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Is /qa/ going to watch the new Monogatari?


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Is there an alternative?


File:nadeko phone.gif (232.58 KB,500x304)

Really not a fan of this "character development" haircut Nadeko got in Owari btw. Even Nisio himself admits that he made her ugly.

What do you mean?


It's Monotagari.


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These replies look so confusing...


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It has birb, I have no choice.


File:[Erai-raws] Owarimonogatar….jpg (194.79 KB,1920x1080)

Anonymous is clearly asking why you would ask such a foolish question as to if one is watching the new Monogatari when it is a given that one will watch the new Monogatari if a new Monogatari comes out.


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There is an alternate timeline where we got more Hidamari instead.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (264.99 KB,1920x1080)

I'm not a huge Mono Atari fan. If someone streams it then I could try maintaining interest, but it's not something I can say I'm excited for.
It's one of those things that so many people think is one of the best things ever and I just, regrettably, can't go along with it and bond over it.


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I see, but the series has been 'dead' for a while, so former fans watching it is not something to be taken for granted. A lot of them could've stopped caring about it at some point since it has so many entries. I watched everything related to it so far, but I can't follow the LN anymore for instance. This new one is going to adapt lot of different volumes into one thing.


Of course I'm watching the best anime to come out in years. Looking forward to the Madoka movie too.


There won't be another satisfactory end point until the next graduation ends the series for good.


File:[SubsPlease] Fumetsu no An….jpg (41.41 KB,676x637)

>Looking forward to the Madoka movie


File:[ReinForce] Tsukimonogatar….jpg (153.1 KB,1920x1080)

I didn't know there were still things left to adapt from monogatari. Looks like I need to catch up with the final season before this thing comes out
I hope we get more shots like picrel


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There is a LOT of stuff still. This adaptation covers nine different LN books apparently. It's called "Off & Monster Season". The Zoku LN is from 2015 and there are volumes released up to 2023, so there is a lot of catching up to do if they plan on actually adapting the whole thing.


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Ougimonogatari has a very spooky cover.


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Stupid sexy "boy"!!


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Boku wa kimegao de sou itta


new pv


I still haven't seen the olds ones yet.



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There was also a 24 hour countdown leading to this I think, but the announcement ended up being a bit disappointing. It was just a collab with Yoasobi. You know, that artist which is in every damn popular anime now.


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Wouldn't it be funny if they announced a Hidamari collab instead haha.


just like second season did once upon a time


Really hoping this is just the ED, was even looking at the comments and most of the people were saying they hope that the charasongs are still in.

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