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File:mosaicd102bc4dc6c2a45e2dad….jpg (261.93 KB,900x900)


What is your opinion on the kuudere archetype? I'm personally attracted to them because they're similar to myself. Kuuderes are a big 'gap moe' thing. The smile of someone who doesn't smile much means a lot more than the smile of someone who smiles all the time.

Many people don't seem to realize the last two ones are kuuderes too. I don't see many people discussing archetypes these days.


File:female character tropes a ….jpg (1.04 MB,2077x2256)

By the way, I don't remember which year is this from, but they were actually slightly more popular/tied with tsunderes on /a/ at the time this data was collected. It really represents the eternal Asuka vs Rei debate.


Dork and Frieren tend to be more than the archetype so it's harder to consider them as one. They're people who act or want to act more like observers than they do players, even though they try to get forced that role.

Other kudere are just pandering 'shes just like me' sort of thing


I like them and I hate when literal retards think they are autistic.


Being part of an archetype doesn't mean you can't express other individual characteristics. It's true for a lot of the ones in that pic as well, particularly Hitagi and Akane (Hitagi even jokingly calls herself a tsundere, but she's really more of a kuudere). 'Rei-clones' like Yuki are their own thing though.


File:schizoid-chan.jpg (604.45 KB,2328x1646)

*Ahem* the correct term is schizoid.


Don't they kinda not fit the "Has no close relationships" criteria at all since one of the defining traits of a kuudere is being intimate with at least one person.


File:rei blushing.gif (217.3 KB,540x380)

Well it does apply in my case, but I can't speak for other people with the same disorder. There must be a FEW who are capable of being intimate with other people. And it's not like Rei ever got really intimate with Shinji anyway, but she's still THE kuudere.


Don't take armchair diagnostics seriously.
For one, it takes training to reduce personal bias in a characterization of a person. For another, these personality types are actually somewhat more complicated than what fits on a neat little chart.


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Confused her with the Oshi no Ko character. Shame on me.


Also, luckily Rei's BIG gap moe moment is on youtube, without a kuso dub too. Turn on CC for subs.


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CC is always turned on.


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I guess I should've included C.C in the pic now that I think, but the last two took the spots because I wanted to use them as recent examples. There are too many kuudere that I like. Another recent example that flies over most people's heads is 2B.


I agree, also these traits are given to characters for the sake of making them cutesy and moe most of the time, not necessarily because they wanted to depict mental illneses.


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In the case of Rei you could really argue that it is depicting the disorder given that Asuka and Shinji also have some mental issues. Her being seen cute by otaku due to it is just a side effect. It's kinda hard to judge since she isn't really human though.


Rei's not a real person anyways. She's just a clone to serve as a replacement for Yui for Gendo. She doesn't have emotions because she's basically a child in an older body and the only life she's known has been the regimented life within NERV. She's essentially a flesh and blood persocom more than a human with a soul and memories. >>121783 is not moe. It's ironic. Rei is an imperfect replacement for Shinji's mother, which he is unaware of.


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>She doesn't have emotions
But she does... it's just reduced like in the schizoid disorder.


But if I don't have a mental disorder everyone will think I'm a lamo norm. I AM an ADHD autistic schizoid!


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The disorder is poorly understood by psychologists anyway. But it's tiring to pretend you're normal when you're not. You have to deal with people asking: "why are you like this, why don't you smile or laugh much, why don't you care about socializing or finding a girlfriend", etc and my answer to those questions is just: "I don't know, it's just the way I am". Getting a diagnosis would be kind of a relief since I wouldn't need to pound my head over it anymore. I know it's not anything on the 'tism spectrum because I don't exhibit any of their classic traits, so it has to be something along the same lines of this poorly understood disorder.

Stop trying to make this about actual people though. It's about kuuderes.


Eh. I can never get them to go 'dere'.


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Both tsundere and kuudere are built on the same idea of someone who treats you coldly initially ending up liking you. Tsunderefags just like versal/physical abuse on top of it.


love getting bit and scratched by shabbers


Baka Shinji


It's tiring to other people when you pretend to be disabled when you're not.


File:ozen.jpg (41.93 KB,900x900)

That almost sounds like a compliment, but it's not very reassuring. It's not something that I think I'm able to change it. I've been like this since my early adolescence.

