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File:Fall 2023 Anime Chart - Te….png (7.62 MB,2213x5518)

 No.114206[Last50 Posts]

So, what anime are you planning on watching this season? There's quite a few major sequels and continuations and some new stuff that looks great as well.



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FLIP baby


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...did Goblin Slayer seriously not get a second season until just now?

there were a few shows that immediately caught my eye this time around, which is good, compared to last season. Hoshikuzu Telepath, SHY, and Good Night World.
i had already started watching FLCL Grunge. i think it's fine so far (i actually like the animation, it looks grungy) though i'm only on episode 1. apparently there are only 3 episode of that, which is weird, but i guess that explains a few things, like the breakneck pacing and why Shoegaze is airing as soon as it is.


sequel season!


Undead Unluck looks great for sure, and maybe Hametsu's norm genocide. Others Iunno.


Was goblin slayer (s1) any good?
What about the Light Novels?
All I know about it is that it's a 2/tg/ thing made by like someone who was like I'm going to make an expy out of that and it worked.


I don't know what people would dislike about it to be bad. Maybe too much edge? It's got nice realism it.


It got a movie before this if that counts.


Goblin Slayer is really nice if you're into serious dark fantasy, and it's especially so as a breath of fresh air from the usual RPG-styled "fantasies" that most isekai are.


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The LN is decent, interesting concept written competently.
The anime was not a great adaptation, mostly just because it lacked production value.
The manga is top-tier stuff, artist is great at getting across GS's autism and giving variety to the gobbos. Not enough rape, though.


Bakugan, really?


Why isn't this one in the OP pic... Seemed like the neatest one of the bunch and the only thing that's really caught my eye (that's not a sequel) leading up to fall.




I should get back to reading the manga. I was disappointed that it didn't really keep up the melancholic tone of the first handful of chapters, but looking back, I think the story was okay as a somewhat laid-back fantasy adventure story.


I hate CG. I don't like Netflix much. But I'll be damned if I don't love Onimusha. Maybe the CG will be as bearable as this trailer and I'll be pleasantly surprised, but I'm not expecting much.


On one hand I don't remember any bad CG in most of these, but I remember the trailer for Dragon's Dogma being berated for its bad CG. Never watched the actual series though.


Yeah, that looks like something that would be on my instant "try" list, but the 3DCG is just too much for me. A visual medium with inferior visuals is just not worth it. They're of course going to put the best CG they did in the preview video, so the other stuff will be worse...


oh ya. that's the racist elf one right


three entire elles


This livechart site always reminds me sites like anime-planet, aniDB and anisearch still exist!!


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Frieren continues the trend of feature-length openers, but this time Crunchyroll decided to split it into four separate episodes. Will we be watching all four tomorrow, as if it were one?


I mean, what else is airing tomorrow?


Uhh, nothing actually. Huh, alright.


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Nice, I can expect to watch this next year


File:[SubsPlease] Sousou no Fri….jpg (469.8 KB,1920x1080)

It's great to see an anime that actually respects fantasy and doesn't treat everything like a silly joke, even if it's native isekai. The emphasis it puts on the passage of time is very interesting, and you don't need me to tell you that it's consistently beautiful. Feels like a mixture of Mahoutsukai and inverse Last Tour, where the legacy they come across isn't ruins but victory over evil from almost a century ago.
My favorite part was the first one, the so-called "setup," and even if it just remains yukkuri adventure SoL like >>114229 says I'll still gladly keep watching it.
What I will criticize is that the dialogue is kinda weak, there are a lot of moments where it says too much or too directly. Something like the birthday scene, or Frieren figuring out that the priest had tricked her. They could've been a lot more subtle about it, and I think that would've been a better match for the general atmosphere.


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>native isekai
I'm going to fucking shoot you.


It is.


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Die a thousand deaths and then die again because you know nothing about fantasy terms you bumbling imbecile. Your opinion on Frieren is shit too.



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Doesn't that just mean normal fantasy? Native isekai sounds like something the "soft seinen" audience on /a/ would say to sound smart.


Native isekai makes no fucking sense.
That's like saying star wars is an native isekai because he's literally taken off of his world to fight the empire.




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all fantasy is isekai


That's dumb, I refuse to believe this.


all isekai is fantasy too!


It's a troll term. People only say it to get a reaction and you should ignore any post that says it. Same with people saying Frieren is good.


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But Frieren is good...


A certain someone compared Frieren to Lv1 Maou, and it makes sense, since they both fall under that genre.


>A certain someone
Just spit it out


No need.


I wasn't asking you, I was telling you.


it was a joke. they're only surface level video-game fantasy stories. Frieren actually builds up a system of magic and a world at peace. They're similar only that the protagonist can't find peace... but Max isn't at peace because he acts like a PTSD victim. Frieren is a GOD DAMN ELF


Actually I do suppose that Frieren and Max's stories are pretty similar in everything other than execution. One is following a template of "the wandering adventurer" to the tune of Mushishi or what have you while Max is like more of a callback to urusei yatsura with battle shonen and political intrege thrown in


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>it was a joke. they're only surface level video-game fantasy stories
You too, the both of you. Stop it. In no way does Frieren even tangentially tie itself to video games except for the part that both take place in a fantasy world. But to mix up fantasy with video games is a grave error because there is no correlation between one and the other.


I won't have you ignoring the fact that they're a hero-party who killed a demon lord! Nothing can excuse that sort of video-game/isekai trope!


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Freiren is really pretty and, uh, "atmospheric" or however you would say it, but I don't feel drawn into it much. I should like it a lot, but I don't. Maybe it's that the main characters are kind of bland. The time thing is cool, but it hasn't been used in a way that's more than "remember that guy, he's older now".
I'm just treating the first four episodes as an intro, though, so it could become more interesting later on.

Really beautiful, though, if nothing else it's a pleasure to look at it in motion.


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I feel like CR did a huge disservice towards the anime by splitting the feature length first episode up into 4 "episodes" since that probably really confuses people and makes them think that we've gone further into the journey than we have. Clearly what was set up with this first episode was the setting and backstory for Frieren, providing a motivation for her wanting to get to know humans better despite the short amount of time they occupy in her total lifespan. As for what the future of the series holds, I can't wait to see more of Frieren and Fern's travels across the continent. Seems like it's taking the more relaxed and nice route, and maybe like lv1 but dissimilar to it the relationship between the two MCs will be the focus except with no annoying politics to get in the way.


It's mostly that the characters have no personality, but the show is really insistent on keeping those melancholy vibes going at all times so the brief segments of comedy or action feel unsatisfying and fail to provide those little emotional peaks that keep your attention. Actually, the boring characters are probably a result of this as well. Compare it to something like Aria where those atmospheric segments and hazukashi monologues are broken up by catch-phrases and funny faces to jolt you out of your stupor before easing you back into it. Those are the landmarks people latch on to, without them it's just a sleepy march through an empty field.


you're comparing a 60 episode characterization of people against 4 episodes of a newly aired show


And the slow pace of things is very emblematic of her life as a quasi immortal being. Time doesn't mean anything to her so she doesn't care about your sense of it.
This is essentially a pilot for the beginning of her journey


>Most are so burnt out on seasonals there's like 2 shows a season that get attention
i dont watch seasonals not because of burnout but because i dont like watching the tv rip or web streams of the stuff i like waiting for the BD
seasonal mania with anonymous imgayboard friends is fun


i used to do that when webrips were noticeably lower in quality but nowadays i feel like there's basically almost no perceivable difference unless you're watching a hisense rip but usually there's always something better available a couple of days later when that's the case


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So bad...


