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File:f6f02a01f1490ab1e7b8deb389….jpg (2.61 MB,4093x2894)


Have you ever gotten any money from class action settlements? Even though most of them would be pocket changes, it would still be free money to buy a new game or figure for the many hikineets here.

I have found $43 from current opening settlements just in the food category alone which don't require any proof of payment.


how many hikkineets are even on this board? most i have seen are dedicated larps or anons with rich parents.


my parents aren't rich, they're old and on social security and what OP's talking about still sounds like too much work for $43


then how are you not homeless?
unless you are piling copious amounts of debt, i don't see how?


I don't know how big my parents' social security checks are exactly but the national average is about $2k/month. My mom hardly ever worked so hers is probably closer to $1k, but $3k/month is plenty for a family to live in a lower middle class house in an area with low property tax.


$43 is only 4 online forms to fill which would take like 20 minutes maximum in total.


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I'm a neet without the hiki if that counts.


im hikkineet


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Wish I could be hikkineet but that doesn't support my figure/bd buying lifestyle


if I learn how to play piano, I can play on the streets and dab on all the other beggars


Why not collect BDrips and 3D models instead? 3D models are infinitely more poseable and modifiable than real figures and they never get dusty or damaged.


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>Why not collect BDrips
Uhhh, I do


where are you going to find a piano on the street


well, either way I'm going to have to bring my own


I am. I used to just stay in the basement of my parents for years and years, but I live in my own apartment alone now and generally only go out to buy food which takes a few minutes. I'm not filling out sheets of information for $43. If you work you lose.


78TB total, and 43.5TB used... All in external drives it seems... Anonymous. My goodness. You need a NAS, desperately. A single 6-bay NAS with 6x 22TB drives total and 2x drives dedicated to parity would give you 88TB and peace of mind that if one, or even two drives die, you won't lose any data at all. But with your current setup losing even a single disk means losing everything on it.


How are you NEET and also with your own apartment?... Do you live in one of those cushy social democratic countries that guarantee housing as a right? I can't imagine how a NEET would have their own apartment otherwise.



I do live in a nice country, but I invested my welfare and sold to buy a place to live and moved out. Housing is a right in almost every country in the world except third world countries. It doesn't mean you're entitled to good housing though.


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>Housing is a right in almost every country in the world except third world countries.
Not in the Land of the Free.


Depending on which state you live in it may as well be a third world country.


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According to Wikipedia, there is not a single US state that guarantees housing as a right. The only exception they noted was Massachusetts, which notably excludes homeless people from receiving housing, and instead only covers families. Maybe there are some cities that have housing policies, but pretty much every city I've been to more or less criminalizes being homeless and actively makes public amenities like park benches worse so that it dissuades homeless people. The only thing I can think of that's vaguely pro-housing is that cops will pick up homeless people and take them to a homeless shelter, even against their will, if it's at or below freezing outside and they would otherwise die from exposure if they stayed outside.

I guess that makes the US a third world country...

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