Stop derailing the thread now.


File:[SubsPlease] Akuyaku Reijo….jpg (267.15 KB,1920x1080)

Yumiella fits those pretty well.


File:[shiggy] Made in Abyss - S….jpg (292.93 KB,1920x1080)

By the way I like the "apathetic character who seems like an asshole but is actually kind inside" archetype too as seen by my pic. Those are kinda rare though.


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I'm more into the dandere type of mute girls; girls who're too nervous or shy to speak.


File:[Ohys-Raws] Komi-san wa, K….jpg (146.07 KB,1280x720)

I like those too. I dropped the Komi manga because the art and plot got unbearably kuso though.


She still has the hottest mom out of all the romcoms, from that era, though


>because the art... got unbearably kuso
How so? Normally mangaka tend to improve over time...


I know I'm gonna sound like a pearl-clutching tumblrite, but that most -deres are romanticizing bad stuff. Kuuderes at least can just be explained as stoic women, but tsun and yandere feel like fetishizing female abusers.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just wish people would be more honest with themselves


File:1710853417348.png (255.65 KB,397x546)

The Komi author must have dementia or something. It's one of the worst art downgrades I've ever seen.


that can't be real
it looks like an entirely different character drawn by some other author


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File:(「・ω・)「 .png (127.69 KB,300x300)

There are some tsunderes who don't partake in verbal/physical abuse though. Most people like Kurisu due to her tsunness towards Okabe being seemingly tame. She is really a mix of both tsundere and kuudere in my opinion however, something in the middle. Mostly due to her calm and collected behavior most of the time.


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Top pic is from the very last chapter. Tadano also has a weird ass chin in this panel. The characters are turning into geometric shapes.


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>I'm personally attracted to them because they're similar to myself.
Thinking about it, I probably could have been described as a male kuudere in highschool. There were a pair of girls that jostled for my attention but I always was giving them the cold shoulder. The girl I did like was pretty aloof, I wouldn't describe her as kuudere, but I felt she was similar to me; putting her studies and academic development first. This isnt' really kuudere but reflecting on my actions back then and general apathy towards interactions I couldn't definitely see it being construed that.

>Kuuderes are a big 'gap moe' thing
For me the attraction wouldn't be the "gap moe" but my personal projection that a kuudere would rationally approach life with little emotional influence and more logic. Though, this is probably a different archetype.


He looks like a dexters lab character with that chin lol


File:nier 2b publicidad emotion….jpg (123.6 KB,392x345)

>For me the attraction wouldn't be the "gap moe" but my personal projection that a kuudere would rationally approach life with little emotional influence and more logic
That definitely applies to a lot of the characters in the OP pic, but yeah, it wouldn't really be a defining trait of being a kuudere, just something that can result from it. Emotions can get in the way of judgement, logic and rationality, so kuuderes should have less trouble with that.


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File:2b.jpg (75.2 KB,1066x392)

Dunno why the random Spanish is there (doesn't seem like it's a publicity either). It's just a pic I saved from image search.


>Not that there's anything wrong with that
You're right, that does make you sound like a tumblrite.

Tsundere encompasses more than the lazy "girl who punches you" characters. It can just be a character who starts out hostile and grows to like someone.


maybe the idea that tsundere are abusive is mostly put foreward by the idea that Asuka is tsundere when she's really just emotionally unstable... harking back to >>121790 's post


File:yoru calls you a loser.jpg (125.9 KB,1010x785)

Yes, I gave Kurisu as an example of a non-violent and relatively tame tsundere here: >>121819 She is justified in calling out Okabe's chuuni bullshit. Asa/Yoru is another good one in my opinion (that most people don't even realize she is due to archetypes not being discussed nowadays).

I have a harder time excusing yandere though. That one is pretty much just fetishizing crazy people.


File:[SubsPlease] Sousou no Fri….jpg (282.29 KB,1920x1080)

I can't really say I'm a fan of kuudere girls. I don't dislike them, but they're basically just background characters that exist so that the other characters have motivations to do the things they do. Or, they're boring until the last 10% of the story when they break free from it. To me true art is full of emotion, and a character that hides or simply has no emotion is time taken away from other characters. The "reveal" just isn't as interesting the 500th time you see it.
Also I don't think many characters actually qualify for it, which is good because characters like Frieren would be far less enjoyable.