Yuri otomege, I want to believe


The villainess is actually kinda mean so it's not for me. Hope you like it though.


I haven't really tried it, I just think the concept is better than other villainess stories


so cheesy


i think me not being able to finish ep1 in under an hour is probably a sign i shouldn't continue it


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Shangri-La Frontier is kind of meh. The story is something like "gamer who normally plays old bad games on purpose plays an amazing new VR game".
He's used to bugs and bad controls, so he's apparently godly in a game without them. He's already level 12 with rare weapons and has to move to a new area to be challenged so my interest has greatly waned.
I've said it before, but when characters become this strong this quickly it's just lame and boring to me. It's like a god mode code in a video game; fun for 5 minutes and then there's nothing else.


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I like this season's otome game because it's doing something unique and underdeveloped on most anime... the masochistic+genki protagonist and the meanspirited but devoted anti-hero


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Is anyone watching anything not fantasy


Villainess is a psychological thriller


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Brown. Witch. Fang.

I like Dekoboko Majo no Oyako Jijou a lot. It's cute and makes me smile. The brown girl is the adopted daughter of the tiny one. It's nothing amazing, but it's executed well with cute albeit somewhat generic faces.
Not sure if I'll add it to the seasonal stream or not since these shows generally don't perform well.


Yes, but do you really want to read dozens of posts about how every show this season is awful as I go through them? I can start with the fantasy ones if you do, I'm pretty sure I've already seen all of them years ago.


Pluto, Uma Musume S3, SPY X FAMIRY, Captain Tsubasa, IM@S and Goburin Slayer and not a peep about any of this? C'mon kissu!


Take a year break man


Pluto's netflix bullshit, nevermind


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I haven't really looked through all the preview videos and stuff yet, but I guess I should do that soon.
Brown witch with a fang and nose, though...


Yeah, I think that and 16bit sensation are gonna be the fun shows


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There's a lot of movies this season and this poster invokes that weird East Asian feeling that I get and I don't really know how to describe, concrete plazas, lots of green, often interesting landscape in the distance


Why have Beyblades made a sudden resurgence


It's just the price of giving everything a fair chance when the total number of anime per season keeps growing. I'll find the 15 or so good ones in a week, though this season they might all end up being the sequels/spin-offs.


Craft whisky, huh. That could be very interesting or put me to sleep.
My tastes are quite plain (or rather it's difficult for me to find motivation to download and watch movies) so I'm looking forward to the Spy X Family and Precure ones. Well, Precure will takes a few months to become a downloadable thing with subs, but yeah.


I'm enjoying Frieren a lot but I resent them making a mage girl and not giving her a big pointy hat. Actually 2 mage girls without big pointy hats if you count Fern too.

In this one the actual witch doesn't have a big pointy hat but the daughter does have one, haven't decided how I feel about that.


At least we still have Helck


2D fans are the only group that need motivation to watch stuff


The trailers are telling me not to watch stuff


I'll watch this for the retro video game references(girl travels back to 1992 and makes video games). But the acting seems a bit bland


outside of sequels I'm not liking this season


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Wait, I know those character designs. That's from one of the best artists ever and the designer of Kuon! Wow, I never thought that would get an anime.
I was already planning on trying it, but now it's an absolute requirement.


cannot believe the designer of Kuon sunk so low as to design a two-tone hair chara


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Technically Tatsuki is part of a duo and they worked together on 16-bit so it's possible that the other guy, Misato, created the two-tone one. (You can tell that Misato drew this picture for example)
But, after a quick glance the anime is using new characters in the starring role(s), which is a strange decision, especially since the original stars are so stylish. (As Aquaplus artists of course that's expected). It's possible that neither artist had had any involvement with the new characters.
Instead of mature big boober girls it's a teenager-looking girl as the main character. Not what I would have preferred, but we'll see how it goes.


Old Game (New)


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Imagine getting Rance or Kanon for just a buck


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I probably should have actually looked before, but yeah it's got them on staff. Well, I'll watch it soon but for sure it will be in seasonal stream


Kanon being canon


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i gave Shy a shot, but the first episode didn't really interest me. though i will say, i like how the show looks, and i think the main girl is cute.
i took a second look at the synopsis and i wonder why i was even drawn to the show, since i'm not particularly interested in capeshit...


Yeah I found the writing pretty awkward. Shy has some nice thighs though.


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i miss 4:3 aspect ratio...


Heroes in anime isn't really a trope that's been done to death so I thought "Why not?"

I thought it was fine enough until the second half where it was a bunch of boring exposition


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Okay, I did some perusing of stuff:

New stuff

Vampire girl leaves hiki life as she's thrust into the role of military commander? Sounds fun and it looks pretty.

Looks very pretty, colorful and relaxing. The soothing SoL of the season?

Haven't watched this one yet, but based on that /jp/ thread it seems very strange and entertaining.

People have talked about it enough already so I don't need to.

It's been talked about already, but seems great. They better find a way to include Kuon...

Already watched two episodes and gave my opinion.

'Maybe' pilehttps://anilist.co/anime/154384/Tearmoon-Teikoku-Monogatari-Dantoudai-kara-Hajimaru-Hime-no-Tensei-Gyakuten-Story/
Princess was executed and restarts at 12 year-old and has to build the empire again and do it right this time or whatever. I like these shows in the first couple episodes but quickly lose interest after that.

The animation seems nice and the style reminds me of TTGL, but I'm not sure the story or characters will actually be good.

Trashy generic isekai, but it has cute girls...

Isekai'd as a pig. Might be interesting...

Clearly aimed at female audience, but might be enjoyable?

I almost immediately closed the tab when I saw how awful the 3D was at beginning, but later on in the preview video it shows decent 2D? Why would you open with such horrendous 3D? I like the premise, but I'm skeptical.

Sequels or stuff that needs no introductionhttps://anilist.co/anime/158927/SPYFAMILY-Season-2/

All this stuff and Helck, Dark Gathering, Kenshin and Precure are still continuing on. The seasonal stream is going to be a mess.


>Trashy generic isekai, but it has cute girls...

Oh wait, it's VR. Whatever, I'm not going to redo that post again.


I like that she has a raunchy design but is a good daughter


Should I play the horse gacha, tell me NOW


If it's a gacha, then no


She looks ripe for ENF content.


Migi to Dali is one of those shows that I would be really embarrassed to be caught watching, It's being absurd on purpose for the moment but I'm not sure if it's for comedy/weirdness like you're saying or if it's trying to make a point about the adoption of older children.

It's also one of those shows I would be very embarrassed if someone caught me watching it. I'm sure you know what I mean.


the beginning also implied it would become serious, which would be very dumb


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>Migi to Dali is one of those shows that I would be really embarrassed to be caught watching,
>It's also one of those shows I would be very embarrassed if someone caught me watching it.


Identical twins wrote the post


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About 90% of what I watch and play would be "embarrassing" to people, and it's only not 100% because of the normalization process as normal people tread into my territory. I don't associate with those people, so why does it matter?

Anyway, I like it. Although, as >>114660 said I wonder of the direction it's going to take. The description on anilist said there's a "dark secret" to them and 'mystery' is listed as one the genre tags. Seems like it will change a lot sometime soon and first episode might not be a good way to gauge it. I hope the opening seconds aren't implying what I think they are, because I don't want that kind of show...
If they end up killing people I'm going to lose interest


¥Wakaki, Misato Mitsumi (To Heart 2), and AQUAPLUS' Tatsuki Amazuyu (Utawarerumono) originally began publishing 16bit Sensation as a doujinshi at Comiket 91 in 2016. The trio released seven volumes until Comiket 97 in 2019.
You might just get your wish. Looks pretty good from the first episode and seems to be more knowledgeable than the other anime we've had recently banking on nostalgia.


