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Can anyone explain why I can read a vn for 10 hours but have trouble watching an hour of a tv show or a movie? Are the stories that much better?


VNs are comfortable and you feel like you're in that world because of how long they are and how often there is a literal self-insert MC you control. You don't feel like you're watching other people do stuff, you're literally in it more often than not.

I know how it feels, do you get the itching to return to the VN's world after playing it for a long time? especially to see a character you like again?


Not usually since the visual novels I've read are mostly in depressing worlds or with lots of fucked up events. I think about/want to reread certain characters or scenes a lot though. I feel the same reading normal books.


Because clicking to advance appeals to your lizard brain and all the good stopping places have fancy effects that throw you right into the next part. Even if you're bored out of your mind, you keep clicking because it feels like you're advancing and, unlike books, there's never enough text on screen to let you fall asleep or start re-reading the same line over and over again.


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Much of the time in anime there are pauses when I wish things would advance faster, but it's padded out to save on budget or the characters are just talking about inane things for too long in a way that isn't enjoyable. In VNs you can advance the text at your desired speed, but of course it cuts out the voices if it has them and I don't do it if it's an emotional scene.
There are a few things that make VNs the ideal form of escapism, but I think this is the biggest difference in regards to sustaining interest. The same information conveyed in 2 minutes as opposed to 5 can be a major thing that keeps me from getting bored from moments of dullness.


I've fallen asleep plenty of times and use auto mode a lot though, so that can't be it.


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> I feel the same reading normal books.
books and VNs are immersing regardless of their genre. your imagination can make the visuals and scenes more impressive than what other explicit visual mediums can create on screen, especially if the writing, music and art are good and can keep you engaged wanting to read more
i imagine the lizard brain types who speed read are the ones that rarely play them. falling asleep while reading is common for me too.




Better appreciate them while there are still good ones. The industry is dying and there's only nukige and moege to pick with very little good stuff to actually read. And no, Type Moon doesn't count, they try and pass them off like they are console games.


That applies to everything now it feels like


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The armpit slut has failed us...


I think no matter what time we're in we'll probably see at least a couple good release each year like with video games. In which case I can still spend a fair chunk of time on them each year since they take so long.


this shab just failed me


There's still tons of old ones that lack an English translation though, so even if no new games are being made there will nevertheless be no shortage of 'new' releases for a long time to come.


you're retarded. That's why. TV shows and movies these days have the same plot as VN's but don't take 100+ hours of fluff talk and blueballing the reader just to get through the same plot points.


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Yeah, and those patient enough to learn Japanese also have a bunch of PC98 and other stuff that will probably never get translated. Since these all take a long time to get through, VNs will have a lot of content available fore the foreseeable future.
OEVNs are also increasing in quality with stuff like that uhh, Slay the Princess and also that sibling cannibal one with Coffin in the name. (Technically RPGM but story-heavy) so maybe there will be a strange renaissance of English speakers embracing sincerity and real storytelling and filling in the gap. I'm skeptical, but it could happen. I'm just glad to see Western people make sincere attempts at VN/RPGM instead of irony stuff.


>TV shows and movies these days have the same plot as VN's

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