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File:6c93470ce5cbb98247b123aef1….png (93.56 KB,500x300)


is kissu friends with heyuri?


File:[Erai-raws] Megami no Cafe….jpg (239.38 KB,1920x1080)

I don't think kissu is really 'friends' with anyone to the extent that there's shared links and events and stuff like old webrings. It's just not something that really happens. There's an indeterminate shared userbase across some sites, but that's about it.
Likewise we don't have any enemies or anything. Kissu kind of just exists I guess?


When I first heard about it (was that 2 years ago, 3 maybe?) my comment was something like:
It looks like big renfaire for LARPing as an oldfag 4channer. More specifically I suppose it could be called LARPing as a first generation 2-D/R Pre/jp/ /a/ type TruOtaku.

Either way, I don't want in on that.Even as degraded as the present seems to be, I want to appreciate what is fresh and has new talent doing their best with what they got. Not fawning over some images of Lucky Star or Azumanga Daioh I have already seen countless times.

The /jp/ board being actually staying Japanese is something I can respect anyways.


vermin and that guy hate each other


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I've heard that heyuri is "the place to be".

But is it?


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Pretty much the same reaction I had when I first looked at it. IIRC I found a thread about what people's first faps were and the majority of posts were of newer stuff like lewd Call of Duty emblems.


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As far as I'm concerned, this thread is just yet another advertisement.

I cannot stand the site, it's users, or it's former owner.
They spam their site everywhere, their board is flooded with teenagers, and they act like little pricks. If not for the soyjak rule I guarantee you the site would be flooded with them. The former owner is a big fan of them himself which should let you know what kind of pest he can be.
Its users weren't nearly as bad if we go back 5 years though since they skewed a lot older than they seem to do now, but the admin was a giant cockmongler regardless.

Every single person who has interacted with "that guy" over a longer period hates him. I've seen him in so much drama over the years it's not even funny. I'm just glad he's stopped attacking other sites with petty drama. Maybe he was younger than he let on and has finally grown up a bit. I've known people who have done that before.


>Maybe he was younger than he let on and has finally grown up a bit. I've known people who have done that before.
when I saw the leaked chatlogs between him and lolico (the 17ish year old PHP noob webmaster of heyuri at the time) I was floored by how much it sounded like two emotional 17 year olds having a tantrum at each other.


i believe "that guy" is gone last i heard he was dying of aids and/or broke so he retired from everything and some other stuff


I always read it as hey yuri and I'm not a yurifag so I never cared about it. /u/ is cancer.


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Yuri is the cure to cancer.


>dying of aids
It was a madeup lie he used as an excuse to "resign" from the internet after getting called out, only to return a week later. Everything you read about him, as well as his entire "backstory", is all a fabricated larp, no less.

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