The dark secret is that there are two of them. The ominous atmosphere is the joke.


I wonder if the joke will wear thin by the third episode, I thought it was funny but I could see it getting very old.

I'm very intrigued by it, to the point I might read the manga to spoil it because I don't know if I can bear waiting weeks to see what happens next.


The biggest problem with migi to dali is they referenced Jobs' black turtlenecks but he didnt have the gimmick in the early 90s when that show is set


Goblin Slayer's OP is pretty great. Sounds like Mili doing a Nier track


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Undead Unluck's first episode was amazing. The style and animation really reminds me of Kill la Kill and the production values are really good. The girl has a power/curse in which anyone who touches her gets such terrible 'unluck' that they shortly die, and the guy is undead and regenerates.
If you get nauseous seeing blood, though, maybe not a good show...


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Adult Precure episode 1 summary:
Precure teaching a class and talking to principal about her teaching methods.
Precure hanging out at bar talking about their jobs.
Precure getting a divorce and comforting her daughter afterwards.
Precures (more of them now) talking in bar about the old days. No transformations yet, but a hint at the story being climate change/pollution themed.

Yeah, I'm not going to be watching this one. It might be good for real life OLs that want to see the characters they watched as kids in a similar situation, but ehhh. I'll pass on this one.


>Precure getting a divorce and comforting her daughter afterwards.
well at least it's pretty interesting that they did that


Would OLs actually want that, though? I wouldn't want to see Goku give up fighting to become a salaryman and go to marriage counseling.

Pretty sickening, more like.


josei like realism


Maybe don't write it off too soon, they could be deliberately setting it up like that to give it a Guillotine Gorilla type moment.


You really think an adult precure series made by toei for working women that grew up with precure and which will tie in with the currently airing precure is going to pull a guillotine gorilla moment?


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I was excited because Spring's Idolm@ster show was so beautiful, but unfortunately Million Live is 3DCG.
It does look good for 3D and it shows how close it's getting, but you really can't compare it the beauty of U149, especially in regards to this one's animation and static faces.
I really hope they figure out the 3D choppiness thing one day.


It reminds me of the video games so its cool


Trigun is still the best 3D japan has done, because the artists focused so much on poses and how to move the characters, yet it still has all that special effects polish.

You see so much 3D in modern handdrawn anime that getting scenes down is straightforward. But the real serious 3D studios know thay you have to put just as much hours into making people look good as you would in 2D


I liked Shy, if it was last season I would almost certainly keep wathcing it but with all the competiion this season unless it turns out that the heavenly matriarch is the front to some alien invasion, I probably will get lost with in all the character development episodes Shy will have to go through.


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Hoshikizu Telepath is really nice and cute. It's a bit more heartfelt than the typical SoL comedy.
Protag is very shy and awkward and her new friend is zany and outgoing and needs to break her out of her shell. Nothing new, of course, but I like it. The other girl may or may not be an alien!
I have a feeling the yuri people enjoy the "forehead telepathy" thing.


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i gave Hoshikuzu Telepath a shot, partially because i think it's one of the ~5 anime airing this season that wasn't high fantasy stuff...
it is really cute and heartfelt, it got kind of hard for me to watch because the protagonist, Konohoshi Umika, hits a bit too close to home for me...
on a more positive note, i love the designs for the two main girls, and the OP theme is really unique. i like this show so far.


Anyone else ship Helck and Vammy


>the protagonist, Konohoshi Umika, hits a bit too close to home for me...
Oh no, you better not be admitting to having two-tone hair.


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oh no, absolutely not
i may be a shut-in loner who can't talk to people, but i'm not a menhera


i feel like the term two-tone hair should be reserved for cases where there is a clear cut-off with no gradients
that's the one that's new


I made a poll about that matter or maybe it was just a /jp/ thread


no it was just a post


one episode away from dropping this seasons villain isekai


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The drill otome one? I wasn't really sure how it was going to be going forwards without a more zany setting like Maria Holic had so I'm not surprised if it's too one-note in its following episodes.


it has to drop the isekai stuff and focus more on the gay comedy parts. episode was 50% 'powerlevel' bs 50% comedy


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Rather than that reincarnation story, the premise of the evil princess herself being put in the shoes of her younger self to try and avoid being revolutionized seems neater.


Is anyone actually watching Tate no Yuusha after that awful second season?


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How come there's no mention of 100 kanojo in this thread? It's the one I've been looking forward to the most this season, it's my favorite comedy manga ever. And the first episode looks really promising too!
It's got that absurdist humor appeal to it and it never really leaves its premise. Right now, the manga is at 26 girlfriends and they're all equally as unique and memorable.
A comedy like this would probably fit the stream pretty well too


1 SPY×FAMILY Season 2 51.53% 236
2 16bitセンセーション -ANOTHER LAYER- 50.22% 230
3 ゴブリンスレイヤーⅡ 47.60% 218

looks like i have 2 shows to watch this season


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I watch ballbuster because nothing else s on


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Migi to Dali is awwwwsome. More so than their exaggerations, the really bizarre part is their movements and coordination, it's so odd and I really like it. Lmao'd@him tarding out after the bath scene.
The OST is great too, very nice offputting choirs.

Also, the boycure's in it, as Dali. You can easily hear it when he's putting on his cute voice.


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What sort of rankings is this? This stuff fluctuates so wildly week to week that I'd be hesitant to use it to watch only TWO shows. That, and you can't really trust people who aren't you to know your tastes.

>Also, the boycure's in it, as Dali
Yeah, he's in a lot of stuff to the point where it's becoming ubiquitous. The earliest thing I remember him from is Utawarerumono 2 and 3.


>Utawarerumono 2 and 3
Ohhh, I remember now. He was also very cute.


WAS looking through the chart and was reminded that this exists but it's airing really late. The premise really stands out to me and the production value seems to be fairly high. Hopefully it adds on to my growing list of good anime this season.


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so, here's an odd one.
Good Night World is about a guild that's super close and friendly in-game, but IRL they're all family members who're very distant from each other, to put it lightly. i've actually not seen a lot a whole lot of VRMMO anime, so i don't quite know how it compares to other stuff, but i really like it so far; i typically hate high fantasy settings, even in the context of a game world, but it doesn't really bother me here, and i like two of the main character designs, most notably the protagonist, Ichi, who kind of reminds me of Vincent from FF7: Dirge of Cerebus.
however, the weird part is that it looks like the entire season shadowdropped out of nowhere! so all 12 episodes are out RIGHT NOW! and for some reason, there are like 35 subtitle options, with english having 3, which confused me for a bit.
i'm only on episode 1 right now, so i hope nothing super insane happens on like episode 11 or something that would make me stop liking the show...


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> the entire season shadowdropped out of nowhere! so all 12 episodes are out RIGHT NOW!

