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No, it's not April 1st. Could this all be because of the social media response to that Japanese ad? It is pretty funny since 'WcDonald's' is indeed something that pops up now and then in anime and manga. If they did this 20-30 years ago it would have been witty and kind of cool, but it feels kind of late now.
The style here is very 90s Western anime imitation, especially the Miku. You need to download the usual spyware app to see the comics, so screw that.


They should have just paid for the rights to use footage from the existing anime. Basically retroactively turning them into genuine McDonald's ads.
>If they did this 20-30 years ago it would have been witty and kind of cool, but it feels kind of late now.
Target audiences, though.
McDonald's has a reputation to keep, and if anime is just something for a small fringe group of perverts, then you don't really want to appeal to those.
Nowadays, anime is almost as mainstream as McDonald's itself.


People need to get over the 90s already



It's millenial nostalgia bait.


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It's kind of sad. I feel like we'll never get this kind of abject absurdity and silliness again since stuff like this WcDonald's thing is normalized and expected as general Japanese cultural stuff gets crudely accepted in the mainstream consciousness. If Miku was on Letterman today it would be very different, although I still wouldn't be able to watch it out of intense empathetic embarrassment and shame.


Have you ever wondered why he has such feminine fingernails in the shots where he's operating the phone?


They were simpler times.


>Could this all be because of the social media response to that Japanese ad?
Probably not. The social media response was loud, but it was mostly confined to the small crowd that likes picking fights on Twitter. I didn't even know about it until months after the fact, and most of the norms I know aren't even aware it happened at all.

The 80s and 90s are like the new 50s and 60s. The people who grew up during that time have so heavily romanticized it that it's become an entire aesthetic unto itself that exists beyond the generation that spawned it, and has less and less to do with the actual reality of the period the further and further we get from it.


I saw it from all the art and edits that popped up, that was a lot of positive activity separate from the culture warring


I can understand people who miss the 90s. It was the last decade before smartphones and social networks took over, after all (though there are more reason why people are nostalgic for them)


Smart phones were not available in the early 2000s.
And new people flooding the internet has been a point of discontent since forever. Eternal September was in 1993.

I would argue that the 2000s were still small internet (unrelated to the current definition of the term, ie gemini etc). The consolidation into a handful of websites didn't happen until later.


The late 00s was when it all started. It was then that the Internet stopped being a hobby for a few nerds and became something else. And it was on a much larger scale than Eternal September


Regarding art style.
It might be intentional but it could also not be. Western artists anime style art can be fairly backwards, I remember buying a book on how to draw anime art and while it was published relatively recently the artwork he was drawing looked like it might have even been from the 80s.


>Could this all be because of the social media response to that Japanese ad?
I'm sure the guerilla advertising they have in hentai now is worth a handful of political extremists on twitter getting mad (that youtubers call 'everyone').
I don't think monster is upset about the can of their product featuring in trap porn, for example


>And it was on a much larger scale than Eternal September
Eternal September was the first time most Americans had internet access period, and it happened very suddenly. It'd be like a company finding a way to market I2P to the masses and now your mom is browsing eepsites. Comparing that to what happened in the late-2000s is frankly ridiculous.


>I don't think monster is upset about the can of their product featuring in trap porn, for example

They probably don't know and even if somebody in Monster did I don't think he would bring it up, because you know, that would make it sound like he was the one reading trap hentai.



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Wait, if they use this then won't anime have to stop using WcDonalds...


If they trademark it, yes, but considering it existed prior to whenever a trademark application would be filed, I'm pretty sure it would be denied.


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I still haven't managed to watch more than a few seconds of that domino's miku video, it's just too embarrassing.


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hmm, they're in full force now


How many employees thought about quitting because they wanted to take a stance as non-weird non-weebs, only to realize that they wouldn't be working there in the first place if they had any other options?


Can't wait until Korean media takes over, this is painful


I think you're reading too much into it.

Why should Korean media take over?


If they want to make a comic in Korean webcomic style, they'll need to print it on toilet paper.


