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Which other websites on the World Wide Web does /qa/ use?


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The information superhighway, huh? I don't use much. kissu, 4chan for video game stuff, and uhh.. gameFAQs, uhhh... youtube and occasionally twitch? A lot of the stuff is "as needed" and I don't check news as much as I used to, although I really only liked nature and science news. nyaa and AB for torrents of course. Uhhh... pixiv... anilist...


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Occasionally I check on what's in vogue for my hobbies on 4chan, (usually checking whatever eroge people are posting about on /v/). Then I use twitter and pixiv for looking at what's been drawn by artists I like. DLsite works in tandem with these for finding new works by the same artists. For getting all my media I have AB and some other private trackers I don't visit as much. Then there's nyaa and f95 for grabbing whatever ero stuff I can't find on ex. There's also youtube/twitch for background noise when I'm playing background noise games, but I've found myself using both less whenever I'm not gaming. I think that's about all I really use, not much compared to what it used to be now that I think about it. Oh yeah, sometimes I post on gnfos too.


It's weird, people who you'd think be'd very online like those who browse alternate imageboards, work in IT, etc. tend to use it less than most.


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I only browse imageboards and anime streaming websites because my internet is too slow for torrents


i check techpowerup for pc gaming hardware news and aljazeera for other news and I go shopping and I jo with the usual suspects and I have youtube playing and you know sometimes you just look things up anywhere


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Cute blurry Sae.


I use Cohost. It's a small-scale social media platform that's very Tumblr-circa-2012-y, both in its functionality and its userbase, which means exactly what you think it does. It's definitely not for everyone, and it can get to be a bit much even for me, but if it sounds interesting to you I say check it out.


I haven't posted anything myself there but I've followed a number of people doing more long-form writing on niche otaku stuff which is nice, it's one of the only sites where I feel like I'm actually exposed to things I've never heard of before. But yeah the tumblr sensibilities can get a bit exhausting to navigate.


I like how sport news websites for sports popular in the Southern United States look like they're from 2006


Post one of these blogs. I miss those old tumblrs.


Hadn't been on pwinsider since around 2009. Glad to know that they didn't cave to modern web designs. Also LULZ at Liv Morgan getting arrested. I still watch wrestling once and a while.


just rediscovered saltybet
good for finding music and gettin salty



I end up coming back to saltybet once every few years then getting bored after a few hours. Fun concept but I don't think they've added anything new in a long time.


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I read stuff on https://noblemtl.com/
I use https://nuzlocke.app/ for Pokémon runs
I use https://soundcloud.com/ when https://nsfwyoutube.com/ isn't working. I mainly use the latter to get around YouTube ads. does that answer your question?


Why not just use an ad blocker?


Because they don't work anymore


You'd probably get a lot of use out of invidious


Are you talking about the channels' sponsors that the youtubers talk about themselves? Does your alt-youtube cut those clips out of the video?
Because I'm pretty sure ublock origin still works just fine for extra video content.


for sponsors you can use sponsorblock


like the other guy said, youtube has apparently been cracking down on adblockers. I can only assume they stop letting you watch videos if you don't comply. I have already gotten several warnings and don't want to push my luck. the weird thing is that they still let you watch entire videos if you place the mouse curser over the preview even though they disabled the sound for the music ones. it's like they know about the loophole but only put half-assed measures to counter it.
thanks but I'm tech illiterate so I don't even know what I'm looking at


I have never gotten a single warning. Sometimes, youtube demands I agree to their new policies, which I can only do by first disabling my addons, but other than that, it's working fine.
Perhaps umatrix is blocking the complaints and warnings they send to me regarding my use of ublock?


It's just a list of YouTube frontends. Try one


ah, thanks.


i love how the sign up page for cohost looks similar to one of those sign up pages you see in mid 2000 roleplaying online social games, gave me nostalgia


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a common problem I have with invidious, aside from being painfully slow, is that it will randomly stop playing sound. it's nice that it exists. I just wish nsfwyoutube.com didn't randomly stop working (I can't click on any of the videos even though I can still search)


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I've been using FreeTube standalone program for a long time on PC. The settings (pic related) allow you to choose an instance or use the local api that comes with it. No sign-up, local subscriptions, SponsorBlock support, and the most recent update finally allowed for the creation of custom playlists for which I've been waiting forever.

If you use an Android phone, then I suggest NewPipe. You can find it in the F-Droid catalog of FOSS/FLOSS apps (https://f-droid.org/packages/org.schabi.newpipe/) or straight from their website at https://newpipe.net/.
NewPipe can play stuff from YouTube, Peertube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, etc.
I use both nearly every day for years as YT front-ends and while sometimes updates might take a while to restore functionality when YouTube changes something to break it, a fix always comes.

Aside from those two, there's Kavin's services which includes Piped (https://kavin.rocks/services) for seeing YT videos. If you've ever used Nitter as front-end for Twitter, or Libreddit as a Reddit front-end, then those are also from Kavin. YT links in Nitter would be redirected into Piped for viewing (though it seems Nitter is recently dying, but Piped should be okay)

To answer OP's question, I'm usually helping streamer friends on Twitch and talking with them+community on Discord, and maintaining a personal website on Neocities for the purpose of learning fun (exclusively HTML/CSS).
Currently taking a multi-month break from most internet for sanity reasons, but during the self-imposed downtime I'm lurking Kissu recently and a few other boards like Sushigirl, Tohno-chan, etc. Otherwise, usually browsing Danbooru/Gelbooru, filling up hard drives with stuff from IRC or Nyaa, and catching up on various news through RSS feeds. Small-ish circle of online activity but it seems there's never a lack of something to do. Actually doing it is another story, though.


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I wrote pic-related and forgot to add the relevant pic once I wrote everything.

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