Argh! This is great for the individual, but it really kills discussion. No theories or ideas of what will happen or any anticipation; it's just all there at once and that's it. This seems like it's a bad decision for word of mouth and popularity in general.


yeah, i didn't mind the last season too much, seeing decent fantasy adventures is more than enough for me


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i finished it! and i really liked most of it. the first half or so had an interesting kind of theme going about the nature of escapism and what would drive people to disconnect from reality and become absorbed in virtual reality and the internet and the like, and it was surprisingly nuanced; it didn't quite scream "ESCAPISM BAD", but also didn't totally paint the characters in the right for being completely absorbed in VR and ignoring their issues, it really hit close to home for me and i really liked it.
sadly, it doesn't continue down that path the whole way through, the last half or so gets super wrapped up in a plot about AI gaining self-awareness, and the show turns into more of what you'd expect from a VRMMO story; the game world and the real world start to blend together, and dying has stakes ("if you die in the game, you die for real!" meme goes here) and there's not really any deeper theme being explored, it mostly just revolves around the main characters' personal drama. note that i don't hate the direction it took, it's just that the first half of the show spoke to me more. i still really cared about most of the characters and was happy to see how certain things turned out.
overall, it was a really nice surprise sleeper hit, at least to me. it felt nice to have another show where my hands were constantly on the screenshot button, there were a lot of moments i liked capturing, whether that be an (unintentionally) funny line, or a cool character design. and i also really liked the main character. he's cool and he reminds me of me.


If only the genre wasn't so saturated. I don't think I can do a VRMMO show for a while


anyone tried Ragna Crimson so far?


MC gets a cheat power that instantly turns him from the weakest to the only guy who can kill dragon gods with ease and the girl is a senpai/onee-san archetype stuffed into a loli body and called a 12 year old. It offends me.


Just finished it too and I have to agree with your spoilers.
The story as it was setup initially did not require the supernatural intervention of AI and actually being trapped in an MMO. For me it detracted from the interpersonal drama and relatbility of the characters. Being motivated by a world ending force is far different than being motivated by the desire to repair your broken family. And any message about how people should deal with a more online environment gets lost once the story becomes about actually saving the world and actually resurrecting your dead daughter. The plot line with the research assistant and her death feels incomplete as well. It seemed to me like she was being setup to be the dead daughter in someway, given that the the mom knew her and the dad seemed really attached to her. Or maybe she was some former lover but it was never explained, she just died and her body disappeared along with the dad in the end.
The shows ending just felt odd and it could have been better, I really liked the show though just wish it didn't went the direction it did, there was a lot of potential for better, more realistic interpersonal drama


Sister is watching Dark Gathering.
Since when did it become acceptable for little sisters to watch anime...


It's the best entertainment medium once you realize you're a brocon. Show mher Nisemonogatari next, Nii-san.


you think I should netorase her fiance




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It's not netorase, just holding on to what has always been yours.
Also, she's just doing it to make you jealous so you'll man up and take her.
Call her bluff before she does something she'll regret.


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Sadly the brown witch show isn't nearly as good as it seemed in first episode. Too many secondary characters being introduced and it focuses on them. The first half of episode 4 didn't even have the witch mom in it.
Bleh. I'll watch episode 5 next week, but my interest is fading


Jujutsu Kaisen is too good


so the show is bad?


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It's kinda edgy, but it does not take itself seriously. I like it so far.


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Kanojo mo Kanojo S2 is such a great show. The humor and faces are fantastic, but it still has its serious moments. I'm really happy that Shino has effectively become a main character. I'm someone that personally dislikes harems, but I can watch shows that can lure me in with other aspects of it. I'm also generally not a fan of romcoms, but again the humor really shines. It's silly and stupid in all the right ways.
I think you should try it! It is season 2, but it's not terribly story heavy. Still, S2 is just more of S1 so you might as well watch the first one, too.


Polyamory is against my moral codes, so no


sunday suck day


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There's a comparison to be made between Helck and Berserk in how their story structure is set up, why one works and the other not so much, without any manga spoilers. Basically, the two start out with the present, where the protagonist is undertaking some sort of mysterious quest, then moves on to their backstory, previous events, and finally returns to the present where things were left off after having given you more context.

Berserk has pretty much one of the best executions of this ever. In the first volume alone, Miura introduces Guts, his arsenal, the brand, the spirits pursuing him, Puck, apostles, the fucking fetus, behelits, and in general just sets the tone flawlessly. Volumes 2 and 3 keep expanding on Guts' drive, experience, ruthlessness, contrasted with the Count's true but not absolute inhumanity, causality, and the legendary meeting with the God Hand where he demonstrates his rage and endurance even when completely powerless, with a flash of the past under the Band of the Hawk, and his conclusive sad victory over the Count acting as a full stop before immediately moving on to the Golden Age. There's hardly a pause, relevant things just keep happening one after the other, and it manages to set up a ton of densely-packed mysteries. It really is a masterpiece.

Helck coincidentally also devotes three (and a half) volumes to the present before going back to the past. These three are mostly about Helck's relationship with the colorful demons and their battle against erradication, alternating between silliness and more srs stuff. With the information given to us up to that point we can infer that all humans have been transformed into angelic automata, that there's something very wrong with it, and that Helck's trying to oppose it. We already know about his fratricide as well, it's one of the very first things we learn about him, and we know that the demons are not responsible for the monster attacks. They don't understand what's going on either. So, there aren't many mysteries or stuff to explore, and I think that's a crucial difference.

Now, the timing of the retrospective is very important too. Helck and Vermilio are in the middle of their return trip (which helps them become nakamas) and have almost arrived, but suddenly they decide to sit down and dedicate one and a half volumes to Helck reminiscing. The plot hasn't advanced a whole lot so far, and this is basically an interruption on top of that, one which doesn't really give us an awful lot of new information.

You have a tragic backstory, yes, but it's a fraction of the Golden Age's length (1.5 vols versus ELEVEN), it lacks the time to really build up the story and people, and ends up contributing very little. The Hero Slayer comes out of nowhere, the motivations of the good guys are rather simple, none of the characters change much, and the background of the conspirators isn't elaborated upon. All of this stuff is actually developed AFTER the flashback ends. It not only has a severe deficiency of all the nice demons we've met, it also becomes far more serious overall. The manga does keep up with these folks and their hijinks, but it's done through extra 4koma and mini-chapters that didn't make the cut.

It gets a lot better later on, I'm currently at the penultimate volume, but this section in particular was pretty ehhhh. Less than ideal.


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You're attaching manga panels to your post so I have to ask if I can read your post without seeing spoilers of content I've yet to see in the anime. So, uhh.. are there spoilers?


No spoilers, none at all.


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The plot keeps getting thicker and thicker, like an artist's exaggerated tastes. Somehow, they keep introducing new characters, and I honestly have no idea what's gonna happen next.
Also, Solitaire still has some enormous balls of steel.


hopefully the "new" girl is just the firebug character and not a new character. Plot has a lot of loose ends but does need to start wrapping some up. Barely any of the dramatic tension in the show has been resolved.


They did discover the corrupt cop and now the Heilei kid is fully on Polka's side, that's noteworthy progress.


Do they ever explain why Piwi's head doesn't have an outline?


It's directly referenced in a couple omakes about how to draw this ~strange creature~, and indirectly there's the fact that Piwi is not a bird.


The Helck manga has so many sidestory chapters


read the novel a few years back and was extremely disappointed that the author started sperging out in several pages about the real world and how we need to accept trannies and the lgbt. The whole plot is pretty much about lesbians and sex changes.



>lesbians and sex changes
Aren't these pretty much incompatible with each other? I know there's a decent amount of hentai about a girl growing a dick so she can sex the girl she likes, but those aren't widely considered yuri stories.


