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File:Guide.jpg (200.46 KB,800x1200)


I'm going to reread Higurashi from the beginning after completing 7/8 of the original arcs then stopping several years ago - I don't remember why. However the console arcs seem complicated and I'm unsure of the order in which I should read them. Going with how the series was originally released, I feel I should read the original 8, then Rei, then the console arcs in chronological order.

Please, give me your advice.


File:[Dragon-Releases] Higurash….jpg (286.65 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm, well, at the very least the original 8 first makes sense. Rei right after the original, yeah. You should also watch stuff like Kira which has stuff not in the VNs and is kind of like Rei so you should probably watch it after that. The console stuff... I actually kept procrastinating forever and never got to those. Maybe I should get around to that around Halloween since I did get a nice setup going for my bed.


Do you remember when you stopped reading it originally and why? Once I got to a certain point it was impossible for me to put it down.


Thank you, I suppose that makes sense. I think I'm just going to do the release order more or less; I read a very brief synopsis of the console arcs and it sounds like they are intended to be read after you've completed the main story. I read the first little part of Matsuribayashi up to and including some of the puzzles and just finished rereading Onikakushi; it's funny what I notice now with that extra knowledge compared to before, and I think I'm starting to get why the series is so well spoken of apart from just the story being engaging.

My last saves in Minagoroshi were from around this time 3 years ago, so I don't remember too well. I didn't start Matsuribayashi after that, only starting it a few days ago. I have something of a problem where, when I near the end of a game, series or story that I'm enjoying I'll slow down my progress of it because I don't want it to end, which ironically ends it for me. If the console arcs and other content are as long as the main 8 however, I think it will take a while to get through everything.

Do either of you know if I can watch the 2006-2007 anime after reading the main 8 arcs? I recieved it many years ago from a friend via file transfer and I remember he said something about the anime being out of order and containing spoilers for later VN content.

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