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File:charon comparison.png (5.92 MB,1707x2177)


The other day I came across Go Nagai's adaptation of the Divine Comedy, and a lot of its illustrations struck me as rather un-manga-like. True enough, most of his large illustrations appear to be taken from Doré's art. It's a very interesting crossover.
The main change Nagai does is making characters more monstruous, you can see how he draws Charon here twice as tall as regular people and gives him blank eyes for further contrast, and to King Minos in the first circle he gives a pretty evil look with large teeth and all that.


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Here are a couple other comparisons noted by the translator, again with Charon.


File:mars cerberus.png (4.12 MB,2380x2900)

He also draws some scenes Doré didn't, like Cerberus viciously chomping down on some people in the third circle and depicts the heavens as planets (the fifth, Mars, is pretty fucking cool), which do look fairly different but still kind of in line with the rest.


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A fairly interesting thing to add is that if you look at the second circle of Hell, with its storm that sweeps up souls and traps them in its currents, it suspiciously resembles Miura's vortex of souls from the end of Black Swordsman. It's not unthinkable given how he has stated that Devilman was a big influence on him, particularly the relationship Guts-Akira and I suppose Griffith-Satan. This would let us draw an interesting line consisting of Dante -> Doré -> Nagai -> Miura, putting aside the few centuries between the first two.

So yeah, any other stuff like this you've ran into?


File:__gold_ship_and_napoleon_b….png (1.37 MB,697x1165)

Oh, huh. Makes sense that Miura would be using that as an inspiration. Unfortunately I can't say I'm familiar with this stuff, although I'm sure I've seen it while unaware. Places like danbooru have tags for direct parodies like https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=fine_art_parody although that's probably a bit different from what you had in mind.


Older art and stories are very minimalist in tone. Free of the bloat that make it harder to create compelling stories. Easy to appreciate across generations


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Yeah I can only think of stuff like the Witch Craft Works album covers parodying Kraftwerk.


Hmm, yeah, I mean more serious stuff.
It's funny you'd say that about the Divine Comedy, because it is brings up over a millennium of history and myth. It's very hard to make sense of its mountain of references without any notes.


The japanese love this stuff


File:[MATSU] Maria Holic Alive ….jpg (874.63 KB,1920x1080)

Especially this one.

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