I guess you missed the onimai thread where kissmin did the same


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i hated this thing and the studio mostly. i won't go into the broken philosophy of onimai


the philosophy of your broken rectum lmao


i love that thing


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vermillio is probly stronger than helk heh..


she definitely has way more range and AoE, like being able to keep all the angels at bay, but helck can tank and tear through practically everything
though it doesn't really matter since the combat is so lax


Saw someone posting Tate no Yuusha s3 and I have to ask, is it worth watching at all? Because to me the 2nd season was just such a shitshow that it killed all interest I had with the series going forwards.


I don't remember hating the last season, it was just kinda out of left field. They aren't getting re-isekai'd yet but the other worlds are doing shit in their world this time. It generally feels like more of the same stuff as the first and last season.


Maybe I'll watch it then, might have just been in a bad mood when I watched last season then I guess


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Frieren's animation really beautiful and impressive with how fluid it is. The first few episodes were quite bland to me, but it seems to have changed into a different type of show altogether which I like but others may not. Of the shows I'm watching nothing else can match its quality/budget.
I do prefer the style and atmosphere of Undead Unluck more so it's kind of hard to say which of them I think is 'better'.


Why does Purple get femdom art


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You know what, for once I'm looking at this chart and I think, "This is fine."

It's not ideal, but the top is good enough that I'm satisfied despite the trash I see below the top 5. Especially glad that 8 isn't doing as well.


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Because there is a dearth of dominant girls and artists let their imaginations go wild. Or, if you're feeling cynical you could say people don't care about the source when creating fap material and know that characters of aring stuff is the best way to be seen.


the purp is too strong


I am very burnt out on fantasy but purp and frieriens eyebrows are cute so I'll binge it after its over or at the cour break


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Frieren is really good so far, but I have to admit it took a while to pick up and get me emotionally invested. Around whenever it starts digging into the truth of demons is when I'd say the anime starts to become somewhat more befitting of its current rating (still think a 9 is absurd). Before that point I could intellectualize why Frieren could be good, but not really feel it. Now that there's a sense of genuine adventure I'm stoked to see how the rest of it plays out.

Unluck has a lot more energy in it, usually I'd be worried that now they're in the organization things will be more standard. But Undead seems too gar for something like that to happen.


It doesn't have 16bit Sensation.


I did say not ideal


Surprised to see Kusuriya so high. It just doesnt FEEL like feudal Japan


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>It just doesnt FEEL like feudal Japan
Well I mean it's ancient china, so...


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I can't accept it. How is Undead Unluck NOWHERE on there? It's outright offensive that it's not there. I just don't understand people at all. This is in Shounen Jump, right? WHY?

Anyway, contrasting to Frieren's smooth animation is Undead Unluck here which does make obvious use of CG here and there, but the style more than makes up for it if you ask me. They're both wonderful showcases of high quality talent.
Oh and uhh, don't watch this video if you're squeamish about blood and dismemberment, although the guy is a zombie-like entity that regenerates so it's not as bad as it sounds.


I wasnt really paying attention but that's even worse so


drugs girl will surpass kage since it has male/female cross demographic appeal


Also because it's quite exceptional


quality is only half the battle


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You clearly don't know what you're talking about.


I quite like wuxia! I meant it felt even less like dynastic China than pre-Imperial Japan!


lol, they added 6 more characters to Dead Mount


trust the plan


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This is a good character interaction


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The first episode of S2 or second cour or whatever it was really didn't fill me with any trust in it. I don't know how, but it managed to be extremely dull, probably related to there being so many characters and I was supposed to care about them.
I just don't understand; they already had a good thing going.


kind of reminds me of authors who rely on mystery and suspense to carry things. They keep on piling on suspense and then it the reveal ends up being something that's handled one dimensional. Dead Mount finds that introducing characters offers the viewer some sort of idea of a complicated world but nothing ever is fleshed out enough to be convincing


also perhaps the author really likes Durararara which saw success from adding lots of likable characters even though they didn't follow through with most


It's the same author



The plot thickens!!!!


wow, goblin slayer actually caught up to where I was reading when the season started


only two new characters this week, but i suppose they were hinted at beforehand


Pluto is the best adaptation I've seen in years.
Real labor of love.



oh wow, MAPPAs animation team when on strike. So this is basically the last thing they'll do. Either they'll get cheap labor to beat them down or one side will give into demands.


or something, I don't know the details really based on west sources

>Other artists who've been working on Jujutsu Kaisen season two also sent out concerning messages this week as episode 17 looms. Amphibi simply posted "the end" on X (Twitter) with a skull emoji while others like Okubo Shunsuke shared sketches of an animator named Shirobako trying to hang themselves while looking absolutely exhausted. As for others, they took a less direct route and simply retweeted posts critiquing the studio behind Jujutsu Kaisen for its hellish work enviro


>"The entire staff somehow manages to complete a project on a schedule that would normally be impossible to meet, while raising hell, and then the people above them who only see the results say, 'What the hell, we can do it!' and fail to make improvements," the artist shared.
In any case MAPPA's work environment seems to be at the breaking point


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Maybe they'll split off and regroup at a different studio. Shaft apparently had some terrible management/executive stuff and now if you want the Shaft experience you watch David Production's work. /qa/ is watching Undead Unluck, right?


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I knew all that madogatari cash was a curse. Although probably not on purpose, they were the artsy shoestring budget studio and that filled a niche for a lot of people.


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Executives that aren't familiar with the medium and expect only results seem to be the issue with every single successful company ever. Think we just need to impale them all to be safe and sure that we'll be free from their menace.


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Off with their heads!
Burn their suits!


Some employees try to scapegoat the executives though, like Creative Assembly


That's why I don't trust people complaining about their bosses on the website formerly known as Twitter. Obviously they were able to make it happen when other groups have completely failed, so why the play for public sympathy when they could just go and talk it out with the guys in charge of scheduling? There are other jobs out there, you're not being forced to do any of this.


Because they're disposable assets


websites are not pieces of art


The main idea behind sweatshop labor is that they're parts that can be replaced without consequence, so you have to provide them with a consequence


This combined with the recent animators tax probably will spark a fairly large reaction from the industry against the inhumane working conditions. Hopefully in the wake of it all more studios pop up using the kyoani style instead of grinding away any and all potential talent for the sake of a buck.


Well, either that or the industry implodes for a bit like Hollywood is currently doing.


The consequence is the talent leaving to work somewhere that has better conditions. Or, in the more short term, a failure to produce a decent episode.


Holywood's implosion has more to do with chickens coming home to roost with regards to them constantly putting out crap movies that no one wants to see and then losing money on it and the subsequent decrease in merchandise sales from the IP. The whole strike thing is just a convenient scape goat for their news mouthpieces and bought for pundits to point at so they can excuse the horrible garbage the employees have been churning out, under direction from the suitman.
I'm guessing mappa actual makes money outside of scamming investors and being a (massive) loss leader for their respective IPs.


Twitter users make every job and industry sound like a late 19th century Welsh coal mine


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Public sympathy is actually the best way to get a company to make some changes since it puts pressure on them to change practices or policy to appease the crowd more since a company that sells a product does not want the people buying the product to be against them, otherwise they don't sell as much product.


People only posture, nobody cares about the fate of labor as long as they get their gratification


You say this, but I distinctly remember that in some game company's shareholder's report that they mentioned not wanting to overwork their devs because it might lead to negative press about crunch time. So in a way it does impact companies.


Are you one of those people who thinks profitability = quality?


My favorite thing to do on sites that aren't Twitter is talking about Twitter. It's why GNFOS is the greatest imageboard of all time.


well the complaints were posted on twitter so it's not exactly irrelevant either


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Apparently they cut out a pretty big and cool scene from Komari's anime that went over the big core implosion scene.

