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After years of being told I'm in the wrong line of work I've decided to take a shot at what I was born to do: writing.

I'm going to write and publish a LN before the end of this year. I just wanted to tell someone so I stick to this goal. I don't imagine it'll be that great but I've taken a look at other books and LNs people are publishing and they aren't that great either.

Will my friends here read the first draft when I'm done?


Will it have a really long title?


that was the title


They're called YA novels in the west and probably sure I'll take a look at it



Good luck, OP!
I can try reading it, but I'm terrible at starting and committing to things.


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What genre? What length are you going for? Do you have fun writing? (this part seems important)


How much of the writing will you leave to chatGPT and her sisters?


If you want to work in English in the meantime I'd suggest looking into editor and teaching jobs. I dont know how much longer this will be a viable career choice with LLM AI though.


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Ganbare yo!
Remember to enjoy your writing and not make into a chore.


AI is only a tool, the people who solely rely on it to write out their projects aren't going to make it. Honestly its good for bouncing ideas and trying to workshop without having to interact with another human being.


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I'd try to read it but I make no promises because I struggle with books that don't have pictures or audio to keep my attention.


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Make your own audio book using TTS.


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>I dont know how much longer this will be a viable career choice with LLM AI though.
People are greatly overestimating the power of LLM stuff. It's not going to write a coherent novel when it struggles to remember what it said a few paragraphs ago and hallucinates things. And even if this is fixed with gargantuan context windows (which would cost like $20-500 per prompt attempt) human ingenuity will reach far greater peaks than chatbots. Many people can already identify chatGPTisms since it likes to repeat certain phrases and the like. Books are also interesting because they are specifically the work of one individual and painted by their life experience which gives each of them a unique feel. After you spend a certain amount of time with chatbots you'll start to become disillusioned with its staleness.
Anyway, yeah, people should definitely keep writing.


>(which would cost like $20-500 per prompt attempt)
I assume that a specialized novel-writing AI would fill out and pull from an internal excel table with hundreds of thousands of entries, the vast majority of which would regulate which segments would be relevant to the current chapter under what conditions.


It helps me get through the punishment of writing a first draft.


the problem with that is you're gonna have to rewrite it entirely to make your first draft as a coherent thing


It will has magical girls
Unsure. I planned on writing a smallish first book and then hopefully many more after depending on how I feel. If I lose interest I'll write something else
>Do you enjoy writing?
Far too much. But I've mostly focused on non-fiction/documentary stuff for most of my life. Which has gotten me in a lot of trouble because people don't like hearing the truth and I'm great with backing up my writings with sources and research. So I thought switching focus to fiction might be better for my health going forward.

I've got a lot of stories I've kept to myself over the years that would make for good fiction. I mostly don't share them with people IRL or on the internet because I don't like to attach my name to stuff like that. So I plan to take a pen name.

The best part is if I can't find someone to publish it I can do the actual making the book part myself. Since I still have enough equipment laying around from back when my family ran a printing shop.

Looking around the average LN is much shorter than most of the non-fiction stuff I've written. So it may turn into a novel. I'm hopeful someone may enjoy it enough to read it instead of putting it down after a couple of pages.

I don't really care about money. I only need like $400 a month to eat and pay my bills.

It would be nice to have enough cash on hand to commission some art work for it though.

Right now my plan it to keep self-insert as minor background character for at least the first couple of books then slowly introduce it. I would avoid it all together but it's kind of hard not to have a self-insert. Since fiction comes from imagination. I plan to write down a story I've been mulling over in my mind for the last 15-20 years.

Thanks for words of encouragement.


I've been trying to write too.
I started 2 years ago. I am now at 40k words (estimated 10% of full story). I know where the story would go if I just got to writing it, but somehow, the words just refuse to flow.


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Yeah, fiction would definitely be far more fun and good for your well-being. I think the deal with your "people don't like hearing the truth" comment is probably the way things are said.
Actually planning on a physical release? That's pretty crazy. I mean, it's good, but crazy that you have the capability of doing it. I enjoyed writing as a teenager, but a lot of it faded away over the years. I can still enjoy writing longer posts on imageboards and stuff, but sitting down to write something without outside input is just not something I do much of any more. People with the patience to write books are pretty amazing.
Well, I guess designing AI characters and scenarios/etc kind of counts in a way, but not really. I bet some people have picked up writing because of this AI stuff the way some people have picked up drawing because of SD and Dalle.

>I don't really care about money. I only need like $400 a month to eat and pay my bills.
I can relate to this a bit, although some luxuries now and then are nice.


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I feel for and support you. I've also got a project that I determined to have at least some demo functionality for by the end of this year, but it's three months into the year and all I have are basically the beginnings of a design with scattered writings and dialogue, but still no work into code or art/music assets. I hope to get more done when the semester is over, but I'll be working a job then. Probably need someone to tell me no and reign in ambitions, and maybe with cash I can pay for some help. At the very least I want to get something out the door with best kitsune at some point.


>At the very least I want to get something out the door with best kitsune at some point.
Just be careful with what you intend to do with with that. Many people seem to be under the impression that Touhou is managed differently to any other IP, it's not. If you try to sell a game using ZUN's IP and you don't have his permission they will come after you, if they find out and if you are not Chinese that is.


I am aware. I read the rules on how they want fanworks to be and don't have much intention on selling it. If it turns out to be something substantial in the end and is something people would buy I'll go through proper channels like the anon who made Udongein X and Artificial Dream in Arcadia.


asahi is cute


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I agree!

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