Because it is getting very popular. I'm thinking it'll be the next trend, but maybe millennials will have to die out first. A lot of cartoonists here would sell their first-born into slavery to be a minor credit in sailor moon


>I'm thinking it'll be the next trend, but maybe millennials will have to die out first.

So it'll be trending in about 40 years?


It was just a joke. It depends on how the billions Netflix streaming services spent on Korean shit goes


Okay so I got McDonald's today and they had the WcDonald shit all over it.
I thought this was a joke, I hate that they're trying to do this kind of marketing.


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Water closet lmaoooo





A WC is a Brit term for toilet


It's not British. >>132936 is just poor


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WC broccoli.


It sounds British as heck


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The receipt art style looks kinda Japanese imitation-ish, but that bag looks a lot more like a comic to me. Maybe it's how damn ugly the characters are. Yeeesh.
I guess there's a couple possible reasons. One is that getting a Japanese (or good imitator) would cost more money to commission (although it would be comparable to pennies for a company like McDonald's). But, I think it's more likely that they purposely did a style that you could pretend was manga if you squinted your eyes, but was really meant to be mistakable for a regular Western comic.


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they did get a hafu to draw some actual manga and it looks infinitely better, pic is from op's link
hired pierrot too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6APZr00v0s


I disagree, somewhat. This reads like an ethnocentric pov to be honest. The change due to the popularization of smartphones happened slowly around the late 2000 until the mid 10's all over the world and not just America. They are not comparable because one of them happened over a month in a single country and the other over years in the whole world.
¨Meme¨ became a common word everyone uses in real life (in the context of the internet) It was surreal at the time. You could still see flip phones in anime around that time because it takes time for the rest of the world to catch up with technology, not necessarily because they are antiquated (I did NOT sent e-mails to my friends using them). People living in poverty and having an expensive phone is a common joke all over the world


The phone thing happened so slowly that rather than feeling suddenly overwhelmed by newcomers, we mostly just found that the dynamics of our communications had changed.
The point that the anon is making is precisely on the topic of the speed of change. The internet has been changing and adapting to newcomers from the beginning. But that particular month was a big shift in userbase and culture.


There's actually been a lot of McDonald crossover with otaku/anime culture recently that I've noticed in their advertising. Wonder how well it's working.

Also Touhou/IOSYS STILL going strong.


The other one I saw was this.


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I wonder if they had to ask ZUN for permission since the melody is taken straight from two of his songs.


the second one i feel comfortable with, it's 15-20 seconds of solid animation and just a reference, but the first one is several times longer yet such a carbon copy so cynically reskinned to focus just on the brand and burgers that i found it genuinely disturbing how could this happen i never feel like this


comic where the guy stands up and says that he loves McDonalds to skip ad


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an image worth saving to my pictures folder


people think that touhou is a doujin product but it's more like a franchise that lost it's intelectual property rights nowadays


Yeah. The "doujin spirit" is still there somewhat in Japan since the physical cons and events there are still popular, but online it's a FFA. As long as you don't break the rules on fan creation (which really only applies to charging money on it) you're good to do whatever with those characters and setting. Making a Touhou mod of X isn't going to make ZUN or his faggy lawyer hunt you down, unlike say Nintendo, Capcom, or Games Workshop. But this is for small time creators, they have different rules for corporations which I imagine they still have to go through the hoops for permissions. I doubt McDonalds can slap Doll Judgement in an ad and not at least pay lip service to ZUN.


it's like a free public use shrine maiden who's stuck in a wall at comiket


I don't think so, it's altered too much from the original.

Zun never sold the IP... He still owns it.

Copyright is an incredibly complex topic. Zun has always come down on people trying to make and sell Touhou fan games but making a fangame of a franchise is legal so long as it's not made for commercial gains. That's the same thing with mods, though mods can still be illegal but that's due to terms of service and not copyright(some games put restrictions against mods in their terms of service).

The way Touhou is managed is not actually that different to any other franchise.

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