¥Komari was expressionless. She regarded Delphyne with eerie scarlet eyes.
¥“You… What did you do?”
¥Her voice was trembling. That amount of mana was beyond imagination. Delphyne instantly realized Komari was too strong for her to handle.
¥Terakomari looked down at the maid at her feet, who was now powerless, naturally—Delphyne’s knife had hit her vitals.
¥“Did you do this?”
¥There was no emotion in her voice.
¥All the other vampires had caught up to them, but they were paralyzed, unable to move in the face of that abnormal mana.
¥“Did. You. Do. This?”
¥Komari’s voice was lower now. It took a while for Delphyne to realize the question was aimed at her. By this she probably meant the maid’s wound. She replied without thinking.
¥“Yes… And what of it?”
¥Terakomari carried the maid in her arms, then started levitating in the air. This flying spell was nothing out of the ordinary. Still, the vampires around her stood with their mouths agape as they saw the girl covered in blood slowly ascend to the stained glass in the ceiling.
¥Then she raised her right hand.
¥A magic circle materialized, but not a regular one. The amount and quality of mana accumulating within seemed not of this world. The air rumbled, the walls and floor started cracking, and the vampires started foaming at the mouth and fainting, unable to endure the pressure.
¥That was no advanced-level magic. Not even special-grade magic.
¥It was Effulgent Magic. An ancient, thought-lost level of spellcraft—the highest possible.
¥Delphyne called out, but it was no use.
¥The mana exploded.
¥A red flash shot out from the magic circle and burned not only the entire castle, but also the city all across the battlefield, down to the tiniest grain of sand.


I can see why they'd skip it, it's not too hard to guess what happened given the last time she drank blood, where Villhaze was also getting hurt.


went nuclear


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Someone said this site makes them happy because of the shows that are ranked high, but what is it measuring exactly? Is it a voting thing or some sort of hours watched or some other automatic thing? Is it a specific demographic?
The apothecary show and this season/cour of Kage are both 'meh' to me, but people (including here) clearly love them so I wonder what I'm missing. Kage lost me with all the economic stuff and people plainly talking to each other in static rooms for 10 minutes. I'm a bit surprised the ranking didn't plummet from that since I'd assume the people ranking generic isekai high would also get bored of that.
I guess I still just fail to understand these things when shows I like I barely ever represented anywhere


It's measuring more popularity than anything. And on a normal season you'd see more stuff like the pig isekai, that kuso vrmmo one, the berserk one, and some kuso high school romcom on the top. However, this season that's not the case. The worst you can levy against stuff like kage or kusuriya is a 'meh' and that the topic doesn't interest you, and while I do somewhat agree that Kage's not the greatest thing since sliced break, it's still fairly above the usual crap isekai. The apothecary one I love for telling a more mature tale in a setting not commonly exploited by jp stories and having engaging characters. The one complaint I've seen against the show that I can somewhat understand is that things seem to fall a bit easily into place as things for maomao to deal with, but that's sort of the nature of a story.


I just finished it too. Pretty good, but I agree with most of your spoilers. Watched the whole thing in about 2 sittings, which is probably the closet I've come to actually marathoning a show in a long time which has to count for something. Great OP too. I wish the reveal of the family members' identities to each other was given more attention. MC and his brother were done well, but for the parents it was basically an afterthought to tie into the AI plot in the second half. The mom barely gets any focus past the beginning.


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just realized helck is a misromanization of herc


meant to post this as a new thread but its too late to go back and change it now


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DAMMIT i was just about to post that she literally says koi yo madafaka with bleeps and all


should i watch dark gathering
i have been ignoring it but everyone seems to like it


If you're interested in tactical ghost hunting with people getting brutally torn apart and tortured in the process, then yeah. Pretty good horror.


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On the other hand... Dead Mount.
I thought that after the end of S2, where the big spectacle of the rooftop fight took place, it'd ramp up into a great mess involving everyone who had appeared so far. What it actually seems to be doing is focusing on smaller skirmishes through which it adds new info and characters, like it did with the police chief vs safety squad, good guys vs Agakuras, and the one with the sharpshooter vs shark teeth, but it's kind of lacking any big climaxes and we're twenty episodes in now. Mr. Corpse God-kun has finally ran into other isekaijin (or related to), but they only have four more episodes left and I'm doubting it'll have a proper resolution.


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Also, needs more Solitaire.


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The visuals are very nice and the story is pretty cool, but I'm not someone really qualified to talk about the horror aspects because I don't like it as a genre. Blood and guts stuff isn't interesting to me, but I do enjoy the supernatural stuff and the stories behind the ghosts.
It's a very nice looking looking show, especially the glowy stuff that happens with the more serious entities. The high quality encode thing is 3GB per episode so I don't bother with that one.


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Sounds like the first episode was really an effective preview of what was to come then, huh? AND there's a lack of Solitaire? Yeah, can't say I regret dropping it. If you've got strong characters that make a good show, why spend time introducing a bunch of others? I guess they were already doing that at the end of the first cour with all the police people.
I can see myself watching this once it's completee and fast forwarding until I get to the Solitaire parts at least.


I can't remember him pulling any tricks like he did in S1 sadly, the scenes I can recall right now are him sneaking into a room to talk with someone and right now trying to interrogate one of the dudes recently introduced. He really doesn't get much screentime.


Eroge can NOT change the world


JJK0 animation director saying anime industry gonna collapse and some others saying they're outsourcing through twitter to get frames for anime and shutting down internal training programs.
jjk s2 on indefinite hiatus!
Mappa is dead rejoice!


More than a collapse for the whole industry, it'll probably be more studios that treat there animators like humans (ufotable/kyoani) that survive.


I blame piracy


did japs start pirating more in recent times? because it's not like the west hasn't been disproportionally pirating for the last few decades


From some of my peer lists, yeah


Kyoani still does in-house animation and trains their animators well. If anything the next generation of animators that come out of the industry will probably be from there or other studios that actually care about their staff. Which after a bit of a rough transition will probably prop up a better industry based off their teachers.


Well yeah. It's basically all MAPPA employees saying that the management of anime only understands it in terms of numbers and not entertainment/artistic value. Probably most Kadokawa sponsored groups are like this.


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I think one studio making terrible decisions shouldn't be read as the industry itself heading for collapse, although it's always possible. The animators will hopefully be able to find new jobs with a better managed studio and, ideally, be treated as human beings. If MAPPA executives have been half as terrible as people say they have been recently, then their failings could potentially be beneficial as talent splits off and makes a better studio. It's not too unusual for it to happen, or maybe they'll just boost the talent pool of existing studios?
All in all, it doesn't need to be a horrendous blow, except to MAPPA management or shareholders and they likely deserve to suffer anyway.


