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File:R-1729244674883.jpg (147.65 KB,1280x720)


I was feeling bad that I'm not able to appreciate some kinds of art. Music, paintings, animation, food, games, sports. But maybe it's not so bad. If I don't know what I'm missing out on, I won't crave it when I can't have it.


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Well, getting into a a form of art doesn't necessarily mean you're going to turn into a hyper-elitist with super narrow tastes. There's a lot you can appreciate without needing to go off the deep end.

Lately I've been looking a lot at illuminated manuscripts, from the somewhat goofy Romanesque of the Codex Manesse (I'm sure you know this one) to the elaborate books of hours like the Duke of Berry's or the black books. Bible moraliseé, too, and fencing manuals a bit. Lots of scenes accompanies by floral patterns and fancy borders and marginalia monsters that inspired Bosch's depiction of hell with its hideous abominations. I'd like to be able to draw this kind of stuff one day and use them in the fiction I wish to write, though that's a long ways off for now.


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Look at the difference between it and the Duke of Berry's, what a difference a century makes.

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