed. Take a hot shower/bath afterwards. Then put your ass in bed around sunset. That's the best way.

Also make sure your diet isn't shit in general. Most people feel like shit because they eat like shit and don't drink enough water.

t. 25+ years chronic insomniac. Former avid drug user and street pharmacist. Certified brain damaged. Can go 7+ days awake without seeing shadow people. etc. etc. etc.


Oh another thing. Don't listen to all this horseshit about what good sleep/sleeping habits are. Before the invention of artificial light here is how people slept;

- In bed at/just after sunset
- Wake up around midnight for a couple of hours to do night work (stoking fire, checking on animals, stuff like that)
- Back to bed around 1-2am
- Sleep until sunrise/hour before sunrise

That's the natural human condition.

Another thing; I said to avoid using screens after sunset because it screws up your natural sleep cycle. This is also true for more sources of artificial lights. These modern LEDs and CFL bulbs are especially awful. Yes the same applies to your screen with redshift/blue filter. Incandescence bulbs are still bad but not as bad as more modern bulbs. Pretty much all sources of artificial lighting trick your brain into thinking it's still day time.

That is the main issue for more people other than lack of exercise. They laze around most of the day or work an office type job or NEET it up playing video games and watching screen until the wee hours of the morning. Then they try to go directly to bed and wonder why their brain won't shut off until the sun is almost back up. Your brain won't shut down because you've tricked it into thinking it's daytime nearly 24/7. Not to mention that you're stuffing your face full of stimulants like caffeine most of the day, consuming processed sugars in nearly everything you eat and not being active.

Live and eat like people 200+ years ago and watch your sleep issues vanish in 2-3 weeks. Guaranteed.


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not hard to fall asleep when you don't enjoy being awake


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>my brain resists the urge to give up precious time to be doing other things besides lying still
In the same situation right now, have been slowly embracing the fact that I don't need to get everything done in a single day, as long as I stay consistent and continue (what ever it is that I'd rather be doing) the next day.
Instead of living every day like it's my last, I leave notes/hints for my tomorrow-self to continue where my today-self left off. That was always a problem for me, the thought process I have right now, that lead me down a certain path in be it programming or learning something new, I almost completely forget about it the day after. Now I leave hints on my thought process for the tomorrow-me, like having a certain series of tab open, or a video paused and full-screened so I know where I left off yesterday, etc. Sometimes even adding sticky notes to my monitor for more long-term goals, or alarms on my phone. Helps me live in a thought span of multiple days, rather than a single day.
Also helps to know that not having a fixed sleep schedule will just hamper your ability to do any tasks, but I guess you already have that down.


Try using your imagination to focus on something like cutting diamonds or bouncing a ball or even a location like a beach on an island and try walking around. But don't get distracted and keep focused on the imagined scene. Don't do the bare minimum either, try to imagine the scene as vivid as when you're awake, as if you were seeing it with your physical eyes. Without building any tension in the body, ignore the body, just pure imagination.
Eventually you'll reach a point where the body starts falling asleep and you'll go unconscious.
Try doing this while leaning on an object for support. Watch when you start falling asleep your legs will begin giving way and you'll get to a point where you can no longer continue without falling down. After doing this a number of times you should get an understanding of what it's like falling asleep and then you just repeat this method in bed or wherever.

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