16bit is too good


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Frieren is really really good. I was not expecting anything because i thought it was just going to be a boring slice of life. But here i am waiting for the next episode to release.
Dead Mount Death Play is pretty good aswell
Eminence In Shadow has been really shit this season. It just feels incredibly rushed and full of filler. Not to mention they spent an entire episode on a ANIME ORIGINAL NTR story. I felt romanced. It wasnt even the authors idea. The anime people specifically requested it to him. Fucking unbeliavable.
>Hi! This is the director! That was episode 8. It's anime original time...
>Why? Let me explain. I already said it a million times but I'm going to say it again. "I love the fake money arc!" but that's that and this is this. After all the things that the MC did to the heroines just to appear next week like nothing happened is a bit weird. Also he himself said "Maybe it's correct to put some distance." Reading the WN, you can feel the MC and the author had burnout syndrome in the prison break arc. Even in the LN... you know... There was a time that it took a year to publish a new volume... I was even relieved for his comeback.
>Anyways, following the LN, having an interval in the anime is inevitable. And using this episode as an interval between arcs was all according to plan.
>So it's obvious for "what to do next?" to rise to the surface. Personally I wanted to do the prison break arc, but we don't really have that much time. Actually the reason that I can't make it is because I couldn't think of methods to solve the setting differences between the WN and LN. I did come up with a solution right now, but unfortunately too late.
>So we had a meeting about "what do do next?". Make a story about the past? Make an original story for the anime? Those sort of stuff. And suddenly a bigwig said: "Can't we just request sensei (Aizawa) to write something?" All of us looked at each other unintentionally. "What if the new volume gets delayed due to our request?" says the director. Well let's just ask sensei and pray for the best.-------- And thus this episode was born.
>By the way, the request was "Seven shades with Jaga and Hyoro, no Cid". Thank you for your help Aizawa-sensei. Let me borrow this place to express my gratitude.
>Oh and by the way, it was me. It was me. It was me who said "If the author is helping, it should be natural for the illustrator to help." and pressed such demands. Thank you too Touzai-sensei.


I don't think Shadow is any different. It's just that there's less hints of him being a sociopath and now it's more outright. Less playful chuuni, more showing how it's a cult. The first arc was pretty nice and I did like most of the John Smith one. Current is contrived


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Filler in what way? That it's not advancing the fight against the cult like S1 did? Cid constantly made the point before that he wanted to try out various things, disguising himself and playing different roles, so ultimately clashing against the rest of the Garden while acting as John Smith makes perfect sense. I absolutely loved how conflicted the girls were, and how Delta was immediately able to see through the illusion so he had to direct her elsewhere, and the last episode was great. Can't see what's rushed about it, either, wasn't the problem that they were taking too much with this?
I don't get the problem with the water park either, it was an episode dedicated to showing the girls doing their own thing as a whole group for once, and it was pretty nice. There was absolutely zero NTR in any shape or form, they got physically swatted away, and the director's explanation makes sense.

As for Dead Mount, what do you like about it? I'm a bit bummed out honestly, I realized it's one of those stories that wouldn't work at all if it weren't for the trickster with no plan ruining everyone else's keikaku.


>Eminence In Shadow has been really shit this season. It just feels incredibly rushed and full of filler. Not to mention they spent an entire episode on a ANIME ORIGINAL NTR story.
Thank you for the dis-recommendation


>Filler in what way?
i mean filler as in that they skip or just simplify important moments. I mean that scenes just last for way too long just to pad the runtime. They're just spending time showing shit noone wants to see. They'd rather spend a minute on a scene for some stupid random interaction then spend a minute animating a pretty entertaining fight.
>There was absolutely zero NTR in any shape or form
They LITERALLY went on a date with Cids friends. Its literally NTR. It does not matter whatsoever that they got swatted away. They went on a date together. Absolutely unforgivable shit.
>As for Dead Mount, what do you like about it?
I like the other world and the characters. Im not really sure what else to say. Its fairly entertaining and i look forward to weekly episodes.
easily my least favorite part. I hate that gag where everything is all serious one second and then the next second the character starts to make some joke or sillify the situation. And thats what Solitaire has done quite alot. Its just so very unrealistic.


>They LITERALLY went on a date with Cids friends
I think this is a bit of a stretch, considering that Cid doesn't really seem to care about anyone in any serious way to consider it a relationship. Although cutting down on the chuuni action seems like a dumb move if that's what they're doing, basically the whole point of the anime.


the divorced dad anon


>i mean filler as in that they skip or just simplify important moments. I mean that scenes just last for way too long just to pad the runtime.
Hmm, have you read the LN? Are they doing things differently?
>They'd rather spend a minute on a scene for some stupid random interaction then spend a minute animating a pretty entertaining fight.
Well, I never saw fights as the focus, they're just another way to be chuuni.
>They LITERALLY went on a date with Cids friends
Yeah I agree with >>117113 in that it's a stretch, it absolutely matters that they were flatly rejected all along because they didn't achieve netoru. It's at worst a parody of NTR.
>Its just so very unrealistic.
And the entire story hinges on it, that's the thing. He's a strong contender for most important character in terms of plot impact.


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I'm not a big fan of Shadow this time either and I think I said so already a couple weeks ago. There's too much uneventful discussion and it's more serious than chuuni. It's like that trend where a silly web comic over time turns into a serious one. TVtropes has a page for everything! https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CerebusSyndrome
It's strange to me that it's so highly rated, like people are just hoping for it to return to its expected glory. (and I hope it does). I'm glad there's people here that still enjoy it a lot, but I'm mentally checked out of it.

I'm catching up on this year's Bocchi (original Bocchi, not music Bocchi) Hoshikuzu Telepath and it's really cute and nice. The visuals and faces are really good! The forehead 'kissu' thing is cute and sometimes a bit ero. There's some simple talk about rocket science which was unexpected, but thankfully Yuu echoes my own stupidity and it doesn't linger on it for too long. I was a bit surprised to see it maintain the focus on the bottle rockets, as I assumed that to just be single episode plot. It works, though.
I'm 3 episodes behind having just finished episode 6, but I'll definitely going to watch all of it and enjoy it! I think the stream is missing out on voting it off, but it is one of those sleepy shows that are difficult to marathon.


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>There's too much uneventful discussion and it's more serious than chuuni.
I entirely disagree. The only "uneventful discussion" has been the bathhouse episode. Every single other episode and scene has served to present and characterize Cid's chuuni side and moments. I've been under the impression that the appeal of the show has always been this highlighting of Cid's chuuni moments. The second episode of the series is a great microcosm of how the author highlights Cid's chuuni moments.

The second episode of the series is a microcosm of how all the other story arcs.
1. Cid has some interaction with Shadow Garden to show how things have developed with the organization so far. Cid is generally surprised by some event that Shadow Garden believes is important but Cid had no idea about. Through some misunderstanding Cid makes it sound like he already has a plan in place to handle Shadow Garden's event.
-Cid rescuing and curing Alpha, telling her the made story about hunting the Cultists, and then Alpha recruiting more members for Shadow Garden.

2. Cid pretends to be a nobody that is utterly unremarkable.
-Cid not being able to slice a boulder with his sword unlike his sister. When sparring Cid always loses to his sister and never learns.

3.Through either happenstance some situation is forced upon him that an unremarkable average joe (background character) would be utterly helpless in dealing with.
-Cid's sister is kidnapped.

4. Shadow Garden mobilizes to deal with this situation and inevitable misinterprets Cid's intentions and Cid misinterprets them, believing them to be merely playing along with his fantasies.
-Cid and Epsilon find the Cultist hideout (Cid believes Shadow Garden is merely calling the bandits, as cultist due to delusions) from Cid accidentally tossing his dagger at the wrong place on the map.

5. Shadow Garden does some fighting while Cid meanders around, maybe fighting, looking for a chance to have a "chuuni moment" with someone.
-Shadow Garden fighting the majority of the Cultists and driving off the leader. The choose not give chase, as the leader is headed towards Cid. Cid had no idea that Shadow Garden drove the leader off or that there was some secret entrance, he was simply wandering around and looking for someone to fight.

5a. The main girl of the arc, fights the "big bad" and loses. This step can happen in the middle, before, or after "Shadow Garden" mobilizing.
-Cid's sister breaking from her chains to attack the Cultist leader.

