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Scary as hell


Seeing mechanical parts move like that always makes me wonder how the wiring for them work...


Good to see Boston Dynamics still exists. This thing is really cool, and no cables?!


File:slip-ring-contacts.jpg.webp (8.51 KB,340x210)

Slip rings, probably. This kind is like a record, but you could also make the rings be bands around a cylinder, like a 3.5mm headphone jack.


For a moment I wondered why they would make it intentionally creepy like that.
But then I thought that this sort of movement was probably much easier than having to turn the body around meatbag-style.


Yeah, although I wonder if that creepiness factor is actually going to be a hindrance. Boston Dynamics is owned by some Japanese company (Toyota or something) and they want to make bots to assist the elderly, so uhh... maybe this won't work


No such thing as bad press.


We are not talking about their reputation, but whether people want to be around robots with moves from traditional Japanese ghost stories.


I thought their bots were mostly aimed at mining with some long term interest in high danger roles such as firefighters.

I don't think anyone trusts a 300lb, loud, robot to work in a service job


I could have sworn I read that somewhere, but maybe I'm remembering it wrong. Maybe it's just my assumption that humanoid robots and their inefficiencies are designed for interacting with people.


Their walking dog robot is very liked in manual labor for inspections. I figure they're looking to expand products for existing customers.

I think most of what I read supports that general idea of robots being used in situations that could kill someone


I think I read a mechanic's blog where soldiers were coming up to him and begging him to save their robo-dog. "Please sir! He saved my life!"

Looking forward to robots getting extended human rights long before they achieve sentience.


You're thinking of Honda's Asimo, I think. It would appear Boston Dynamics is actually owned by Hyundai, though.


>Boston Dynamics is owned by some Japanese company (Toyota or something) and they want to make bots to assist the elderly
wasnt there a video going around of the robots mimicking a loading a rocket launcher movement?

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