Oh wait I'm thinking of dandere. These terms are annoying to remember. Well, I'm not really a fan of either. Same basic premise of a character's personality changing.


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That's where you're wrong. Kuuderes can be deeply reflective, philosophical characters. Rei constantly thinks about herself and her place in the world. Having limited emotions means you're better at analyzing concepts and seeing things for what they really are. And her personality doesn't really change it through the series. Her 'growth' as a character is becoming independent and not being controlled by others anymore.


Personally I'm a fan of the bakadere


File:R-1710927778618.png (2.06 MB,2136x3861)

Asa is hard to categorize because the two sides to her personality are two entirely different characters.
Yandere I think is popular for the same reason tomboy is popular, some people like women socialized as men. If they're not chuuni gurobait yandere women are similar to male romantic instincts


File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (792.35 KB,800x1131)

I have terrible tastes so yeah I love yandere as an archetype.


File:19-o.jpg (147.21 KB,784x1145)

It was Asa who originally called Denji a loser and thought killing him would be okay because he does some morally questionable things. The pic I posted is an edit. She fits the tsundere archetype without Yoru needing to come into play. But Yoru is also one because she shares her brain and therefore her emotions and feelings for him.


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This is 100% a tsundere. I don't get why people don't see it.


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>I don't get why people don't see it.
Her tsundere-ness feels more "western" than usual for lack of a better description. She doesn't really have the mannerisms of a typical tsundere from anime or manga so it flies under the radar more easily.


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Yeah, I don't like this notion that a character can only be a certain archetype if they are stereotypical. Monogatari for example is great at 'subverting' this. There are yanderes, kuuderes, tsunderes, tomboys, etc, yet they are all well written and have their own unique individual characteristics. I guess some people see 'archetype' as a dirty word because "oh you're basing this character on a pre-determined set of traits instead of coming up with something unique", but this is just the tip of the iceberg. It doesn't mean the character can't be deeper than just the archetype they fit in.


Because she's not that attractive. You need to be a certain level of pretty or cute or hot or else you're just a bitch


File:cutesa.jpg (115.21 KB,434x758)

What did you say?


File:1497485867642.png (1.26 MB,1280x720)

I agree. It's not a very pretty art style to look at.


I think it is. There are very pretty girls in it.


Asa's already a pretty divisive character, I don't know if the CSM fanbase could handle a serious debate on whether she's tsundere or not


File:powermunch.png (215.11 KB,350x350)

Asa has that 'quiet unsociable girl' vibe like Chizuru (girl with braids, glasses and maid outfit in the OP). Those kind of characters are not conventionally cute/attractive but they have their own charm. I don't think many people would disagree with Power being cute.


File:9818e81a3ef96ceb09be617ee2….jpg (275.56 KB,1280x1800)

What's everyone favorite archetype period.



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Its unfair to say Yumiella is a kuudere, she's intentionally keeping to herself to not interfere with the way she thinks the game is going to go, she actually is a relatively excitable and witty girl in her internal voice, but chooses not to share this to try to draw as little attention to herself as possible.


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Over 60 posts and not one is gonna post the OG kuudere before I got around to it?


File:[Koten_Gars] Key The Metal….jpg (82.46 KB,708x480)

Is she really considered one of the OGs? I finally watched that last year and... I don't think I remember anything about it.
Does she really qualify or is it just brain problems?


File:[Koten_Gars] Key The Metal….jpg (86.16 KB,708x480)

Wait, >2021.06.13
Okay, it wasn't last year so my memory isn't completely horrendous. But uhh... I guess she would qualify now that I think about it more.


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I have a feeling this is a joke or reference but I don't get it...


NTA but the show does have a green tint.


File:497.jpg (379.05 KB,1280x720)

Probably looks different on a CRT. While it's not as important for retro anime as it is for retro games, CRT alter the color a bit in comparison. Otherwise you will see most retro shows appearing 'washed out' on a LCD without the CRT's stronger vibrant colors.


You mean, it will look even greener?

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