6. Cid fights the "big bad", by playing with them. The "big bad" is usually someone close to the main girl of this arc (not for episode 2) and during the fight uses some special power given to them by the cult.
-Cid fighting the Cultist leader and him taking too many red pills

7. During the resolution the main girl leaves or their is some distance put between here and Cid.
-Cid's sister goes off to school

Every single story arc, hits these beats and the purpose of them is to construct the dramatic power "gap" between Cid and the rest of the world only to bridge that dramatic "gap"; in the fifth beat and then begin the process of remaking the gap in beat six. We the audience know Cid is more powerful than his outward appearance but the world does not know that, a form of dramatic irony and essentially gap-chuuni.
There is a caveat here, the hot springs/dating arc doesn't really conform to this structure but I think that speaks to what >>117104 said with it being an addition to the story. "The uneventful discussion" and "serious" tone of some parts are needed to remake the gap that separates Cid and the rest of the world. These parts are not in anyway filler or meaningless to the story, when considering the their ordering within the beat structure outlined above. They are part of the process, highlighting Cid's chuuni moments. Without them the show would just be an uninteresting power fantasy.


short maomao ep


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Hmm, maybe it was eventful then, but not in a way that was interesting to me. The economic talk was especially baffling to me there's been what seems like over an hour devoted to it out of 8 episodes and I don't understand its inclusion. Was the writer an economist or something?
I actually liked the onsen episode because it reminded me of the first season. The girls fighting some sort of water dragon thing was cool whereas if was like the previous episodes there would be 5 minutes of the girls talking in the changing room about Cid's greatness while barely moving and then 10 minutes of the economic situation of water management and how they will take control of local tax laws to leverage power to blahblahblah and then something cool with the remaining time.

The first few episodes with the vampires were great, though, particularly the conclusion.


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I didn't want to bump the summer thread for this, but Zom 100 is getting its last 3 episodes all at once on Christmas. Might stream them on the 29th (Friday) since it was in the seasonal stream. Maybe...



let's stream isekai ojisan too


also this is a very nice analysis and i might just steal it
never felt the econ talk was that heavy, it's just "biblical amounts of counterfeit money are BAD for banks"


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> I don't understand its inclusion. Was the writer an economist or something?
It's an arc that's meant to explore a particular character trait of Cid, his greed. It's literally just pic related but as an entire story arc. Serving to again highlight the gap between Cid and the rest of the world, instead of just a power gap it's an intent gap. The whole economic talk abotu what's happening is really all just there to show how rudimentary Cid's understanding of economic forces is and how he is only just making counterfiet bills to steal money from other banks. Where as the Everyone else is thinking he's doing it as some complex scheme to intentionally crash the economy and devalue the currency, all to crush the Merchant Allaince; depriving the Cult of an economic resource. Those concerns are all secondary, if even, concerns for Cid, he just wants personal wealth. The gap between the audience expectations of Cid's motives and the world expect Cid's motives to be is again the core reason to watch the show, as the audience has all the cards laid bare in the final episode of the arc, with all the double entendre that were previously stetup, being explicitly shown to us and how Cid doesn't get what he wants but instead gets what the world/Shadow Garden thinks he wants.

Glad you like, when you steal it, you should fix the grammar. I read it again and it's pretty bad.


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manga spoilers. Its NTR.


The boner makes it seem like a parody lol


lol is this a doujin


that boner is absolutely an edit


watching the stevejobs anime and holy FLIP is it gay


i know right it's so cute


niggy to dali


Now that the season is almost over which anime would you recommend to others?

I'm thinking about watching that pig show.





It keeps popping up in my local feed whenever my server updates. The cover art makes me laugh every time. I keep forgetting it exists until the next episode comes out.

Looks like stupid fun.


Frieren and dead mount death play


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Well, I hope I've made it really obvious that I really, really like Undead Unluck and it's my favorite show this season (and it's continuing into Winter!). I made a thread on /jp/ about it but be aware that it's full of spoilers. >>>/jp/62144
This was quite a strong season and I'm sure I even missed some shows.

16-bit Sensation is a great quasi-nostalgia thing which is an adaptation of a manga created by Aquaplus staff, Migi to Dali is a fun and bizarre, uhh.. something or other, Frieren is fantastic albeit generic fantasy (although the first few episodes bored me), Spy X Family is more of the same (which is great), uhhh... Hikokomari is pretty good (but can't seem to decide what it is) and Hoshikuzu Telepath is the sleepy SoL of the season.
Unfortunately the return of the horse girls and Kanojo mo Kanojo aren't as good as previous seasons, at least to me.
Some people here really like the Chinese apothecary girl show and that Shadow one, but I'm not a huge fan personally.


I wouldn't really group together Kusuriya and Shadow. Shadow serves as fine entertainment with a nice comedic tone, but Kusuriya has a more serious quality to it that meshes well with the more unique ancient chinese setting. The episodic detective-like story does well for mixing in with the nobility politics of the royal court, especially when you have it taking place in a power struggle between courtesans.


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They're only grouped together in my post in that I lack the enthusiasm for them that others here do. Yeah, they're not very similar thematically.


>fantastic albeit generic fantasy
I don't disagree at all, it's a very basic setting and there's nothing about its worldbuilding that screams originality, the interesting part is how it's played entirely straight and in a very down to earth way, with a lot of time and effort put into the little things. How it carries itself. "Contemplative" is the word that comes to mind, inspiring something like pic which you rarely see any media do.

It uses its simplicity pretty well, it's most obvious with the massive storm it brewed up all throughout the internet by just going "demons bad, actually." It's the same thing Goblin Slayer does with its eponymous beasts, except this time they're articulate and pretty. But they're still simply irredeemable monsters. It's not that they're complex characters, it's the exact opposite.

A lot of Jap fantasy feels to me like it's not serious from the get-go, it's more like "what if this joke wasn't a joke." Kinda like Mushoku, which still goes uwaaaa kemonomimi sugoooii in its lighter moments, but Frieren doesn't do that. It can make jokes, the difference is that it doesn't really lampoon itself.


damn, Helck is over and basically everything else is ending too. Where'd the season go


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Is the thread at bump limit already? In any case, here's the collage I mentioned where people mock Kage's manga and its readers.
The part with the comedic running is the gate scene in S2's first arc, you can now see it animated and how it is indeed nothing like the manga.


i feel like i made a parody image mocking that style of schizophrenic compilation images that are hard to read and say nothing but i don't have it on my laptop to post


You see, the message is embedded in the larger discussion, and this image's role is to act as a periodic aide to the recurring jabs directed towards the graphic novel. It is a representation of the discourse.


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Pat blackie.


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And, well... most of the conflict was defused simply by talking, and even more people were brought in. The different factions did not clash in any serious way and no lasting harm was done. Resolved without much trouble.


you have to be really high IQ to get the humor of EiS


migi&dali is good.
Another story she made https://myanimelist.net/anime/32542/Sakamoto_desu_ga


Very disappointing!


zero stakes battle royal!


Yeah, basically. Girl gets cleaved in half, turns out now she's able to revive. Dude is taken hostage and mutilated, but actually he has regen powers. Cute boy loses his arm, immediately gets it replaced. Ehhh.
That's what I heard when it first came out, and that she was great at absurdity like that. RIP.


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Was browsing some places and found this chart of the final rankings for all anime on nico. More than popularity, kissu may like seeing this.


wait what
98 out of 100?



that has to be selection bias


Well it's the ratings for the final episodes, so most people that were still watching probably did like it a lot.

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